
Well friends and neighbors we are coming up on our one year anniversary, February 9, 2014, and so I felt it was time to take a look back at where we came from, and why we started this little adventure.

I can only speak for myself, and so that is the story I will tell. As many of my readers know I once wrote on another blog called Delaware Politics. That in itself is a story.  You see I had been invited to write for a blog known as First State Politics, and was asked to leave due to a post I had written on abortion. I am pro-life and I wrote an article that described in medical terms the grisly details of how abortions are performed. The owner of the blog felt that I had gone too far and I was terminated.

I could have apologized and asked to be reinstated, but my principles and values told me to stick to what I felt was right and proper.

So I started my own blog, Politically Frank. Now I have to admit it never achieved the following that First State had, but I was able to write what I chose to write, and had to answer to no one but my own conscience and God. If I do say so myself, I wrote some pretty interesting stuff, and I guess others felt so as well, since I was asked to return to the new and improved First State Politics, which was now named, Delaware Politics, and under new ownership. I was assured by the new owner, David Anderson, that I would have full creative control of my articles. And David being a man of his word, I did.

However, over time other bloggers were added to the list of contributors at Delaware Politics. One in particular became what can only be described as a thorn in my side. When Don Ayotte was first added as a contributor I took little notice of him, his writing was unimaginative and full of talking points and rhetoric and little in the way of original thoughts. He was easily angered if challenged in any way about what he had written. His anger progressed over time into outright violent attacks on anyone with a counter position or who dared to question him.

The owner of the site took no actions to rein in this behavior and I took every opportunity to point out the flawed logic and total lack of facts in Ayotte’s so-called writing.

This of course only escalated the animosity between us. Ayotte began deleting my comments from not only his post, but from the post of other contributors. He would come onto my post and delete the comments of others. This of course goes against what is recognized as blogger etiquette . It also showed a total lack of integrity. You see Ayotte saw himself as a “HARD NEWS” writer and was always talking about the fact that he had a degree in English, or journalism or some such thing.

What he didn’t have, was integrity. He felt the need to self inflate his own self-worth. He would write things and state them as facts that were beyond question. Unfortunately for sad little Ayotte, his so-called facts were often little more than his wishful thinking or figments of his own stunted imagination, which were easily disproved. Of course when confronted with real facts Ayotte would simply return to calling names and making wild accusations about how he was going to sue this person or that person for casting his name in a “false light”. I was often the recipient of these attacks.

This all went on under the watchful, yet inactive eye of the owner David Anderson. He continued to allow Ayotte to become more and more out of control, with deleting of comments becoming his only source of rebuttal, name calling his only form of debate.

I like to think of myself as a person of integrity, I attempt to be consistent, and honest in my views. If I make a statement it is most likely my opinion, and is stated as such, not as fact beyond question. Being this type of person I could no longer coexist at Delaware Politics with the likes of Don Ayotte, and instead of forcing David Anderson to choose, I chose to once again go it alone on Politically Frank.

This time however I wouldn’t have to wait very long before I was again offered a place to write, that would be this site that you find me at currently. I have an exclusive contract with the owners of the site and its board of advisors. I have again been given free rein over what I write and when. I am answerable only to myself and God.

The problem is that there are far too many people out there in the new media of the internet like Don Ayotte. They feel since they have a keyboard and something to say, that it doesn’t matter what they say or how they say it. Mr. Ayotte is currently suspended from Delaware Politics due to the fact that he posted an article that contained accusations and a quote attributed to a person Mr. Ayotte claimed to have spoken to in person, and which has been proven that this was impossible.

There are basically two types of blogging styles. One is an investigative style, where the writer will investigate and research a topic and then put together an article laying out what they have found, and either forming a conclusion or leaving it to the readers to form one.

The other style is the one I most often fall into, though I have delved into the  investigative style from time to time, I usually stick to the editorial style of blogging, or in other words I give my opinion on topics and issues. I do not insist that all agree with me, I am always willing to defend my views with the facts as I see them, but again I am always clear to couch them as such, just my views.

The problem with people like Don Ayotte who write in the new media, is that they give all bloggers a black eye. When Ayotte makes false claims and states them as facts, he cast all bloggers in a bad light.  It is a simple thing to simply write what you feel, and what you can prove. Anything beyond that and you have lost all credibility. Unfortunately Don Ayotte was allowed to run what was once a darn good blog site into the ground. In all honesty Mr. Anderson has been away serving in Afghanistan, and Ayotte has had a free hand up until just recently when he went off the deep end and fabricated so-called facts.

Unfortunately this type of behavior is not limited to just the new media and blogs. There are plenty of people working in the old media who use the same tactics, they twist words and attack people simply for having the nerve to challenge or disagree with them, or worse, for daring to have principles and to hold to them no matter what the cost. There are some out there with microphones who use them simply to tell lies. Why WGMD hasn’t fired them yet is beyond me.

It is hard to sort through all of the people in the world today who are attempting to gain your attention to their views and agendas. It is even harder to know whether or not they have integrity.

I hope that the guest here at Delaware Right see that I have always attempted to be honest, and consistent. I may have opinions that you do not agree with, but I will listen to your views with respect, and expect the same in return.

In the coming months we here at Delaware Right hope to be making some changes to the format of the blog pages, adding some new things and maybe adding some new people as well. We hope to broaden our scope and our appeal. We hope always to offer a product that people will enjoy, and trust. For all of us here at Delaware Right, I would like to thank all of our guest and readers.


193 Comments on "Integrity"

  1. Hey Frank,

    I was once a writer/blogger at Delaware Politics. It didn’t last too long. Ironically, the ‘main’ reason I stopped posting was Mr. Ayotte’s overzealous editorial discretion as is relates to deleting various comments from a myriad of posters and commenters alike.

    Believe me, as an editor of another political blog in 2009 -2010, I’ve seen all the headaches associated with trying to maintain a blog-site that supports free thought, free speech and varied opinion juxtaposed with the ‘other’ crap that we all have come to hate.

    While I didn’t agree with all of your posts, most were straightforward and I generally liked to read them. The same can be said for Tennessee Williams, among others. I simply did not want to be lumped in with what I believed was Mr. Ayotte’s acerbic style. Although ‘Guilt by Association’ is wrong, I believed that my integrity would be tarnished given Ayotte’s ‘takeover’ of DP.

    I’ll share one simple anecdotal story here. I travelled down to the Sussex GOP Meeting a few years back where former DE GOP Chair Tom Ross was scheduled to speak (who can forget the “dog-catcher” comment, right)? It was a packed house and I got to meet a lot of the people in person that I otherwise have never met (reading about these names on the local blogs – Ayotte, Sams, Phillips, Wengen, Reilley, Colley, et al.)

    At the end of the meeting, a very well-known conservative’s wife from Sussex County was gracious enough to introduce me to Don Ayotte in person (she was a great source of information for me prior to and during the meeting as she offered me the names of many of the politicos there as I asked here over and over – “who’s that?”).

    When I shook his hand and introduced myself, he barely shook my hand; worse, he did what I despise when meeting certain people – he looked right through me. I got the vibe and promptly left.

    It may not be fair to judge someone over such a small thing; however, when one takes Mr. Ayotte’s past posts, comments and other antics as a whole, the preponderance of evidence speaks for itself.

    At any rate, your analysis, while biased, is pretty close to the truth – or at least the truth as I see it. As someone once said: “Actions speak louder than words.” Ironically, for Mr. Ayotte, the latter is the case as much as is the former.

    Btw, I’ll break some news to you here, Frank. I’m going to start posting on DP again…we’ll take it day-by-day.

  2. Rick says:

    Frank, why are you still whining about DP and GMD? You took your ball and went home, so what else do you want? Sympathy flowers?

  3. saltyindependent says:


    i have enjoyed reading your posts and comments over the years. you have always handled yourself with class. carry on.

  4. Dave says:


    I sort of agree with Rick, but let me inject it with some social grace. What happened over at DP reflects the principles of the current crop of “conservatives.” If you aren’t for me, you must be against me and if you are against me, it must be personal. This created an argumentum ad hominem environment where ideas and thoughts are fallaciously refuted by denigration of the individual with labeling the simplest form of denigration.

    With interest, I followed your transition from conservative to RINO to liberal, even though you had no real change in your views. You are better off not posting there as there is very little discourse on critical thought and ideas.

  5. Frank Knotts says:

    I will answer Rick and Dave, but mostly Rick. I wrote this piece as a look back at my first year here at Delaware Right. While many of my readers, such as Rick and others have followed my blogging history and know the story, I have gained new readers that do not, so for continuity I rehashed the past.
    I also wanted to point out that there is, as Dave points out, people from the hard right that are dragging conservatism through the mud because they simply can’t form an idea without making it personal, Don Ayotte is a prime example of this, and since I had personal experience with his behavior, and since recent events at DP have again demonstrated this behavior, it was the perfect example.
    As for Bill Colley Rick? I never mentioned Bill Colley, you did. Though I did hear that he had mentioned me. But since Rick brought up Mr. Colley, he too is an example of the type of personality that is killing the appeal of conservatism with his bully tactics on air and his total lack of knowledge of how political math works in Delaware.

  6. Rick says:

    Dave, blogging, by it’s very nature, is confrontational. And the confrontational nature is exacerbated by the fact that the arguing is not face-to-face. Hence, the raucous cacophony of disparate positions becomes a bit more incendiary. That’ s life on the internet, and for someone who actually runs a blog to whine incessantly about a lack of decorum is interacting in the wrong realm.

  7. Dave says:

    “blogging, by it’s very nature, is confrontational”

    I’m all for confronting ideas, policies, etc. because learning takes place in that environment. Name calling (labeling) is a time worn (and ineffective method) at refutation through denigration. Good ideas are good ideas regardless of the source. I try to argue about ideas. Personally, I could care less about the labels, because it is needlessly incendiary serving only to deflect from the topic. But that’s just me.

  8. delacrat says:


    I’m also banned from Delaware Politics.

    So I suppose you’re in good company.


  9. Harry Whittington says:

    I’ve watched Frank and Don Ayotte from the beginning of their blogging careers to the present day and I think that it is Frank who has the skin thick enough to blog, not Don.

    I’ve never seen Frank respond to an opposing comment like a hysterical, diva. I can’t say the same about Don.

  10. Rick says:

    I’m also banned from Delaware Politics.
    So I suppose you’re in good company.

    Except Frank isn’t ‘banned’ by DP- he posted a few days ago.

  11. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Mr. Knotts has, for all we’ve been around for, run a class act playground until the bullies to arrive and run the others off. There is a site for mean people to ‘blog’ and this one isn’t that site until the bullies arrive. Then it becomes something less than fun or an exchange of thoughts being sidetracked.

    Why Mr. Knotts comments on the mean to all but like thinkers site is beyond comprehension. Why Nobody, nitpicker and anon among others waste time there is beyond our understanding aside from the entertainment value. We all wish they would come over to Mr. Knotts playground. They would have so much to offer here.

    Making a comment on this post is barely worthy when a commenter is less than nice and in some ways abusive to the poster, or others sharing thoughts. We comment here because it’s usually a free give and take by the usual suspects. When the interlopers/bullies arrive and the harassment begins it’s time to leave the playground.

    Basically we just want to wish all but the one (who needs a glass of whine himself), a GREAT WEEKEND with plenty of Laffter when possible. It’s nice to be back and able to do this once again. We will by starting with the movie ‘Elysium’ soon after a dinner which smells wonderful.

  12. Ichi Ban says:

    Are you delusional. I speak with Ayotte at least three times a week. Ayotte has not been suspended and he has been asked to write another post on the site contamination at the Vlasic pickle plant. He has also ordered Bill Christy to stay off of Ayotte’s future posts.
    I’ve never seen anybody snivel and whine so much and blame other people for his own failures. What a coward you are. I know that Ayotte has saved many comments from this site on a document for an upcoming, ‘shedding false light’ lawsuit and the site owners. I hope he takes your entire house, you idiot.

    The reason he hasn’t been posting on DP: he’s been in Upton Penn. at the Crozer-Chester Medical Center (Burn Center) with his severly injured burned autistic son Nathan.

    Who are you going to blame next, Bill Colley? Somebody must be to blame for you bumbling failures. You are nothing but a maggot. I will laugh my ass off when he sues you.

    Man, you don’t know when to back off.

  13. Ichi Ban says:

    I challenge Bill Christy to deny that he has been ordered to stay off of Ayotte’s posts.

  14. waterpirate says:

    For D.A. to even get in the game on the vlasic site he must first accept the fact that he is so far out over his skis on this issue that a crash is immenent. Talkinf points and throwing gas on a smoldering leaf fire will simply not cut it. To argue the point you must first get educayed about groundwater in Sussex, and then accept the data from DNREC at face value. It is Data, period. The data does not support any of the frenzied accusations that have been thrown around. The only thing that has been acomplished is that a facility that had the potential to employ a great number of people in the 41st district accross a plethra of trades is now in question. I hope all those whipping up the frenzy are proud of themselves.

  15. Ichi Ban says:

    ” There are some out there with microphones who use them simply to tell lies. Why WGMD hasn’t fired them yet is beyond me.”

    Yes Frank, everybody is lying except you. You are also the only one with integrity. I can’t believe you posted this bullcrap. Quit your whining. When Ayotte got back and read this post, don’t comment anymore, he’s just trying to generate more comments.

  16. Laffter says:

    Frank, you have done a remarkable job, under tough circumstances and this blog has taken off
    Much due to your tenacity and stick to it ness…….

    Sometimes the bullies came, like they have again, they cannot help themselves, being juvenile, etc

    Liars are liars, whether they are behind a microphone or a blog site. Like the old adage in politics goes, ” when you are explaining, you are losing” I see a lot of Explaining from your former blog mates. And that says it all, right there.

    There is a nice group here, we sometimes have to spank the juveniles, and they don’t know how to take criticism , but hey- maturity is a painful process, regardless of age, and some never achieve it- I suppose all we can so is separate the wheat from the chaff……..

    I would however suggest that you wipe the mud off your shoes and leave it where it belongs, with the rest of the mud. 🙂

  17. Laffter says:

    And as for the NEW threat of a lawsuit


    Rolling on the floor laughing…..

