Debate Open Thread #3

Delaware Right   Well here we go, the final Presidential Debate. It is supposed to be primarily about foreign affairs.  Does anyone think it will be about anything other than hacked emails and video tapes, and “boy talk”?

40 Comments on "Debate Open Thread #3"

  1. Meyer says:

    The coke must have kicked in again. Trump is sniffling again. 🙂

  2. Meyer says:

    So now DJT is denying he said what he said about some of the women who came forward with stories about him being a sexist pig.

  3. Frank Knotts says:

    Also said he didn’t apologize to his wife, but she said he did apologize.

  4. Meyer says:

    “No one respects women more than I do.” – Donald J. Trump. Yeah, he grabs them by the Billy Bush.

  5. fightingbluehen says:

    She was dressed like Christian Bale in the movie “Equilibrium”.

  6. fightingbluehen says:

    …and I think Trump won the debate.

  7. Fish Bites says:

    Cubs 10-2

  8. Fish Bites says:

    I admired Trump’s principled defense of the Russians against the biased and defamatory statements made by every US intelligence service.

  9. Frank Knotts says:

    FBH, of course you do. And how she was dressed is important why?

  10. fightingbluehen says:

    Just pointing out what the memes will be Frank
    And by the way, anything they have Hillary do is calculated. That includes what she wears. She was dressed in pure white, pure as the driven snow, beyond reproach juxtaposed to the dark untrustworthy villain.

  11. pandora says:

    Have you really boiled this down to what a woman wore? And you wonder why you’re losing? Memes? LOL.

  12. Anonymous says:

    We are the deplorables, who only have the undesirables to vote for. God help us all!

  13. fightingbluehen says:

    Just making an observation. Where do you get that I’ve “boiled it down” to anything?

  14. fightingbluehen says:

    Some people are alleging that Hillary spilled the beans during the debate when she disclosed the US 4 min nuclear response time.

  15. pandora says:

    I boiled it down to your initial comments on this thread.

  16. mouse says:

    I knew there was some reason why Snidely Whiplash kept popping into my head

  17. mouse says:

    And can you imagine the response from the talk radio party if some liberal POTUS candidate said they wouldn’t accept the outcome of an election? They would be spinning their heads and howling like rapid dogs calling for a 2nd amendment solution to such treason but since it’s their boy they are AOK with it. I mean how can anyone ever take any trump supporting conservative republican serious in the future? Their ideology is hollow and obviously based on opportunism. You people have zero moral authority in the ayes of any sane objective person. Your candidate is a circus clown and you are celebrating him like he’s Jesus lol

  18. Mike says:

    I thought Trumps answer to a serious question about whether he would accept the results of the election was pretty weak. Basically he gave a two parter

    first on whether he would accept the results, he said you will have to wait and see. It seems to me he could have used that opportunity to distinguish the difference between accepting an actual lost election and conceding defeat, and not accepting that he has lost in the extenuating situation where the results of the election are called into question by election irregularities.

    I found his quick pivot to saying that Hillary shouldn’t even be allowed to run because of her past activities was worrisome. Is he really saying that Hillary’s e-mail debacle is a reason he may not accept the results of the election?

  19. Fish Bites says:

    “And by the way, anything they have Hillary do is calculated.”

    What a horrible quality that would be in a president.

    It would be much better to have a president who goes with his gut, responds impulsively to everything, and shoots his mouth off at every opportunity, rather than one who plans and thinks before acting or speaking.

    You are correct, Hillary and her team plan, discuss, calculate, and strategize over a lot of details, contingencies, tactics, and impacts prior to doing just about anything. We certainly don’t want to have a presidency run that way!

  20. Dave says:

    “Some people are alleging that Hillary spilled the beans during the debate when she disclosed the US 4 min nuclear response time.”

    I spilled the beans here less than a couple of weeks ago when I said it was less than 5 minutes at DEFCON 1. There are many people that know that. It’s not a secret and not an official piece of information which would be classified.

    Those who have been associated with the process (thousands over the years) have always known that. Our enemies know that as well, which is one reason why they don’t try to get to sneaky, because they know no matter what they do, we can execute a smack down.

    The important thing for people to know, however, is that despite what they may think they know, the President has the ability to act unilaterally in this regard. Secdef merely confirms order (they cannot veto it). If the Secdef does not confirm the order, the President can fire the Secdef and with no Secdef no confirmation is necessary. Considering the historical pattern of a would be CINC to employ the term “You’re fired!” That should give critical thinking citizens some pause.

