Let’s Do Delaware Right

delaware  “Let’s Do Delaware Right”. I like to think this is what the name of this blog now stands for. Yes we still want to move Delaware forward, and we can do that together, as Delawareans.      As I said in my last post, there are some changes coming to Delaware Right. That begins right now. This post is to introduce our loyal readers, as well as any new readers to our new mission statement, as well as guiding principles and what Delaware Right is all about.

When we started this blog our intention was to create a conservative blog site to give voice to the conservative view points which we felt were not being heard.

It was in part, in response to our fellow bloggers over at Delaware Liberal who were doing a pretty good job at relating the liberal/progressive view points. It was also an attempt to fill the vacuum left in the conservative blogosphere by the collapse of Delaware Politics.

Over the years we have witnessed serious changes on both of these sites. Both became echo chambers for what the authors were writing. The commenters did little more than comment how right the authors were, and when challenged by guest, all too often, the comments were edited out, and the guest were blocked from further participation.

Since day one of the creation of Delaware Right, I and the other members of DR have made it our goal to allow people to be who they are, if they have valid points to be made, then they made them, and if they are idiots, then we allow them to be idiots. Our hope has been, and continues to be, create a place, where we can have a conversation, in order to inform, entertain and enlarge the number of people participating in the political arena.

Rightly so, people have expected Delaware Right to take the role of the conservative voice in the debate, after all our original “ABOUT US” page said this,

“At Delaware Right we will develop and communicate a conservative message directed toward all constituencies by building coalitions within our communities to support like-minded candidates for elective offices including local Municipal, School Board, State Representative and State Senate.

By effectively generating local excitement we believe the message can help our conservative candidates for the US House of Representatives and US Senate.
Please consider joining our coalition in helping toward our goal of “Moving Delaware Forward“.”
   Our original “MISSION” said this,
 “Here at Delaware Right we will strive to raise the discussion among conservatives to a level that will allow for the free exchange of ideas in a manner that demonstrates that we can disagree, without being disagreeable. To show that we understand that our opponents at the ballot box, are not our fellow conservatives, but those who work to forward the ideals of a progressive agenda.

We will put forth conservative ideas on how to move the political process forward, and we will welcome all who wish to challenge those ideas in a manner that will be conducive to solving the problems and challenges that we here in Delaware face on a day-to-day basis. In the open debate of ideas, all will benefit from the honing of the ideas put forth.
We will work to mold the conservative message, into a message, that will be heard not only by our fellow conservatives, but one that can be delivered to the political center and even the political left, for if we truly see our message as being the correct message, then it is only a matter of delivering it properly, so as to convince more people of its correctness.
However, in delivering that conservative message, we cannot allow ourselves to become closed-minded; we must be willing to listen, as well as to speak. We must be open to the ideas and thoughts of others; it is when we listen, that we learn the most. We will stand upon a platform that is multi-dimensional, but that is committed to Conservative Principles.
These Conservative Principals include, but are not limited to, the idea of limited government, that the power of government flows from the People, and the consent of the governed.
We believe that Liberty and prosperity flows to everyone from and through a free market, capitalist system that allows for the pursuit of happiness without any guarantees, and that the role of government in this system, is as a referee, not a participant.
We believe in personal responsibility, and that each of us is accountable for their own actions and that the level of success will be equal to the amount of effort that we put forth.
We still believe that the single most pressing issue of the day is re-building a strong economy and returning people to work and the opportunity for prosperity. If anyone thinks the “new normal” is an acceptable concept, they are mistaken.
We here at Delaware Right will hold true to the traditional values and Conservative Principles that have made Delaware and these United States the freest place to live, bar none.”

