January Sussex GOP Meeting

kellyanne  The following is all of the important topics and issues discussed and acted upon,  at the January meeting of the Sussex GOP.

18 Comments on "January Sussex GOP Meeting"

  1. Del Colley says:

    Did Trump have to fill out the sign in sheet ???

  2. Rick says:

    How many elected Democrats serve in Sussex? Uh….Schwartzkopf…..uh……uh….

  3. Honi Soit says:

    Arlett, grab that pussy.

  4. mouse says:

    Was the sheriff there?

  5. mouse says:

    I looked up Arlett in the dictionary and it said: Opportunist

  6. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, you once again come here and make my point for me. If you were involved with local politics at all, which you have said here do not interest you, you would know that the Sussex GOP Committee does nothing to elect the officials in Sussex, in fact the one race they focused all their vast resources on was the 14th Rep. District, and who won that? Uh…. Scheartzkopf…. uh uh uh.
    Honi, I considered editing you “pussy” comment and then realized this is now acceptable speech in the post Trump age of discourse.
    And no Mouse, Robert Lee was not there. For he is the only sheriff in Sussex.

  7. Honi Soit says:

    Thank you Frank for granting me some editorial slack. Just telling it like it is, doncha know. Vulgarity in public discourse is in such demand these days….so much so that it can get you elected to the highest office in the land.

    “He [Rubio] referred to my hands, if they’re small, something else [his penis] must be small. I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee it.” Donald Trump, Class Act

  8. Honi Soit says:

    Frank, I think you might be a tad unfair to Sussex County GOP leadership. At the January meeting, they honored the Republican of the Month for December. And the award went to Phoebe Cottingham.


    Oh drats. On closer inspection, I see that Phoebe was the recipient in January 2016. And there have been no updates on the website since. They seem to be a year behind the times.

    You might be on to something, Frank.

  9. Rick says:

    … you would know that the Sussex GOP Committee does nothing to elect the officials in Sussex…

    I’m not interested in how they are elected. I am interested in that they are elected.

    Don’t mess with what works.

  10. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, then don’t use the elected Republicans as some defense of the Committee.
    Yes Honi the website may be a year behind, but they pay for it every month right on time.
    However they did spend quite a bit of time handing out awards for Republican of the month for past months. Nothing gets people elected like slapping each other on the back.

  11. Rick says:

    Rick, then don’t use the elected Republicans as some defense of the Committee.

    I “defend” the committee only in regard to your inane attacks on the committee. The GOP wins all but one election in Sussex, and you whine about it.

    Perhaps- as I and many other Republicans have suspected for some time- you’re a Democrat?

    It is obvious that you have only one motivation. Hurt feelings. The county GOP doesn’t listen to you, doesn’t want your advice and doesn’t cater to your whims. So you become a thorn in their side, such as when you make a federal case out of being asked to sign-in at a meeting.

    Fact: the GOP dominates in Sussex.

    Fact: The Sussex GOP did it without your “help.”

    Read the responses on your posts. Generally, those who agree with you are Democrats. So why would any Republican listen to you?

  12. mouse says:

    Rick you like in such a primitive black and white world like most Republicans I know. How sad that people can be so self righteous as to reject and attack any suggestion of self reflection of their own political party. Maybe if there more people in the Republican party calling out candidates who offer nothing but bellicose racist dog whistles, religious nuttery, fear mongering over Ebola and witches people like me might take a closer look at their candidates. It’s nearly never that a Republican candidate runs on competence and good governance. It’s nothing but resentment that appeals to very ugly people. I’m a mostly liberal independent, but I see Democrats blasting their own party for the corporate crony posture. Maybe if you people would realize that your miserable lives are not represented and embodied by your tribal party affiliation, you might have more success!

  13. mouse says:

    I mean have you seen some of these clowns that Trump has nominated for cabinet secretaries? I would be seriously embarrassed to profess that I want my candidate to “drain the swamp” then put forth these people. But you don’t care. You have no real morality or core beliefs besides your own tribal ego

  14. Frank Knotts says:

    Unfortunately Rick your defense has no merit. You want us to believe that because a candidate is Republican, and because the Sussex GOP Committee exist at all, the committee is somehow responsible for the candidate winning. If you were more interested in local politics, more than waving a flag for a failed organization, you would know the committee is irrelevant.
    You should show up next month for the committee elections and watch as they execute their new rules set up to protect encumbants and prevents new people from participating.
    I am a registered Republican, that is all that I need to call myself a Republican. But I can tell you, I am a citizen first, and party affiliation is way down on my list of concerns when it comes to politics.

  15. mouse says:

    I’ve been a Democrat, a Republican and an Independent. Who cares. It’s only about being in that club at the time.

  16. Rick says:

    Rick you like in such a primitive black and white world like most Republicans I know.

    Look who’s talking.

    I mean have you seen some of these clowns that Trump has nominated for cabinet secretaries?

    Clowns? Why are they “clowns?” They’re all a hell of a lot smarter than you are.

    Unfortunately Rick your defense has no merit….

    What “defense?”

    You are angry because the Sussex GOP doesn’t pay any attention to you. Nevertheless, they somehow manage to win all but one or two elections in Sussex, every two years.

    So why would they care what Frank Knotts thinks?

    Sure, you have the right to opine. And the Sussex GOP – Sussex politicians- and Sussex County conservatives have the right to tell you to get lost.

  17. Henry says:

    Frank you are much of the same. Insignificant and irrelevant.

  18. mouse says:

    Aren’t we all?

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