La Mar Gunn Press Release

Gunn   The following is a press release from Lt. Governor Republican candidate, La Mar Gunn in regards to making the overdose antidote Naloxone, sold as NARCAN available over the counter.

Press Release
Delaware Public Health Emergency
Dover, DE September 23, 2016: La Mar Gunn requests governor Markell to create new
Delaware Public Safety Commission (“DPSC”) to deal with a continued heroin spike. We can’t wait any longer and must now prepare our entire community to deal with fentanyl and carfentanil. It is time that Delaware declare a PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY and release resources to support local law enforcement, EMTs, and families being terrorized by the heroin epidemic. Gunn is also pushing state leadership to clear the way for laypersons to purchase Naloxone from pharmacies without a prescription in an effort to reduce heroin related deaths.
DPSC represents a tremendous opportunity for our state, as it will focus on improving all areas of public health and safety throughout Delaware. Besides tackling heroin, the DPSC will also work to build bridges between law enforcement and minority communities. Proposed members of the DPSC should include a diverse group of leaders throughout the community. Proposed members:
Matt Denn, La Mar Gunn,
Col. Nathaniel McQueen, Ruth Briggs King,
Chief Paul Bernat, Councilman Jea Street,
Col. Elmer Setting, Pastor Anthony Wallace,
Public Safety Director Joseph Bryant,
Councilwoman Sherry Dorsey,
Jessica Gibson
   Okay, just a  couple of things. First I am not sure how declaring a public health emergency will help build bridges between law enforcement, and minority communities. Also, is Mr. Gunn saying heroin is only  a problem in minority  communities, or he is only interested in these communities?
  I did speak at length with Mr. Gunn about making NARCAN more easily available, and in that conversation he also mentioned the idea of making it free, much in the way some have proposed free condoms in schools. He made many of the same arguments about the cost saving in preventing deaths and other health issues created by heroin use.
  I have to say, I am not sure if making NARCAN more available is the answer, since it may have the effect of increasing the number of overdoses, since people will feel they have the safety net of NARCAN.
  Another possible issue I see is the unintended consequences of allowing untrained people to buy and administer this drug.
  Here are some of the side affects of Naloxone.
Administration to opioid-dependent individuals may cause symptoms of opioid withdrawal, including restlessness, agitation, nausea, vomiting, a fast heart rate and sweating. To prevent this, small doses every few minutes can be given until the desired effect is reached. In those with previous heart disease, further heart problems have occurred. It appears to be safe in pregnancy, after having been given to a limited number of women. Naloxone is a pure opioid antagonist. It works by reversing the depression of the central nervous system and respiratory system caused by opioids.
  Notice where it says, “To prevent this, small doses every few minutes can be given until the desired effect is reached.
  so in the middle of a medical emergency of an overdose, Mr. Gunn believes a mother or grandfather will have the presence of mind top read carefully the instructions, and to take the time to administer small doses. Or is it more likely in a panicked state, they will simply give a full dose? Leading to what? A heart attack? Death? But it is good to know the pregnant heroin junky can take this drug.
  Here is another interesting fact. “Naloxone may be combined within the same pill as an opioid to decrease the risk of misuse.”
  You see, Naloxone is intended to help people who are being prescribed opioids for medical reasons in the event they overdose, so the two can be combined to prevent an overdose.
  Can anyone see what might happen if the junkies can simply buy Naloxone over the counter? Well they will use it in conjunction with their heroin so they can use more, with the idea they will be safe.
  I think it sends the wrong message, like the needle program here in Delaware, it takes the risk, out of risky behavior, which in my view, says to the junkies, go ahead and use heroin, we got your back.
  I commend Mr. Gunn for at least having an idea, though I feel it would be a mistake. I would also like to see Mr. Gunn further explain just how the “free”  Naloxone would be paid for. I would also like him to explain if he has considered where the liability would fall for any misuse of this drug, or results from the administering of this drug by the person administering it.
I hope Mr. Gunn would take the opportunity to come here and comment and have the conversation with my readers.

10 Comments on "La Mar Gunn Press Release"

  1. La Mar Gunn says:

    Mr. Knotts:

    Nowhere in my Release does it say FREE. I believe making Naxolone available over the counter will definitely have an impact on saving lives. In addition, I believe the heroin epidemic is terrorizing ALL communities, not just Blacks. I find it bizarre that you interpret my release as geared to only one community. My point is that what the state is currently doing is not working and something else has to be done. Thank you for writing this article.


    La Mar Gunn

  2. Frank Knotts says:

    Mr. Gunn, maybe you should go back and read what I wrote. I clearly said,
    “I did speak at length with Mr. Gunn about making NARCAN more easily available, and in that conversation he also mentioned the idea of making it free, much in the way some have proposed free condoms in schools. He made many of the same arguments about the cost saving in preventing deaths and other health issues created by heroin use.”
    I did not get that from you release, but from our conversation last night.
    Also, it is your release which uses the phrase minority communities. It was your release which focused on these communities, rather than simply stating there is a problem in general.
    i welcome you to expand your ideas for this issue.
    Like addressing the liability question, and the hazards of increasing the availability of Naxolone.

  3. Henry says:

    We already have a public safety commission. We already allow emergency personnel who are trained to administer NARCAN. As far as free, we already as tax payers provide free methadone clinics, counselors, counseling, rehabs, etc. for drug and alcohol addicts. Who pays for all of this free stuff? The tax payers. Enough of the free stuff.

    The solution should be teaching the younger generation coming forth abstinence in early childhood development.

    For the (ME) generation that is indulging on drugs and alcohol to get high and have a good time leading to dependency to where their families have had enough of their BS like stealing from them, get a damn job and continue your education. If necessary move out of the area away from the temptation to use and co-habitate with others that do the same.

    Families need to take responsibility for their own children of drug and alcohol dependency not the tax payers.

    Enough of the excuses, get a set, pull up your shorts, grow up and take responsibility for your own actions. If some parents for past twenty five years weren’t such screw ups, it wouldn’t be such an epidemic. Blame the progressive liberal BS and degradation of our public school system.

  4. Steve Mccarron says:

    Wow, looking at the DPSC proposed list, I would have to assume there is no epidemic downstate. Only one proposed member from Sussex and only 2 from below the Canal. Apparently these proposed members have done such an outstanding job upstate they can bring their failed policies Statewide.

  5. frank is a jerk says:

    no republican will be elected statewide this year so the issue is so so at best

    Delaware Right again is insignificant beyond belief

  6. Frank Knotts says:

    Steve , notice he placed his own name on the list. So propose a commission and ask to be placed on it.

  7. mouse says:

    Corporations need to take responsibility for their own CEO’s, not the tax payer.

  8. fightingbluehen says:

    Trump’s is behind at the 3/4 mark in my opinion. She’s taken him off his game and he keeps sniffing like he’s been snorting cocaine or something.

  9. fightingbluehen says:

    Trump’s sniffling is going to be like Nixon’s five o’clock shadow.

  10. Frank Knotts says:

    FBH, there is now an Debate open thread, please direct your debate comments there. Thanks.

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