And our original “PRINCIPLES” said this,

“1)  Delaware Right is an honest effort to raise the discussion among Conservatives.  We need to learn to disagree without being disagreeable to each other.  At the end of the day our opponents at the ballot box are progressives and liberals, not Conservatives.
2)  We appreciate discussion.  An idea that is challenged and needs to be defended, hones the idea.  It makes it better a better idea.
3)  We all don’t hear ideas the same.  As conservatives we need to speak to other conservatives, but we need to also learn to speak to the political center, and the political left.  If we are correct, “that our ideas are better”, then we will win the discussion.  It starts with having the discussion and honing our ideas.  Delaware Right is committed to having a discussion.
4)  We need to listen too.  We cannot effectively argue and hone our ideas, if we can’t hear and listen to the “other side”. We all know we can learn more by listening than speaking, our platform is multi-dimensional, but committed to Conservative Principles.
5)  We believe in limited government.  The power of the Government flows from the people, and the consent of the governed.
6)  We believe in free markets and that prosperity flows to everyone from a capitalist system.
7)  The role of government is that of a referee, not a participant.
8)  We believe in personal responsibility
9)  We believe in a hand-up, not a hand-out.
10)  We still believe that the single most pressing issue of the day is re-building a strong economy and returning people to work and the opportunity for prosperity.  If anyone thinks the “new normal” is an acceptable concept, they are dead wrong.”
  Notice all of the references to conservative this and that.
  Our new “ABOUT US” says,
  “At Delaware Right we will develop and communicate a message directed toward all constituencies, by building coalitions within our communities, to support the best candidates for elective office, including  Municipal, School Board, State Representative and State Senate, regardless of party affiliation.

By effectively generating local excitement, we believe the message can help candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate as well.
  We intend to provide a place where an open, nonpartisan conversation can be had. Where all ideas are welcome, not because of party affiliation, but in spite of party, or ideology.
Please consider joining our coalition in helping toward our goal of “Moving Delaware Forward“. Let’s Do Delaware Right!”
   Our new “MISSION” says,
“Here at Delaware Right we will strive to raise the discussion among all citizens to a level which will allow for the free exchange of ideas, in a manner that demonstrates how we can disagree, without being disagreeable.

We will put forth ideas on how to move the political process forward, and we will welcome all who wish to challenge those ideas in a manner which will be conducive to solving the problems and challenges we here in Delaware face, on a day-to-day basis. In an open debate of ideas, all will benefit from the honing of the ideas put forth.
However, we cannot allow ourselves to become closed-minded; we must be willing to listen, as well as to speak. We must be open to the ideas and thoughts of others; it is when we listen, that we learn the most. We will stand upon a platform which is multi-dimensional, but that is committed to finding the best solutions to the challenges which face us, as Delawareans, and Americans. And to find the best candidates to put forth those solutions, regardless of party affiliation.
We believe that Liberty and prosperity flows to everyone from and through a free exchange of ideas. For we do not need the gun, if we have the pen. The 1st Amendment is first for a reason.
 We here at Delaware Right believe that no solution can be found, which will benefit the most people, unless all voices are welcome in the conversation about the solution to the problems facing all of us.
 Our mission is to create that conversation and allow for the free exchange of ideas.
  Let’s Do Delaware Right”
   Our new “PRINCIPLES” say,
  “1)  Delaware Right is an honest effort to raise the discussion among all citizens.  We need to learn to disagree without being disagreeable.  At the end of the day, our only opponent is ignorance.

2)  We appreciate discussion.  An idea which is challenged and needs to be defended, hones the idea.  It makes it a better idea.
3)  We all don’t hear ideas the same. We must learn to talk with all people, to get our ideas across in a manner which will allow for others to see the merit of those ideas.  If we are correct, “that our ideas are better”, then we will carry the discussion forward.  It starts with having the discussion and honing our ideas.  Delaware Right is committed to having a discussion.
4)  We need to listen also.  We cannot effectively hone our ideas, if we can’t hear and listen to the “other side”. We all know we can learn more by listening, than speaking.
5)  Going forward, Delaware Right’s highest priority will be to create an atmosphere in which all ideas are welcome, where the conversation is the means to an end, that being, to find solutions to issues facing all citizens, and finding, vetting, and electing people who understand it is not about party, but people.
 Let’s Do Delaware Right!”
   Our rules of participation remain the same,
  “It seems that it will be necessary to have a certain set of rules for blog participation here at Delaware Right. While we wish to have a free exchange of ideas, and a fair and open debate of the issues that face us in Delaware and the nation, we would like to keep it civil and on a mostly friendly basis.This does not mean that we cannot be sarcastic, and even rude at times. When discussing issues that affect all of us, it is understandable that emotions may and will run hot at times.

We would like to keep the rules simple and as straightforward as possible, so as not to allow for abuse of the powers granted to those charged with enforcing them.

Please attempt to limit the number of consecutive comments to three. This will allow others to respond to your points more easily, and create more of a conversation, rather than a monologue.

