Friday night I was present for the re-election campaign kick-off for Senator Ernesto “Ernie” Lopez, for the 6th Delaware Senatorial District. And may I say, WOW!
As usual I had to work a little later than I had planned, and so I was pushing it to make it there before the six o’clock start time. I figured parking might be an issue since the “EVENT” was being held in Stango park which is located behind the Lewes Library, so I knew I wouldn’t be getting a parking place in the Library lot.
However I was a little surprised as I came up the street to see traffic control. As I turned down the street the Library sits on, I realized I wouldn’t be getting a parking space within a couple of blocks of the “EVENT”.
So I found my space and hurried back to the park. Even at ten minutes of six the crowd was still growing with late comers. As I moved into the crowd the first thing I noticed was that it was a virtual who’s, who of elected officials, not to mention many of the county’s most influential people. I would say when the event started that around two-hundred people had come out to help Sen. Lopez kick-off his re-election campaign.
Before he was introduced Sen. Lopez was making his way around the crowd to welcome and thank everyone for coming.
Sen. Lopez’s wife, Janis, came to the podium and announced that they would be starting the event, she first recognized the officials who had come out to show their support for Sen. Lopez, and then introduced Rep. Harvey Kenton. Mr. Kenton spoke of his fondness for Sen. Lopez and his family, and then offered up a prayer to begin the evening.
The Mayor of Lewes, Jim Ford, then came to the podium and gave a rousing introduction for Sen. Lopez. Sen. Lopez was greeted with a standing round of applause from the large crowd, who had come out at six o’clock on a sunny Friday evening, at a time when a lot of people would have been going out for dinner, or to a movie, or just getting off work like myself, and had instead come out to share this moment with Sen. Lopez.
Sen. Lopez then gave what I think was one of the best political speeches I have ever witnessed personally. He was funny, he was passionate, he was humble, and he spoke of his vision of what needed to be done to make Delaware a better place for all of its citizens to live.
One phrase that Sen. Lopez used struck me deeply, when he described his role as “servant leadership”. This tells me that Sen. Ernie Lopez understands that while his role is to lead by example, he also understands that he is the servant of the people. When he spoke of goals he used words like “we” and “us”. And when he used the word “I”, it was in a manner of humility, and thankfulness for the support shown for him.
Sen. Lopez had no need for theatrics, or stunts, he simply announced that he would be in the park at six o’clock, and two-hundred people put their lives on hold for a couple of hours to say both, thank you Sen. Lopez, and that yes, they would once again help him win an election, so that he could go back to Dover and represent the people of the 6th Senatorial District.
This was a family event, many people had brought their children with them, Hopkins Farm provided free ice cream for everyone. There was no angry speeches or fist waving, no name calling, no empty threats. Sen. Lopez and his supporters put on a political event that was inspirational and hopeful. It reminded me much of the positive speeches that Ronald Reagan was so well-known for.
Sen. Lopez gives us hope that we can still find politicians who have real substance, and who are grounded in the real world of raising a family, and building a life for that family, and leaving a future for that family, a future that will allow our children to achieve their dreams.
Here is a link to the Senator’s speech, this was an outdoor event so the wind plays with the audio from time to time, but if you listen carefully you will hear the children playing in the background throughout the speech, and for anyone who knows Sen. Lopez at all, you will know that the sound of children playing is the perfect background for him.
the guy is the real deal. i can also tell you that he is good at constituent service. he helped my family deal with a cumbersome state bureaucracy. he calls people back to follow up. he represents the true silent majority….. those of us in the middle.
yes, he is the real deal……………………
right wing fringe take note……. you will never win in this state with your approach
this man has it all – he draws folks together without ripping them apart.
no manner what your registration
A liberal district deserves a liberal rep. Lopez wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell in your neck of the woods, Frank (Bridgeville). But he’s perfect in Schwarzkopf territory. Maybe he should move to Wilmington, and run for governor?
