Thanksgiving Open Thread

horn of plenty I know it’s Thanksgiving Day, and I don’t expect many to see this today, so I will leave it up for a day or two.  I pray that all of the readers here have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving with their family and friends. May we all find peace and forgiveness.

I hope those who wish to, would use this thread to tell us all, what they are thankful for, I know it’s cliché, but I have to hurry to help the wife.

Let me get the ball rolling. I am thankful for the grace of God, I am thankful for the love of my family, the loyalty of my friends, I am thankful for all of my mistakes, which have led me to where I am today. Everyday may not seem like a blessing on the surface, but I know if not for the mistakes, I would never be able to appreciate the successes.

This year began on a rather bad note for me, as many of my regular readers know. I lost my job of thirty-five years due to a stupid and dangerous decision I made. I took, and still take full responsibility for it. But out of that failure, I have been able to find a new path, one which holds its own challenges. I am thankful for my new employer, and his willingness to look past my failure, and to give me an opportunity to succeed. And yes, I was completely honest with him about my failure.

On a lighter note, I am thankful for all, and I do mean all, the people who come to this site to discuss and debate the political and social issues facing us on a daily basis. I appreciate those who disagree with me just as much as those who agree with me. It is the discussion which is important, the fact we can have the discussion in an open, and free environment.

I hope the guest here appreciate the place, we at Delaware Right have created, and take full advantage of it. In the near future, we will be making some changes and additions in order to expand this space to allow an even broader and more open discussion of the issues.

May we all have a blessed and happy day today, and tomorrow, and moving forward.

God Bless

89 Comments on "Thanksgiving Open Thread"

  1. Frank Knotts says:

    So I guess no one is thankful for anything?

  2. Rick says:

    I am thankful that the corrupt, criminal Clinton political machine has been sent packing.

    I am thankful that we will soon have a President who cares more about the United States and less about fomenting racial discord and world socialism.

    I am thankful that the mass media has finally been show to be biased idiots in twenty-five-hundred-dollar suits.

    I am thankful that a higher percentage of Latinos have had the courage to fight the Socialist-Democrats’ efforts to herd them onto the dependency plantation, where they have enslaved urban blacks for decades. Bravo.

    I am thankful that the Socialist-Democrats, having learned nothing from the election, are promoting career leftists like the has-been Nancy Pelosi, the aged socialist Bernie Sanders, the radical one-half-of-one-percent “Native American” Elizabeth Warren and the lying Muslim with direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Keith Ellison, into “leadership” positions. Thanks, morons.

    I am thankful that we soon will have an Attorney General who isn’t so monumentally stupid as to sell automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels, who will prosecute hate-group Black Panther thugs who intimidate voters at polling places, who will realize that blacks and Latinos can commit “hate crimes” and will enforce immigration laws as per his/her oath of office.

    I am thankful that a “deal” with Iran, which was in fact a treaty, and thus, required the “advice and consent” of the Senate, is pate try invalid, and thus, open to renegotiation or invalidation.

    I am thankful that Obama’s many illegal “executive orders” will soon be eradicated.

    I am thankful that Mitch McConnell has indicated that if the Socialist-Democrats in the Senate attempt to obstruct judicial nominees, he will consider invoking the “nuclear option” – following the precident of Harry Reid- as a means of streamlining the nomination and consent process.

    I am thankful that the citizens of thirty-three of our fifty states have shown the wisdom to elect Republican governors.

    I am thankful that my 10X grandfather had the foresight and courage to immigrate to North America, and become a charter member of the Newport (RI) Colony in 1640.

    Most of all, I am thankful that my 25-year-old son and his new fiancée are educated, honest, hard-working and career-oriented, as opposed to so many 20-something “liberal” crybabies, who seem to think the world owes them a living.

  3. Honi Soit says:

    i am thankful that we will all be saying Merry Christmas. No more more Happy Holidays. But does it start this year or only after Trump is installed?

  4. Rick says:

    …does it start this year or only after Trump is installed?

    “Installed?” He’s a president, not a fuel pump.

    But no president can alter the “liberal” left’s rush toward lunacy. The left believes in “diversity” only in regard to ethnicity. Fomenting discord and envy are all they’ve got. There can be no diversity of thought. No diversity of belief. When individuals drift from idiotic leftist linguistic dogma, the thought police are there to correct them. Just like in the old Soviet Union or in contemporary Cuba or North Korea. In essence, the left are totalitarians. And if they had the power, they’d put dissenters in camps.

    If I want to say “Merry Christmas,” that is my business. And the same goes for Kellogg’s or Walmart. And if Chris Matthews and Van Jones say “Happy Kwanza,” that is their business. I am not “offended.” Nor does it bother me to see a Menorrah display or a Festivis pole.

    If you don’t like Christmas, live with those who do. Ditto Kwanza and Hanukkah. Of course, the left doesn’t despise Christmas, per se. They dispise American traditions- particularly Christian holidays- and will do anything in their power to undermine them. As instructed by Marx and Engels.

    Only when the existing culture is undermined can a new utopia be ushered-in. A belief in and an unwavering fealty to the Almighty State. By coercion and force, with severe penalties for non-believers.