Please limit the length of your comments, again, to create the sense of a conversation and to give others the chance to respond. Length of comments will be a matter of interpretation of those monitoring the comments. If a certain commenter shows a habit of run on comments, then they will be warned. Hopefully that will be enough and no further actions will be needed. Please do not take this to mean that your ideas and thoughts are not welcome, we are simply attempting to keep the site informative and entertaining at the same time.

There is an automatic default that moves any comment with two or more links within the comment to moderation. This is to protect the site from spam, and also from shameless self-promotion of other sites. If the links are relevant to the post and the comment thread, then those monitoring the comments will approve said comment at the earliest opportunity. However, if a commenter shows a habit of shameless self-promotion here at Delaware Right, they risk being labeled spam and blocked permanently or for a limited time, based on the severity of the offense.

We are all adults here for the most part. But we would hope that all would come here to participate in the discussion, therefore we would ask that you not use commonly acknowledged curse words. We all know them and most likely use them in our daily lives. However we here at Delaware Right see no need to exercise that knowledge when debating the issues. Those monitoring the comments will edit as they see fit and warn offenders. Again we want this to be entertaining and informative. We seek to include all, and have no wish to ban anyone. In that spirit we hope that all of our guest will self police, so that it will not become necessary for the site to step in.

Finally, on the matter of guest interaction. Of course many of our guest know each other outside of the bogging world. They may have personal knowledge of each other that can be either embarrassing or even actionable. We here at Delaware Right would ask that personal differences be settled somewhere else. If you have a problem with another commenter on a personal level, do not bring it here. We are not a day-care center.  Those monitoring the comments will attempt to sort out  comments that are clearly out of line, from those that are simply part of the natural give and take on a blog site.

Understand that the comments made on the blog site of Delaware Right do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the management of Delaware Right,  or of other commenters, or the author of the original post, or anyone connected in any way to Delaware Right. The comments are the views and the opinions of the person making the comment alone, and having them seen on the site should not, in any way, be seen as an endorsement  or a promotion of those views and opinions.

Please enjoy your time here at Delaware Right, but please be respectful of our other guest and participants.”

Please do not take the striking of the word conservative from our mission, principles and about us as a repudiation of conservative values and principles, it is not. I personally still hold to my conservative values and principles. I personally will continue to write from my own conservative view-point. However, I have recognized that conservatism, and liberalism, and all ideology is relative.

We here at DR hope to bring more voices to the conversation. We hope to hear from Bernie Sanders supporters, and Clinton supporters, and Trump supporters. We want all view points, and all ideas.

We have to stop trying to prove the other guy wrong in order to make ourselves right. We must begin to look for where the other guy is right, to find the merit of their argument, in order to find real and lasting solutions to the issues we face as Americans and specifically as Delawareans. We must put our partisanship aside long enough to listen.

That is why we at Delaware Right will attempt to erase the lines which have been drawn over the years to separate us. We begin here, and now. Other changes will be coming in the near future. We are working on a new logo, since the elephant is clearly partisan.

We are reaching out to people who in the past have been our opposition, who we now invite to be authors here. We offer the top of the page to guest post, to be submitted through our contact page.

We here at Delaware Right are asking for your help. Help us build something which is missing in the current political landscape, that being, a real, open, honest, and nonpartisan conversation. Help us “Do Delaware Right”!

43 Comments on "Let’s Do Delaware Right"

  1. Gladys Adams says:

    The last time Republicans controlled the Presidency, the Senate and the House we had the Great Depression. I sure hope that isn’t where we are headed this time.

  2. Rick says:

    We here at DR hope to bring more voices to the conversation. We hope to hear from Bernie Sanders supporters, and Clinton supporters…

    It seems like you have plenty of them already.

    Or maybe you think Honi Soil, delacrat, Whooping Crane and so on are closet Republicans?

    That is why we at Delaware Right will attempt to erase the lines which have been drawn over the years to separate us….

    You can’t “erase” the difference between a socialist-statist and a capitalist-originalist. The two are incompatible. Big government and collective salvation or limited government and individual responsibility. Obama is the former. The Founders were the latter.

    If you’re halfway between, you’re nothing, just as “heavy mules are neither horse nor ass,” to borrow from Pope.