    Just an instructional lesson in first year law:

    1. Never enter a lawsuit with dirty hands…….and we know who has dirty hands here, this “lawsuit will be a TIT-FOR – TAT, HE SAID SHE SAID,
    2. One must prove harm, fiduciary harm…..better get you receipts lined up

    WHAT.A.JOKE- but hey, thanks for the laugh

  18. Cletus says:

    Ichi Ban,

    next time you are talking to Don, ask him if he can introduce me to Bob Bowcock, PhD.

    nuff said ?

  19. Rick says:

    …for all we’ve been around for, run a class act playground until the bullies to arrive and run the others off. There is a site for mean people to ‘blog’ and this one isn’t that site until the bullies arrive. Then it becomes something less than fun or an exchange of thoughts being sidetracked.

    Who are you…pajama boy?

  20. Laffter says:

    Thinking of a lawsuit……might want to rethink that

    And here it is….in all in misrepresented glory….at least Delaware Politics has the balls to remove it
    red State is not so scrupulous, now we know RedState is crap too.


  21. Laffter says:

    Better yet are the comments…… even threatens banning for authors that lie

    And links to the google cached version- bye bye DP, dead blog now

    Yeah, bring on the lawsuits……..better clean out the closet first

  22. Tuxamus Maximus J says:

    Laffter what your writing about is the clean hands theory and you are correct in every way for all we’ve seen.

    We’ve been through a spanking. Standing in the corner doing extended time out. Reminders aren’t necessary. Most here are just ‘kids’ including me.

    Yes, Mr. Knotts has done a remarkable job in many ways yet there is room for improvement and not making past mistakes again is key.

    Seems that one needs some cheese with his whine.

    We could well be pajama people. It’s a great gig for all.

  23. Frank Knotts says:

    I want to thank Ichi Ban for demonstrating exactly what I was speaking of here. Notice the name calling and the threats of law suits, exactly as I described in the post. As for a law suit? Well to prove that I cast Don Ayotte in a false light, one would first have to prove that the things I have said are false. Good luck with that, since others can also gather screen shots of comments made by people on this site and others. Maybe Don should worry about being sued by people he claims to have met and hasn’t, and then quoting them, especially if they happen to be a part of a very well known legal team.
    You also have a problem with suing based on being talked about on a public forum, when you yourself have interjected yourself into the public light. Don wants to be a player at the adult’s table, yet he continues to act the child. He seeks to run for any and all open seats, only to self destruct based on his lack of decorum, and his insistence on trying to impress people with his knowledge, which he does not possess.
    And in doing so while representing himself as a conservative, he drags conservatism down with him, allowing the left to point to people such as Mr. Ayotte, and yes people such as Bill Colley as well, and say, “look all conservatives are means and stupid.” Which was the point of the post.
    By the way Ichi Ban , what is it you consider yourself “FIRST” at?

  24. Dave says:

    I have no idea what the law is related to “false light” torts in Delaware, but I do know it applies to “non-public persons” AND it the act must be done with actual malice.

    DA does not seem to qualify as the former. As former candidate, blogger, co-leader of prayer with Eric Bodenweiser at school board meetings, et al, I doubt he would qualify as a non-public person. And of course, there is difficulty in proving the actual malice.

    In short, threats regarding false light or defamation suits are flung about as if someone learned a new term and has to use it in a sentence at every opportunity. Essentially, such threats are utterly meaningless.

  25. Tuxamus Maximus J says:

    Frank and Dave bring up good, and well stated points. There are also many other torts that could be brought up but most would be frivolous. Libelous (written) issues are a concern at times but they are hard to prove but could become costly. Slanderous (spoken) really isn’t an issue for a blog site.

    The use of monikers also play a role but the bottom line is of the threats of a legal action. Threats are useless compared to actions and one must always consider the depths of the pockets of the parties involved.

    So much to consider. If all played well and tried to behave to a point of relative discourse and exchange of ideas… this could become a nice playground again whereas the other site has no chance of that happening.

    DL is a FUN place compared to both but we can’t do anymore than read there. At least Mr. Knotts tries. He posted a personal history and it becomes a playground of threats from bullies because Mr. Knotts version of the truth doesn’t match theirs.

    HTM chants Mr. Knotts is the man!!

  26. Rick says:

    One thing we need to remember is that DP, DR, DL and the rest of the local blogs are the modern day equivalent of the old general store, with a few regulars sounding off around a pot-bellied stove. That’s it. These blogs, entertaining as they are, have little or no influence outside the circle of the regular participants. A radio station like GMD reaches thousands of more people that all of Delaware’s blogs put together. So, let’s not attach undue significance to a local blog.

    I also believe that lawsuits stemming from gossip and online comments are trite, petty and frivolous, and are thus irrelevant and unworthy of discussion.

  27. waterpirate says:

    Threats are threats, nothing more. The last weapon of those who would sensor opposeing views of others. I would remind Rick that the revolution was born in local taverns, with ideas as strong as the porter they drank, not sasparilla at the general store. I view local blogging in the same ” true light ” fueled by porter and emotion.

  28. Rick says:

    I would remind Rick that the revolution was born in local taverns, with ideas as strong as the porter they drank, not sasparilla at the general store.

    And I would remind you of Thomas Payne’s “Common Sense,” which reached thousands.

    You’re not going to start a revolution with a bunch of conciliatory, “middle-of-the-road ” appeasers, aimlessly milling about a figurative pot-bellied stove. And you’re never going to change much of anything by lamenting the political exorcism of career parasites like Mouse Castle.

  29. Mike says:

    This blog is essentially dead with only a few comments on any piece a written bull crap, so Frank writes a piece to beat up on DA bc Don wrote a news worthy article on DP which got over 250 comments, Frank like Bill no class Christy swim in the same cess pool attaching themselves to someone else who gets attention to make themselves attempt to be relavent. You will have and acheive integrity when you stand on your own feet and write creative tasteful and journalist pieces. I call them pieces BC you haven’t reached that level of flair! And to the others that like to swell your ego on compliments on this site, they and I say it loosely have no couth at all.

  30. waterpirate says:

    Sooooo wolf von ayotte and his blatent misinformation and lack of facts on the subject of groundwater and DNREC is what you consider great journalism? The person who wrote that is inmaterial, the gross inaccuracy of it is what is offensive. Can you tell us why it was edited and then pulled? Again they should be so proud to have gotten in the way of a huge project that would bring jobs and dollars to the 41st.

  31. tony stark says:

    I don’t know what the debate is about. Don Ayotte is a coward and a weasel. He will not file a lawsuit. He will talk about it but since DA is a chronic liar, nothing will happen.

    Imagine DA on the witness stand having to defend his incessant lies against a competent attorney.

    One could sell tickets to that event as DA would have to weave and squirm from his prior statements.

    Take this to the bank, the lying weasel DA will never file a lawsuit.

  32. Mike says:

    What you don’t know, you lack in intelligence knowing the details of the events in DP. Your egos can’t take defeat so you make up, twist into distortion of what really occurred. For your information and you’ll get this once so you, whom like hear yourselves argue get grip on your egos, Bill no class Christy who is Moderator1 got spanked, didn’t like it, threatened to take Don’s article off DP on a post and then an hour layer does in deed remove the entire article without Don’s, the Administrator and David Anderson’s permission. Don has been advised to post his article back on with up dates and Bill Christy was advised by the owner to stay off Don’s posts, by in which Don advised Bill no class Christy early on to do the same. Now, grab your inflated egos stick to facts which I know its hard for most of you to do and have an intelligent conversation for once if that is at all possible.

  33. Ichi Ban says:


    Yeah, whenever the scumbag gets in a fix because nobody except the same five or six idiots comment on his posts, he attacks somebody like Ayotte or Colley, although Ayotte seems to get top billing.

    You’re right DL’s Anderson asked Ayotte to write a follow up to his Vlasic contamination post and ordered “no’class” Christy to stay off of the post. (BTW, thanks for coining that phrase LOL)

    Frank has outdone himself with this rambling rant on Ayotte. I gotta say it again, whata a scumbag and loser Knotts is!

    Everybody knew that “no class” Christy took that post down from DP and from what I hear, he denied it voraciously to keep his job. What a liar and turdbucket Christy is.

  34. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    House Tuxamus Maximus has only to state that if this group were to be standing around a pot bellied stove the one that has such nasty things to say would have been run out the door long ago. They didn’t call one another names in person for very long before they were shown the door. It’s still something that goes on today around many a small business counter where old timers meet and discuss without berating one another for not being of the same line of thought.

    Be nice or be gone. Tony Stark and even waterpirate would still be around the stove (if we had one here) and if they had too much they would be driven home and picked back up to retrieve their vehicles in the morning. You guys rock! The others need to roll.

  35. Mike says:

    What happened! Where’s all the rats that were over at DP slamming Don for mixing up a man’s name (Bowcox to Hurd) which is done quite a bit in every newspaper and magazine in America where they make retractions a day or a month later on the back page. Don made a simple mistake like everyone else does every day mixing people names up and he catches huge flack from the gutter rats. Don made immediate retraction to admitting and correct the mistake. Then contacting Bowcox to go on Doug’s radio show to substantiate and support Don’s article by which Bill no class Christy couldn’t handle the smack down took Don’s article off DP. My question is, ” Were are all you gutter rats over here in your nesting grounds jumping on Frank’s blatant lie that Don was suspended from DP? ” Hey Frank where did you find that bit of info from Bill no class Christy or did you make it up? Oh by the way, why didn’t add Bill no class Christy official year title – Habitual lier of the year for 2013 into 2014.

  36. Laffter says:

    I will try this again.

    ” when you are explaining , you are losing.”

    Luciiiiiiiieeeeeeee, you got sum ‘spliainin’ to do…….

    House TM, am all about the pot-belly , comes form all that porter water pirate makes me drink


  37. Ichi Ban says:

    Mike, you’re right. The whole post is a whining rant about Ayotte. The information is a bunch of outright lies and Frank is only seeking sympathy for his own failures. He figures that Ayotte’s back is broad enough to carry his lies.

    I am surprised that Lagoda lowered himself to buy into Knotts’ crap. I’ve read some of his stuff and expected more of him.
    I’m surprised that the owners of the site keep him aboard as a writer. Maybe they can’t find anybody that will write for them. This blogsite is terrible. Too bad, I heard Cragg on WGMD today and he sounds reasonable and informed. He and Grossman seem to be the owners.

  38. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, you are correct, a radio station does reach many more people than do I. But in the case of Colley, what message is reaching those people? Nothing more than hatred and bullying tactics, wrapped in a thin veil he attempts to call conservatism, and that is what I am pointing out here. Look I know you feel he is your friend, and maybe he is, but I personally caught him and Urquhart in a lie on air, not a misrepresentation, but an out and out lie. I know that his loyal listeners don’t care if he tells lies as long as the lies are against those they oppose. I however prefer to defeat the opposition with the truth.
    The point of this post was to demonstrate the detriment that people like Colley and Ayotte are to the conservative movement. Their form of conservatism driven by hatred will doom the conservative movement.
    Rick you said, ” And you’re never going to change much of anything by lamenting the political exorcism of career parasites like Mouse Castle.”
    Rick, I challenge you to find one case of myself lamenting Mike Castle being removed from office. So one has to wonder why you bring it up? Could it be that like Colley you see that as the crowing glory of a dying TEA movement? That you live in the past reliving that moment like a serial killer reliving their latest kill?
    I have news for you, yes we removed Castle, but that was a loss for the conservatives of Delaware. We lost the general election and now we have no voice in Washington, and no I would not want Castle back. But with people like Colley as the voice of conservatism, we will never win that seat back.
    Now I have to once again address the people who come to Mr. Ayottes defense.
    Mike mentions the article that got Mr. Ayotte his current vacation from Delaware Politics. Mike mentions that it was taken down and that Mr. Ayotte was asked to repost, and yet such a “GOOD” article has yet to be reposted. Why? Could it be because the post contained fabrications by Mr. Ayotte? Could it be that Mr. Ayotte never met a person he said he had shaken hands with?
    Mr. Ayotte also is a detriment to the conservative movement. He left the GOP in disgrace after a humiliating loss to Joan Deaver. He has found a new political home in the IPOD, a so called political party that like Mr. Ayotte is desperate, the IPOD being desperate for people willing to attach their name as a candidate to such a disorganized organization that they ordered, paid for, and wore T-shirts that had their own name misspelled.
    I would invite all to take notice that all those who come here to defend Mr. Ayotte have done nothing but name call in their defense of Mr. Ayotte.
    Did I impugn Mr. Ayottes character with my post? I suppose you could say that, but I did so with my opinion of his behavior and his documented history. I am welcome to my opinion and you are welcome to yours, if you feel Mr. Ayotte is honest and has integrity, you are welcome to think so, you are also due some counseling.
    But what I do know is that everyone I have spoken to in anyway concerning Mr. Ayotte, I have yet to find one who believe he would make a good anything. He is now running for the legislature, and even so his so called supporters feel he is above being dissected for the things he says, has said or will say. Get a clue friends. Like your other self righteous heroes, he will again fail and add another loss to his ever growing loss column.
    The problem is that while he runs around mouthing talking points (which even those he flubs and fumbles), he portrays himself as a conservative. We cannot afford for people like Ayotte and Colley to be the only face and voice of conservatism.
    By the way, Mr. Ayotte is ever so proud of being able to post on Red State, does anyone know? I thought you had to be a registered Republican to post there. HUM!

  39. waterpirate says:

    This entire discussion is not about the drama of internal blog politics at DP. It is about the integrity of the authors of that post, due to the content, or should I say lack of it.

    The authors of the post have a long history of runing around the web mining information that may or may not be factual and then portraying themselves as experts on the subject at hand

    I am no jounalist but I do think that gathering information from all the parties involved and getting all the data would have been considered a more balanced approach, instead of the usual ” henny penny syndrome”.

  40. Kevin L. Lagola says:

    It’s very difficult to source, investigate write, edit and report any hard-news story without running into many pitfalls.