  5. Frank Knotts says:

    Wait a minute Rick. Wasn’t you who was always saying there was a war on Christianity?
    And by the way Rick, you do realize you have turned this thanksgiving post into a political screed.
    That’s interesting since it was just last year you criticized me for the Thanksgiving Day post I wrote by saying in your first comment on the thread, “Why do you have to turn a post on Thanksgiving into a political screed?”
    I have always found you to be intelligent, but you are the truest demonstration of a hypocrite.
    Here is the link if you would like to refresh your memory.

  6. Rick says:

    Rick, you do realize you have turned this thanksgiving post into a political screed.

    Yes, I do. As per your instructions. I mean, you did post this, right?….

    I hope those who wish to, would use this thread to tell us all, what they are thankful for…

    Well, after you responded to your own post with this…

    So I guess no one is thankful for anything?

    I posted my “screed,” a recitation of things I am thankful for.

    Wasn’t you who was always saying there was a war on Christianity?

    Yes. Many times. And there is, as I posted above….

    …the left doesn’t despise Christmas, per se. They dispise American traditions- particularly Christian holidays- and will do anything in their power to undermine them.

    The left attacks Christianity- and the Judeo-Christian ethic- at every turn.

    That’s interesting since it was just last year you criticized me for the Thanksgiving Day post I wrote by saying in your first comment on the thread, “Why do you have to turn a post on Thanksgiving into a political screed?” I have always found you to be intelligent, but you are the truest demonstration of a hypocrite.

    Well, one obvious difference between your two Thanksgiving posts was the title. Last year the post was titled “Be Thankful.” To me, “Be Thankful” does not include a litany of evils.

    This year, your post was titled “Thanksgiving Open Thread.” Does that mean a literal “open thread,” or an open thread on the subject of Thanksgiving? Who could know?

    Hence, there was nothing “hypocritical” about my posts.

  7. Honi Soit says:

    I am thankful a passenger on Delta Flight 248 on Tuesday, Nov 20 made a video of a Trump supporter saying:

    “Donald Trump, baby! We got some Hillary bitches on this plane? Trump is your president! Every goddamn one of you. If you don’t like it, too bad.”

  8. Honi Soit says:

    I am thankful that Ted Cruz summed Trump up by saying that he is:

    *a pathological liar
    *utterly amoral
    *a narcissist at a level he thinks this country has never seen
    *a serial philanderer

    A good start.

  9. Frank Knotts says:

    Na ,Rick you’re right, you’re not a hypocrite at all.

  10. fightingbluehen says:

    I would be more thankful if Trump stopped tweeting, right…..”Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!”

    I think I’ve learned to pick this guy’s brain over the past couple years. He knows half the shit he says is inconsequential until he’s actually at the bargaining table and a deal is being struck. He may even comment on possible deals that he knows he wouldn’t even be a part of, for instance, the introduction of a bill concerning the burning of the American flag.

    Sometimes Trump gets caught up in these free flowing thought process exercises; it’s all part of the pre deal banter. It’s hard for him to let go of this, and because he has a cell phone… sometimes it ends up as an embarrassing Tweet…….Trump should seriously look into employing a moderator for his Twitter account, or better yet… just take away his cell phone completely.

  11. Rick says:

    He may even comment on possible deals that he knows he wouldn’t even be a part of, for instance, the introduction of a bill concerning the burning of the American flag.

    The intention is probably to put the Socialist-Democrats on the side of flag-burners. Yes, the Supreme Court has ruled flag-burning to be protected under the penumbra of “free speech.” But that doesn’t mean that the American people like it. And who can say that if Trump gets two or three court appointments, that the law wouldn’t be revisited- and reversed?

    … sometimes it ends up as an embarrassing Tweet…….Trump should seriously look into employing a moderator for his Twitter account.

    Why are they “embarrassing?” Because CNN told you so?

    Trump throws the hostile “mainstream” media a bone occasionally to reinforce the “us versus them” narrative that helped him get elected. He realizes that the “liberal” press never learns.

  12. Honi Soit says:

    First the flag, next lèse majesté. Off with their heads for offending a resigning sovereign! Of course Trump can’t do jack until he is installed on Jan 20.

  13. mouse says:

    I’m thankful I have a cushy life in a beach resort

  14. mouse says:

    I can’t believe they started the war on Christmas before Thanksgiving this year. The nerve lol

  15. Fish Bites says:

    I’m thankful that I will soon be able to quit paying for the medical costs of all of those old people who did not have the foresight to provide for themselves:

    “According to multiple reports Monday evening, President-Elect Donald Trump has settled on Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) as his nominee to become Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Price, an orthopedic surgeon and Budget Committee Chair in the outgoing Congress, is an arch-critic of ‘Obamacare’ and a top supporter of Speaker Paul Ryan’s plan to phase out Medicare and replace it with private insurance and vouchers.”

    Replace Medicare with private insurance? You mean like the Obamacare exchanges? LOL. Who is going to be selling medical insurance to old people at a price they can afford? What a joke.