  3. Brian says:

    Gladys – The last time the Republicans controlled the Presidency, Senate and the House was during the George W. Bush administration from 2003 to 2007. Don’t believe everything you read from Ann Coulter.

  4. delacrat says:


    It’s heartening to see you’ve consigned the BS numbered 5) through 9) to the dustbin.

  5. Rick says:

    Sen. Chuck U. Schumer gave a perfect example of Socialist-Democrat “cross-the-aisle” amiability today when he told Trump that if he comes to view positions “their way,” he (Schumer) will be quite accommodating. But if he fails to cave, the left will fight against every GOP proposal, tooth-and-nail. This is how the left works, and has worked for a hundred years.

    Now, if we had a Senate Majority Leader with some backbone (which we don’t), that leader would have- today- informed Mr. Schumer that as of January 20, the filibuster rule that Harry Reid and the Socialist-Democrat Senate majority changed in order to fill USDC and Circuit Court vacancies, will be extended, and will also apply to Supreme Court nominees.

    Of course, Mitch McConnell- in he Frank Knotts mold- simply doesn’t understand two simple facts;

    The left never stops and never appeases.

    The right gives 90% and fights for a meaningless 10%.

    Thus, the government always expands and always ratchets to the left as the Constitution becomes a meaningless document.

    Dear Sen. McConnell,

    Trump won the election. He is the incoming President. Not Chuck Schumer.

  6. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, it is sad that a person such as yourself, who is obviously intelligent so often resorts to such childish tactics to make your point. You quote me as saying, ” We here at DR hope to bring more voices to the conversation. We hope to hear from Bernie Sanders supporters, and Clinton supporters…”
    Conveniently leaving out the last few words of that sentence, ” and Trump supporters”.
    And yes, many of our guest lean left. And I hope we are able to include people who lean left to contribute articles as well. You see, I have come to believe, the reason people refuse to allow others to speak, is because they fear the weakness of their own views. I have no such fear.
    I also have come to believe there is no right or left, only right and wrong. It is up to the people to make those decisions. The goal of DR is to allow the conversation to happen in order to inform more people. The partisan politics has led us to Trump, and I know we disagree on how that may affect the nation as a whole, time will tell friend.
    And Delacrat, we removed that language from the principles of the site, so as to make the site less partisan, I hate to tell you this, but I personally still hold to those principles and values, and will continue to write from that perspective. I look forward to our future discussions on how best to serve the most people best.

  7. mouse says:

    What exactly does “conservative” mean? Focusing on sexual issues and racial resentment

  8. mouse says:

    what happened to the post about Vance Phillips? That clown really running for something? Amazing how low western Sussex republicans can go and still get elected. All these religious holy folk spewing their BS then electing morally bankrupt perverts

  9. waterpirate says:

    With the death of DL at the hands of the IPOD, and the future of Delaware liberal uncertain, the blogoshere is at a turning point. Much like the country. The innaugaration of the ” orange hitler” is a fort nite away and the screeching of the trumpanzees is deafening. Blogging is work and the story becomes old when the same commenters respond to the same postings re invented over and over again for lack of anything inspiring in the post election malaise. If I were you, and I am not. I would put the invite out to the folks who have retired from other blogs in the hopes of turning the disscusions here to a more intellectual level, covering ALL of the Delaware political landscape, rather than a conservative ” what the hell does that mean anymore, anyway” blog. centric echo chamber. If the discussion here does not move forward away from the usual players this blog may be on the edge of the tar pit with the rest.

  10. Henry says:

    Now this is funny. You are still capable of writing nonsense.

    Your actions don’t coincide with your ramblings.

    But then again what do you expect out of someone who voted for Hillary Clinton.

    People fall for your BS and DR junk after several years of this, definitely need their head examined.

  11. Frank Knotts says:

    Mouse, as I said in the post, I have come to understand that terms such as conservative and liberal are relative.
    The Vance Phillips post is an old one from when he was running for re-election.
    Water Pirate, I assume you read the post, this is exactly what we are attempting to do. We have offered the top of the page to any and all. We hope by having more authors will bring new commenters as well. As for the intellectual level of the conversation? Well we will see. Fell free to submit a post, maybe on water issues.
    Henry, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you in the voting booth when I voted, so you are stating as fact something you have no way to know. So who is writing nonsense?