    Thus, although I have been trained in that journalistic style and genre, I enjoy writing opinion pieces on a myriad of topics. It keeps my thoughts, writing and editing sharp. That said, ‘good’ opinion pieces can utilize many facts, quotes and other attributes to bolster one’s argument and still be ‘fun’ to read.

    I’ve had a few ‘juicy’ investigative’ stories to tell; however, I was not able to gather all of the relevant info without relying on “background” information only. I could not always confirm the veracity of some of the players. So, I chose note to wade into such territory.

    Nearly every political blog that I’ve ever come across has had its share of ad-hominen attacks, finger-pointing, deletions, banning, etc. Unfortunately, it goes with the territory. Delaware is a bit unique in that there’s generally only one degree of separation among us. Although we don’t know everyone, we sure know someone related in some manner or another.

    I don’t know Frank personally, and get how he had issues in different places such as DP. I’ve seen this dynamic occur many times between many writers. Things get personal, personalities clash, insults are thrown about; yet, we all come back for more.

    I’m very disappointed that there’s far too few conservative writers in and around Delaware. Just because our state is deep blue does not mean there aren’t other voices to be heard.

    Delaware Liberal, while biased and oftentimes offensive to commenters, has a stable group of bloggers who actually post more than one – two stories per day or so. And while I am almost always diametrically opposed to their liberal ideology, arrogance and conceit, at least they are posting stories.

    I also detest those who post using pseudonyms. I will say that I think A LOT more people read these blogs than one might realize (the owners see the weekly and monthly analytics of traffic).

    Ultimately, blogs are simply the democratization of the masses. Many of us judge, myself included; however, it’s simply part of the human condition. Those who believe that their education, career title, social status, power or wealth makes them above the rest of us are generally part of the problem.

    That said, I’ll continue feeding my cathartic need to be invoke polemics and snark as well as slinging my fair share of critical thinking and sarcasm.

    After all, isn’t that half the fun, anyway?

  41. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    The growing crowd at HTM roars Yay Mr. Knotts! Yay Mr. Knotts! Go Waterpirate! Go Waterpirate! Laffter da MAN! Laffter da MAN !! Boo ichi ban bad man.

    Go Colts! Go Patriots! Who cares who wins? Great game!

  42. Ichi Ban says:


    You still don’t get it. It isn’t the idiotic comments that matter in this contamination at the Vlasic plant and surrounding areas. It is the fact that hexavalent chromium is found at the site at significant levels.

    Even as a complete idiot, you should understand that.

  43. Frank Knotts says:

    Icky Bad, you should know that unlike Mr. Ayotte, one of my associates actually spoke with Mr. Bowcock, which by the way one of Ayotte’s defenders, Mike, misspelled his name above,(but I guess that was an honest mistake like Ayotte why bother getting anything right in such an important case) and while Mr. Bowcock wouldn’t disclose his sourses, he stated that the “double the level of contamination” statement that Don Ayotte quoted in that so called article, (which by the way has yet to be reposted) was not correct. But again, why bother getting it right, we are only talking about hundreds of jobs for the area, we are only talking about actually cleaning up what ever the contamination is on the site, but hey, let’s just allow losse cannons like Ayotte to run around shooting off his mouth in an attempt to look important in hopes of garnering a few votes. And let’s be honest, that article was “co-authored” by Wolfgang von Baumgart, clearly he wrote the article since Ayotte could never even spell many of the words used, let alone understand them.
    It is not the fact that they oppose the plant, it is the tactics of partial and misinformation that causes concern.

  44. anon says:

    Ayotte didn’t just “mix up” people’s names. The point of his post was that the Erin Brockovich Group was involved in the Vlasic site and their PhD Bob Bowcock not only testified at the hearing but took the time to meet Ayotte, Wolfgang and Lacey Lafferty, shake their hands and discuss the pollution with them.

    But there was nobody there from the Brockovich Group.

    Ayotte deleted that comment about shaking hands and meeting that guy, in an attempt to cover his poorly researched, confused butt. He changed the names in the story without noting the edit, something no newspaper or journalist with a shred of credibility would do. He would rather try to change his errors secretly and deny any wrongdoing than admit he was wrong.

  45. anon says:

    Don didn’t make an “immediate retraction” either. It took several people commenting several days of posting a link to the hearing transcript to get Don to edit that error without noting the edit.

  46. Rick says:

    Rick, I challenge you to find one case of myself lamenting Mike Castle being removed from office.

    I never said you did. You need to realize that not every comment I make is directed at you, personally. But, you do have quite a few appeaser types on this blog, individuals who spend most of their time criticizing conservatives, which means, at least tacitly, that they prefer spineless “moderates.”

    Could it be that like Colley you see that as the crowing glory of a dying TEA movement? That you live in the past reliving that moment like a serial killer reliving their latest kill?

    Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and literally hundreds of others serving in congress are, to varying degrees, “taxed enough already” party representatives. The movement will grow, not disappear. The simple fact is that the drift to the left can only be thwarted by proven conservatives, not finger-in-the-wind appeasers.

    I have news for you, yes we removed Castle, but that was a loss for the conservatives of Delaware.

    How can losing a liberal like Mouse Castle be a “loss for…conservatives?”

    But with people like Colley as the voice of conservatism, we will never win that seat back.

    Colley is a conservative. But statewide elections are won in Little Wilmidelphia and SOSNCC. Unfortunately, Colley’s voice doesn’t reach those misguided sheeple.

    Here in Sussex, much to your chagrin, Colley is very well respected as one who defends, promotes and articulates conservative ideals quite effectively.

  47. waterpirate says:

    You say spineless moderate, I say fair and balanced. For either the far right or far left to rule is not representative of the majority of the population. To superimpose those extreme values on the population has two names, socialism/dictatorship, not democracy.

    The last arguement left for those who reject data and truth on the vlassic site is personal attack. While they were running around crying about the sky falling, DNREC passed that pesky regulation upgrade that made all the septics in possum point uable to pass inspection at the time of resale. They also have seemingly for now put a monkey wrench in the jobs and tax dollars that plant upgrade would have brought to the 41st and Sussex County.

    I warned you about DNREC and their agenda and the real fight, and you all missed it. You should be so proud of yourselves. Maybe you can subsidize the central sewer that is coming to PP instead of the rest of us.

  48. Frank Knotts says:

    WP, you may have forgotten to mention that all of this may keep the site from being cleaned up by the new owners as well, leaving the people of the area possibly living with the contamination that much longer.
    Rick, you are an extremely intelligent man, however, your hatred of those you see as liberals blinds you to the reality of political math in Delaware. You idolatry of Colley also blinds you to his bully tactics and the fact, which you ignore, that he is willing to tell out and out lies on air if it means helping to elect Urquhart, in the hopes of getting a D.C. job from it.
    You also mention so called conservatives such as Cruz. Cruz is little more than a showboat, his best idea along with the other TEA people was to shut down the government, which did nothing to bring people to the conservative view point and only impressed the already rabid radical fringe right who would rather the nation collapse into chaos just so they can say they were right all along.
    You ask the question, “How can losing a liberal like Mouse Castle be a “loss for…conservatives?”
    Because like most radical fringe right people Rick you fail to realize that yes while we removed Castle, which was the right thing to do in my opinion, we failed to win the general election, which means? WE DON’T GET TO GOVERN!!!!!!!!!
    And why did we lose the general? Because we went too far right too fast, before we bothered to educate the voters of both parties. We cannot afford to make the same mistake again.
    People like yourself and Colley believe that simply by putting up the most conservative candidate you can find will guarantee a win. This is what I mean when I say you don’t understand political math in Delaware.
    You say Colley is a conservative, I say he is nothing more than a carney showmen, putting on the conservative act for the rubes who buy into the bearded lady sideshow. Oh, he mouths the right words, he talks the talk, but his only guiding principle is self promotion. Those of you who support him are being taken for a ride and nothing more.

  49. Cletus says:

    Once again this Blog along with DP seems to be getting personal. I thought this post was about ‘integrity’ of blogging. Yes the post on DP on the contamination of the water and soil in Millsboro was the topic.

    Now, the authors of the post made some statements ‘of fact’ that were later proven to not be so factual, including the meeting with Mr. Bowcock by the author, the radio host and the 2016 candidate for Governor. There was a fact that was attributed to Mr. Bowcock also.

    Questions arose from the population about these facts. The most important fact questioned was what Mr. Bowcock said at the meeting about the levels of contamination in both the soil and water.

    As it turns out, not only was Mr. Bowcock not at the hearing, as evidenced by the official DNREC transcript, but he also never said that the level of contamination was twice the levels of the Hinkley site made famous from the movie Erin Brockovich.

    We will never know what Mr. Bowcock said on his radio interview with Doug Beatty because they will not release the POD Cast of the Interview. And with the original post on DP not available any chance to coordinate the information is gone.

    So, this post by Mr. Knotts and the folks at Delaware Right is about the integrity of blogging, the role of blogging and how effective it can be as a source of information. When the blogger is not an honest broker of the facts (and I am not talking about mispelling Hurd as Bowcock) the messenger and the forum become tainted. The authors of the article misrepresented the people, the experts, the community and the facts, and that is why the questions were being asked. But, please keep in mind that the contamination of the water and soil are the important part of this discussion, NOT the behavior of the POD People. In the end, Don and Wolf do not live in the area and could care less about them as they only care about their own political ‘celebrity’.

    And I believe Mr. Bob Bowcock is most impressed with Don’s ability to confer the ‘honorary doctorate’ degree on him. Don, I suppose it’s just another typo.

    Frank, you commented that someone has actually spoken to Dr. Mr. Bob ‘Hurd’ Bowcock. What do you know, when did you know it, and when will we learn about it?

  50. Laffter says:

    Hey, IBBKY BAD

    see franks comment about what the actual levels are at the site and the dangers

    Seeing as the man had a PhD in the subject matter at hand, I would pit his brain power and knowledge against your any day of the week

    is WHO is the idiot now?

    But, whatever floats your boat, it doesn’t matter how many times your sad little group repeats a lie, it’s still a lie.

    And your personal attacks reveal you for what you are

    Again- ” if you are explaining, you are loosing” and your group is doing a lot of explaining
    And dancing and it’s rather amusing to watch actually, so, by all means keep amusing the rest of us!

  51. Laffter says:

    Oh, that’s right……he didn’t have a PhD either

    Lol ……..

    I must have been misinformed somehow , can’t imagine how that happened!

    Nice post Cletus, and good job! I’m curious too.
    This might be the sinker for the POD people, including but not limited to.
    The Director of Special Zomies
    The Director of MIS – information

    The chair. LOL, this will be hung around their neck for……..well, forever sound good

  52. Dave says:

    In order to have a snowball’s chance in the election, Ayotte (and IPOD) need a galvanizing issue around which the masses can rally and pull Ayotte to victory as the champion of the people. This pickle plant was an attempt to create such an issue. That the emperor has no clothes is the often the result of such schemes even the ones that are successful. The people do not need to be informed just inflamed.

    I’m sure he will get a few votes, after all, if you listen to the callers on some of the callers to WGMD, logic reason and common sense are not their strong suit. Those are the ones Ayotte will attract. Regardless even if he gets nearly all the 9/12 ers, it won’t be enough.

    Anyway, that’s all this was in the first place – just an election ploy.

  53. Kevin L. Lagola says:

    I agree with Cletus…the most important part of the Vlasic story was the level of contaminants in the soil, groundwater and surrounding area.

    All of the ‘other’ information reported in the story was merely for sensationalism.

    The claim by the author(s) that Mr. Bowcock stated that the chromium and other levels of toxins at the site were “twice the amount” of the Brochovich case, showed gross negligence. In short, it was what I call an extreme claim!

    In fact, any editor or ombudsman who would let such an egregious claim get by them without their knowledge would suspend themselves a few minutes after they would have suspended the writer/reporter.

    Does anyone recall the story by DA about the State Police officer who got in a scuffle with a man in his mother’s home and ended up being shot?

    The above link was actually a follow-up story (interview) by DA to an earlier post about the original event. The former story (which was first posted at DP) has since disappeared – at least the cached link from Red State is no longer valid or viewable.

    As an editor, I marveled at the conclusions and inferences made. In short, that was a botched story, but I digress. As Cletus stated, tell the facts. The narrative part is fun and readers love details and specifics; however, if the narrative doubles as an opinion or is biased towards one side of the story, it’s without merit from a Hard-News point of view.

    However, if any person wants to blog or post a story about any topic of their choosing, they should do so. But any post that purports to be factual in nature must stick to those ingredients in the story that are – well – facts. Otherwise, it is an Op-Ed or opinion piece.

    I’m going to contact Colin O’Mara and/or the Governor’s office as a follow-up to the sea of misinformation that seems to be flowing from this Millsboro-Vlasic Disaster-meets-Love Canal version of Hollywood. The residents of Sussex County deserve better.

  54. Kevin L. Lagola says:

    I almost forgot to share the most preposterous thread of the Vlasic story that DA and Wolfgang wrote:

    “The report is, that if the processing plant in opened, 700 South Koreans would take the first jobs and after one year would receive full citizenship. It’s a great deal for South Korea and a sour deal for Americans that live at or near the Plant in the surrounding residential areas, according to these concerned citizens and other informed sources.”

    Are you kidding me? Either I’m Rip VanWinkle or I just learned that a foreigner can become a U.S. citizen after one year by fulfilling one years’ worth of labor. WTH? Which “report?”

    Talk about xenophobia!

  55. waterpirate says:

    Let me help you out with that. Calling Colin O’mara’s office will get you nowhere. Start in dover at DNREC division of water supply. You need to speak to a hydrologist, the number is 302-739-9945. Be polite and they will help you, be a dick and they will make you file a FOIA. Then there is Blair Venables the official DE hydrologist, truly a nice man and wealth of information, same rule applies. If you want an independant source that is not DNREC, you could contact the Sussex County Well Drilllers Association, the speakers e-mail is (go figure). That should keep you busy for over a week.

    At my local tavern when people continue to call others names and agitate the patrons, they get asked to leave.