    “Here’s your coupons, granny.”

  16. mouse says:

    I hope the bigoted white trash class is the first to start dying from lack of proper medical care

  17. Rick says:

    …and a top supporter of Speaker Paul Ryan’s plan to phase out Medicare and replace it with private insurance and vouchers.”

    Medicare is paid for by the worker, like Social Security. I doubt that any restructuring of Medicare would involve people over fifty. Younger workers will probably be given some sort of Medicare tax credit, which lowers as income increases. Medicare is “insurance,” although run by inefficient government bureaucrats. Vouchers and/or “private insurance” makes perfect sense.

    …start dying from lack of proper medical care.

    The U.S. had the best healthcare system in the world- before Obama. Anyone without insurance who was seriously ill could walk in to any hospital emergency room and be treated- by law.

    Of course, this is not the best solution. But neither is Medicaid- it is going bankrupt. Perhaps the able-bodied poor or unemployed can be required to do community service in exchange for insurance credits. Of course, while the chronically ill and disabled must be provided for, it is unfair for the productive to carry the lazy, in perpetuity. At least make them do meanial work for their healthcare, even if it is just picking up trash on the side of the road or planting flowers in medians.

  18. Rick says:

    On a side note, I saw Chris Coons on CNN. He was lamenting the Democrats’ changing of Senate filibuster rules on judicial nominees. He “regrets” the decision.

    Well, Chris ‘ol boy, remember the old adage; “what goes around comes around.” Your party changed the rules. And now your party will pay the price.


  19. Honi Soit says:

    @Rick: “The U.S. had the best healthcare system in the world- before Obama. Anyone without insurance who was seriously ill could walk in to any hospital emergency room and be treated- by law.”

    Pants-on-Fire Wrong: The US did not have the best healthcare system before Obamacare. I won’t bother to substantiate my counterclaim because Rick does not support his claim. When he does, I will.

    Somewhat Right: Hospital emergency rooms were and ARE STILL required by law to provide emergency services regardless of ability to pay, but only if that hospital participates in Medicare. The law is unfunded, meaning that hospitals have to absorb the costs. So what do they do about that? They pass them on to patients who can pay or to their insurance companies. And that’s one reason why insurance costs are so high. You already are paying for those who don’t/can’t.

  20. Rick says:

    The US had the best healthcare system in the world. That’s why world leaders and rich foreigners came here for healthcare. Unlike Britain, you didn’t have to wait a year for elective surgery.

    Good luck “proving” that the US didn’t (or did) have the best healthcare system. That would be like “proving” Moby Dick was the best book ever written, that blue is the “best” color or that McDonalds’ makes the best hamburger because they’ve sold the most.

    Thank you Donald Trump for saving our Carrier jobs!

  21. Sam Chick says:

    Thank you, Rick, for years of making the comments section worth visiting.

  22. Rick says:

    Thanks, Sam.

    I notice that Our Little Red Star is blaming Fox News for Hillary’s defeat. Paraphrasing, he said “in all rural areas, restaurants and pool halls have Fox New on.”

    To bad Hillary didn’t reach out to Obama’s “bitter folks who cling to their guns and religion” as effectively as he did.

  23. Honi Soit says:

    @Rick: Good luck “proving” that the US didn’t (or did) have the best healthcare system.

    Many thanks for discrediting your own bogus claim that the US had the best healthcare system in the world before Obamacare. I won’t even try to show that it wasn’t the best because you are unable to show that it was. And I didn’t think you

  24. Honi Soit says:

    could. And BYW, I see that Rump’s choice for Treasury Secretary used to work for George Soros. Do you also think someone should have him assassinated?

  25. Honi Soit says:

    @Rick: Paraphrasing, he said “in all rural areas, restaurants and pool halls have Fox New on.”

    When paraphrasing, you don’t use quotation marks. Jeez.

  26. Honi Soit says:

    @Rick: To [sic] bad Hillary didn’t reach out to Obama’s “bitter folks who cling to their guns and religion” as effectively as he did.

    When you using quotation marks, you really ought to go to the trouble of using the original words rather than relying on memory. Them’s the rules, Rick. In this case:

    “And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

  27. Rick says:

    Many thanks for discrediting your own bogus claim that the US had the best healthcare system…

    Nothing was discredited. World leaders and rich foreigners did flock to the US. What was discredited was your feeble intimation that you could “prove” the unprovable.

    When paraphrasing, you don’t use quotation marks. Jeez.

    I heard BO’s clip in the background, once. I assume I was paraphrasing- but what if I wasn’t?

    …you really ought to go to the trouble of using the original words rather than relying on memory

    If I were preparing an article for a newspaper, that’s what I would do. But not for a local blog.

    Like any leftist, you attack the means of delivery rather than the content of the message itself. That is a sure sign of weakness, endemic among “liberals” (actually, lockstep conformists) like you.

    It’s a bit early, but I can’t help but look ahead to the ’18 elections. The Socialist-Democrats will have to defend twenty-five US Senate seats, many of which are in red states. The GOP weathered the ’16 storm fairly well- although the Socialist-Democrats bragged about gaining control of the Senate, only Kirk (IL) and Ayotte (NH) actually lost.

