All kinds and varieties of tidbits today, including top ten redneck Delaware towns, a UofD stalker-professor, and it’s no longer Pat’s Aircraft…..much more.
Denn Wants to Shut Down Gold Club
I heard this story about problems with this Gold club, a so-called “Gentlemen’s Club” which usually means strip joint.
Delaware Attorney General Matt Denn wants to shutdown a troubled club just outside Wilmington.
Denn has filed a complaint to close down the Gold Club, calling it a “criminal nuisance” property.
In the complaint, the AG says there have been several shootings, vehicle thefts, drugs, assaults and stabbings at the club on South Market Street.
Denn says the police have been called to the gentlemen’s club more than 200 times in the last four years.
Last year, the city and the AG’s office successfully shutdown the Thunderguards Motorcycle Club on Governor Printz Boulevard under similar complaints.
My first reaction upon hearing about Matt Denn wanting to go shutting down a business was to pooh-pooh. What the hell business is it of Denn how a business is run. Then I read that last paragraph above and this gives me pause. I suppose if a business is a problem to the society around it there are ways to deal with it. And shootings are normally considered problems.
So let me shut up.
It’s no Longer Pat’s Aircraft
Well since it’s now called Coastal Airport we can’t very well have an aeronautical firm called “Pat’s” now can we? Although, ahem, that is MY own name, still and so….well get a load of their new appellation.
We wish them well.
Delaware Tech Pushes Property Tax Proposal
Delaware Technical Community College’s president called for top budget officials Thursday to support a bill that would impose a property tax on all state residents.
Senate Bill 137, filed in June, would treat DelTech like the state’s three vocational school districts, creating a fund supported by a tax on assessed value of real estate. The legislation would create a tax maxing out at $1 for every $1,000 in assessed value. DelTech administrators say the proposal would cost most homeowners less than $10 in the first year.
Aw come on. Downthread we have another bureaucracy wanting property tax money. Now Deltech wants to join Sussex Tech with belonging in a state wide school district.
Give these people enough time and our property taxes will be as high as those in New Jersey and/or Maryland, from where we fled.
I happen to know Deltech’s business manager quite well. I am going to have a long talk with him.
Rep. Ruth Briggs-King’s Shining Moment!
From her own Facebook post:
Today will certainly serve as one of my proudest and most humbling moments as an elected official.
I had the honor of being inducted into Sussex Central High School’s Hall of Fame. As a 1974 alumnus, I joined four other inductees for a ceremony at the high school earlier today. I could not be more humbled by this recognition.
From today’s program: The Sussex Central Hall of Fame was established in 1990 to recognize outstanding achievements by alumni of Sussex Central High School. The Hall of Fame inductions ended in 2002, but were re-established in 2013. To be nominated, an individual must have received a diploma from Sussex Central High School. Alumni are eligible for nominations five years after graduation. Nominations were submitted to Sussex Central High School in February 2015, and the Hall of Fame Committee convened to review the nominations and recommend inductees for the Hall of Fame. Honorees are judged on the basis of their professional/career achievements, service to the nation, state, and/or community, academic achievements beyond Sussex Central High School, and other significant contributions.
Congratulations to my fellow inductees: Deon Jackson (SCHS Class of 1993); C. Russell McCabe (SCHS Class of 1974); Cathy Unruh (SCHS Class of 1975); and Markishia Wise (SCHS Class of 1995).
Thank you to Sussex Central High School and to their Nominating Committee. And, thank you to my family and Sussex County colleagues for attending today’s ceremony.
God bless you Ruthie….you certainly deserved such recognition.
UofD Professor Charged With Stalking
A University of Delaware professor was charged with stalking another UD employee on Thursday, authorities announced late Friday.
According to the University of Delaware Police, 66-year-old associate professor of economics, and associate
chair for undergraduate studies at the Lerner College of Business and Economics, William Harris, of Churchville, Maryland, was charged Thursday, November 19, 2015, with felony stalking and five counts of criminal mischief.
Harris is alleged to have repeatedly punctured the tires of the victim’s vehicle while it was parked in a university garage.
Police said Harris does not work in the same department as the victim at the university.
He was released after posting a $1,000 bond. He is not permitted on campus and is on administrative leave pending review by the university.
It doesn’t mention whether said co-worker was a male or female. But FELONY STALKING?
See, it’s criminal to stalk people, it’s not considered a mental illness and kissed away. So too should faking illness be considered criminal…..but I digress.
I think this to be an intriguing story and will be following up on it.
Odd Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus.
So okay…..a legislative sportsmen’s caucus…..I’m intrigued. Introduced by Jeff Spiegelman, Republican, Clayton….we’ll see how this shapes up.
Hoping to fill that void is the Delaware Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus. Currently being formed, this bipartisan, bicameral ad hoc committee will be jointly chaired by me, Representative Bill Carson, and Senators Brian Pettyjohn & Bruce Ennis.
The Sportsmen’s Caucus will help advance the rights of hunters, trappers and fisherman; support efforts to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife habitat; and foster outdoor-related industries and activities.
In contrast to some mistaken reports, firearms issues – except as they directly relate to hunting – will be outside the caucus’ scope.
Delaware becomes the 48th state to form such a group, joining an existing national network of more than 2,000 state lawmakers. Acting together, our legislators will gain a better idea of emerging hunting, fishing and wildlife issues and strengthen our voice in Congress regarding federal initiatives that could impact us locally.
But 48 other groups have been formed in as many states so it seems to be a good idea.
I expect to see these guys out shooting turkeys soon.
Clean Water Act…Say What?
This information came through via email from the Delaware Republican caucus and I scratch me head.
It will only cost us between $45 and $85 annually…..peanuts!