Maybe he should Rick. I think you are finally getting it. Run the candidate that most represents the district for which they are seeking election, in the hope of winning said election.
You are most likely correct, Ernie Lopez wouldn’t stand a chance of winning in the Bridgeville area, and Dave Wilson could never win in say the 20th.
Unfortunately too many on the fringe actually believe that you can clone the most conservative candidate and then just plop those clones into every race and win.
That is not only not true, it is insanity to think so.
The problem the fringe right has, is that their idea of democracy is a homogenized electorate in which everyone thinks and feels exactly as they do 100% of the time, or else you must be a liberal. All the little brains can come up with is check box politics, and if a candidate misses just one box, then that candidate must be destroyed. Because the little brains can’t think outside the box.
This is the legacy the TEA movement has placed upon the Republicans.
I wonder how many will come out for Don Ayotte’s announcement?
“I sponsored or co-sponsored legislation to support local schools, local entrepreneurs, and protect the coastal environment… a new elementary school, two new fire stations, one in Rehoboth and another in Nassau, … Concerns that are seniors face in health care and housing, ….. a new library, …..a new nursing school, …..economic disparity”
If Sen. Lopez (R-Lewes) was Sen. Lopez (D-Lewes) and gave such a speech. The DEGOP faithful would denounce him as a “tax-and-spend” liberal !!!
And some have. I would have to see the specific legislation to know whether there was any taxing and spending. Believe it or not there are ways to get out of the way and allow those things to happen.
If you really knew or believed “there are ways to get out of the way and allow those things to happen.” without paying for “those things to happen”, you would have mentioned some.
Well delacrat, let us start with schools. There is no need to raise tax rates to be able to fund schools, if we are growing as a state. More homes mean more property tax revenues. So if we pass legislation that either creates jobs and brings people here, and or keep our tax rates low, more people will move here, thus buying property and building and increasing the value of the property, thus more revenue to create those schools.
However, you rarely hear me fussing over money spent on schools, or fire companies, though I am not in favor of discretionary funds and spending. I don’t like when legislators have their private campaign funds to hand out to fire companies and others. I believe that the money should have to go through the same process as any spending.
Tony Stark
“I wonder how many will come out for Don Ayotte’s announcement?”
You don’t have to wonder about Ayotte Stark, he is right on target for this run and I hear Smyk is sweating bullets. Ayotte has money, ability and something Smyk doesn’t have “a real platform.”
Ayotte also has a party that is solidly behind him with money and campaign staff. You lefty GOP idiots are in for a big surprise.
Since “tax-and-spend”, for your purposes, means “raise tax rates”.
and assuming, for the sake of argument, that some publicly funded functions, such as in your example, education, have costs, more-or-less, linearly related to household formation, then one may indeed ask, “Why are my taxes always going up?”
Well, it is quite likely that yours are always going up, because other peoples taxes are always going down.
Of course, as the Ernie Lopez-types proliferate in Sussex, so will the leftward drift, and then Delaware will truly be Rhode Island; lockstep, politically-correct, over-regulated, high-tax LIBERAL. Then the Dems in SOSNCC can do what they want to do, always, without resistance.
Of course, as the Ernie Lopez-types proliferate in Sussex, so will the leftward drift, and then Delaware will truly be Rhode Island; lockstep, politically-correct, over-regulated, high-tax LIBERAL. Then the Dems in SOSNCC can do what they want to do, always, without resistance.
“Raise My Taxes!”
Pop your head out of your keister for a minute and realize we are not in a conservative state. You are a prime example of the whining cry-babies who did not get their way last election so instead of trying to win elections and going after democrats you excoriate a conservative like Lopez b/c he beat your boy Uncle Urkie like a drum. Wake up and once and for all, get over it. Our only chance to win more here in DE is for 1st rate political blowhards who have never done anything to elect anyone…much like yourself, to step up and take on the the opposite party for once.
EDIT: Almost forgot, you did work hard to elect Sen. Coons here in the great red state of Delaware.
