The following, is an offering, from a frequent guest here at Delaware Right, Honi Soit. They have offered up their opinion about Republican, Sussex County Councilman, Rob Arlett being named to head up Donald Trump’s Delaware Campaign. Written By, Honi Soit
Donald Trump was featured recently in a News Journal piece (3/26 “Among Delawareans, Trump prompts support, criticism”). That’s where I learned that Rob Arlett is heading Trump’s state campaign.
Arlett is a Sussex County Councilman representing District 5. He assumed office in 2015 after beating incumbent Vance Phillips in the 2014 primary and then Bob Wheatley in the general election. He is also a real estate agent. There’s more of course, but that’s an essential start.
TNJ’s article quotes Arlett extensively. Here’s the quote that gave me pause:
“The fact, [Trump]’s an outsider. I can speak from personal experience because I’m one of those individuals, as well. I never have been involved in politics, and when I chose to run two years ago I had zero experience with politics or elected officials and I beat a 16-year incumbent, and then in the general election I beat that individual.”
Say what? Prior to 2014 Arlett claims he had never been involved in politics and had zero experience with politics or elected officials?
Recall that Arlett is a real estate agent and has been one since 2006. He served as vice-chair and then chair of the Government Affairs/Public Policy Committee of the Sussex County Association of Realtors (SCAOR). Keep in mind that every time Arlett touts his tenure on this committee, he simply calls it the Public Policy Committee, conveniently dropping the “Government Affairs” bit. But never mind. Instead, let’s be clear about what this committee does. It is charged with reviewing proposed legislation and regulations, and establishing positions on political issues affecting SCAOR’s membership. Issues like the state’s realty transfer tax, septic and storm water regulations, new home buyer programs, small business fees, and specific projects such the Allen Harim poultry facility in Millsboro. SCAOR supports candidates whose interests are aligned with their own. The chair of SCAOR’s Government Affairs/Public Policy Committee is steeped in politics. It couldn’t be otherwise.
Arlett also served as the elected chair of the 38th Representative District from 2013-2014. As chair, he also was a voting member of the Sussex County GOP Executive Committee. This committee oversees the “management and direction of the Sussex County Republican Party.” And Arlett rose to the task. For example, in 2013 he introduced—and the Executive Committee approved—a non-binding resolution stating that the Delaware Republican Party “stands for traditional family values and [that] all hired representatives of that organization shall publicly reflect that view.” (Arlett’s resolution followed a public endorsement of same-sex marriage from John Fluharty, who at the time was Executive Director of the Delaware Republican Party.) The Sussex County GOP Executive Committee is steeped in politics. It couldn’t be otherwise.
Yes, Arlett carried the day against long-time incumbent Vance Phillips in the primary. But he did so for one reason: Phillips was damaged goods. Big time. Some of Phillips’ constituents probably left him after a scuffle with then-Sheriff Jeff Christopher in 2011, but most constituents fled him in 2013 after an 18-year old campaign worker made very public charges of rape against him. She also named him as defendant in a sensational civil lawsuit. After several delays, that suit is now scheduled to be heard in December of this year. And of course Phillips didn’t help his re-election chances when he refused to deny the allegations.
Again and again, Arlett reminded voters that there “is not, nor will there be, any negative controversy, hidden agendas or character problems with my campaign….” His literature featured him alongside a smiling wife and two smiling kids. His buzzwords were “fidelity”, “principled” and “family man.” During the Dan Gaffney show on Sept 2, 2014, Arlett stated, “I’m a very different man than the incumbent. I’m a family man. I’m a faithful man. I’m a veteran,” During the same broadcast, Arlett said in response to a question about Sussex County values, “Who lives the values, Dan? I think that’s more important. Who lives what they preach? I’m a family man. I’m a faithful man. Been married to my wife 25 years. I’ve been true to my wife 110 percent.”
Arlett mounted a primary challenge against Phillips solely because Phillips risked losing his seat to a Democrat in the general election owing to self-inflicted scandal. Arlett didn’t run because the public wanted to throw all of bums out and replace them with outsiders.
Arlett was no political outsider when he ran for office and he was no political innocent. Even though he wants us to think otherwise.
Why Arlett rather than someone with name recognition beyond Sussex is heading up Trump’s statewide campaign is a question for Frank’s readers. The word from Delaware State News (4/2 “State prepares for unusual presidential primary”) is that it came about through the connections of a relative who is working on the Trump campaign in Virginia.
