Folks, Sussex County has a Marine Corporal, an Afghanistan veteran, who served this country of ours. He came home the other night to find his home partly destroyed by fire. This young marine’s name is Tyler Bare, Tyler has a wife, Amber, and two little girls and now without a house to live in. I’m with the understanding that this family is now staying in a home owned by Senator Hocker. God bless you sir.
My wife Linda and I were talking about how we can help so here is what we are going to do. On Nov. 29th we are going to take our Troops BBQ and catering trucks to the parking lot of the Captain’s Table Restaurant in Rehoboth, DE. Starting around 8:00am we will be serving breakfast, drinks and coffee. Lunch will start at 11:00am untill 4:30 or so. We are going to serve smoked brisket , smoked pulled pork, hot dogs, and hamburgs, all kind of drinks and 100% of all proceeds from this event will go to Tyler Bare and his family.
If anyone would like to make a donation to this family please make the checks out to Tyler Bare and you can send the checks to my address, 199 Jenkins Pond Rd. Milford DE 19963, care of Butch Elzey. My phone number is 302-632-0374. home 302-430-0577
Remember this fine young man who served this country with honor. Don’t you think we could give him and his family a little help as the Christmas season is almost here?
Please come out and buy the best pulled pork and brisket sandwich in the country and let’s help this military family. ONCE A MARINE ALWAYS A MARINE!
God Bless.
Butch & Linda Elzey
DELAWARE RIGHT thank you. This is also being announced on the Jared Morris show on 105.9 I hope that everyone can take a few minutes out of their busy schedules to stop in, enjoy some tasty down home cooked food and support this veteran and his family.
Thank you guys for posting this. Butch and Linda do a phenomenal job in helping our veteran community.
Atkins was on WGMD talking about the family. Heard the turnout was great at the little league.
The turnout at the Little League Field was unbelievable. The parking lot stayed full the entire time drop offs and donations were being received. Tyler and his wife are well respected in the community. In addition to being a Marine, Tyler and his wife are also First Responders (Tyler’s a volunteer firefighter and his wife is an EMT).
John Atkins as usual has been right there to help out a community member in need. Bob Venables has provided the family with a place to stay. Just curious I wonder what Collins has done, this family is part of his constituents.
Who really cares about the people of Delaware
Really, on this article, really.
Your ignorance and lack of class have been displayed, hopefully, for the last time on this site. I would hope that NOT Frank Knotts, NOT Steve Grossman and NOT Jeff Cragg begin to clean up the site and discontinue allowing POS like you and the rest of your loser friends from contributing NOTHING to the conversation except your personal attacks of hatred.
I would like to think that if tragedy struck in your home that the community would come together to help you in the same manner they helped this family. John Atkins and the rest of the ‘leaders’ in the neighborhood, did a great job organizing the many events that have and will continue to support this family. I saw nothing out of you and yours except the message above. Even Rich Collins showed up, albeit a little late but he was there.
Yet you wake up on a Sunday, and prior to Services, you spew your hate filled rethoric because you are a LOSER and remind everyone on a daily basis. Please stay at the newly coined ‘Hand Job’ site where you are considered a “hero” .
thanks for confirming that Rich Collins did attend. The reason I had asked was I did not see his name mentioned in the social media sites.
Winston you have crossed a line. I have allowed you to post your hate filled comments on other threads because they were at least in response to the article I had posted. In this case you have chosen to simply attack for no reason on a post about a family in crisis.
I am not at home right now and cannot take care of it, but as soon as I get home you will be blocked indefinitely. Consider this the Ray Rice punishment.