delritesussex7.28.15sussexseal    There is an upcoming Republican primary in September for the office of the 2nd District, of the Sussex County Council.

sam wilson  The seat is currently held by long time incumbent, Sam Wilson.

Mr. Wilson, (yeah, I laugh even when I write it, I hear Dennis The Menace) it seems will not be seeking a new term. One can only assume, due to his age and past health issues. We wish Sam Wilson a long and happy retirement.

Currently there are three GOP, primary candidates. One of them being, Sam Wilson’s own son, Robert Wilson. Robert Wilson is most likely the closet fit for that district, in regards to it’s demographics, and history. Let’s just say it, if you want more of the Sam Wilson style of governing? Robert Wilson is a good bet for you.  I have had conversations with both men on issues, and I find them mostly in agreement, on the major issues facing the county in general and District 2 in particular.

The problem Robert Wilson has, and why I couldn’t endorse him this time around, is a perception issue. It just, looks, too much, like a coronation of a monarchy. The passing of the torch, if you will.

lisa briggs The second GOP primary candidate is Lisa Hudson-Briggs. This will be her second run at this office, having lost last time to Sam Wilson. I have to say, while I know Mrs. Hudson-Briggs personally, through an associate, I did not see in her last campaign, any real excitement for her, or from her. She is an extremely nice person, and I am sure, she is a great mother and grandmother. Just not sure she is a fit for county council.

However, Mrs. Hudson-Briggs does have a background in government, as a state  employee. She is also married to local political handler, Lewis W. Briggs II. Mr. Briggs, has in the past, been quite influential in campaigns for other County Council candidates, such as current members, I.G. Burton, and Doug Hudson, to have his wife elected would create a majority of members within his influence. Mr. Briggs is also the brother of State Representative, Ruth Briggs-King.
I have to point out again, the perception of a political structure, which has at least, the perception of cronyism.


cindy green   Which brings me to the final GOP primary candidate, current Sussex County, Register of Wills, Cindy Green.

Mrs. Green is a life time member of the community, and is in her second term as Register of Wills. In her time there, the office has undergone major overhauls of procedure. The most notable under her watch, the office has updated its entire filing system to digital, and also the modernization of process and procedures within the office. When my parents passed away, Mrs. Green was very helpful and responsive to my questions, even though my parents had lived in Kent County, outside her jurisdiction. I will always be grateful for her help.

Mrs. Green is what one, might call, a good bureaucrat. She is a person who will follow the rules, and not attempt to rock the boat. She will submit to whoever, she sees, as her superior.  She will follow the lead of the majority, and seek approval at every turn. While I do not see her breaking new ground on the Council, in its attitude about development and bringing businesses to Sussex,  I also don’t see her taking trips on the cuff of land developers.
Mrs. green and I have had our disagreements in the past, however, out of the three GOP candidates, for the Sussex County Council, District 2, I would say, Cindy Green would be the right choice for the people who live there. Frank Knotts

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