    Is a 60-seat GOP Senate majority on the horizon? Could be.

  28. delacrat says:

    Hey rick,

    How about Trump choosing a former George Soros employee and GoldmanSachs partner, Stephen Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary ?

    And Trump famously took Ted Cruz to task for his ties to GoldmanSachs.

    Oh yeah, Trump’s no hypocrite.

    When are you “conservatives” gonna stop falling for these bait-and-switch candidates ?

  29. Rick says:

    All politicians are hypocrites.

    I have no problem with Mnuchin, because he knows Wall Street, but isn’t particularly liked by Wall Street. Sort of an insider-outsider. That he worked for Soros’ hedge fund is irrelevant. He isn’t Soros.

    I also have no problem with Jeff Sessions, although some Democrats working on the fringes of criminality might. Nor do I have a problem with the fact that Senate rules have been changed, and thus, Trump can appoint anyone he wants at the USDC and Circuit Court levels. Nor do I have a problems with the fact that since Obamacare was enacted through reconciliation, it can be undone through reconciliation- with no Democrat votes necessary.

    Thanks Donald Trump for saving blue collar Carrier families!

  30. mouse says:

    Well ya know, I could get used to all this garish vulgarity if it works to make things better. I’m betting professional wrestling is going to make a comeback too.

  31. mouse says:

    The problem is that there is a lower middle class white uneducated cohort that calls itself conservative that really doesn’t stand for anything other than tribal affiliation based in resentment. Therefore, facts, hypocrisy, distortions, manipulations, 180 degree shifts in policy and the like really don’t mean anything to them as long as their resentments are rhetorically addressed.

  32. Rick says:

    …there is a lower middle class white uneducated cohort that calls itself conservative that really doesn’t stand for anything other than tribal affiliation based in resentment.

    If that is true, you can thank Obama. All he talks about is America’s inherent racism. And his economic “recovery” is essentially non-existant. He has divided the country along racial lines, and has allowed the manufacturing economy to languish, through inattention and over-regulation.

    Under the Obama administration, the GOP has gained over 1000 state and federal legislative seats. The GOP holds 33 governorships.

    Don’t blame “uneducated whites.” Place the blame where it rightly belongs; Barack Hussein Obama, and his heir apparent, Hillary Clinton, who essentially promised to continue his campaign of division.

  33. mouse says:

    Yes, old white uneducated men can once again stand proud. And ya know, for way too long science has been allowed to reign. Now, it’s going to be like affirmative action for dogma and unverified claims. And it’s about time those uppity educated scientists were put in their place and now have to take a back seat while a more fair consideration is given to the view of polluters.

  34. mouse says:

    I’m not sure about a campaign of division. I’m pretty sure that was a big part of Trump’s success, i.e., appealing to tribal resentments of people who are easily manipulated by slogans, jingoism and cheap bigoted pandering parlor tricks. But the Clintons and Obamas could have done some of this on jobs but chose to ignored it. They were clearly the primary source of their own loss.

  35. Honi Soit says:

    Rump’s nominee for Defense Secretary, Mad Dog Mattis said, “Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling. You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.”

    Don’t know what Mad Dog thinks of shooting guys who grab pussies. My guess is he likes hanging with them. On the other hand, he did once say, “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

  36. mouse says:

    Shrink, I want to kill kill kill

  37. delacrat says:

    “Shrink, I want to kill kill kill” – mouse

    “It all started two Thanksgivin’s ago…..”

  38. Honi Soit says:

    @Rick: “Thanks Rump for saving blue collar Carrier families!”

    Thanks rather to Pence, who offered up inducements (read tax breaks) to Carrier. Yes, it’s the taxpayers of Indiana who are bearing the burden to keep 1,000 jobs there. But credit for this socialist handout should properly go to Rump for pressuring Pence.

  39. delacrat says:

    “Thanks rather to Pence, who offered up inducements (read tax breaks) to Carrier.” – honi soit

    Rather, thank the Indiana taxpayer….

  40. Honi Soit says:

    And even our BFF Sarah Palin thinks the deal smells:

    “When government steps in arbitrarily with individual subsidies, favoring one business over others, it sets inconsistent, unfair, illogical precedent. Republicans oppose this, remember? Instead, we support competition on a level playing field, remember? Because we know special interest crony capitalism is one big fail.”

  41. fightingbluehen says:

    They started beach replenishment this week in Rehoboth. It’s costing tax payers $11 million to pump sand onto the beach.

    if you go to , you can see that they are extending the beach out to the end of the jetties. (about twenty feet from where it is now). I’ve seen that much sand come and go over a few weeks just naturally do to wind direction and wave action.

    They could finish the job, and one storm could hit, and take away all of that $11 million of sand in a day or two…..Just seems like a crap shoot to me.

    There are creative, and more permanent ways to keep sand on the beach that would make the shore break safer for tourists, and as an added bonus give better and safer waves for surfing, body boarding, and the like.

  42. Rick says:

    Yes, old white uneducated men can once again stand proud.