  56. Frank Knotts says:

    Cletus, I was only able to mention the conversation with Mr. Bowcock after getting permission to do so. I believe there is also a chance that the conversation was recorded and I hope to hear the unedited version soon. Further disclosure of the content of the conversation will depend on my gaining permission to do so. Of course there may be a timing issue of the release of that recording. I can tell you that it was related to me that Mr. Bowcock is only interested in making sure that if contamination exist, that it be cleaned up as soon as possible, which is what we all should be concerned about. Unlike Ayotte and Bumgart, who are only interested in making political hay from this very important issue.

  57. Ichi Ban says:


    “Does anyone recall the story by DA about the State Police officer who got in a scuffle with a man in his mother’s home and ended up being shot?
    The above link was actually a follow-up story (interview) by DA to an earlier post about the original event. The former story (which was first posted at DP) has since disappeared – at least the cached link from Red State is no longer valid or viewable.”

    You’re a liar Sir. I just printed out both articles; the first written on August 6th, 2013 entitled “The ‘Police State” of Delaware Is No Longer Theory”. The second written on August 26th,2013, entitled, “The Police Shoot5ing of Michael Rogers, An Interview With His Mother.”
    I simply went into the archives on and found them within two minutes and printed them out. Sir, you’re full of s**t, please don’t start writing anything on DP.

    I also found the two articles on and it is also printable. You are such a lying ass.

  58. Cletus says:

    These were the same articles where *** interviewed the people, and then met with the next door neighbor at Jimmy’s Grille, and Dan Gaffney made a fool of you, isn’t it, ***?

    And of course, since the people said it, it must be true. You have become judge and jury, haven’t you , ***?

    So, ***. Where is the article and POD Cast of the Beatty interview with Dr. Hurd? Eh, I mean Bowcock?

    ***, please refrain from being ignorant with your language when you post, and we all want to know, Do you kiss Wolf’s ass with those lips?

    Do you *** ? (Edited for outing, Frank Knotts)

  59. Ichi Ban says:


    “I can tell you that it was related to me that Mr. Bowcock is only interested in making sure that if contamination exist, that it be cleaned up as soon as possible, which is what we all should be concerned about. Unlike Ayotte and Bumgart, who are only interested in making political hay from this very important issue.”

    I listened to Mr. Bowcock’s interview with Doug Beatty and he is interested in the cleaning up of the site.
    I’ve heard Ayotte speak twice on WGMD about the issue and he unequivocally stated both times that the Plant was a good idea if they cleaned up the site.
    Ayotte, unlike the people of Delaware Right has the people’s best interest at heart and the people of Possum Point have thanked him and Wolfgang for exposing this incredible mess.
    You too are a liar Sir.
    Ayotte won’t come aboard to call you one but I will.

  60. Anon says:

    Kevin, regarding DA’s claim that the 700 jobs would go to Koreans, the original article did not say “reports” but rather said it was a fact this would happen. I repeatedly asked DA to prove this was a fact, and how he knew it, his first answer was he had anonymous sources, I kept pressing him on it until he started calling me names, and then took his ball and went home. The entire time he repeatedly claimed it was a fact that all 700 jobs created would go to Koreans, and then they would be granted citizenship. Only after he deleted the post from DP did he then go to Redstate and edit his article to change the word fact to report. Of course he did not footnote the change or admit that he was wrong all along.

    I for one can’t wait for him to repost another piece of fiction regarding this entire situation he has made numerous other false claims that I am curious to see if he repeats in print again.

  61. Cletus says:

    “I can tell you that it was related to me that Mr. Bowcock is only interested in making sure that if contamination exist, that it be cleaned up as soon as possible, which is what we all should be concerned about. Unlike Ayotte and Bumgart, who are only interested in making political hay from this very important issue.”
    I listened to Mr. Bowcock’s interview with Doug Beatty and he is interested in the cleaning up of the site.
    I’ve heard Ayotte speak twice on WGMD about the issue and he unequivocally stated both times that the Plant was a good idea if they cleaned up the site.
    Ayotte, unlike the people of Delaware Right has the people’s best interest at heart and the people of Possum Point have thanked him and Wolfgang for exposing this incredible mess.
    You too are a liar Sir.
    Ayotte won’t come aboard to call you one but I will.”

    Thanks ***, you just DID (Edited for outing, Frank Knotts)

  62. Anon says:

    So Ichi, during that interview on wgmd did Bowcock state there was twice as much chromium in Millsboro as there was at Hinkley? Because Don left a commented that said Bowcock was on the show and confirmed everything that DA had written.

  63. Kevin L. Lagola says:

    I did not claim that the ‘original’ August 6, 2013 was removed at DP (re-read my comment above). I simply stated that the link on Red State from the follow-up August 26, 2013 article had a ‘broken’ link.

    See Here

    <blockquote cite="The above link was actually a follow-up story (interview) by DA to an earlier post about the original event. The former story (which was first posted at DP) has since disappeared – at least the cached link from Red State is no longer valid or viewable."

    See: “at least the cached link from Red State is no longer valid or viewable.” That was my reference. Nothing more. In fact, I could not recall the title of the original article until you referenced it above.

    I actually got a kick out of reading the original “Police State” article when DA posted it. It was like the ‘Tale of Two Cities.’ It was interesting to read the actual news reporting juxtaposed to DA’s narrative – reality meets hyperbole.

    I think everyone agrees that the officer poorly handled the situation! I wonder – whatever happened to Rogers and the Officer?

  64. Anon says:

    DA has a new article up now, he claims he “re-posted” the original article, of course what he put up has been heavily edited, even Wolfgang’s name has been removed.

  65. Ichi Ban says:

    Ayotte’s article has been vindicated by the information given by Bob Bowcock who is the lead investigator for the Erin Brockovich Group. When he was interviewed, he verified certain information that was buried in 5000 pages of the BP report. stating that hexavalent chromium and other contaminants have been found in the groundwater at Vlasic and Possum Point.

  66. Nimby says:

    Hexavalant Chromium is going to be present whether the jobs are there or not.

    Why not have a job creator have the site cleaned up instead of the taxpayer?

    Seems pretty simple to me.

    I vote for jobs and the environent!

  67. DR Ehrlich says:


    Repeated unprotected contact with may result in cases of tertiary Syphilis, as evidenced by the brain rot posted therein.

  68. Ichi Ban says:

    Stop wanking at Frank’s expense DR Ehrlich. After all if there is any wanking to be done, Frank will do it. It is his ship and he is the Master Baiter.

  69. Laffter says:

    1 does any one with any brian even LISTEN to WGMD- Colley certainly got spanked by the Hispanic population after his last foray into racism

    2- does anyone with any brains even believe anything posted on DP?

    That said, even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while, but apparently that group can’t even do that right.


  70. TSUNAMI says:

    What does Bill Colley have to do with this post????

    Frankie Knotts talking about integrity is like Pol Pot talking about intellectual freedom.

  71. Frank Knotts says:

    It is clear to anyone with any intellectual honesty at all, and anyone who is not emotionally invested in defending Don Ayotte at any cost, that Mr. Ayotte couldn’t pour the truth out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.
    Icky Bad, where did I lie? I said Mr. Bowcock wanted the site cleaned up as soon as possible, you said so also. Oh I get it now, you don’t like the part where I point out that Ayotte and Bumgart are only using it for political gain. Well sir, that is my opinion, which does not constitute a lie. You really should try reading more, it may help you comprehension issues, but you’ll have to read something other thatn the outright fiction that Ayotte writes.
    As for the level of contamination at the site? Okay the chemical is present, what has been called into question is the level of contamination. Done said it was twise as high as Hinkley, where is the proof of that? Whose study are we quoting here? Where is the second opinion that all such claims must have to be substantiated?
    There are many ways that people lie, one is by omission, that is what is happening here in my opinion, the people who are using this case for their political gain simply throw around wild claims with no collaborating evidence.

  72. Rick says:

    You say spineless moderate, I say fair and balanced. For either the far right or far left to rule is not representative of the majority of the population. To superimpose those extreme values on the population has two names, socialism/dictatorship, not democracy.

    The far left runs the country right now- in the White House, mass media (with the exception of talk radio), Hollywood and academia. Omaba and his cronies are socialists. Thus, the only true balance must be from the right.

    Both McCain and Romney were “moderates,” running against a proven leftist. Who won? In post WWII presidential politics, conservative Republicans win and appeasing moderates lose. This is because your polite, conciliatory little moderates garner little or no enthusiasm among the base- and it is the base that must be carried, not the so-called “independent” voter. Conservatives provide a clear choice and moderates do not.

    Let’s also remember that the Founders were not proponents of “democracy.” This is why they created a Republic. Winston Churchill once said that “the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.” It’s been said that democracy is 51% dominating the other 49%.

    Cruz is little more than a showboat, his best idea along with the other TEA people was to shut down the government, which did nothing to bring people to the conservative view point and only impressed the already rabid radical fringe right who would rather the nation collapse into chaos just so they can say they were right all along.

    You sound just like a PMSNBC talking point. If Cruz is the GOP nominee for president, he will likely win. He has the guts to stand up against the liberal machine. And when the government shuts down, despite the hysteria of the left, what really happens? Nothing. What is shown, and is not lost on the average voter who isn’t susceptible to propaganda, is that most people simply do not need big government in their lives.

    People like yourself and Colley believe that simply by putting up the most conservative candidate you can find will guarantee a win. This is what I mean when I say you don’t understand political math in Delaware.

    Apparently, you failed to read my last post. At the statewide level, Little Wilmidelphia and SOSNCC run the show. If the Socialist-Democrats want to run the country and the state into the ground- and they will- they should be able to do so without the assistance of a GOP collaborator. Which is what Castle was. If the country or the state is running left and toward fiscal ruin, why assist? Even if Castle was in Senate right now, what difference would it make?

    You say Coolly is a conservative, I say he is nothing more than a carney showmen, putting on the conservative act for the rubes who buy into the bearded lady sideshow.

    Most conservatives I know disagree with your tainted assessment. So does the ownership of GMD, and so do the listeners. I call your assessment “tainted” because you carry the burden of an almost pathological jealousy- a complete and utter fixation- on Bill Colley. It’s weird.

  73. ERDSCHUTZ says:

    Delaware war und ist ein chemisch vergiftet Staat. Die Menschen in diesem Bereich haben nur die Fachgruppen und korrupte Politiker, um für ihre Notlage zu danken. Wenn die Menschen nicht zu korrigierende politische Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, wird das Problem bis zum Ende der Zeit oder das Leben wie wir es kennen fortsetzen.

  74. Rick says:

    What we are up against requires conservative conviction, not moderation.


    ‘The right’ has no unity, actual or prospective, and thus has no definition symmetrical to that of the left. It is for this reason that political dialectics (a tautology) ratchets only in one direction, predictably, towards state expansion and an increasingly coercive substantial-egalitarian ideal. The right moves to the center, and the center moves to the left.

    Regardless of mainstream conservative fantasies, liberal-progressive mastery of American providence has become uncontestable, dominated by a racial dialectic that absorbs unlimited contradiction, whilst positioning the Afro-American underclass as the incarnate critique of the existing social order, the criterion of emancipation, and the sole path to collective salvation. No alternative structure of historical intelligibility is politically tolerable, or even – strictly speaking – imaginable, since resistance to the narrative is un-American, anti-social, and (of course) racist, serving only to confirm the existence of systematic racial oppression through the symbolic violence manifested in its negation. To argue against it is already to prove it correct, by concretely demonstrating the same benighted forces of social retardation that are being verbally denied. By resisting the demand for orchestrated social re-education, knuckle-dragging ‘bitter clingers’ only show how much there still is to do.

    At the end of the day, this is the central theme of the left; that Western culture in general and American culture in particular is inherently racist, and that it must be dismantled. Capitalism, a free press, firearms….virtually everything is racist, and therefore, political.

    The left is not joking and will not quit until America achieves “social justice” or universal equality, that is, equality of outcomes. In other words, until the US becomes an ant colony.

  75. Nay Sayer says:

    When I questioned some of the facts on Don Ayotte’s original post on Delaware Politics, I was called out by Doug Beatty on WGMD, who said that he had my IP address, knew who I was and was “coming for” me. is not a trustworthy site for commenting. If authors are allowed to take IP addresses and pass them out to talk show hosts so they can scare people from commenting, that’s not a blog site, it’s a Soviet style propaganda machine.

    I have no respect left for David Anderson. He was told by the moderator that my IP address was given out to Doug Beatty, who used it to threatened me on live radio, yet Anderson still allows Delaware’s own Joseph Stalin (aka Don Ayotte), access to commenters personal information.

  76. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Well stated Nay Sayer. you stated one of the many reasons we can’t comment, even if we wanted to, over there. Would rather find softest block in a wall with foreheads…but that might be what the problem is over there at DP.

    TMV has respect for David last time the topic of Mr. Anderson came up but it seems to be waning when the moderator choices, and more, are considered. We can’t stomach the site for any longer than necessary. Apparently the site lost a lot of credibility when Mr. Knotts left in his opinion.

    Opinion here is that Mr. Anderson is way out there on the fringe and hope that when her returned things change if not before with the supposed changes that are supposed to be coming soon. Time tells all.

  77. independent consultant says:

    When the subordinate clause, “with the TRUTH” is added to complete the original Doug Beatty on-air statement, it changes the context immensely.

    It’s amazing what a little partial quotation and decontextualization will do.

    When Doug Beatty’s statement is taken in its original context, “Nay Sayer’s” alleged “threat” is deflated and revealed for the amateur attempt at political propaganda that it is.

  78. Nay Sayer says:

    Uh, sorry, independent consultant, but Doug Beatty added the “with the truth” comment on Delaware Politics in the comment section, live on the air he didn’t mention the truth.

    Your amateur attempt at making light of Mr. Beatty’s comments don’t hold up to the reality of his on air statement.

    Amazing how desperate IPoDers are to re-write their sordid Stalin-like history.

  79. Nay Sayer says:

    What a shame Beatty, Ayotte and Wolfgang won’t grow a set and post the podcast of the Bowcock interview and their venomous statements afterwards.

  80. pandora says:

    “When Doug Beatty’s statement is taken in its original context, “Nay Sayer’s” alleged “threat” is deflated and revealed for the amateur attempt at political propaganda that it is.”