The draft measure discussed on Thursday seeks to create the “Clean Water for Delaware Fee” that would be levied on virtually all property owners.
Calculated based on assessed value, single-family residential property owners would pay between $45 and $85 annually. The owners of farm parcels could pay up to $15,000 per year. Commercial and industrial properties — including apartment complexes — would face a fee of up to $25,000.
Properties currently excluded from taxation — such as those belonging to hospitals, universities, and government — would also pay the fee, although it would be based on 50 percent of assessed value and capped at $12,500.
Under the proposal, the fee imposed on residential property owners would be automatically hiked once every 10 years, matching the increase in the regional Consumer Price Index over the preceding decade.
The authors of the bill maintain it is needed because Delaware’s existing resources are insufficient to deal with the state’s “377 bodies of water that suffer from excess nutrients, low dissolved oxygen, toxins, and bacteria.”
Proponents claim the fee would raise about $30 million annually and leverage as much as $120 million in total financing. Some of that money would come from bond sales.
The legislation would create a trust fund overseen by a nine-member board of directors. Four of the posts would be cabinet secretaries, including the Secretary of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), who would serve as the chairman. The state’s three county administrators would each select a board member, as would the Speaker of the House and the Senate President Pro Tem.
The bill’s discussion at the task force meeting this week seems to increase the likelihood the legislature will be considering the measure in 2016.
The 148th General Assembly does not return to work until January 12th, but the Clean Water for Delaware Act could be introduced as early as December 10th in a scheduled House pre-file.
So a trust fund would be created with four of the nine members of this trust fund to be cabinet secretaries….heh, one of which is guess who? DNREC! Indeed this Secretary would be the Chairman because come on people, who doesn’t want clean water?
And churches would have to pay this fee too…..except only based at half the assessed value and capped at $12,500.
I am surprised as hell how this came to us via email from the REPUBLICAN caucus. They should be out fighting this tooth and nail!
Silly Delaware Song
It’s a silly little ditty about being from Delaware where there is traffic and they’re always building roads. I don’t find Delaware much different than most states, at least as described in this song.
Alleged 10 Most Redneck Towns From Delaware
Seems they base the appellation of “Redneck” on how much chewing tobacco is sold and the number of Dollar Stores in the town.
10.GreenwoodGeorgetown, DE
Population: 6,429
Dollar stores per capita: 1st in DE
Chew factor: 1stAfter analyzing all of the data, we can definitely confirm that Georgetown, smack dab in the heart of Sussex County, not only is a great place for rednecks to call home, but must be home to lots of them.
Let’s see why. Well, there’s nothing more than a redneck needs than some Dollar Stores and a Walmart. Georgetown has plenty of those. In fact, there are more Dollar Stores in Georgetown, per capita, than anywhere else.
And the number of tobacco stores per person – what we call the chew factor – is through the roof. Georgetown’s is a 1.
And the high school dropout rate is the 5th highest in the state. About a third of the population here has decided that sitting in class isn’t for them
Man these people got to go through the backroads of Georgetown. If nothing else, GEORGETOWN IS A BARRIO….not some redneck haven.
And Dover in second place? With a big air force base and legislative hall?
Selbyville I might buy but the rest of this list is nonsense.
Firefly Festival
Firefly Music Festival is returning to The Woodlands for the fifth year on June 16-19, 2016.
Along with headliners Mumford & Sons, Kings of Leon, Florence & The Machine, and Deadmau5, the lineup also includes Ellie Goulding, Disclosure, Blink-182, Death Cab for Cutie, M83, Tame Impala, The 1975, A$AP Rocky, Of Monsters and Men, Major Lazer, Chvrches, and more than 100 additional acts; you can see the full lineup on our website at
I do not respond to comments on my posts. I certainly have no problem with such commentary and, indeed, encourage it. But I’ve written my piece and I don’t want to argue it further.
Please feel free to email me at if you want to send me a special comment or have any ideas or information you want to share.
NEXT : Sunday political talk show thread tomorrow, promptly and quickly.
And Dover in second place? With a big air force base and legislative hall?
Dover is basically a ten-mile strip mall.
As to the proposed property and water taxes, don’t be shocked. This state is run by the socialist left- the Democrats. There will always be more new “programs,” and thus, the need for new revenue to pay for them. Under socialist theory, government will grow until government runs virtually everything.
Do rednecks eat sushi?
How come Republicans always side with corporate interests over workers and polluters over people
The Socialist-Democrat Party is the party of big money. Look it up.
From Politifact:
Clinton’s top 10 cumulative donors between between 1999 and 2016 were, in descending order, Citigroup ($782,327), Goldman Sachs ($711,490), DLA Piper ($628,030), JPMorgan Chase ($620,919), EMILY’s List ($605,174) Morgan Stanley ($543,065), Time Warner ($411,296), Skadden Arps ($406,640), Lehman Brothers ($362,853) and Cablevision Systems ($336,288).
Big banks, high-power law firms and corporations.
Of course, what are corporations? They are people, and they are owned and run by people. The stockholders own the corporation. CEO’s come-and-go, based upon their ability to produce profits and maintain the corporate image. Employees of major corporations usually receive generous sick and vacation leave, health insurance, discounted stock purchases and retirement options.
The big enemy of the hysterical left- the oil companies- sell gasoline by the gallon at a lower price than milk or some bottled water. They speculate, drill, extract, pipe to a refinery, refine, deliver and then you pump. For a lower price than milk.
Only an illogical, emotional “liberal” shudders at the term “corporation.” you drive a Nissan Leaf or other electric car? Why not?
(Oh, I forgot- Nissan is a corporation.)
How many gallons of milk do you drink in a year