    P.S. it’s not exactly 4 minutes. There is no absolutely precise time, but there are precise procedures. So timing wise, it’s just real quick like.

  21. mouse says:

    And can you imagine if a liberal was sucking up to the murderous leader of communist Russia. I mean think it through for a minute and look at history

  22. Fish Bites says:

    “Some people are alleging that Hillary spilled the beans during the debate when she disclosed the US 4 min nuclear response time.”

    That’s just silly. The overall 30 minute time budget for nuclear deterrence are well known from launch-detection-analysis-confirmation-briefing-order-launch. Knowing that this system will work within the time budget is a PART of the credible deterrence strategy.

  23. Fish Bites says:

    “Our enemies know that as well, which is one reason why they don’t try to get to sneaky, because they know no matter what they do, we can execute a smack down.”

    Correct. The POINT of nuclear deterrence strategy is that the response timeline is KNOWN to the enemy.

  24. Fish Bites says:

    “I found his quick pivot to saying that Hillary shouldn’t even be allowed to run because of her past activities was worrisome. Is he really saying that Hillary’s e-mail debacle is a reason he may not accept the results of the election?”

    No, he is suggesting that someone should be in charge of who is “allowed” to run. Look, this is not difficult. Article II spells out the entire set of conditions required to run for president. You can have someone who is locked up in prison on a life sentence for murder, and they can file the paperwork and be a candidate. Nobody is going to vote for them, but that’s beside the point.

    No, we don’t have the government decide who is “allowed to run” and we don’t “lock up” political opponents once someone has won an election. Those kinds of things are simply un-American.

  25. gigggles says:

    Every Scientific poll taken after the debate has shown that Clinton won!

  26. fightingbluehen says:

    It’s a “Scientific poll” is it now? Aren’t all polls scientific by nature? You know, the whole gathering of data and then analyzing it to draw a conclusion thing. I guess the polls that show that Trump lost are just a little more scientific, eh?

  27. fightingbluehen says:

    mouse says, “And can you imagine the response from the talk radio party if some liberal POTUS candidate said they wouldn’t accept the outcome of an election?”

    Al Gore?

  28. Fish Bites says:

    “Aren’t all polls scientific by nature?”

    FBH… statistics is a science.

    Putting up a web page and saying “who do you think won” and then having twitter and online forum participants blast away on the vote button, is what is called a “self-selected” poll.

    Like, if I was going to take a poll of “What Delaware voters think”, then I could do one of two things:

    (a) look at the voter registration database; find out what the distribution of Delaware voters is by age, sex, location, and so on; pick a sample set of voters where my sample set matches the overall distribution; ask them to watch the debate and then ask them afterwards who won, or

    (b) walk into Jimmy’s Diner in Bridgeville and ask for a show of hands.

    Those are both “polls”. Which of those two techniques do you believe will give me an accurate measure of “what Delaware voters think” as a group?

  29. Fish Bites says:

    “Al Gore?”

    Ummmm… the vote margin in Florida was close enough to trigger an automatic recount under Florida law.

    You do understand that “Bush v. Gore” is called “Bush v. Gore” because Bush brought the lawsuit in order to stop the recount.

    I’m going to guess you also understand that, as VP, Gore presided over the electoral vote certification in Washington.

    Maybe I assume too much. Here you go. Watch him shut down the objectors:

  30. Dave says:

    Class isn’t the domain of single party or a single man. Al Gore had class back then. So did George Bush in handing over the reins to Bill Clinton (

    For me, Trump’s greatest sin, is his distinctive lack of class. Class isn’t about money or position, or privilege. Class is how you carry yourself. Class is how you treat others. I can tolerate much from my fellow man. However, I can’t tolerate a lack of class and Donald Trump is the antithesis of class.

  31. mouse says:

    Gore lol. You people parrot any fix news/talk radio bullshit without thinking. Just making yourselves look foolish and non-credible to people who know better and think critically. Do you people have any threshold of embarrassment or does your sordid toxic bigoted ideology trump everything else.

  32. mouse says:

    Trump is a crude self aggrandizing reality show host and nothing more.

  33. fightingbluehen says:

    Who is this “you people”? I’m the only opinion here that is contrary to the rest of the comments. Interesting thing that, considering the name of the blog.

    As far as Trump’s answer to the question of whether he will abide by the election results? It’s all feigned, planned, staged outrage. It means nothing. Trump can only act within his legal rights just as Al Gore did….Why would you agree to give these rights up before the fact.
    Like I said, It’s just more gamesmanship from the opposition.

