Rob Arlett Announces Formation Of Exploratory Committee

Rob Arlett    Press Release   –   Rob Arlett, Frankford, Delaware, forms exploratory committee for Sussex County Council District Five seat.                                                                                             Contact:  Lewis W. Briggs, II, 302.856.6434 (o) or 302.245.0024 (c) or Georgetown, DE, 6 May 2014…

“He’s a breath of fresh air” said a member of Rob Arlett’s exploratory committee for Councilmatic District Five, a position currently held by Vance Phillips. Mr. Arlett, 47, a Republican, moved to Frankford, Delaware from Virginia in 2006 with his wife Lorna and their two children. He owns Beach Bound Realty and has served as vice chairman, then chairman of the Sussex County Association of Realtors Public Policy Committee; he is also a Delaware Political Action Committee Trustee.  Rob was elected Republican chairman for the 38th Representative District in 2013 and serves enthusiastically and capably in this position.  Rob was a founding member and organizer for “Operation Seas the Day,” a community-based organization that provides a free beach week to 25 wounded warriors and their families near Bethany Beach.  The son of a career U.S. Naval officer, Rob enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve as an Intelligence Specialist while attending George Mason University in Virginia. In that capacity he held a Top Secret security clearance. Rob said he is running for office because he believes that people of integrity, principles and faith must be involved in the political process at all levels.  He considers Councilman George Cole his friend and admired colleague and mentor.  “I honor George’s steadfast and honest service to his community,” he said. Among Rob’s goals for serving the County Council’s Fifth District, he lists rebuilding the economy, instilling creative thinking and networking to bring jobs to Sussex, establishing a Code of Ethics for the Council and restoring transparency of Council funds.  He is also interested in renewal and attention to Western Sussex.  “I want to restore integrity to the political process,” Rob said.  “There is not, nor will there be, any negative controversy, hidden agendas or character problems with my campaign or my desire to serve Sussex County,” Rob said.

3 Comments on "Rob Arlett Announces Formation Of Exploratory Committee"

  1. Don Ayotte says:

    This is the best news of the month; go for it Rob and good luck.

    Don Ayotte

  2. FLYLADY says:

    I think you’d do a great job, Rob! Best of luck to you!

  3. Honi Soit says:

    Pat Fish wrote on Delaware Politics (5/24/14) that Rob Arlett voted as chair of RD 36 not to endorse Vance Phillips in his re-election bid for council member representing District 5, and then he opportunistically entered the race himself.

    She’s also written that Arlett pressured Orvin Strickler to withdraw from the race, leaving the Republican primary a two-way race between Arlett and Phillips.

    Word to the wise: Do keep in mind that Fish more often than not gets it wrong. But not always. Anyone able to corroborate her?

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