Isolationism vs. Capitalism

Americans  It seems as though all we are hearing lately, at least form my side of the aisle, is how we need to keep this group, or that group out of the country.   Isolationism is not a new concept for America, it goes as far back as our founding. There has always been those who have felt the best way to protect America’s best interest was to raise the drawbridge and hide within the castle walls.

However, lately this view-point has taken on a meaner tone. While many will hide their true feelings behind concerns over national security, and fiscal stability, often the rhetoric comes off more and more like Nazi propaganda.

7.5.15donaldtrump  Currently the leader of this style of nationalist isolationism seems to be the newest Kardashian, Donald “Kardashian” Trump. His claim, that if elected, he will build a wall on our southern border to stop the influx of illegal immigrants, has tapped into something visceral in a large number, of so-called, conservatives. But are they really conservatives?

For me, the bed rock of not only conservatism, but of our Republic,  is capitalism. I feel you can’t have one, without the others. But can you have capitalism in a closed society?  I would argue no.

dollar sign   The phrase, “supply and demand” is often used to justify the price of a product or service. This is true, he who controls the supply, decides the cost. But without demand, there is no need for the product, and so the price will plummet.

You can make a billion widgets, but if there is no demand, your supply is useless. And if the people want a billion gadgets, but you can’t produce a single one, no matter what price you set, you’ll go broke.

yin-yang1  You see, supply and demand are the Yin and Yang of economics, can’t have one without the other.  So in a closed, or isolated society, your economy is doomed to stagnate and shrink. This is why population growth is so important to capitalism. You must grow the demand for products and services, because without population growth there is no need to increase supplies. If there is no need to increase supplies, then there is no need to create new jobs. If there are no new jobs, there is no new money being infused into the economy creating more demand.

So how do we grow our population, or in other words, how do we increase demand for products and services? Well of course the old fashion way is to have babies. But unless we Americans are ready to increase our average family of 2.5 children to say, 5.3? We are going to have to rely on immigrants to boost our population, and in doing so, the demand for products and services.  I have written about this before, here is the link.

If on the other hand we follow the lead of Donald Trump  donald trump clown and attempt to isolate our nation, we will doom our children to socialism. Because as capitalism fails, the people will turn more and more towards government for support. The very thing that Trump and his supporters claim to be against.

Let’s be honest here, though many will claim that their concern about immigration is limited to “illegal” immigrants, the truth is, there are a large number of Americans who just don’t want anyone to be allowed to enter the nation that doesn’t look like, talk like, and pray like them.

Many of these people’s biggest fear is that their great-grandchildren will look like this,

hispanic child rather than this.white child They fear that Spanish will become the national language someday. That the nation may move away from its Christian values, like charity.

As I said above, isolationism has long been a part of our national debate, but it has also always been balanced by our national desire to share our freedoms with the world. When did we lose that desire? When did we lose sight of the fact, that the best way to build relationships with other nations was through respect and cooperation, rather than simply pulling up the drawbridge and blowing out the candles?

When did we forget that our father’s, fathers were most likely immigrants, people who built this nation into the strongest, freest nation the world has ever known? The only thing that can destroy those freedoms is fear. Yes I will say it, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”.

Of course the mean people will show up and talk of the “illegals”. They are illegal because we make them illegal. What if we welcomed them in as temporary workers? And made it easier for them to migrate back and forth, work here during seasons, and go home when the work was done? We see this within states right now.

Others are going to talk of the cost of supporting these people, who take advantage of welfare, Medicaid and other entitlement programs. If they are using these illegally, that is a case of the system being broken, let’s fix it.  We have plenty of citizens doing the exact same thing, let’s fix it.

We will hear from others that there is a security risk in allowing immigrants and refugees into the nation, and while this may be true, I don’t hear Donald Trump talking about putting a wall on the Northern border. Of course the majority of people who cross that border regularly look like Trump and his supporters.

It is time for Americans, to be Americans once again.   It is time that we realize that the biggest danger to the future of our nation, is not that our great-grandchildren might be brown, or that they might speak Spanglish rather than English. The greatest threat to the future of our nation and the future of our children is, if we don’t pass on our freedoms, our values, and our hope of a better world.

Those who would build the walls, not just around our borders, but around the very idea of freedom, are the very ones that will first doom, this once powerhouse of capitalism, to sliding into socialism, but they will also risk the loss of all of our freedoms. All the while, these are the same people who talk endlessly of their love of this nation and its founding principles, yet they seem to have no real working knowledge of how to protect it, nor pass it on.

They are like the old man who buries his money in jars to protect it for the future, but then, when he needs it most, he can’t remember where he buried it. That will be the case if people like Trump and his supporters are allowed to hide our freedoms behind a wall, when we really need them, they will be on the other side of the wall.



5 Comments on "Isolationism vs. Capitalism"

  1. Rick says:

    Interesting choice of photographs. A man dressed like an Arab, wearing a mask depicting a home-grown terrorist who was willing to kill hundreds- including many of his own religion- in the name of Catholicism. Well, at least you didn’t choose Che Guevara.

    …all we are hearing lately, at least form my side of the aisle…

    What is your “side of the aisle?” You’re in the aisle, tripping people. In case you didn’t notice, your support on this blog comes most often from Delaware Liberal stalwarts like Pandora, Geezer, delacrat and so on. Quit acting as though you speak for Republicans- you don’t.

    Isolationism is not a new concept for America, it goes as far back as our founding.

    How so?