  34. meatball says:

    You’re not paying attention. The Florida Supreme Court order the recount because Kathleen Harris-R, the Florida Secretary of State certified the election even though the 1700 vote difference was well within the AUTOMATIC (by Florida law) recount range. Bush then appealed the lower courts decisions alt the way up to SCOTUS.

    The recount was in progress on December 9 when the United States Supreme Court, by a 5 to 4 vote (Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer dissenting), granted Bush’s emergency plea for a stay of the Florida Supreme Court recount ruling, stopping the incomplete recount.

  35. Frank Knotts says:

    FBH said, “Who is this “you people”? I’m the only opinion here that is contrary to the rest of the comments. Interesting thing that, considering the name of the blog.”
    FBH, I have always enjoyed our give and take, I find most of your comments well thought out, even if I may not agree 100%.
    I apologize if you have taken the name “Delaware Right” to mean in some way this site is some sort of Republican echo chamber, or partisan hack site.
    If you expect anything from myself here other than my honest opinion, then you will continue to be disappointed.
    It so happens in this race, I feel the GOP nominee is a rare and extreme danger to the very fabric of our Republic form of government, yes even more so than Hillary Clinton.
    If you expect nothing but Fox News style ass kissing here, again, you will be disappointed.
    We at Delaware Right have attempted to create an environment where all are welcome and free to respectfully express their views on a wide range of political and societal issues.
    I welcome your future comments. But I am disappointed with this comment as if to cast aspersions upon our credibility.
    But maybe you feel the site is “rigged”.

  36. saltyindependent says:

    such a tragic shame that he became the candidate. what could have been wrong that all of his republican opponents missed all of his past and never used it against him? it was right there in plain view. everyone got out of his way because they were afraid to confront him. trump is a textbook punk. starts the fight, but can’t finish it and then tells you how lucky you were that he let you off the hook.

  37. Dave says:

    “everyone got out of his way because they were afraid to confront him”

    There are two ways of looking at it. One is that they miscalculated his appeal. The second is that they were afraid of confrontation (loop back to one, don’t confront if he is non factor). Anyway, because of their miscalculation or fear, we have no real choice. Or rather, there is only one logical choice.

    I suppose, that fear or miscalculation could be thought of as part of the winnowing process, but really I would have like to have a choice of voting for a Rubio or a Kasich, either of whom I would have had confidence in with their finger on the button. I’m voting for a Commander In Chief, as well as CEO. There is no separation possible. Unfit for one makes one unfit period.

    I am hoping in four years, the GOP can regroup and restore themselves to legitimacy. I know they have many of the right folks to do it. I see signs of hope in folks like Ernie Lopez who acts like an adult. And there are many more around the nation like him. The GOP is not entirely composed of Lafferties. The question is do they have the will?

  38. Frank Knotts says:

    Dave, unfortunately, win or lose, Trump is most likely the band tuning up for the funeral dirge for the GOP.
    If he loses after his claiming a rigged election, will only drive the wedge deeper between the factions within the GOP, giving fuel to the fire of the fringe.
    If he wins, and those Republicans like myself who feel him to be a real and extreme danger, are even 20% correct in our concerns, it will brand the GOP a fringe party for evermore, which will lead to an ever decreasing membership.
    And the vacuum created by that loss will insure Democrat rule for decades.

  39. Mike says:

    Frank Knotts said: “will only drive the wedge deeper between the factions within the GOP, giving fuel to the fire of the fringe”

    I completely agree with this, and suspect that this will be Trump’s true legacy. I think Trump is more like a catalyst for a reaction that has been brewing within the GOP for the past 15 years or so, as increasingly centrist and mainstream candidates (McCain, Romney) have stretched further and further from the libertarian and conservative wings of the party in order to appeal to DEMs, creating this huge opportunity for a “non-establishment” candidate (no matter how vile) to have appeal.

    Donald Trump makes President Hillary Clinton probable, and the failure of the GOP to lift up responsible, conservative candidates made Donald Trump possible. Some sort of a reset would seem logical, but your assessment of dwindling GOP relevance is more likely, which will give the Democrats more room on the far left to operate freely, a really bad turn of events.

  40. mouse says:

    Why can’t the GOP just try to be a party of competence and better governance instead of a party of laughable conspiratorial issues, sexual issues and issues of racial resentment ?

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