    What would you call the black ghetto-dwellers who vote Dem 98%- geniuses?

    If so many Americans are “uneducated,” then place the blame where it belongs- on our obsolete government schools. On international test, the US, once a perennial leader, is now middle of the pack.

    Time to allow open vouchers, and introduce produce or die competition. Do it for “the children.”

  43. Honi Soit says:

    @Rick: “On international test, the US, once a perennial leader, is now middle of the pack. Time to allow open vouchers….”

    Oh right. That will push us up in the international rankings, for sure. Look out South Korea, Japan, Singapore, the UK, Finland and others. But wait. No voucher systems in place in those countries. And come to think of it, there was no voucher system in place when the US was “once a perennial leader’ in public education.

    But never mind. Rick deems vouchers to be the answer.

  44. Rick says:

    Yes, I deem vouchers to be the answer.

    Why didn’t Obama send his two kids to public school in Washington? After all, the per-pupil- spending in DC is among the highest in the country. And after all, we all know that money means academic achievement, right?

    Introduce competition- and thus, privatization- through the use of universal vouchers, and the failing schools will fall by the wayside.

    Of course, some mediocre schools will remain open, for those students who don’t want to learn, are disruptive or violent, and are willing to submit to a curriculum tainted by useless political propaganda, gender as a social construct and phony self-esteem building.

    “Make America’s Schools Great Again!”

  45. Honi Soit says:

    I doubt those vouchers would be honored at Sidwell Friends, where tuition runs north of $38K, but does include a hot lunch for the Obama girls. And vouchers certainly wouldn’t be honored at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, where little Barron Trump attends. Tuition there is about $45K.

    That’s what they charge at any rate. Who know whether Rump pays it. If Barron’s teachers don’t give him straight A pluses, then Rump might well stiff them. Like he did with his contractors.

  46. Rick says:

    The vouchers would have to be honored at Friends, assuming the student qualifies and the parents could cover the amount over the voucher value. Since federal departments have regulatory and enforcement authority, Socialist-Democrats will learn that the Dept. of Education is a double-edged sword.

    The voucher value will be approximately the amount a state spends, per-pupil. In regions where mediocre schools predominate, there will be a proliferation of new, small schools for those parents who don’t entrust their children’s future to bastions of useless politically-correct dogma, ineffective teachers protected by unions, a hate-America curricula, violence and disruptive students.

    It’s funny how today’s “liberals” are enamored with the status quo- enshrined academic mediocrity. Sure, the Obama’s can afford to send their kids to Friends. What about those who cannot? The “liberals” want to perpetuate a system in which the economic elite can assure their kids’ academic success- an elite prep school and then a “prestigious” university degree- while the average child is mired in academic mediocrity. Essentially, the left- so-called liberals and the Socialist-Democrats- are fighting tooth-and-nail for an academic caste system which ensures that wealthy offspring will be afforded opportunities unavailable to the vast majority of students of modest means.

    The Congress and the incoming president must act, and end this atrocity. Vouchers for all.

  47. mouse says:

    That 11 million in Rehoboth benefits almost entirely the land holders in Rehoboth who rent homes for 5000 a week or more and small spaces for businesses at sky high rates. I live there. I don’t need beach replenishment. The beach is fine without the artificial pile of sand. The state park beaches are fine without any government sand for rich people

  48. fightingbluehen says:

    I can see pilling some sand to make a dune in front of the board walk, but extending the beach just to watch it get washed away seems like a scam to me.

    On 48th st in OC, there is a jetty with two ten foot pylons on either side. In the winter the pylons become fully exposed, and during the summer months, the sand naturally washes and blows back in, and the jetty and pylons get completely covered again. This happens every year with or without pumping sand.

    Check it out for yourselves,

  49. Rick says:

    The Cape Henlopen Lighthouse eventually succumbed to the relentless ocean waves.

    Imagine the horror, awakening to see the digital clock, once proudly ablaze with a red glow high above Thrasher’s, sparking and sputtering in a briny pool of water at the Bandstand Circle.

    The answer- for long term beach replenishment advocates- is to have Gus n’ Gus’ Place declared to be a historic landmark, and thus, eligible for perpetual federal protection.

  50. mouse says:

    Mmmmmm, salty Thrasher’s french fries

  51. delacrat says:

    “I have no problem with Mnuchin,…” – rick

    Buyers Remorse – Trump Supporter Was Foreclosed on by Treasury Pick Steve Mnuchin

    “Those who recognize Trump’s betrayal most quickly will be average Americans who have been preyed upon by some of his cabinet picks.”

    “WASHINGTON (AP) — When Donald Trump named his Treasury secretary, Teena Colebrook felt her heart sink.

    She had voted for the president-elect on the belief that he would knock the moneyed elites from their perch in Washington. And she knew Trump’s pick for Treasury — Steven Mnuchin — all too well.

    OneWest, a bank formerly owned by a group of investors headed by Mnuchin, had foreclosed on her Los Angeles-area home in the aftermath of the Great Recession, stripping her of the two units she rented as a primary source of income.

    “I just wish that I had not voted,” said Colebrook, 59.”