    Wait… what? How does adding the words “with the truth” lessen the impact of saying someone has your IP address and knows who you are? Sorta like… I have your IP, I know who you are, and I am coming for you with the truth? Well now, that’s more comforting. Thanks for putting it in context.

    Seriously, what the hell is up with all the IP leaks at Delaware Politics? This is obviously standard operating procedure.

  81. Nay Sayer says:

    The bottom line is that someone at gave my IP address to Doug Beatty, who said he researched it, knows who I am, and is “coming for” me.

    David Anderson was made aware of Doug Beatty’s on air comment about having my IP address, and I can only conclude he approves of the Stalin-like tactic of giving IP addresses to Doug Beatty so he can level threats via the microphone at WGMD and scare dissenting opinions away from their site.

  82. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    HAPPY DANCES ALL AROUND AT THE HOUSE OF TUXAMUS MAXIMUS! Pandora once again comes through with a crushing blow to nitwit RWNJ. Three Cheers for Pandora!!

  83. Kevin L. Lagola says:

    Nay Sayer, et, al.

    I have no ‘skin in the game’ with regards to this alleged IP Address giveaway.

    I’ve heard of, but do not know, the protagonists.

    I will say this: Did Mr. Beatty actually reveal what your IP Address was with you? What if Mr. Beatty is simply using scare tactics as leverage?

    Please fill us in on the ‘actual’ truth. Remember, hearsay amounts to nothing.

    That said, giving away a commenters’ IP Address indiscriminately is an egregious breach of trust.

  84. Nay Sayer says:

    Beatty said that he has Nay Sayer’s IP address, that “they” “aren’t stupid” and know how to trace IP addresses, and that he “knows” who I am and that he’s “coming for” me.

    Beatty and the IPoD are using “scare tactics” and that is not a “What if” it is happening.

  85. pandora says:

    So… scare tactics are acceptable? Telling people you know who they are and that you are coming for them with the truth is acceptable? Are you kidding me? That’s flat-out intimidation. If DP considers certain commenters a problem then ban them; don’t try and silence what they say through threats. People need to grow up.

    And why would Doug Beatty claim to have naysayer’s IP address? Doug isn’t a DP contributor. So, who gave him the IP? And since there’s no denial of this – only that the “threat” was taken out of “context” – I’m left believing that someone at DP is sharing IP addresses.

    A month ago, on this site, it was revealed (by William Christy) that DP, including its moderator, track down people’s IP addresses. Stay classy, boys.

  86. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Like a speeding bullet from the left Pandora once again cuts to the chase and knocks them down. Pancake time! Flattens the nut jobs. You da babe! Hey independent consultant we want to know what’s it like to get beat up by a LADY.

  87. Frank Knotts says:

    I have to go back to a comment that Icky bad made on the twelfth when he said to me in defense of Ayotte,”You too are a liar Sir.”
    So Icky Bad? Was that a Freudian slip? it seems as though you are admitting that Ayotte is a liar.
    I f anyone want to know who Beatty is and what he is capable of, you need only remember that he supported Bodenweiser.
    All of then perps in this twisted tale of deception aare nothing but a group of angry losers.
    Beatty’s candidate failed due to legal issues that are still outstanding, Wolfgag’s party is a joke, and Ayotte couldn’t be elected dog catcher.

  88. Laffter says:

    The grabbing of IP addresses by DP, even if one just VISITS the site
    Has been an ongoing problem for quite some time
    And the fact that administrators at that site are sharing IP addresses with everyone and anyone is absolutely egregious
    And has also been going on for quite sometime
    The intimidation and threatening tactics at that site should be shared with everyone who even thinks of going there,

    It is. Toxic waste dump and it has been polluted by DAs desperate attempt to add writers on a failing blog
    He scrapped the bottom of the barrel and well, he got what he got

    No talent, no ability to write, no integrity, no ethics

    It’s actually been sad watching it’s demise. David Anderson is a decent (wrong) but decent human being, but he sure make bad choice in contributing authors

    It reminds me of ALIEN- go over there and you walk away with an octopus stuck on your face, and yeah, good luck with THAT!

  89. Laffter says:

    In short……

    DP and integrity are like oil and water……..

    They just don’t mix

  90. waterpirate says:

    The truth is what you are left with when the name calling starts. This is all such “flapdoodle” . I will point out the obvious that the people screaming for action are only screaming. They are not helping the people of PP do anything. It is just political hay as was said early on. I would also add that it is a fools errand to try and help people who will not help themselves.

    1. How many people in PP who are outraged have ponied up the 1k to envirocorp in Harrington and had a full spectrum test done on their well?

    2. Have the screamers asked DNREC to come and do random testing?

    3. Have they called DNREC and asked for or filed a FOI for the test data?

    4. Have they contacted a LOCAL enviromental guru like Ten Bears in Milton to help splain any of this?

    The answer to all of the above is a resounding NO. This is just another political hay maker attempt like the lynchings in Dover, police brutality in Stokely, and now the PP fiasco as it will come to be known.

  91. Rick says:

    Are you people afraid to go out on a sunny day out of the fear that you’ll see your own shadow? The country’s going to hell in a handbasket, and all you can do is exhibit a paranoid fixation on DP and Colley. Do you read your own posts? Do you see how an unbiased observer might see you as being a bunch of sniveling, gossipy crybabies? Grow up.

  92. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Laffter…you are just too cool at times! We wonder if we are worthy. Why do you think TMV has gone to such great lengths to make sure that every time we visit DP or DR they see his IP address? He doesn’t have time for that silliness and I’m sure you can (and maybe they can as well) figure it out. Remote access. Super fast internet speeds as well. Win Win.

    Waterpirate we are just going to give up trying to find reasons not to like you. Setting up the fan club in the morning. We were told that you were one of ‘them’ and we’ve yet to figure that one out. He’s been right on target with everything else from the start of HTM.

    Mr. Knotts is just plain getting a sense of humor now! We couldn’t agree more. You were toasted at the table this evening. Been a while Mr. Knotts!

  93. delacrat says:

    Delaware war und ist ein chemisch vergiftet Staat. Die Menschen in diesem Bereich haben nur die Fachgruppen und korrupte Politiker, um für ihre Notlage zu danken. Wenn die Menschen nicht zu korrigierende politische Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, wird das Problem bis zum Ende der Zeit oder das Leben wie wir es kennen fortsetzen.” – ERDSCHUTZ

    Delaware was and is a chemically poisoned state. The people in this area have only the special interest groups and corrupt politicians to thank for their plight. If people do not take corrective policy measures, the problem will continue until the end of time or life as we know it. – Protection Equipment

    Sehr Wahr, Erdschutz.

  94. independent consultant says:

    Nay Sayer
    January 13, 2014

    “What a shame Beatty, Ayotte and Wolfgang won’t grow a set and post the podcast of the Bowcock interview and their venomous statements afterwards.”

    Why don’t you also “grow a set” and stop hiding behind a screen name?

    It appears that you really are paranoid about Doug’s Beatty’s comment.

    It’s a running radio gag. “We know who you are” , “WE know where you live.” and “We’ll send Rogers over to make you do push ups” are frequently uttered on WGMD.

    BIG DEAL… Get over it.

    As for Pandora:

    The TRUTH … YOU can’t handle the TRUTH!


    Babble on. No one with a brain takes you seriously.

    With elephant crap like this passing for Republicanism, it’s no wonder why the DEGOP registered only three new members last month.

  95. Laffter says:

    @Independant Consultant – You must take HTM seriously enough so that you felt it necessary to respond them….

    This whole post is about INTREGRITY
    And I think we all owe DP a HUGE DEBT OF GRATITUDE

    It’s like that judge said about pornography….”..I can’t describe it to you, but I know it when I see it”

    Well, these particular authors and commentators have certainly demonstrated what a lack of INTREGRITY looks like

    @ waterpirate, you are exactly right, this is not about seriously fixing the problems out there at PP, this is about notoriety and political hay
    In time it will go away like the lymchings in Dover did…….and the Dr. jay. Whatever from DSU , arrested and terminated and suddenly the POD peoples best friend .

    It’s just pathetic, and when they get spanked…..THANK YOU PANDORA! , they start on about posting under pen names. Sorry Charlie, your own blog allows that, there is no rules violation, so STFU about it.
    Your own friends post under false names…..u don’t whine when your side does it, so is it about fake names or about WHO does it

    With Ayotte running for office, we know who and what he is, not that we didn’t already know, and we also know who his buddies are……lie down with dogs, get up with fleas

    Pandora may not be able to ” handle the truth”. But these folks don’t know what the truth is…which makes that particular comment even funnier on it’s face.

    HTM- I do know, and am glad I can make you and the rest of HTM have a good rollicking laugh. Because, apart form this being sad to watch people self destruct like this, it’s pretty damn funny too.

    Ok, carry on!

  96. pucker up says:

    shucks dl tells those evil righty teabag types they can track em like ol blue chasin’ down a coon with dat fancy pants ARIN system they gots

  97. pucker up says:

    nay sayer y’all needd 2 cut anderson some slack hes 7000 miles away servin r country what would you like him 2 do. how do u kno duelin banjo kilty boy got your ip just cause he sez he duz SMH

  98. Tuxamus Maximus J says:

    Laffter we do know you understand. We’re just not quite ready to be taken seriously yet by those who don’t get it. Being underestimated is the key and as pajama people dancing around a totem pole why take us seriously?

    When ‘Tsunami’ appeared the first retort, just to the title alone was “Ya THINK?”

    Delacrat we didn’t see you coming with the translation but not surprised. We’re warming up to you and you’ve made it to the toast list for Tuesday’s dinner table.

    OK…open question to all reasonable people here. Do ‘they’ just eat themselves or their young as well? We really don’t expect answers because that would mean you took us seriously!

  99. pucker up says:

    pandora seriously just cause someone sez they got somethin dont make it true. donny dark claims his facts r straight y’all kno that aint true but kilty boy sez hes got an ip an its the gospel truth to y’all problem with all dem boyz in dat there eyePOD is the left nut taint got a clue what da right nutz doin

  100. waterpirate says:

    Ahh the age old adage ” them”. I have said many times that the people who recruit you are rarely the ones that get to reap the benefits of your talents. Also history teaches that the ones who storm the castle are never the ones that stay to put the pieces back to together and move forward to govern.

    As a youth myself and my fellow pirates were so often referred to as “them” that we had t-shirts made. ” The royal order of them “. We littterally wore it on our

  101. Frank Knotts says:

    WP, I was once one of “THEM” as well. You stop being one of “THEM”, when you hold to principles and values that “THEY” only claim to value. When you dare to point out that they are going against the very principles that “THEY” demanded of others just yesterday.
    Take our good friend Rick as a prime example, he will tell us that the nation is going to hell in a hand basket because of the lying liberals and moderates, yet will defend the lying so called conservative Bill Colley with an almost carnal intensity.
    This is the lack of integrity that the original post was about. And it is not simply about our government’s lack of integrity, or our elected officials, or our candidates, our just the media, or bloggers, it is about a lack of integrity throughout our society. People have come to feel that they can say and do whatever they want if it gains them what they want. Thus we see people like Ayotte, Wolfgag, Beatty, and any number of others. It is not limited to the IPOD either, there are plenty to go around.
    The IPODs just happen to be the loudest and proudest practitioners of the art of self conflagration, or do I mean flagellation? Oh either one is appropriate in this case.
    WP is so correct about the screamers at PP. At last night’s GOP meeting some of the people from the organization, Saving Our Indian River were there to make their point. After the meeting I spoke with two very nice ladies, well they were nice up until they realized I had reservations about their views on the issue.
    I asked questions like, when did you become concerned about you water quality? While Vlasic was still there, or after you heard of the chicken plant?
    No answer. Have you had you water tested? Yes. When? After the chicken plant was announced. What did you find? Nitrates. You do know that nitrates are present everywhere? Yes but they come from chicken plants.
    This went on until I realized that the one lady was becoming extremely angry. She complained about the odor of the Mountaire plant on Rt. 24. So I asked, did you move here and how long ago? Answer, “I have been here a long time.” How long? Thirty years. MY response, well that plant has been there longer than thirty years.
    They also did not want to talk about what the actual levels of chromium are according to the unknown study. They also threw out the name Erin Brockovich and the fact that she was in West Virginia investigating the Elk River chemical spill, and that she would be coming to PP soon. However, when I pointed out that Bob Bowcock, the water investigator of the Brockovich team had said that the levels of chromium were not twice the levels of Hinkley, as falsely reported on DP, suddenly Ms. Brockovich was no “savior” according to the one lady.
    This conversation demonstrated to me that what WP and I, and others have been saying is true. Some of the anti chicken plant people are like Ayotte and Bumgart, using it for political gain. Others are like the residents I met last night, they simply are anti chicken plant and are grasping at any straw to fight it. They are even confused on who should pay for the clean up.
    When I suggested that Allens-Hiram would have to pay for the site clean up and that would be a good thing, they said no, Vlasic is responsible. So you see they are more interested in blocking the clean up rather than getting it cleaned up because the more they confuse who is responsible, the longer it drags on and the more likely that Allens will bail on the project. And 700 potential jobs leave Delaware.

  102. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Well put Mr. Knotts and Waterpirate. There is a great Pink Floyd song titled ‘Us and Them’. May be a post for Mr. Knotts?
    We are all They/Them with the only difference between all of US being some listen, consider and respect what OTHERS say and thing to a certain point. When it becomes berating and repetitive the message blurs then becomes something that breezes between the ears.

    This has been and enlightening look at Integrity Mr. Knotts. You have shown yours over time with stepping away from what has not been over time. At least you try.

    Now …can we work on this “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or one” thing?

  103. Rick says:

    Take our good friend Rick as a prime example, he will tell us that the nation is going to hell in a hand basket because of the lying liberals and moderates, yet will defend the lying so called conservative Bill Colley with an almost carnal intensity.

    Frank, thousands of people who listen to GMD consider Colley to be a proven conservative, as do I. So I don’t really care what you think, and neither does anyone else, other than the faithful handful of left-of-center hacks you have embraced as your new “friends.”

    As an aside, it’s interesting to contrast your pathological fixation on Colley with your conciliatory detente with Pandora of Delaware Liberal, one of the most, vile, vulgar and venom-spewing left-wing blogs on the internet.

