Eight days ago a coward laid in wait and shot, and killed one unknowing Pennsylvania State Trooper, and seriously wounded another, sniper style. Currently the police and FBI are exercising extreme caution in their massive manhunt for the man, Eric Frein, 31, who is the suspect in the shooting.
Frien has been described as a self-taught survivalist and an expert marksmen, who has a history of participating in war reenactments. Though no one has said why, there is also testament that Mr. Frien has a dislike for the police, even though the only documented run in with the law is for theft at a war reenactment.
So one has to wonder what fosters this type of unexplained hatred of the police that would make a person lie in wait and shoot an unsuspecting person?
Without knowing the specifics of this man’s life and experiences, this is all speculation. But just from scrolling through Facebook, I see far too many people who see police corruption and abuse in every action a police officer takes. Edited videos that imply that the officers have no reason for slamming a person to the ground. The mainstream media seems to take great pleasure in exploiting situation such as in Ferguson, MO, even before any investigation can be launched.
If we then add in the rhetoric of certain groups about how all government is corrupt, and how we are becoming a police state, is it surprising when some unstable person actually acts upon their fantasies?
In the current climate that this state and this nation are in, with so many people talking of police states, and revolutions, one has to ask, are there more like Eric Frien out there, just waiting to be set off by some trigger?
How about right here in Sussex County, where there is so much talk of patriots and tyranny? Could some of this inflammatory rhetoric set off another Eric Frien? Along with our rights and freedoms, go responsibility for our actions and our words.
It is time that commonsense and logic retake their place in society, we have seen enough of the fear mongering and reactionary agitation from the people who I truly believe are capable of an act such as we have seen in Pennsylvania.
If you fear that shootings like what happened in Pennsylvania and Ferguson Mo. could happen “right here in Sussex County,” then “[C]ommonsense and logic” say one should stop endorsing pro-gun politicians like Ruth Briggs-King.
You don’t have the journalistic experience or integrity to handle this subject correctly. You use innuendo and subtly to accuse people of hating police when you have not done the work to prove your case. You are an unprofessional blogger and a very poor one at that.
Your posts are mainly emotion driven pieces of garbage that shouldn’t be written at all.
There will always be people like this survivalist character but most people that have encounters with the police are not like this type of individual. When can we expect your next garbage posting.
Nobody in Delaware is promoting revolution that I know of; you have an active and severely skewed imagination.
For Instance,
Not everyone out there has the Educational Credentials of NOT Don Ayotte, and since you know him, have spoken to him, and even volunteered on his campaign, I know you will tell him what was said, and perhaps he can add something to the conversation other than his usual hate filled remarks.
Buy as long as we are on the subject, I have not see him take his victory lap on his latest victory, taking out the Sheriff.
After the news of the man who jumped the fence and walked into the White House and the two Afgan advisors who disappeared, we should be on the look out for all kinds of people who may lay in wait to harm people who they disagree with since the are of conversation is gone and has been replaced by nasty talk and dangerous actions.
Suprisingly, I’m going to stick up for Frank here! While I often disagree with him, and don’t always like his tactics, I think FI is off the mark on this one.
“You don’t have the journalistic experience or integrity to handle this subject correctly.” Frank has consistently stated that he is not a journalist, so he would naturally not have the journalistic experience of which you speak.
“Your posts are mainly emotion driven…” Well, of course they are! That’s largely the point of writing a blog on a site like this. The intent is to get folks riled up enough that they in turn will post comments and keep the momentum going and the readership elevated. Frank chose to be a blogger, and he is doing exactly what he is supposed to do (in this area, anyway). While, like me, you may disagree with Frank and/or his motivation, the fact remains that he is doing his job for DelawareRight exactly the way he is supposed to do.
I understand how you’ve drawn the conclusions you have from Frank’s subtle (and not so subtle) inferences, FI. And I tend to agree with your argument. However, his methodology is as logical and realistic as it is predictable.
“Nobody in Delaware is promoting revolution that I know of; you have an active and severely skewed imagination”
Well Rick is an advocate of secession and Christopher is ready to stand in arms against perceived federal aggression. Those who propose to be a law unto themselves are certainly close to revolutionaries. In fact the primary wasn’t even about who could carry out the responsibilities of the sheriff. It was about compliance with the legitimate authority of the state, the courts, and the federal government. I’m not sure how you define revolution, but it you look at all the evidence, including Christopher’s presence in Nevada supporting the thief Cliven Bundy, it becomes readily apparent. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.
How soon we have forgotten the DSP troopers whose homes were shot at a few years back. Are there more out there like this guy from PA, I am sure there are. IMHO anyone who believes otherwise is not a realist. The world has become increasing more dangerous, some people have little to no value for human life including their own.
FI, I will let FlyLady’s defense stand, she is correct, I have never claimed to be a journalist, like Not Don Ayotte, who once wrote a hard news story about the Clydesdales walking across a bridge.
This post is a question, not a statement.
It is funny that you believe that our government is out to get us at every turn, yet you feel no threat from maniacs like this man in PA.
Maybe he is too close to who you are, for you to see the danger of people who are constantly agitating the uninformed.
No Frank, you certainly have never claimed to be a journalist, and for good reason. I find it abhorrent that you use subtle innuendo and shady tactics to paint individuals as police haters and revolutionaries without naming them but giving enough detail that people speculate about their identity. You sir are not only a complete coward and scoundrel but are also a lesser human being.
However, individuals like you will always remain in the ranks of humanity to harass and plague good people without just cause.
FI, if you are reading things into my post about people, then maybe my descriptions are either not so subtle, or maybe you actually see the traits in these people, but are too cowardly yourself, or too much like them to describe them this way.
The post was meant to ask the question, are there more people out there who like Frien have such a consuming hatred of police specifically, and all things government in general, that they too could resort to such cowardly tactics.
Your response leads me to believe that yes there are.
Every time I hear of a screwball like this, the first thing comes to mind are some of the screw balls that call the local talk radio shows!
You sir are not only a complete coward and scoundrel but are also a lesser human being.
And with that, Hitler began the implementation of his “Final Solution.”
I can’t find that story about Clydesdales walking across a bridge. Can someone direct me and everyone else who would love to read it?
Kavips, I am looking, but I fear I lost the links on my old PC. Have put the word out to a friend who may have them though, stay tuned.
No amount of regulation, registration, or legislation will prevent whack jobs from getting and doing what their inside voices tell them to. Noy even the Village who could and prolly did identify this whack job as a ” person of interest ” could have prevented this tragedy. Evil walks amoung us, and it is a plague that we must deal with.
Here’s the Clydesdale link:
Thank you FlyLady, consider yourself an official shadow editor. Finally some “hard news” and journalistic integrity has been brought to this site.
Read Ayotte’s article on the Budweiser Clydesdale’s crossing London Bridge in Lake Havasu City Arizona. Great job Don. I liked the story and the photo.
LOL Any time, Frank! 🙂
This is often a very standard story when someone with little education makes a great deal of cash.
September 27, 2014 at 5:50 pm
“No amount of regulation, registration, or legislation will prevent whack jobs from getting and doing what their inside voices tell them to. Noy(sic) even the Village who could and prolly did identify this whack job as a ” person of interest ” could have prevented this tragedy. Evil walks amoung us, and it is a plague that we must deal with.”
“We deal with” other dangerous activities by “regulation, registration, or legislation”. But when it comes to gun violence, gun huggers, with no supporting fact or argument, forswear taking the obvious approaches, without proposing anything else, other than make empty and vague ruminations about a “plague we must deals with”.