  12. Henry says:

    Really Frank?
    When is this farce going to end?
    This rag was created to help your boss gain Republican Party support to get elected. Has that worked for you?
    If anything it back fired on him and you cost him Republican Party support and votes.
    Here comes Jeff Cragg. Runs three times in statewide elections and loses all three times.
    Why would a older white guy from New Castle County with Republican executive committee support from NCC RINOS such as Mike Castle, DuPonts, Copeland, Battiglia, Stabler, Barrosse, etc. lose an election?
    According to you and the heavily left leaning RINOS a New Castle County resident, so called moderate heavily leaning left so left that getting a Democrat elected is better than southern Delawarean conservative.
    The whole old bunch of OLD Republican Guard who are still stalwarts of the party are going to continue to lose statewide elections.
    Because the moderate theory is that if they agree with the Democrats maybe the Democrats will vote for them. Wrong. And it shows. Democrats are not going to vote for moderates.
    Why? Democrat party has gone so progressively left that they are not going to vote for a moderate. If they are going to get one of the same they will vote for the same – A Democrat.

    By losing several elections in the past ten years hoping that maybe by some sort of magic the demographic of NCC is going to change to Republican is just too ridiculous to fathom. When in fact the demographic of NCC is consistent every year more Democrat due to more Democratic voters moving to Delaware and residing in NCC, Middletown, Smyrna, Dover, Lewes and Rehoboth.

    John Marino will not win the election to replace Bethany Hall Long. Why?
    Two failed attempts district elections in the past four years in a heavily Democrat district. Every year more Democrat voters move into that district and throughout NCC.
    Democrats will work harder, raise more money, support their candidates far above the Republican Party will do for their candidates.
    With this being a very crucial election and Sen. Patty Blevins getting beat by 200 votes the Democrats will come out in full force with money, in and out state support, Progressive liberal voters that are plentiful, sorry to say he won’t win.

    As time continues to go by year after year up state Republican support and voters become more non existent. Dwindling numbers. It will not get better. Progressive, moderate liberal Democrats are not going to change their party affiliation. Republican Party in Delaware regarding statewide elections is done.
    Jeff Cragg will never win a statewide election. Period.

    So what is the point of continuing this rag only to suck the funds out of what’s left of the Republican Party I.e. fundraising hack to keep people like Grossman and Frank Knott’s. People save your money and your time. Help those directly that will make a difference.

  13. Luke says:

    Total garbage Frank. You destroyed this site by attacking everybody to get attention for yourself. Now you whine because by destroying this site you have effectively destroyed yourself.
    And to you waterpirate, are you joined at the hip with this loser, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces?

  14. waterpirate says:

    To think that I am joined at the hip with anyone is pretty rich, See the definition of Pirate. Places to talk about issues concerning us all are scant. Places to talk that are not controlled by the trumpanzee narrative are going to get harder to find. What the future truly holds is anybodys guess, but I will not tolerate book burning, censorship, religious persecution, or racial discrimination. Where do you stand on those issues?

  15. Frank Knotts says:

    Henry, as for Mr. Cragg’s campaigns? You would have to talk to him about those. I have never been in on any meetings, and I have never had any discussions with him about what I write beyond discussing what I have written after the fact.
    I can actually agree with some of what you say about Republicans winning statewide and why. But maybe that is why we the people must put aside the partisanship and begin talking with each other outside of party lines. Then as citizens we can force all our politicians to follow the will of the people.
    Luke, thank you for your intellectual contribution to the conversation. Only time will tell about the site, as for me personally? Well I have but one judge, and it sure isn’t you.

  16. Rick says:

    What exactly does “conservative” mean?

    It means to conserve- particularly what has proven to work. Such as family, hard work, individual responsibility, free markets, private property and so on. Diametrically opposed to collectivism-statism.

    To think that I am joined at the hip with anyone is pretty rich, See the definition of Pirate.

    The definition of “pirate” is thief.

    What the future truly holds is anybodys guess, but I will not tolerate book burning, censorship, religious persecution, or racial discrimination…

    Then you’d better stay away from today’s “liberal” college campi. There, Stalinist politically-correct orthodoxy reigns; an irrational hatred of traditions and values prevails; especially a net red for the United States.