    And while your’re at it, define “isolationism.” Is it the same thing today, in an interconnected global economy, as it was in 1789?

    For me, the bed rock of not only conservatism, but of our Republic, is capitalism. I feel you can’t have one, without the others.

    And who is the poster boy for American capitalism? Donald Trump.

    But can you have capitalism in a closed society? I would argue no.

    What “closed society” are you talking about?

    Every nation in the world has a secure border, except the United States. Try walking into Mexico some time, or from France into Germany. A secure border is a necessary component of national sovereignty. It is also plain common sense.

    It seems as though you support open borders and no immigration laws. Are you saying that having codified immigration procedures results in a “closed society,” and thus, violating U.S. laws should not only be accepted, but encouraged?

    …a closed, or isolated society, your economy is doomed to stagnate and shrink. This is why population growth is so important to capitalism. You must grow the demand for products and services, because without population growth there is no need to increase supplies. If there is no need to increase supplies, then there is no need to create new jobs…

    Are you aware of what the current labor participation rate is in the U.S.? It is around 65%. So we need a steady influx of illegals to take more jobs from Americans, right?

    You should be awarded an honorary doctorate in Obamanomics.

    …if we follow the lead of Donald Trump…

    We will be following the lead of an international capitalist. A man who has created thousand of jobs, directly and indirectly, worldwide. A man who employs men and women of all races, creeds and colors. A doer rather than the usual professional talker we’re used to getting as a candidate.

    …the truth is, there are a large number of Americans who just don’t want anyone to be allowed to enter the nation that doesn’t look like, talk like, and pray like them.

    And there is a larger number of Americans who believe in the rule of law. Our immigration laws are codified. They exist. Of course, some politicians prefer to ignore the laws- particularly country club Republicans who view illegals as an endless source of cheap labor for their corporate donors- and our current president, of course.

    When did we forget that our father’s, fathers were most likely immigrants, people who built this nation into the strongest, freest nation the world has ever known?

    Until the very late 1800’s, virtually all immigration was from Northern Europe. Explain to us how such a “closed society” could possibly create “the strongest, freest nation the world has ever known.”

    I don’t hear Donald Trump talking about putting a wall on the Northern border.

    Perhaps that’s because millions of illegals aren’t crossing at the northern border.

    It is time for Americans, to be Americans once again.

    “Americans” as defined by whom? You? You sound as egocentric as Obama.

    There is a reason for Trump’s popularity. People understand that entrenched, career politicians are failing the American people. And people understand that a secure border is a necessary component to national sovereignty. Many Republicans- and perhaps the majority of Republicans- are sick and tired of finger-in-the-wind candidates who need a poll and a script to tell them what they believe. You know the type- the ones you support.

    By-the-way, Frank, you still haven’t answered my question on an earlier thread. Which GOP candidate(s) do you support? Bush? Christy? Senator One Percent?

    Maybe Hillary would be the proper choice for you.

  2. Laffter says:

    “Every nation in the world has a secure border, except the United States. Try walking into Mexico some time, or from France into Germany”

    Mexico = one of the most porous borders in the world – one may walk in, its getting out that’s harder. nothing easier than Mexican border guard duty – smile and waive everyone in…haven’t you ever driven across it? and that includes Mexico’s southern borders as well…

    as far as Europe – you are NOT up to date – recent discussions have been on the LAXITY of security in the EU – from one country to another….. since the Paris attacks this has been a big issue and topic of conversation – – well maybe not on FOX news, but among those that actually want to fix the problem.

    of course, if we fix the problems FOX news, fear mongers ad people like Rick here won’t have anything to talk about……. SMH

  3. Rick says:

    Mexico = one of the most porous borders in the world – one may walk in, its getting out that’s harder. nothing easier than Mexican border guard duty – smile and waive everyone in…haven’t you ever driven across it? and that includes Mexico’s southern borders as well…

    I lived in Jeff Davis County, Texas. I’ve forgotten more about Mexico than you”ll ever know.

    Yes, in some areas you can walk across into Mexico (who would want to?) And when you are caught, instead of being given a job, welfare benefits, schooling for your kids and food stamps you will go to jail. And rot.

    …as far as Europe – you are NOT up to date – recent discussions have been on the LAXITY of security in the EU – from one country to another….. since the Paris attacks…

    Borders are effectively monitored in Europe. That doesn’t mean that nobody can get through- but millions don’t cross with impunity. Alike I said, try crossing from France into Germany some day and see what happens.

    Europe’s “security” problem is the Muslim invasion. Some day, Cathederal Notre Dame will be a mosque, homosexuals will be exterminated, women will be chattel, petty thieves will have their hands cut off, books, movies and music will be state-sponsored and insane imams will rule the government.

    Of course, as in all totalitarian states, they will have domestic “peace.” But, isn’t that the goal of all “progressives”….”peace” through totalitarianism?

  4. socritic says:

    Thank you Rick, you said it 10 x better than I could of dreamed to.
    …on the topic of founding fathers’ opinions of Islam, I say let’s look at Jefferson’s writings-
    After Jefferson sent the navy to the Barbary Coast to stop Islamic pirates’ reign of terror on American merchants, he read the Quran.He learned that “the Muslim holy book cmmanded the faithful to plunder and enslave the nonbelievers”.
    I have to assume their Quran hasn’t changed, so I don’t see where Jefferson ‘s apprehensions should be ignored toady. Imo

  5. mouse says:

    Agreed except at some point we need a new paradigm that doesn’t endlessly consume raw materials and pollute

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