    If one can be judged by the company one keeps, I’d much rather be associated with Bill Colley than with your pathetic cadre of leftists, appeasers and crybabies.

  104. ERDSCHUTZ says:

    Wenn die Erde, Luft und Wasser sind vergiftet, so wird der Geist und Freiheit sind in einem Alter der Verzweiflung verloren werden, bis die Morgenröte des neuen Lichtes.

  105. William Christy says:

    Frank, I humbly thank you for confirming what had already been disclosed to me. I sat on this until you had the opportunity to bring to light what Mr. Bowcock had revealed. While we have all had our differences no one wants to see David Anderson who is serving our country honorably possibly sued.

  106. pandora says:

    Shorter Rick: I don’t care what you think, Frank – that’s why I took the time to comment. 🙂

  107. Frank Knotts says:

    First let me translate our German friend, “If the Earth, air and water are poisoned, so will the spirit and freedom are lost in an age of despair until the dawn of the new light.”
    And for the future here is a link to Bing Translator,
    And here is one back to our German friend, Was ist Ihr Posting in deutscher Sprache. Dummkopf
    Rick, is your anger so deep that you don’t even realize that your every comment further makes my point? The name calling, the labeling, you border on the verge of psychosis.
    Yes, I actually have more respect for Pandora than I do Bill (hang up on you if you disagree with me ) Colley.
    Do I disagree with Pandora on most political issues? Yes. But even so, I have been able to do so without name calling and labeling. You have made not a single point other than to name call and label people you disagree with. No wonder Colley is your hero.
    Rick I know you to be an extremely intelligent man with a wealth of knowledge, yet you hide it behind this angry fasad.
    How will the conservative movement ever hope to convince others that, if not completely right on all issues, than at least right on some, if we cannot gain respect? And you don’t gain anyone’s respect by yelling at them and calling them names.
    I take it Rick by your comment that you will allow no one into your life who is not a rock solid conservative to your satisfaction. How lonely you and Colley must be.
    It would seem that you and Colley have no desire to bring more people to the conservative point of view, you seek only to destroy all who oppose you.
    Rick says, “If one can be judged by the company one keeps, I’d much rather be associated with Bill Colley “, as Pandora said, “shorter Rick”, I like liars!

  108. Tuxamus Maximus IT2 says:

    Saving Delacrat the trouble: from: ‘protection equipment’
    When the earth, air and water are poisoned, so will be lost in an age of despair the spirit and freedom, until the dawn of the new light.

    So the new and improved Richard Cranium (yup we got approval to use that ‘name’) comes to visit Mr. Knotts Playground. A shuddered hush quells the crowd.

    Rick just calls everyone names because they don’t march to his drumbeat (kind of like Dennis Rodman’s when you give it a moment of thought). We are not lemmings Rick and if you can’t play nicely on Mr. Knotts playground please go play with the ones that can hear your drum. THEY want you back. All we read/hear is the infamous BLAH BLAH BLAH

    Rib-eye steaks for dinner tonight for those not vegans here!
    Delacrat is top of the toast list.

  109. Frank Knotts says:

    Tuxamus Maximus IT2, you can just walk my rib-eye past a hair dryer and flop it on the plate next to my baked potato! 🙂

  110. Tuxamus Maximus IT2 says:

    Good one Mr. Knotts!! You just made it on the toasting list!

    Try this: Pandora ist eine Göttin.
    Sie überwindet die kleine Gesinnten mit wenigen Worten.

    We’re using the Google translator Mr. Knotts. The TM that speaks it changed rotation Monday (stayed for the games on the BIG TV as well as the free meal) AM.

  111. Tuxamus Maximus IT2 says:

    Well Mr. Knotts I just passed that request on to TMW and she LOL stating maybe one day when this ‘great gig’ finally ends. Baked taters are stuffed with crab. Just watched it happen!

  112. Frank Knotts says:

    Don’t care what you stuff them with as long as there is plenty of cheese, bacon and butter on top!

  113. mysteryguest says:

    Pandora is a goddess. It overcomes the small-minded people in a few words.


    No shortage of those on Delaware Right.

  114. Tuxamus Maximus W says:

    One day Mr. Knotts! Butter was in the house over the holidays. Bacon is a Sunday only item and it’s Turkey bacon at that (maybe for you the real stuff would appear) because I try to feed the kids healthy food with occasional treats like tonight and most Sundays.

  115. waterpirate says:

    Can we get a head count on the HTM? Not that I care but you seem to be assimilatieng exponentialy. The only thing issing from that protien and starch menu is a good……. Porter to wash it down, NA even if it suits everyone else.

    The level of lunacy here knows no bounds evidently. Why are the people in PP not calling ” teflon John ” about this to try and get help? Why are they not helping themselves? Because it is comming to light that they do not want or need help, they just do not want the new plant. If Teflon John is not their flavor, certainly Rich Collins famialiarity with the new DNREC regs would suit them better than courting the pod, or even the gop. It just screams ” I can not help myself”.

  116. ERDSCHUTZ says:


    (Edited for language, even in a foreign language, Frank Knotts)

  117. Rick says:

    … yet you hide it behind this angry fasad.

    What makes you think it’s a facade? My anger is genuine. Listening to wishy-washy appeasers pontificate makes most normal people angry.

    Rick, is your anger so deep that you don’t even realize that your every comment further makes my point? The name calling, the labeling, you border on the verge of psychosis.

    I’m glad I ‘border’ psychosis, because your fixation on Colley is psychotic, stemming from your raging jealousy. Colley speaks to thousands, you to ten.

    By-the-way, Frank. You’re being played like a drum by DL’s favorite leftie, Pandora. Moderates like you never know when they’re being used.

  118. mysteryguest says:

    “WAR is PEACE”


  119. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Mr. Knotts….ERDSCUTZ is breaking your rule. It was just a matter of time though. Push the button. It was fun for a while but a rule is a rule. Integrity counts.

    Waterpirate: total of ten TM’s on two rotations seldom more than six at any given time except on weekends and then it’s a free for all or at least has been of late. Four actually come and go from DC at will but at least one of those four is here at all times. Of the other four? Two are here at all times. Add me ‘F’ and the wife ‘W’ and you’ve got the six that are usually here at any given time, for the most part of any given day!
    Got it? Long ago we stated we would entertain questions but no necessarily answer all of them.

    Over the holidays it was just F&W most of the time as the kids went to be with families. Our function is to keep things within reason as the kids friends tag along at times. It’s supposed to be a fun place as well.

    Expect full HTM and more this weekend.

    Defining ‘kids’ is anyone under 26. All but one are over 21 and she will be soon so she toasts at dinner. Rules are Rules!

    Not all comment but are welcome to if they wish.

    No porters here (no offense intended). Just wine with dinner and desert is all TMV provides and partaking otherwise is discouraged as duties must continue.

    No movie tonight. Seems two would rather study for the ‘exam’ via the Skype so the gaming is ongoing for the other two. W is reading and I’m typing at you!

  120. Laffter says:

    From my vantage point, I’m see the theocrats and absolutists further isolating themselves , cast adrift on a sea of right wing rhetoric

    The difference between them and say the TALIBAN? Hmmmmmmmm what they wear on their heads……and that’s about it.

    While Frank and Pandora do not agree on many things, at least they are the adults at the table. They can manage to discuss the issue while all these new names that pop up re who……..sock puppets? A force multiplier? Trying to make them selves seem more popular?

    At this point, we have been seeing the pod people act like this for the past couple of years. I say, let them rant and rave. Because after all ” it’s a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, sugnifyong nothing.”

    As for Colleys popularity……porn is popular too, doesn’t make it right or acceptable, but it’s still popular and WAY more popular than Colley.
    When Colley and GMD pulls in as much money as the porn industry, maybe we should listen, but hell would freeze over first and until that happens, he is a sad little man, with a sad little audience, in a fifth level market, (does it even go that low) going exactly…….nowhere. And neither are the no- tooth mugs that listen to him and call in to rant and rave about all the problem in the world who fail to realize that if they looked in the mirror they would find their biggest problem looking back at them.

    Pandora does an awesome job turning a phrase and getting right to the heart of the argument.
    Frank is blunt , honest and forthright- I jab at him and he jabs back- no harm no foul (Ps Frank, I’m moving to Colorado) see…..
    Waterpirate , Dave and HTM all with different ideas and knowledge set, but all willing to share and not name call.

    We do see the same constant threats from the same constant people. At least they are constant on one thing, a miserable disposition. The threat of outting, the IP grab, the demeaning comments, the rage,

    Is there a vaccine against this ?? But they do serve a purpose…they show us life under absolutists…..not something to be desired. The serve as a balance and something to scrape off the bottom of a shoe, and leave outside on the mat.

    Toast at my house to the moderates of all parties who know that leaning too far one way or the other just capsizes the boat.

  121. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    House Tuxamus Maximus applauds Laffter once again. Although not discussed as a whole (6) I can write it as I see it!

    Colorado would be a wise move Laffter! I’m actually working on an update to one of Mr. Knotts past posts concerning the lure of Colorado.

    TMV texted to clear the IP so he can make his comment on the ACA thing so remote access will be down for a while. Not sure when he’s going to do it but he says to jump we ask how far and high and in which direction.

  122. saltyindependent says:

    i think saying that colley has thousands of listeners might be a bit of a stretch. from time to time i stop on the dial to that station. it is like going back to a soap opera after not watching it for months. same plot line and same characters. nothing missed. nothing happening. mindless, meaningless drama.

  123. saltyindependent says:

    colley has thousands of listeners? that might be a bit of a stretch. i pass him by on the dial from time to time. it is kind of like when you haven’t watched a soap opera in a month or so. same characters, same plot line, same meaningless drama.

  124. Laffter says:

    If there was a LIKE button, I would press it for you salty……. 😉

  125. waterpirate says:

    To use big words from the intr net like: plume, down gradients, and dye testing, still does nothing to HELP the people of PP. I think a lesson in critical thinking is in order.
    1. Is there a problem?
    2. Can we fix the problem?
    3. How do we fix the problem?

    Also I would remind people that the presance of nitrates is not on evan the same planet as that crap we can not pronounce! Pun intended.

  126. William Christy says:

    waterpirate perhaps you could provide some more insight. I owned a home that could not meet what Massachusetts called Title V requirements 100′ separation between well and septic system. This was not due to my system but the proximity of my neighbors septic to my well. I was informed years ago that nitrates can be elevated from most common lawn fertilizers that homeowners use. I was informed years ago that VOCs can be caused by many different means including a person overfilling a power mower gas tank.

    Is it possible that the high level of nitrates found in the possum point area is caused by the number of systems that do not meet the 100′ requirement ?

    Is it possible that the density of pp homes in relation to the total acres, the soil just can not handle the breakdown of all the effluent that is being released?

  127. Ichi Ban says:

    “I was once one of “THEM” as well. You stop being one of “THEM”, when you hold to principles and values that “THEY” only claim to value. When you dare to point out that they are going against the very principles that “THEY” demanded of others just yesterday.”

    You were never one of us. You don’t possess the intelligence or the original creative thought level to compete with real thinkers and writers. You will always be a second hand toy bought in a Goodwill Store.
    Frank, have you ever considered the lack of intelligence level of Waterpirate, TM or the utter stupidity of Laffter and even the senselessness of your attack posts. These are your contributing clowns.
    They are at best, rambling rants to justify your presence on this earth. You just breathing, is taking up good air that an intelligent human being could be breathing.

  128. Frank Knotts says:

    TMF, sorry for the delay, I have a family matter ongoing, thanks for being my dog though.
    Let me get Rick’s accusation out of the way first. Jealous of Colley? Not so much, why would I be jealous of a man who would sell his principles in the hope of getting a D.C. job from the likes of a man who calls people Nazis because they don’t want the public school system teaching their children faith?
    As for Colley’s thousands of listeners? Well maybe. If we consider that for every person who actually calls in to the show, they represent a one in one thousand percentage, then the four or five regular haters who call in to shine up their tin foil hats represent a four or five thousand regular listenership. If we then assume the passing one time listeners who will stop by just to hear the latest hate filled lies, then we might be able to bump up any given hour to maybe six thousand at any given time. And I am being generous.
    Rick, I am not jealous of Bill Colley, I am sick of him touting his so called conservatism while posting photos of roadside mattresses and inferring that only Hispanics do such things. This racist hatred reflects on all conservatives, but of course since you seem to have a school girl crush on Mr. Colley, you won’t understand this.
    Laffter, enjoy Colorado, don’t forget to pack your bong, you see…
    Icky Bad says to me, “You were never one of us”, praise the Lord it is so!
    You are right IB, I was never one of you, when I spoke of my principles and values, I meant it. I hold them dear, I do no compromise them simply to please the likes of you. If it is wrong for liberals to impose their views upon the citizens, then it is wrong for conservative to impose their views upon the citizens.
    You would cry from the mountain tops that our Liberty is being infringed upon by Obama Care, yet would quietly subvert your Liberty to the will of anyone calling themselves a conservative. I choose to be consistent in my views, you choose to be a dust mote on the wind, driven by the cause of the day. Good luck with that.

  129. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Woof Woof Mr. Knotts. Laffter started it a few days ago now all we hear is “woof woof” from the sleepy heads as they get started. Like a bunch of coyotes moved in here. We might not agree but we are loyal.

    Back on again!! TMV probably put too much effort into making a point about dealing with change on that Jenga ACA post but when he wants to make a point.

    Ichi ‘1st’ Ban wasn’t talking about us with the ‘They & Them’ opening rant? Dang what a disappointment. Better to be a second hand toy than a rock on the side of the road. Toys get played with…rocks get run over.

    Laffter! The general early consensus is to agree with you on the liking ‘salty’ thing but he’s a long way from being toasted at the dinner table or getting a standing ovation here.

    Seeing that Richard Cranium has made yet another appearance makes us want to put the ‘shields’ up again. Hope WP likes that one.

    and finally we wonder if waterpirate is really asking Problem? What Problem? No stinking problem here! Seems to be there is only a problem if ‘they’ want it to be a problem.