    Trump has not even been sworn in yet, and his supporters are already turning against him.

  52. BIGRAY says:

    Thankful for you frank
    Merry Christmas

  53. Rick says:

    I’m thankful that the Socialist-Democrats rejected the call for “new blood” in leadership positions, and re-elected the aged Nancy Pelosi as Minority Leader. She doesn’t bring much in the way of new ideas to the table, but she sure is a cash cow. And as we all know, with Socialist-Democrats, ideology- even basic common sense- is ancillary to one thing and one thing only. Money.

    Here’s hoping the Socialist-Democrats are stupid enough to name Keith “X” Ellison as DNC chair. Sure, he’s on the record as hating Jews, he despises Israel and has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and Louis Farrakhan. But, he’s a “person of color” and a Muslim- the daily double of “liberal” identity politics.

    Of course, how it plays in PA, MI, WI and so on might be another story. Go X!

  54. fightingbluehen says:

    Small storm, and sand that they pumped last week is already gone

    OC rock jetty exposed ……..Guaranteed it will be fully covered again by mid summer.

    Can someone tell me how you come up with accurate sea level rise numbers considering the changing nature of the coastlines around the world, not to mention that the ocean rises an falls by various feet everyday depending on multiple factors, and the fact that the continents and seabed are also moving.

  55. fightingbluehen says:

    Small storm, and sand that they pumped last week is already gone

  56. fightingbluehen says:

    OC rock jetty exposed ……..Guaranteed it will be fully covered again by mid summer.

    Can someone tell me how you come up with accurate sea level rise numbers considering the changing nature of the coastlines around the world, not to mention that the ocean rises an falls by various feet everyday depending on multiple factors, and the fact that the continents and seabed are also moving.

  57. Rick says:

    Can someone tell me how you come up with accurate sea level rise numbers…

    No. But “rising sea levels” are crucial to the lefts’s “global warming” narrative.

    Later in the week, 90% of the continental United States will be under the influence of a frigid air mass, with daily high temperatures well below normal. To most normal people, this is known as winter. But we can expect our “climate scientists” to blame the extreme cold on “global warming.”

    The U.S. has made great strides over the past decades to reduce carbon emissions- our autos, coal-burning electric plants, factories and so on emit far more pollutants than in the 60’s. And this is a good thing. But today in China, India and many other states in the early stages of industrialization, emissions are appallingly high. Yet, the American climate Nazi’s still blame the United States. This is because there is a pinkish hue to the green movement, and the goal isn’t solely to reduce emissions, but to adversely affect our industrial capability and our standard of living. You see, to the left, America must be penalized for prosperity. To the insane green (with envy) left, our record of inventiveness, productivity and innovation just isn’t “fair.”

    Sort of like how the academic left substituted “self-esteem” for academic competence.


    U.S. Constitution, Article II., Section 2., Clause 2.

    2: He (the President) shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for…

    In 1947, Congress passed this statute (10 USC S.113 a.):

    There is a Secretary of Defense, who is the head of the Department of Defense, appointed from civilian life by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. A person may not be appointed as Secretary of Defense within seven years after relief from active duty as a commissioned officer of a regular component of an armed force.

    There is controversy developing over the proposed nomination of Gen. Mattis as Secy. of Defense, in light of the above statute. Where the controversy should be is over the constitutionality of the statute itself. As you can see, Article II of the US Constitution is quite clear on the subject.

    Congress cannot pass laws in contradiction with the constitution. For example, you couldn’t pass a law that says “the president must have a college degree” or that “Senators may only serve two terms,” because the qualifications for serving as president and the terms of US Senators are already articulated. To me, 10 USC S 113 essentially amends Article II, and is thus, unconstitutional.

  58. mouse says:

    Lasers and satellites

  59. Rick says:

    I was there last night. I don’t like the “Satellite Burger” because they serve it South Carolina style- slathered with mayonnaise. You can add relish and ketchup to mayonnaise and make “secret” sauce, which is much better.

    Does anyone remember Topp’s, the “home of the Sir Loiner?” How about the Hot Shoppes “Mighty Mo?”

  60. mouse says:

    Damn you’re old

  61. fightingbluehen says:

    “There is great uncertainty in the rate of sea level rise today because ocean-tide gauge records must be averaged over many decades and corrected for variable ocean dynamics and distortions of Earth’s crust.”….NASA

    Hey, mouse, the sea level is rising. It’s been rising since the decline of last ice age. In fact it rose somewhere around 400 ft at a rate of approximately 2 meters per century on average.

    Today the estimated rise is between “0.8 to 3.3 mm/yr, with an average rate of 1.8 mm/yr.”

    According to the data , the rate of sea level rise has decreased dramatically as the melting period of this last ice age has slowed. Why are we not looking at this as a decline in sea level rise, instead of sounding the alarm that we are all going to be flooded?

    About seventeen years ago I was at Coast Day in Lewes, and Tom Carper was making a speech, and he was very serious when he claimed that in twenty years we will be having coast day in Dover due to sea level rise and global warming…..Well, I guess he isn’t technically wrong yet because there is still three years left, but can you sea how kooky these people have become.