    For generations, the United States has stood as the “immovable object” against the “irresistible force” that world collectivism was supposed to be. Hence, the foundations of the “object” must be dismantled, brick-by-brick. It’s straight from Marx and Engels- and Alinsky, BO’s mentor.

    Eventually, it will be settled in the street.

  17. waterpirate says:

    Those are your definitions based on your observations and experiances. I do not share them. Where do you stand on the four points I raised? Your statement that it will be settled in the street is a great definition of you practicing your definition of conservative.

  18. delacrat says:

    “What exactly does “conservative” mean?” – mouse

    “It means to conserve- particularly what has proven to work. Such as family, hard work, individual responsibility, free markets,…” – rick

    What conservative means in practice is destroying specifically “what has proven to work”; Social Security, Medicare, labor unions …. while mouthing virtuous sounding generalities like “family”, “responsibility”, and “free”.

  19. Rick says:

    Those are your definitions based on your observations and experiences…


    You said “see the definition of pirate.” I said thief. So does the dictionary.

    A commander possessing a Letter of Marque is a privateer, not a pirate.

    What conservative means in practice is destroying specifically “what has proven to work”; Social Security, Medicare, labor unions …. while mouthing virtuous sounding generalities like “family”…

    When did conservatives “destroy” Social Security? Of course, without restructuring, it will eventually go broke, as Medicaid already has.

    As far as labor unions go, see Detroit. Then thank the unions.

    A skilled, competent worker will always get a job. A lazy, incompetent worker will always need a union. And rich union bosses wil always fund Democrats- to perpetuate the fraud.

  20. Henry says:

    Come together?
    How can people in the Republican Party come together when the RINO left leaning Mike Castle Republicans in NCC who will support a liberal Democrat (example – Coons) over a conservative Republican candidate in any election. They want to control who runs for any state wide office.
    Sexist Mike Castle will not support a female running for a statewide office just ask Sher Venezuela when she wanted to run for Governor four years ago but was advised by Republican Party Chairman John Sigler to run for Lt. Governor.
    Delaware Republican Party knows nothing of strategic political positioning to gain favor with the people’s roller coaster emotional tide.
    Democrats do know how to use race, gender and career in a tight little political package to elevate their candidates effectiveness to gain votes.
    GOP are a loss ball in tall grass. If their statewide candidates aren’t white and middle aged to old they aren’t interested hence won’t throw support only to destroy.
    So with this kind of mentality in the GOP executive committee how can anybody throughout the state GOP come together?
    The rest would have to go along to get along and that’s not happening.
    Perhaps when the old white has been departs then the GOP can move on with the times.

  21. Frank Knotts says:

    Henry, you see, when we have an actual conversation we can discover where we actually agree. I gree with your accessment of the Delaware GOP needing more diversity in order to move forward.

  22. delacrat says:

    Of course, without restructuring, it(Social Security) will eventually go broke, as Medicaid already has.”

    “Conservatives” have been saying SS will “go broke” since it’s inception in the 1930’s, but it never seems to do so.

    “A lazy, incompetent worker will always need a union.”

    You’ve obviously never pulled a double shift alongside “lazy” and “incompetent” union workers on a production line.

    It is also obvious that it has never occurred to you that lazy, incompetent managements exist and will always want cheap, docile, non-union labor; hence workers are better off in a union.

  23. waterpirate says:

    It must comfort you to live in such a narrow definition as provided to you by the liberal college campi. Just to get it over with, I am a thief. I steal Btu’s. All happy now?
    1. Do you support book burning?
    2. Do you advocate censorship?
    3. Do you believe in religious persecution?
    4. Do you want racial discrimination?

    I also gather that you do not support any protections for workers, and you believe that everyone in a position of power is corrupt?

  24. Rick says:

    “Conservatives” have been saying SS will “go broke” since it’s inception in the 1930’s, but it never seems to do so.

    The Social Security Trust Fund says so.

    It must comfort you to live in such a narrow definition as provided to you by the liberal college campi. Just to get it over with, I am a thief. I steal Btu’s. All happy now?

    You brought up the definition of “pirate,” not me. I’m not sure about what you claim to be my “narrow” definition; simply open a dictionary.

    1. Do you support book burning?
    2. Do you advocate censorship?
    3. Do you believe in religious persecution?
    4. Do you want racial discrimination?

    Perhaps you missed it. I said that if you want to witness all of the above, merely visit any “liberal” college.