  130. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Forgot this one Laffter. You wrote earlier “A force multiplier? Trying to make them selves seem more popular” and I wonder if that is anything like a tool called a ‘torque multiplier’ only instead of used on vehicles it’s a self pleasuring tool. Seems ‘they’ get off that way and maybe found a better way of achieving that goal? ‘They’ are ‘tools’ so it just makes sense.

  131. Rick says:

    As for Colleys popularity……porn is popular too, doesn’t make it right or acceptable, but it’s still popular and WAY more popular than Colley.
    When Colley and GMD pulls in as much money as the porn industry, maybe we should listen, but hell would freeze over first and until that happens, he is a sad little man, with a sad little audience, in a fifth level market…

    Do you realize how stupid that comment sounds? Did you read it?

    The “porn industry” is world-wide, so it should be obvious to anyone with any common sense at all that a local radio station could not match their revenue. WGMG is a radio station. A local radio station that serves Sussex County, which happens to be where most of us on this blog (an assumption on my part) live.

    Radio stations (with the exception of Government Radio) are in the business of making money. This requires ratings- and ratings require programming that attracts listeners, which in turn, attract sponsors who pay money to advertise their product or service. As a proof of the size of the audience, ratings are provided to potential customers. If Colley’s show wasn’t competitive in regional ratings, he wouldn’t be on the air. But he is.

    Frank, I have no interest in extending, ad nauseum, the Colley debate- to continue would be purposeless.

  132. William Christy says:

    I came here to ask several questions. I could have easily contacted waterpirate in private since we have communicated in the past. I thought the questions and real answers by someone who has knowledge of such matters would be of interest to all.

    I will certainly stop trying to have any meaningful discourse if all some want to do is to continue to rail on about former names and current trolls.

    I prefer to find out the real truth since I have a 3 year old granddaughter who resides in the area of the proposed plant. I had hoped that this would be the site to gain such knowledge since I am aware of conversations that have taken place already concerning the validity of the claims made by the SOIR/PP IPoD group that are false.

  133. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Laffter it really is a shame that Rick could read what you wrote 100 times and never understand your intent or the context. When you wear blinders you can only see so much of the world around you. We not only got it we (as we’re sure many others did as well) enjoyed the intent for quite some time and even more so now! Double the Laffter double the fun.

  134. ERDSCHUTZ says:

    Delaware-Recht ist ein offener Abwasserkanal.
    (Okay, it was funny at first, but if you continue to post in a foreign language, I will be forced to block you. Frank Knotts)
    Translation, “Delaware law is an open sewer.”

  135. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Translates to: Delaware law is an open sewer.
    Well OK ‘protection equipment’ (just another type of TOOL)…you want arguments?
    HTM thinking Mr. Knotts forgot to press that integrity button.
    Woof Woof

  136. Rick says:

    Laffter it really is a shame that Rick could read what you wrote 100 times and never understand your intent or the context. When you wear blinders you can only see so much of the world around you. We not only got it we (as we’re sure many others did as well) enjoyed the intent for quite some time and even more so now! Double the Laffter double the fun.

    What’s wrong- they wouldn’t let you be a cheerleader in high school, so you’re compensating today?

    Now, can you say ‘four legs good, two legs bad’ and end the debate?

  137. waterpirate says:

    Sorry for the 2wice daily diet I am on. You see my IQ is so low, and I am so worthless to society that I and my services are in high demand. ROFLMAO I wonder what IB did today to be a productive member of society??

    My shields are up as well, and if things do not improve it is going to be straight on to that star on the left till morning. Engage. Part of my critical thinking lesson is/was should be the realization that there is no problem to start with.

    Bill, all the info you requested is readily available through the numbers and e-mails I posted earlier. Because I am liscensed/bonded and subjet to Delawares title code, I am limited in what I will say publically on this matter. The general public should feel free to call and get the info if interested.

  138. Laffter says:

    HTM- you are right – rick completely missed my point. Let’s see if I can explain it in more simple terms:

    PORN- nasty, exploitive and not acceptable- but, as Rick points out a world- wide industry with a world wide market. The companies that provide it have grown exponentially .

    BILL COLLEY- Nasty, exploitive and not acceptable- but as Rick points out , serves only a small market, Sussex County for years and has never advanced in his field. What he provides very few people want and his market share shrinks. And cannot expand, (except his belly.)

    Is that correlation simple enough to compare and contrast the two , side by side?

    But blind loyalty is just that…..BLIND

  139. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Well Rick it goes like this our loyal to fatmen Rick. TMF was a cheerleader. I married her. Cheerleaders can be good on all four but two is even better. You can spank your monkey now.

    Laffter you tried valiantly but our bet is you missed the mark again even though it was a great attempt….again. HTM Happy Dance time!

    Waterpirate! Love it! you can lead Richard Cranium to the library, internet or even sky-write it but you’re facing the same issue as Laffter trying with Tricky Ricky. It’s diagnosed as the tweenearswindtunnelsyndrome. No known cure currently available. (TMJ wants credit for that one)

  140. Laffter says:

    HTM – h/t

    Credit Duly noted…….nice one too….

  141. Frank Knotts says:

    Laffter, see if you can get Rick to argue about the fact that Colley is like a rug. Big and round and lies all day!

  142. William Christy says:

    Waterpirate thanks, I understand the limitations of what you can disclose.

    TM F as I said I have a 3 year old granddaughter who lives in close proximity to where the proposed site is. I know that waterpirate is an expert which is why I asked.
    It’s unfortunate that with a new year you wish to continue with the nonsense. Or perhaps you suffer from cris which has no known cure either.

    Again waterpirate thank you.

  143. ERDSCHUTZ says:

    “Delaware Right” ist ein offener Abwasserkanal. (Translation, “Delaware Right” is an open sewer.”) (Also you were warned about further postings in a foreign language. Your comments will now be treated as spam. Frank Knotts)

  144. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Mr. Knotts found the spam button!!

  145. Frank Knotts says:

    HTM, I have known where it is for quite some time, however, unlike some ham handed practitioners of blog control, I choose to use it sparingly, not as a rebuttal.

  146. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Just cheering for you Mr. Knotts. It was getting old and provided nothing. Shows Integrity which is what this post is all about!!! So nice to see your sense of humor coming out to play at times. This earns you a toast tonight “…unlike some ham handed practitioners of blog control, I choose to use it sparingly, not as a rebuttal.” Now THAT is integrity!

    Laffter! We take a bow to you and a toast in your honor tonight. Pandora as well will get a toast and a Spock Tribute as we know she ‘understands’.

    TM IT3 thanks Richard Cranium for the verification. It was a late night for him but you made it worthwhile.
    TMF responds to Richard Cranium with the following (she’s prepping dinner now): “We all know your true colors. New year, or old year, those colors won’t change. It’s not just us that suffer from distaste as Mr. Knotts has made perfectly clear he has that same distaste concerning you as well and he runs this playground with a level of integrity you don’t know exists.”
    Please don’t answer but the question of the day around here has been…What is a ‘cris’?

    Mmmmm it smells like fine dining will be had again tonight! We are barred from kitchen for now and HUNGRY. Movie of the night is ‘The Family’.

  147. waterpirate says:

    If I were not so busy I would pen a post entitled ” personal responsability ” Any takers on that post fest?

  148. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Let’s do this thing waterpirate! You know that House Tuxamus Maximus is good to go! Bring it on oh hold on better yet… Engage

  149. Laffter says:

    @waterpirate…….MAKE IS SO!

    And thanks Frank…’s fair to warn and then execute- progressive discipline works

    And HTM! Thanks for the toast

  150. Laffter says:

    Whoops MAKE IT SO!

    Forgot my glasses

  151. William Christy says:

    HTM I was in Wyoming yesterday and happened to run into Frank. We had a short discussion and shook hands. Apparently Frank and I possess a quality which you lack. You keep thinking I’m sure your astute crew will figure “cris” out. Have a great day!

  152. Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Tuxamus Maximus thinks the following on Richard Cranium’s last comment. When Mr. Knotts posts that he trusts you to not record conversations or not to stab him in his back in any way we would possibly consider rethinking your true colors.

    Until Mr. Knotts tells his readers he has added you to his Christmas card list and has had you over to his home for dinner (please post a picture of you smiling together at your dinner table Mr. Knotts) stating on this site that he trusts you implicitly in every way shape and form we will have no doubt he shook your hand and agreed with whatever you said to do nothing more than placate you at the time.

    When Tuxamus Maximus reads from Mr. Knotts that he would trust you alone in his home and that he has done a complete 180 regarding things he has written about you in the past maybe then Tuxamus Maximus would reconsider…

    Mr. Knotts is a man of Integrity and Respect if nothing else. If he’s hit the reset button concerning you considering all he’s written otherwise he will let all the readers here know otherwise.

    Tuxamus Maximus has yet to mention you by name yet you respond to a name you know well. You’ve stated in the past you don’t respond to the third person yet you do it continuously here on this thread.

    Integrity is something that is possessed as an individual. Respect is something one earns by having Integrity and the trust of others.

    It seems that even your old playground has turned on you. A place where you were once entrusted as a moderator. What is Tuxamus Maximus, and others that play here, to think of that?

    Let’s hear from Mr. Knotts regarding his encounter with you and maybe, just maybe a man of Integrity will cause us, and others, to think differently.

    Would Laffter , waterpirate , Dave, Harry W, and the rest of the DR commenting gang be on board with this? Let HTM know!

  153. Rick says:

    I have met Frank, too. And Frank used to be a regular called on GMD, too (so much so that a i caller once called and asked “is Frank there?”) , as am I. And on most things- not every thing, but on most issues we agree (I know that must irritate some of you). Where we tend to drift apart is over technique. As a conservative, I believe we are at war- war, with the left. Hence, I believe that anything is fair, since the battle is for the future of the United States. So I support those who are willing to use the same dirty tactics against the left that they so unhesitatingly use against us. I hold no enmity towards Frank.

  154. Laffter says:

    My thoughts for HTM on your comment.

    I have read the comments made by Frank about that individual , the recordings, the physical threats etc.. Frank is his own person and makes his own decisions regarding people in his life….as do I and as do all of us.

    I have also read the many threats that individual has written here and on other blogs _ the insults! the threats! the lies! the sock – puppets used, the IP tracking. He has alienated every group he gets involved with and has quite the history.i personally believe him to be emotional unstable if not psychologically unstable.

    Whether Frank chooses to accept him or not, I Never will. This person has ‘ befriended” folks in the real world only to use them and then cast them aside, people of all walks of life and political persuasion. Then to stab them in the back and betray them afterwards.


    I think that answers your question about that person

    As for Rick – his last statement proclaiming “I believe anything is fair, since the battle is for the future of the United States” ” I believe we are at war”

    This also indicates someone who can never be trusted and will use any tactic at their disposal to further their goal. Destroy anyone they perceive is a enemy, using any means possible

    Therefore, a sociopath with psychopathic tendencies. These are veiled threats , and not pleasant ones

    Neither individual wore the uniform, neither individual served in that capacity and neither individual has a shred of INTREGRITY , nor could ever be trusted.
    I can only take people at their words and these are the words I have seen in black and white and neither deserve my time or attention.
    Nor I feel, the time and attention of any serious person.

    Lies and mis- truths, I will address and try to correct. Each blogger here will have to make up their own minds on how they wish to address or not address these personalities, not a decision for me to make, but one I must respect as I don’t walk in your shoes.

    Good luck making your choice, but these are mine and the rational for them- as for the clown posting in German? Really? It wasn’t even grammatically correct. LOL NOT EVEN WORTH THE TIME TO RESPOND TO.

    Thanks Frank for placing them in spam, a fitting place for them.

  155. william Christi says:


  156. Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Priceless Laffter! The toast this evening will require refills.
    HTM (thinking here is just that we go back to true 3RD person soon but going to run it past TMV this afternoon before we do) never stated we would do anything more than ‘reconsider’ if Mr. Knotts wrote a retraction of all he has written in the past.

    HTM can reconsider just about anything that doesn’t jeopardize this wonderful gig (or assignment) going on here at HTM. We can reconsider while making jokes and busting our guts with comments on why we would want to reconsider!

    We are on same page Laffter.

  157. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    House Tuxamus Maximus has taken a moment of silence to honor the late Mrs. Mother Knotts. We will once again take a moment of silence at the dinner table to honor Mr. Frank Knotts and his deceased parents. TMF will also raise the first toast, in a solemn manner, to Mr. Frank Knotts for all he has endured while dealing with all of us nitwits on his playground.

    A man of Integrity has lost his mother having been under the care of Hospice and some were cruel enough to be less than respectful while he had to deal with approaching death of a loved one.

    This says a lot about the ones that disrespected his efforts as a man with Integrity. We might not always agree with him but at least we here at the House Of Tuxamus Maximus have always tried to respect Mr. Knotts.

  158. Laffter says:

    Nicely said TM. – wish i could be there to toast Mrs. knotts with you

    She and Mr Knotts raised a fine son, one with honor and intregrity,

    God’s peace I pray for him

  159. Rick says:

    This also indicates someone who can never be trusted and will use any tactic at their disposal to further their goal. Destroy anyone they perceive is a enemy, using any means possible…

    Thank you for describing Hillary Clinton so cogently. Excellent.

  160. RedState Supporter says:

    I want to interject here for just a sec then leave you fine folks to your own fight. I noticed in the comment thread a few posts about Ayotte’s post on RedState and the site leaving it up. Let me clarify if I may.

    RedState does not usually take down posts unless they flagrantly violate site rules or are an attack on the site, a mod, or a member. Ayottte’s post may still be up, but he was blasted for his silly BS by both members and mods. In fact, he was hit so hard he finally gave up responding. Maybe that is because he is a coward and without having the power to delete opposition posts and comments that expose him for the moron he is, he just can not handle it.

    I would also like to point out that “his” posts on the cop shooting were a joke and that a member of the site called him out for plagiarism. He edited our just enough after being called out that it made it a bit difficult for anyone to state for a fact that he plagiarized the newspapers account, but it still remained quite questionable.

    Donald Ayotte is a loser, a liar, and crook and deserves to be called out at every turn. I find it hard to believe there could be a bigger piece of (Edited for content. Frank Knotts) than old Wolf, but Ayotte proved it possible.