    You know mouse, people have been blaming themselves for the weather for thousands of years….. It’s what we do.

  62. mouse says:

    Does increasing CO2 in the atmosphere absorb and re-emit increasing infrared or does it not? Most of it is as simple as that. There’s satellite pictures of melting arctic glaciers

  63. mouse says:

    But I’m a bit confused…Is it part of the angry macho white man creed to deny obvious science as part of their identity or something?

  64. mouse says:

    Google the connection between bleaching coral reefs and lower ocean pH due to increased CO2. Some of the science is obviously obscure and difficult to fully digest but there’s a huge body of evidence out there for people who have the moral and intellectual development to seek information. If all you want is talk radio rhetoric, there’s no hope you will ever understand reality

  65. Rick says:

    I was at Coast Day in Lewes, and Tom Carper was making a speech, and he was very serious when he claimed that in twenty years we will be having coast day in Dover due to sea level rise and global warming….

    Well, what would you expect from the village idiot?

    I was at the original Earth Day, and the hysteria de jour was the impending Ice Age and the inevitable nuclear war with Russia.

    Global warming is essentially a religion to these people. Instead of a belief in God, or even nothing, they believe in anything (to borrow from GK Chesterton).

    And no, “liberals,” GK Chesterton isn’t a brand of generic cigarettes.

  66. fightingbluehen says:

    Half these people don’t even believe what they preach concerning global warming. If they did, they would be selling their property along the coastline at a loss, but they aren’t, are they.

    I was checking out a discussion about global warming and the melting Arctic ice on Facebook just recently, and someone said, and this is the copy and pasted quote, “People still think it’s a joke in your life time less than 20 years water will be worth more than GOLD”

    It’s always twenty years isn’t it…..I should offer this guy a deal on some water, right?

  67. Honi Soit says:

    @FBH: “I was checking out a discussion about global warming and the melting Arctic ice on Facebook just recently…”

    Rather says it all to my mind.

  68. fightingbluehen says:

    “Rather says it all to my mind.”

    Says what?… that polar ice caps on planets in our solar system aren’t static, and that they ebb and flow naturally due to changing output from the sun.

    At this point it’s still speculation, unless you completely buy into the fabricated consensus among people who most likely have some monetary or politically vested interest in the concept…..and that goes for both sides of the argument….but mostly the former, in my opinion.

  69. Rick says:

    …unless you completely buy into the fabricated consensus among people who most likely have some monetary or politically vested interest in the concept…


    The Solyndra/Obama collaboration was nothing more than fascism. Did the CEO remember to thank the taxpayers?

  70. Honi Soit says:

    @Rick: “The Solyndra/Obama collaboration was nothing more than fascism.’

    Fascism? Authoritarian, nationalistic, intolerant, right-wing? Fascism does not show itself though a failed loan guarantee from the Energy Department. You would do well to sneak into a dictionary more often, Rick.

  71. Rick says:

    Fascism is a corporate/government collaboration. “Green” bullshit businesses were all the pet projects of leftist know-it-alls like Obama (a man who actually knows nothing whatsoever about business), who off course steered loans Solyndra’s way (based in part on naive pie-in-the-sky revenue projections). This corporate-government hand-holding is in its essence, fascism.

  72. Rick says:

    I saw Hillary breaking-in her new comedy routine. She wants Congressional action on “fake news.”

    This is funny, since she was the perpetrator of the most heinous “fake news” stories in recent memory; her blaming the death of a U.S. Ambassador and several operatives in Bengazi on a video created by a right-wing blogger, when she already knew is was a planned Al Queda attack.

    And then spreading the same lie to the families of the victims.

    She also helped perpetuate the “black lives matter” myth, for political gain (it didn’t work).

    Isn’t there some award for “best comedic performance of the year?”

  73. Honi Soit says:

    @Rick: “Fascism is a corporate/government collaboration.”

    Oh OK, Rick. Now I understand: Govt backs private ventures. Some succeed; some fail. I guess we’ve been living in a fascist country for years and years because many corporations receive govt subsides, grants, tax credits, loans, loans guarantees and bailouts. Boeing, Ford, GM, GE, JPMorganChase. And of course, the Trump Organization. And here I thought fascism was something altogether different. You know, Italy under Mussolini and the like.

  74. Honi Soit says:

    And i would remiss if I didn’t mention some of the local businesses that have benefited from loans through the fascist Small Business Corporation: Mariachi Restaurant, Rehoboth Toy & Kite, Henlopen City Oyster House. Fascists everywhere, it seems.

  75. Rick says:

    You miss the point. It isn’t the loan, per se. Obama collaborated with “green” businesses, he promoted “green” business and prioritized “green” business. For purely ideological reasons. In a practical sense, most “green” business are not economically viable. They are pushed on the public by force, and they usually fail, especially without largesse from the treasury.

    Most of these “green” CEO con artists would never get sufficient funding from the private sector based upon their business plan- they can only get money from government officials sympathetic to their cause.

    This “green” business/government collaboration is fascism.

