The IPODs will be holding their convention tomorrow, July 26th, 2014.As announced by the party chair of the Delaware IPODs, Wolf von Baumgart , on Delaware 105.9 this morning, the IPODs will be holding the party convention at 20501 Gravel Hill Rd., Georgetown De. Tomorrow. I have to admit that I missed the time, but show up early and help them set up for the large crowd they are expecting. Mr. von Baumgart estimated there would be a swelling crowd of from 12 to 20 people. Of course this only illuminates their claim to be the fastest growing party in the state.
By the way this location is the home of the IPOD candidate for the 20th Representative District, (Not) Don Ayotte.
I can only assume this event is open to the public since they announced both the event, and the address on the radio station this morning. I would encourage all who can to attend, I am not sure if there will be refreshments, but I do know that both Wolfgang, and (Not) Don Ayotte love a good event with free food, so I would expect they might return the favor.
For more information please feel free to call Wolfgang at 302-945-2646 or Don Ayotte at 302-344-4433.
I don’t think those number will enlighten anyone , nor increase their ability to participate In
intelligent discourse .
But your ability to scream and rant and rave just might improve…
and the IPOD Attorney General Candidate is…
Graham got four votes total in his 2012 governor’s run. He received zero votes in NEW CASTLE COUNTY.
How can someone go to work everyday in the Carvel building and not get one vote from co-workers?
Tony, did you listen to the video?
What does IPOD stand for- Irrelevant Party of Delirium?
Rick wins creative comedy award for this post. Thanks for playing rick.