    Just wanted to clarify the RedState issue as you may not agree with the site, like the site, or agree with it’s mission, but RedState following a long held protocol does not mean the site agrees or condones Ayotte’s post. Anyone can post a diary and unless it violates certain rules such as attacking someone, promoting third parties/democrats, contains excessive vulgarity, etc, it remains on the site.

    Just a clarification. Keep hammering the asshole, I am enjoying his tar and feathering immensely. No scumbag deserves it more.

  161. Personal Attacks says:

    redstate supporter

    I know you are a local a-hole but you know that Knotts will not take down your cursing, profanity or personal attacks against Ayotte. That makes you a total coward for violating this blogsite’s rules.

    Knotts and Ayotte are known enemies and you want to make hay. God Bless you and have a great day.

  162. McChicken says:

    Personal Attacks,

    One of the most important rules here at DR is the ability of a fool to post for everyone to see. freedom of Speech Is a wonderful thing. Even if you are using a name that might not be yours, quoting people who didn’t say what you quoted and them being called out for that specific behavior. I find it funny you attack someone for being a coward for not identifying themselves all while calling yourself ” Personal Attack”. You are right that Frank will not take down the ” truthful characterization of said Blogger”.

    Today Frank buries his mother and i respect his family enough not to allow ignorant people like you ruin the discussion.

    You should be ashamed of yourself and I hope no one attacks your INTEGRITY at a moment of family sorrow. Words escape me as how to truly describe what a scum you are.

  163. Rick says:

    I want to interject here for just a sec then leave you fine folks to your own fight. I noticed in the comment thread a few posts about Ayotte’s post on RedState and the site leaving it up. Let me clarify if I may.
    RedState does not usually take down posts unless they flagrantly violate site rules or are an attack on the site, a mod, or a member….

    It seems as though you’re intimating that you have something to do with the operation of Red State. If you do, what is your name?

    In actuality, you’re just a common DL-type, using this site for your childish, profane personal attack, under the guise of being a concerned Red State aficionado.

    Sorry, chump…you’re not fooling anyone. Go back to the DL sewer.

  164. waterpirate says:

    Do the residents of PP not realise that their supposed heroes of the environment are warming them up for a visit and hefty water bill from a private utility provider? If anyone could be accused of a bribe it should be the water liars that are hoping to benefit financially. NOT the taxpayers who will wind up paying for this fiasco.

  165. Dave says:

    “Do the residents of PP not realize that their supposed heroes of the environment are warming them up for a visit and hefty water bill from a private utility provider? ”

    So true. Especially in Sussex County where our property taxes are nice and low. As I tell visitors, the county doesn’t take your money but you don’t get any county services, such as sewer, water, or oversight. You get what you pay for. You don’t pay nothing, you don’t get nothin. That’s why I buy Middlesex Water stock. Tidewater just keeps growing and I just keep collecting dividends.

  166. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Red State Supporter and McChicken will both get toasted during Monday’s dinner. Too much football to have the big sit down on Sunday divisional playoff day. Back in a while for more.

  167. RedState Supporter says:

    Personal attacks, I am hundreds of miles away from Delaware and in fact, have never even set foot in the state. Try some other stupid argument. Just because anyone with their head not stuck firmly between their ass cheeks sees Ayotte for the scumbag he is does not mean they are from Delaware or from DL. Ayotte has earned every bit of contempt he gets.

    And to Rick, the day you actually make a reasoned statement, someone will care what about what you have to say. Until then, (Edited for content Frank Knotts) of Ayotte, maybe you will get a tasty reward soon.

  168. Rick says:

    Red State Leftie-

    You are a vulgar pig.

  169. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    That’s the best you’ve got Rick? WOW a little off topic considering that some think the previous president didn’t really offer up very much in the years he was President.

    Red State Supporter…please share more of your Don Ayotte thoughts as they are on topic when you consider promises he’s made that are off the charts.

  170. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Hey Waterpirate! comment 200 is coming up and we’re pulling for ya to be #200!

  171. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    We are concerned about you. so please follow these instructions:
    1) back away from the computer
    2) find the stairs and go up them (exercise will help you)
    3) go to the area where your medications are kept
    4) take as directed use water as a chaser
    5) go outside (it’s nice today & the bad people are not there)
    6) slowly take 10 or more deep breathes of the fresh air
    7) stand facing the sun (you need vitamin D)
    8) enjoy the fresh air for a while and let the meds kick in
    9) if you hear Foseti speaking it’s in your head call for help.
    10) get back and stay on the meds they are good for you

  172. Rick says:

    11) Take dog to beach
    12) Ride motorcycle

    Which is what I did.

  173. Rick says:

    Nick Land:

    “If the facts do not agree with the theory, so much worse for the facts” Hegel asserted. It is the Zeitgeist that is God, historically incarnated in the state, trampling mere data back into the dirt. By now, everybody knows where this ends. An egalitarian moral ideal, hardened into a universal axiom or increasingly incontestable dogma, completes modernity’s supreme historical irony by making ‘tolerance’ the iron criterion for the limits of (cultural) toleration. Once it is accepted universally, or, speaking more practically, by all social forces wielding significant cultural power, that intolerance is intolerable, political authority has legitimated anything and everything convenient to itself, without restraint.

    That is the magic of the dialectic, or of logical perversity. When only tolerance is tolerable, and everyone (who matters) accepts this manifestly nonsensical formula as not only rationally intelligible, but as the universally-affirmed principle of modern democratic faith, nothing except politics remains. Perfect tolerance and absolute intolerance have become logically indistinguishable, with either equally interpretable as the other, A = not-A, or the inverse, and in the nakedly Orwellian world that results, power alone holds the keys of articulation. Tolerance has progressed to such a degree that it has become a social police function, providing the existential pretext for new inquisitional institutions. (“We must remember that those who tolerate intolerance abuse tolerance itself, and an enemy of tolerance is an enemy of democracy,” Moldbug ironizes.)

    And this is where we are heading. To the land of the absurd.

    It is tragic that so many people are utterly unaware; and more tragic still that some who at least grasp a sliver of the truth will nevertheless be so willingly be led to the pasture- or, more properly, the ant colony- in the interest of ‘security.’

  174. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Hale-Bopp you are the absurd and proof positive they walk (or ride a motorcycle) among us.
    13) made new tin foil hat
    Integrity remains intact due to the lack of most here not being absurd.

    HTM gracefully retires from this thread now as the matter if Integrity has moved to the truly absurd and at 175 comments waterpirate may not get the 200th.

  175. Rick says:

    14) buy milk, white bread and toilet paper

  176. Laffter says:

    15) spend no time reading ricks cut and paste memes

    16) LAFF more, throw snowballs, breathe deep, exhale slowly, love life

  177. waterpirate says:

    I think we all know integrity and facts when we see them. Others are not as astute. To imply that DNREC, a self described dysfunctional entity made up of many groups that often are at odds with each other is culpable of bribes and payolla is the height of tin foil hattery. This thread is dead, as is the integrity of those we spoke of, and our new sock puppet freinds.

  178. Frank Knotts says:

    First, Red State Supporter, you are welcome here, just please dial down some of the content.
    HTM, thank you for your kind words and thoughts.
    I have to go back a ways to address the question of Mr. Christy and my relationship. Yes Mr. Christy did approach me as I was leaving the funeral home after making arrangements for my mother, a mere coincidence . Yes he did offer his condolences and a hand shake. I accepted both with the good manners that my mother taught me, which I don’t always possess. No one should read anything beyond manners into my accepting this act on his part.
    Rick is correct, we do agree on many of the things we both see as being problems, however we disagree many times on how best to achieve our shared goals. Let’s work on the things we do agree on and work on the others later.
    Now back to the chicken plant, ask yourself, how does anyone continuously say that all government is corrupt, and then demand that government do the testing to prove their point? They don’t, unless they are simply seeking to set up the next round of screaming that government is corrupt.
    To those fighting the plant, chicken plant = Mexicans, but really chicken plant =clean up of site.
    Anyone who is environmentally conscious and fiscally conservative when it comes to who should pay for the clean up, should be demanding that Allen-Hiram be allowed to go forward. Instead we have Don Ayotte, and Wolfgag running around talking about corruption, seeking only to create relevance for a third rate political party, while playing on people’s fears.
    It’s not that they lack integrity, it’s that they don’t even know what it means.

  179. River Pirate says:

    Can anyone out there tell me what those guys with monkey suits were doin at the Vlasic site the other day before the snowstorm? A friend of mine says that he saw five guys and a woman poking around out there with a bunch of gear and they sounded like Krauts.

  180. Observer says:

    I hear Herr von Baumgart vill buy der pickle plant und make saurkraut. Da swinehund. Der Vorld needs mehr sourkraut

  181. waterpirate says:

    It seems DA is backpeddling his position even further. He also fails to clarify or rebuff the bombastic claims he has made. My problem with this whole affair is that they have NO clear goals or objectives, save for publicity, sensationalism, and controversy.

    IF: the groundwater contamination has put PP residents at risk, what are they doing to help? IF the contamination exists the barn door can not be shut after the horse ran off.

    A clear objective would be:

    1. lobying for central water to be provided
    2. lobying for funding of DNREC revolving fund to replace the sub-standard wells.
    3. Stop chest thumping about internet definitions and help, not controvert.

  182. Rick says:

    I hear Herr von Baumgart vill buy der pickle plant und make saurkraut.

    Yah, but der pickle too…maken der name Pickled Possum Point.

  183. TSUNAMI says:

    Frankie’s mind is really pickled if he thinks that he’s “Moving Delaware Forward” with junk posts like this. LOL. What a loser.

  184. waterpirate says:

    Really? Thats all you could type?
    There are more facts and real links to those facts and data in this post, sans any personal agenda than has been reported elsewhere in the last year.

  185. Dave says:

    “…they have NO clear goals or objectives, save for publicity, sensationalism, and controversy.”

    Well, clearly this is the objective. Since most of the electorate ignores platforms, there must be a defining issue that a candidate can champion, thus catapulting them into the limelight and hopefully into office.

    DA and the IPOD selected feel that this issue is tailor made for their attempted ascent. Unfortunately, they failed to assess the puts and takes when betting the farm.

    While the contamination is deplorable, government oversight and regulation was and is necessary, which is at odds to their platform. There is also no clear culprit as the residents hands (septic tanks) are not clean and do not have much standing as victims. Then there are the jobs at risk if they were to succeed in halting the chicken plant.

    What they have succeeded in doing is to bring attention to themselves and highlight that the emperor has no clothes. They would have been better served if they had some concrete non-political objectives, such as WP mentioned, like centralized water and even centralized sewer. Unfortunately those objectives are off limits because they involve more government and possibly more taxes. Thus their hands were tied.

    Poor strategy on DA/IPODs part. Such is the fate of those who allow beliefs rather than fact govern their planning. Still there is value in what they have done. This could be construed as an audition of sorts on how they would govern if given the opportunity. Now that we have seen the audition we can make informed decisions when the election rolls around.

  186. Observer says:

    Herr von Baumgart vill make der new Wolfie Dark Lager vit der saurkraut in der new pickle plant. Und all der people of Possum Point vill get free lager. Vait for der Oktoberfest, next year on der Chromium field next to der Pickle Plant.

  187. Rick says:

    Vill be der Pickled Possum Lager?

  188. Observer says:


    Ja Dar vill be der special Cr6 Dark Lager. Und for der stout volk, der vill be Kobalt bratwurst. Der Oktoberfest vill be hosted by Der 700 Krauts Wolfgang will import for de jobs. Special Wolfmeister Pilsner vill be brewed for der volks without Cr6 water.

  189. Otto says:

    The whole of Delaware Right is not worth the bones of a single Pommeranian Grenadier.

  190. Tuxamus Maximus F & W says:

    We have given this a lot of thought here of late. We’ve read definitions of ‘Integrity’ as well as many descriptions of ‘Integrity’. Many things have come to our minds.

    Overall the “Measure of ones Integrity” continues to come back to our thinking again and again. There are some mentioned above (TSUNAMI being a prime example) that have none whatsoever and others that have unquestioned ‘Integrity’.

    Does one have more than another…certainly when you look at the whole of it all the answer is yes but when one has to measure the ‘Integrity’ of one’s self compared to another, or others, you have to question the one and the level, or measure, of the one’s Integrity’.

    Does ‘Integrity’ include compassion for the plight of others? NO, but it could be included in the measure of ‘Integrity’. Does one that wears religion on one’s sleeve and use religion to hold oneself above another in measuring ‘Integrity’ have that right? NO.

    Does one without humanity have ‘Integrity’? Yes…it’s possible as that’s not in the definition, or description, of ‘Integrity’. We feel it should be if one is to feel capable of judging the ‘Integrity’ of others. If one cannot understand, or see, the human condition of all others the one is not competent to stand in judgment of others. The one must look to see and then be able to understand.

    If one has to question the ‘Integrity’ of one compared to another it is possible that the one questioning may have to look in the mirror and wonder if that is all they have to offer all sentient beings. If so one may want to rethink what else they have to offer not only other humans but animals and other creatures as well.

    Being able to offer ‘Integrity’ is a good thing but if that is all one has to offer it is a sad condition for the one to endure. When one puts oneself in a position to judge another’s ‘Integrity’ the one had better be a pretty darned good and decent person. One capable of compassion for all sentient beings.

    Now you have our thoughts concerning ‘Integrity’ and the ability to judge and measure ‘Integrity’. Take it for what you want of it!

    TM’s ‘Fred’ and ‘Wilma’

  191. DrEhrlich says:

    Funny you should mention Integrity.

    The results are in and Delaware Right has failed the Wassermann Test — and we don’t mean the short form of the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz test.

    One ray of hope:

    95% of DR regulars pass the Sgt. Schultz Test.

  192. TM's F & W says:

    Although we thank DrEhrlich for keeping this thread alive we don’t agree with his % but will happily add the name to the list below (from our comment above).
    There are some mentioned above (DrEhrlich TSUNAMI being prime examples) that have none whatsoever and others that have unquestioned ‘Integrity’.

Got something to say? Go for it!