  76. mouse says:

    Interesting how the anti science types who only what to believe their own tribal dogma have no concern over the financial interests of polluters or their talk radio and Fix news friends who feed them the lines of polluters. Why is that? Do you people believe that increasing CO2 causes more absorption and re-emission of infra red or is that too complicated for you folk?

  77. mouse says:

    Yeah, you probably think lead restrictions in paint, pipe and gasoline are fascism too. You might look into any exposure to lead you had a child. That could be the problem.

  78. Rick says:

    Explain the Little Ice Age, that lasted 500 years. People ice skated on the Thames.

    Why did the Little Ice Age end? The industrial revolution?

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it, “professor.”

  79. mouse says:

    Are you incapable of understanding that climate has natural cycles and that concurrently dumping trillions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere has a separate influence on climate outside of normal cycles?

  80. mouse says:

    And I’m 15 ft above tidal water that is 500 ft away from my house. I’m not worried about being flooded out by rising sea levels. I’m worried about the millions of acres of marsh in DE that could be killed by a couple inches of sea level rise. It’s amazing what one can discover when they search sources that involve peer reviewed empirical science rather than angry selfish white man man rhetoric spoon fed by polluters.

  81. Rick says:

    Are you incapable of understanding that climate has natural cycles…

    The answer to that is obvious. But that doesn’t answer my question. Again….

    “…explain the Little Ice Age.”

    We know it happened. Why did it happen?

    …and that concurrently dumping trillions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere has a separate influence on climate outside of normal cycles?

    What about O2 depletion, and its effect on oceans; after the sun the second most powerful driver of climate change?

    It’s amazing what one can discover when they search sources that involve peer reviewed empirical science rather than angry selfish white man man rhetoric spoon fed by polluters.

    Who are the “peers?” Predominently, white men.

    I am interested in the opinion of South American Indians, Arab bedoins and tribal Africans. Global warming is obviously a white man conspiracy designed to prevent the Third World from becoming industrialized.

  82. mouse says:

    I’m not clear on what caused the little ice age but I am clear on the properties of CO2 and the relative amount in the atmosphere

  83. Rick says:

    This is probably the most accurate assessment as to how Hillary lost Michigan (and is likely applicable to PA and WI) that I have read or heard during all of the post-election finger-pointing. It focuses on experienced Democrat operatives in Michigan, and the Clinton campaigns refusal to accept what they were telling them about what was actually happening on the ground.

    Hillary lost Michigan (and probably PA and WI) for one reason; know-it-all arrogance.

    From today’s Politico….

    Hillary Knows Best…click here

  84. mouse says:

    That’s probably true along with Trump speaking to the heart of every angry racist rube’s deepest fantasies

  85. Rick says:

    I would guess that the KKK appreciates Planned Parenthood’s genocidal work in the ghetto. The carnage is beyond the wildest dreams of the Grand Wizard.

    I’m sure former Klansman and Socialist-Democrat icon Sen. Robert Byrd would agree, if he weren’t burning in hell.

  86. mouse says:

    Everything is about women’s sexual issues with angry old white conservative uneducated men. Why is that?

  87. Rick says:

    You’re the one that brought-up “racist rubes.” Socialist-Democrat icon and former Klansman Sen. Robert Byrd obviously suits the description perfectly.

  88. mouse says:

    The 20th century called. They want their rhetoric back lol

  89. Rick says:

    From the NY Times…

    WASHINGTON — When Special Agent Adrian Hawkins of the Federal Bureau of Investigation called the Democratic National Committee in September 2015 to pass along some troubling news about its computer network, he was transferred, naturally, to the help desk.

    His message was brief, if alarming. At least one computer system belonging to the D.N.C. had been compromised by hackers federal investigators had named “the Dukes,” a cyberespionage team linked to the Russian government.

    The F.B.I. knew it well: The bureau had spent the last few years trying to kick the Dukes out of the unclassified email systems of the White House, the State Department and even the Joint Chiefs of Staff, one of the government’s best-protected networks…

    The article goes on to say that the FBI subsequently tried to warn the DNC several times, but that the DNC seemed to think it was a “crank call.” How hard would it have been for a DNC official to call the FBI, name the agent, and ask if there was a genuine investigation?

    Instead, they did nothing.

    In a CNN report, long time failed Socialist-Democrat operative Donna Brazille said that the DNC General Councel told her that the DNC did “everything” to solve the problem. In reality, only when they finally hired an outside cyber security firm- CrowdSpace- was the hack foiled. By then, the DNC had been infiltrated for more than a year.

    And despite all of the whining about Trump and the Russians by Socialist-Democrats, how much information was gleaned from Hillary’s illegal, private server? They don’t seem to be talking much about that. Rest assured, a lot of the Podesta e-mails were hacked from Hillary’s devices.

    In short, the DNC and Hillary Clinton were derilict in the performance of even rudimentary security measures. Thanks to their malfeasance, the Russians probably now possess classified information they shouldn’t have had access to.

    At least there is some justice in this fiasco. Hillary lost, and as was the case in her State Department tenure, it was because of her own arrogance and incompetence.

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