I wanna thank Honi for their contribution to the conversation, and for bringing up good questions. I have always thought of Rob as the consummate politician. I have seen him work the room at the monthly GOP meetings, both when he was the Chair of the 38th, and now as a councilman.
I would never have thought of him as an outsider, and to support Donald Trump? Does Trump’s life, actions, and words speak of the Christian values which Mr. Arlett espouses? Looks like wagon jumping to me, and next years finance reports should be interesting, to see all of the politicians who Trump has donated to.
And the point is- what?
Beats me Rick! Of course one would have to consider the source. Go Rob Arlett Go!
Get on the Trump Train or be left behind at the train station!
Frank asks whether Trump’s life, actions, and words speak of the Christian values that Arlett espouses. I can’t see that they do. Nonetheless, Trump does enjoy support from self-professed evangelical Christians. Could well be though that many of them are only notionally religious. His support declines among evangelicals who attend church every week.
About that Trump train, Henry. Ivanka and Eric won’t be boarding it in New York next week because they failed to register to vote. Trump offered up excuses for his children by saying the deadline to vote in the NY primary was a year ago. Nope. The deadline was March 25, 2016.
Who cares. Trump is in the lead and he will stay there. When the GOP establishment tries to take it from him at the convention, people will raise hell. I am looking forward to it.
Kasich doesn’t have a snow balls chance of winning anything. But that just like the establishment state GOP to waste resources on a non electable candidate. It happens all the time here in Delaware.
Donald Trump is always the victim, never takes responsibility for anything, and nothing is ever his fault. Spoiled brat comes to mind!
Honi, the real question is, why weren’t they already registered? Be interesting to know the last time they voted.
Henry, it sucks when the rules come back to haunt you, huh? Trump is a whining brat. He talks about Kasich and Cruz taking “his”votes. Not his until he earns them. Others say Kasich should get out , why? This is a nomination process, not a coronation.
Honi, the real question is, why weren’t they already registered? Be interesting to know the last time they voted.
Who cares when they last voted? That’s their business, not yours.
Donald Trump is always the victim, never takes responsibility for anything, and nothing is ever his fault.
The GOP “establishment” is doing everything in their power to derail Trump’s candidacy. Hence, he is a victim.
The so-called “liberal” media is doing everything in their power to distort and undermine Trumps’s statements and positions. They are absolutely petrified at the prospect of a Trump candidacy. Hence, he is a victim.
Others say Kasich should get out , why? This is a nomination process, not a coronation.
Kasich has carried what, one state (his own)? Obviously, the GOP electorate can’t stand him.
Another elected developer wanting to cash in on allowing developers to rape Sussex county
Rick says, “Who cares when they last voted? That’s their business, not yours.” Ah, actually Rick it is a matter of public record. And if they were just his kids, I would say it didn’t matter, they are adults and can choose to vote or not, and Trump can’t make them.
However, his children are out there stumping for dad. Speaking for him, being held up as wonderful pillars of society.
And missing an election or two, maybe missed a school board election, no big deal, but if they are not even registered? It speaks to a level of non-involvement, until they are stumping for their father to be POTUS. I think it would matter if it were the Obama children.
Rick says about the media’s fear of trump as President. “They are absolutely petrified at the prospect of a Trump candidacy.” I .Really? Because I could see the networks loving the ratings. Some new verbal blunder. SNL might actually make a real comeback.
Rick on Kasich, “Kasich has carried what, one state (his own)? Obviously, the GOP electorate can’t stand him.”
Rick, I don’t believe the Constitution says anything about how many states you have to win, to stay in the race to the end. Did you ever consider the guy simply wants to finish what he started. At least if he loses, he won’t have to ask himself, what if.
Of course, they would have to compete with Trump’s new reality show, “The Golden President”.
Your FRUMP is a LOOSER! LOOSER! LOOSER! And bad one at that. But of course nothing new for you.
Rick says, “Who cares when they last voted? That’s their business, not yours.” Ah, actually Rick it is a matter of public record. And if they were just his kids, I would say it didn’t matter, they are adults and can choose to vote or not, and Trump can’t make them.
There is no obligation to vote, period.
Rick, I don’t believe the Constitution says anything about how many states you have to win, to stay in the race…
“Race?” Kasich isn’t involved in the race, because almost nobody votes for him. Look at his numbers. Sure, he can stay in the process, but in the “race?” Hardly.
The appeal of trump is that he may blow up the existing corrupt establishment. Other than that, there’s nothing I see that says competence? Mostly embarassment. But I guess if I had to choose, he’s better than some religious fanatic who looks like Joe McCarthy