Observer said Ayotte has money, ability and something Smyk doesn’t have “a real platform.”
Ayotte also has a party that is solidly behind him with money and campaign staff. You lefty GOP idiots are in for a big surprise.
So are you saying that Don Ayotte is already getting campaign donations?
Harry whitless
Do you make this stuff up or are you really that stupid?
“Ayotte also has a party that is solidly behind him with money and campaign staff. You lefty GOP idiots are in for a big surprise.”
No filed paperwork available for review for Ayotte on State website. County Indpendant party has $50, and the State Indpendant party has @$350. As of EOY 2013.
Observer, no, I didn’t make anything up, I posted your statement and I asked a simple question. I will ask it again in a different way, “Observer, has Don Ayotte received campaign donations?”
Nope, and when he does, he will declare them. Ayotte will officially file for office on Wed. at 1pm at the Dept of Elections in Georgetown. The press releases were sent to all media this morning early. All other business will be discussed at the new conference.
Will he be walking to the Department of Elections? I heard he was nominated by the Poddie Mouths at their convention. So what passes for a convention for the Poddie Mouths? Wolf, Beatty and Not Don Ayotte sitting around a table at a Grotto’s and saying aye!
As for money, well I believe that in his losing run for council he only received on donation from a man who also contributed to his primary opponent.
Now that he is not just visiting the Island Of Misfit Toys, but is living there full time he will be lucky to raise the cost of his trip home after he loses. AGAIN!
Frank, you are illiterate as always and I can’t even comprehend what point of view you are attempting to convey. I don’t understand your vitriol or your demeanor. I know you are seriously damaged and cannot envision reality , but why do you attack concepts that you have no knowledge of?
Good God guy, get a grip and get a life. I know you have a soft reply for this but look at the reality of your life and get some psychological help before you implode.
Observer, so you were full of it earlier. Back up your claims.
“Don Ayotte MAY 5, 2014 AT 9:15 PM (EDIT)
Frank, you are illiterate as always and I can’t even comprehend what point of view you are attempting to convey. I don’t understand your vitriol or your demeanor. I know you are seriously damaged and cannot envision reality , but why do you attack concepts that you have no knowledge of?
Good God guy, get a grip and get a life. I know you have a soft reply for this but look at the reality of your life and get some psychological help before you implode.”
Spoken like the kind of person YOU would like in the State Legislature. There was a reason he was not elected to county council. It’s the same reason he will not become a State Reprentative. Not Don Ayotte. Not now, not Never!
Sooo the cast of charachters is in the wings, waiting paitently to take the stage. Kids get your nickels out, the side show is about to begin,
Don says, “Frank, you are illiterate as always and I can’t even comprehend what point of view you are attempting to convey”, well I am glad you asked Don. The point of view I am trying to convey is that Don Ayotte is a person who in the time I have become aware of him has done nothing but run from one attempt to the next, trying to make himself and his life relevant by running for any form of elected position. It seems as though he needs his life to be validated by having people vote for him, unfortunately for Mr. Ayotte, not many people have, or will vote for him. His only hope in this latest failed attempt will be to play the spoiler, if he has any effect upon the election at all.
He continually over inflates his own self worth, and now is delusional about the worth and influence of a third party comprised of the fringe of the fringe.
But hey Don, maybe you can get your fellow Poddie Mouths over on Hate Radio to call me some more names.
Pop your head out of your keister for a minute and realize we are not in a conservative state.…Booker
Wow, brilliant observation, Sherlock. I’ve only been saying that for twenty years.
Of course, if you could comprehend the written word, you’d know that my comment revolved around the drift to the left in Sussex, which is conservative, and is, with the exceptions of Schwarzkopf, Lopez and Deaver, represented by conservatives, including the Democrats Atkins and Venables.
Time to own it Rick. You and your cast of characters have been as responsible for that drift as anyone. Thanks again for Chris Coons.