    I also gather that you do not support any protections for workers…

    Huh? I do not support unions.

    …and you believe that everyone in a position of power is corrupt?

    Better re-gather.

    …and will always want cheap, docile, non-union labor…

    Every year the UAW goes to Toyota, and every year the workers tell them to get lost. Not everyone needs someone to hold their hand.

    …hence workers are better off in a union.

    Except those that no longer have a job because there’s no longer a factory.

    The whole union movement- read up on it- was commie to the core. “Workers of the world, unite.”

  25. waterpirate says:

    Jeeez, Trying to talk to you is like herding cats.
    1. Trump has proposed a muslim registry, that is religious persecution. Do you support that?

  26. delacrat says:


    Adolf hated liberals and unions too.

  27. Rick says:

    Jeez, Trying to talk to you is like herding cats.

    Really? Here is your exact quote;

    To think that I am joined at the hip with anyone is pretty rich, See the definition of Pirate.

    And the first definition of “pirate” is thief. That is not my “interpretation” based on “experiences.” It is how every dictionary and history book defines the term.

    Perhaps you have a unique interpretation of the term “pirate.” Or maybe you carry a sword, have a loop earring, use “beard” as part of your name and spend your days searching for hidden gold dabloons and pieces of eight. Arrrrr….

    1. Trump has proposed a muslim registry, that is religious persecution. Do you support that?

    He can’t do that. But what he can do is restrict immigration from hostile states, in regions that promote world terrorism. It would not restrict Muslim immigration, per se, but would in effect, since most terrorists from hostile states are Muslim. There are plenty of precedents for so doing, and I would support this action 100%.

    Let’s not forget, “liberal” icon FDR put US citizens in camps. In the name of “security.”

    Adolf hated liberals and unions too.

    Okay. Do you know why Hitler “hated” unions?

    Because they were organized by communists, with aid from the Soviet Union (just like here). Obviously, Hitler was wary of the Soviet Union, and couldn’t allow the infiltration of communists into German war production industries.

    As to Hitler “hating liberals,” what exactly is a “liberal?”

    Most people consider socialism to be a “liberal” philosophy. Hitlers Nazi Party was a socialist party.

    You seem to be quite confused, delacrat. If you look at the history of the political left and right (it is generally agreed that “left” and “right” originated with the congressional seating arraignments in post revolutionary France), it becomes apparent that the the so-called “liberal” left, which promotes the collective at the expense of individual freedom, is in reality a philosophy that leads the people down the road to totalitarianism. Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Casto- card carrying members of the “liberal” left- all came to power professing concern for the “workers,” “social justice,” “non-discrimination,” “equality of the sexes” and all the rest of the sloganeering extant within the jargon of today’s American left. While Marx wrote of the “dictatorship of the proletariat,” a workers paradise with no social classes or even government itself, Lenin, ever the realist, understood that such a non-government was impossible, and thus declared himself to be the “vanguard” of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

    And today’s “liberals” who promote the concept of an omnipotent central state, with a know-it-all elite running every aspect of society and economics, are promoting a future not much different from the doomed Soviet experiment.

    Forgotten is the fact that Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro murdered 100-300 million people- and essentially enslaved millions more- in order to usher-in the workers paradise and collective salvation, and under their auspices, the individual was crushed into oblivion.

    So wear your “liberal” dunce cap proudly.

  28. mouse says:

    Unions have helped more old uneducated white guys live a dignified existence than any other factor. Wonder what it takes to get so many of them to rail against and attack unions? Has to be racist resentments. Nothing else has such power to get people to work against their own kind,.

  29. mouse says:

    And I thought Stalinist totalitarian Russia and its leader Putin were the best thing going these days? Go figure..

  30. Rick says:

    Stalin was a “liberal,” communism being the desired end after transitional socialism. Lenin clearly stated that socialism was a necessary interregnum before collective salvation.

    Putin is an oligarch. “Freely elected,” of course. At least he has the sense to know that a centralized economy can never work.

    As an aside, how’s the economy of the great humanitarian- Hugo Chavez- working out?

  31. Rick says:


    Read “The Road To Serfdom,” by F. Hayak. A tremendously important book.

    For anyone else who might be starting to realize that the individual is more important than the collective;

    “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Fountainhead,” A. Rand (read Fountainhead first)
    “Radical Son,” D. Horowitz
    “The Wealth Of Nations,” A. Smith
    “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” R. Bork
    “Fahrenheit 451,” R. Bradbury
    “American Academia and the Survival of Marxist Ideas,” D. Fernandez-Morera
    “Plunder and Deceit,” M. Levin
    “A Clockwork Orange,” A. Burgess

    I might add, to those naive “times change” lemmings; a cursory reading of Horace, Shakespeare and Pope- or even the Bible- will show that while technology changes, man does not.

    Warning; these books will shatter the notions of those who’ve become comfortably propagandized.

  32. mouse says:

    Problem is that you have a created a straw man. I nor any liberal I know has advocated communism, socialism or anything more than having adequate macroeconomic controls on capitalism so it doesn’t all go into the fewest hands possible

  33. mouse says:

    I would suggest reading The Road Less Traveled

  34. Rick says:

    I nor any liberal I know has advocated communism, socialism or anything more than having adequate macroeconomic controls on capitalism so it doesn’t all go into the fewest hands possible…

    Capitalism built the largest economy in the world; socialism is destroying it.

    I know you don’t “know” Bernie Sanders, but before he changed his party affiliation to “Democrat” in order to run for president, he was a member of the Socialist Party.

    Most dupes (and I’m not accusing you) don’t realize what the long-term “liberal” agenda really is.

    There is a choice; either collectivism-statism or a nation of individuals, who make their own decisions and are responsible for their own lives. There is no “middle ground.”

    Personally, I don’t care to be led-around by the nose.

  35. Henry says:

    Your fictitious montage of collective material written over and over with a brainless spin is nothing more than ramblings of a mentality unstable mad man.
    Buy yourself a bag of lollypops.

  36. waterpirate says:

    meow, yawn.
    Second the above!

  37. Rick says:

    Uh, “pirate”…I believe Henry was referring to Frank, not me.

    Glad to see you concur.

    Fearing books- and the ideas contained within- is the same as burning them. It’s just more personal.

  38. mouse says:

    I’m confused, I thought books were the enemies of of talk radio right wingers? At least science books anyway

  39. delacrat says:

    “Fearing books- and the ideas contained within- is the same as burning them.” – rick

    It’s apparent you have a fear of books authored by other than right-wing idealogues and yahoos.

  40. waterpirate says:

    I believe that statement applies to you. You have no personal opinion or discourse to add, just quips and quotes, and a ongoing need to school people who may be more schooled than yourself. This is not a third person blog nor a existential realm. When asked what YOU believe or support, or not all we get is more bull$hit that does not answer the question.
    So I say again, answer the questions or please stop.

  41. Rick says:

    It’s apparent you have a fear of books authored by other than right-wing idealogues and yahoos.

    Really? Based upon what? Your “feelings?”

    I have read Thompson, Kerouac, Rousseau, Marx, Keynes, Ginsberg and on and on and on, and thousands of articles from the Washington Post and New York Times. That they don’t appear on my recommended reading list is irrelevant. I happen to believe that the left is wrong.


    I believe that statement applies to you.

    What statement and to whom?

    You have no personal opinion or discourse to add, just quips and quotes..

    Assuming you’re talking to me, what are you talking about? I have no “personal opinion(s)? ” Are you kidding me?

    Ah yes, that’s Rick….no opinions.

    …and a ongoing need to school people who may be more schooled than yourself.

    Well, “schooling” is relative, but I’ll stack mine up against most. Not that it really matters; except to you, I suppose.

    This is not a third person blog nor a existential realm.

    Huh? What are you talking about?

    When asked what YOU believe or support, or not all we get is more bull$hit that does not answer the question.

    What question?

    So I say again, answer the questions or please stop.

    You mean the question about the definition of “pirate?”

    Calm down. You make no sense when you’re hyperventilating.

  42. delacrat says:

    “Calm down. You make no sense when you’re hyperventilating.” – rick

    Consider taking your own advice.

  43. Rick says:

    Are you capable of uttering an original thought? I suppose not.

    Try some critical analysis. Remember that from elementary school? Try to show us how and where I’m wrong.

    Lesson 1).

    This is not a third person blog nor a existential realm.

    Huh? What are you talking about?

    Analyze the above.

Got something to say? Go for it!