The Growing Threat of Islamic State

islamic state  With the release of the latest video showing the immolation of the Jordanian pilot, by the cowards known as Islamic State, we see an escalation of this terrorist group’s tactics.   Let me get something out-of-the-way right from the start. I do not feel that these acts of terror and murder have a single thing to do with the Islamic faith.  To believe that these horrific acts have anything to do with the Islamic faith, is to also believe that the Inquisition was a representation of the teachings of Christ.

What these, and all the other terrorist acts perpetrated in the name of Islam are about, is control, power and fear. These mad men and women are killers, they want only to kill, and are using the religion of Islam as an excuse. If Islam had never come into being, if these insane killers were Christian or Jewish, they would find a reason to hate, and to justify their acts.

That being said, religion is often used as a cover for the radical fringe elements. People who cannot convince others to conform to their views will encapsulate their desires in a religious shroud as cover for the fact that their views are outside the norm. They will then say, if you don’t agree, then you are not faithful to whichever dogma they happen to hold to.

In  most cases this leads only to disagreements, or at most a fracturing of any given sect of a religion.

However, in rare, though not rare enough cases, these radicalized religious fanatics will escalate to violence. How many wars over the history of the world have been started, fought, and justified in the name of this god, or that god, this prophet or that prophet?

No, these maniacs are not religious people of faith, they are nothing but murdering pigs. They are the infidels that they claim to oppose.

What the world should be very concerned about, in respect to Islamic State, is the way in which their acts of violence are growing. Their sphere of influence is also growing, and with it their ability to spread their brand of crazy. Again, this is not unusual for the fringe elements to be able to convince others to join them. They prey on the frightened and uninformed, they convince others that it is them against the world, and that there is no tactic too extreme, that any and all methods must be used to destroy their enemies. Unfortunately there is no shortage  of people who, instead of thinking for themselves, who are lazy, who will follow the seemingly charismatic psycho.

The burning of the Jordanian pilot demonstrates that Islamic State understands that having delivered so many of the videos of beheadings, the western world has become desensitized to them, so they have now found a more shocking way to deliver their message of hate. We can most likely expect more of these burning of victims videos.

But what should we expect once the western world becomes desensitized to this brand of terror? That is what concerns me.

Is it hard to believe that Islamic State would be trying to build to a crescendo of terror? A 9/11 type attack? After all,with the production values of the latest installment of terror, we see that they have an eye for the dramatic, they understand the value of PR.  They use these videos for terror, but also as recruiting tools. They want to show their future followers that they are in control, and that they have the western world and its allies in a state of confusion.

It is very likely that at some point Islamic State will attempt to ramp up the level of terror. We should not be waiting for that to happen. Following the death of the Jordanian pilot, a Muslim by the way, Jordan executed prisoners that Islamic State had been demanding the release of, in exchange for the pilot and the two Japanese hostages. We now know that the pilot, and possibly the Japanese hostages were already dead during the negotiations. Which clearly shows why it makes no sense to negotiate with these dogs.

Prior to 9/11 our nation did not work hard enough, or did not take seriously enough the threat that Osama Bin Laden posed. We did not connect the dots, and we paid a terrible price for that mistake. In the years following 9/11 our nation paid another high price in fighting these terrorist nation states. We lost valuable lives and spent untold treasure in an attempt to stave off, and to dry up support for these types of terrorist killers.

Unfortunately any gains we made in that attempt, have been allowed to back slide. We have changed our foreign policy on terrorism from one of take, hold and defend, to pack leave and run. The current administration’s policy seems to be about hopping from one hot spot to another long enough for a news cycle, and then moving on to another so as to look as if they are doing something.

This latest horrifying act of butchery has world leaders, and members of the Coalition calling for an increase in the number of boots on the ground. That is except for one noticeable exception. President Obama seems to be less than clear on his idea of an appropriate response.

Military experts agree that the air strikes that we are participating in at this time are, and will be ineffective in combatting Islamic State. And since they are not a nation, the one arrow in President Obama’s quiver, sanctions, are not an option.

It has been a long time since it was done the right way, following the Constitution, but Congress should declare war, that’s right under Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution of the United States of America, Congress has the power to declare and fund war. If President Obama refuses to act like a leader, then Congress should use the authority it has to do so.

We should not tempt fate a second time by ignoring the growing threat of Islamic State. We should not allow them to grow stronger. We, along with our Middle East Allies should eradicate them with any and all measures needed.

If you allow what begins as a fringe element time to grow, and gain support, it only makes it harder to defeat them when you finally wake up and pull yourself away from sports and hobbies.

39 Comments on "The Growing Threat of Islamic State"

  1. mouse says:

    Agreed, but I would also suggest reassessing the sending of weapons to the ME that are used against us as well as making the ME irrevalant by accelerating the development of renewable energy

  2. fightingbluehen says:

    Yeah, I would like to believe it’s not about the Islamic faith, but they believe it is, and the people that fund them believe it is. Some people don’t think Mormonism is really a true Christian faith either, but the Mormons do.
    Take Saudi Arabia for instance. They stone woman to death for seemingly minor infractions. They throw gay people off of buildings. They chop people’s heads off on a regular basis, and they do this all in the name of Islam. Are they not of the true Islamic faith either ?

  3. Rick says:

    Omaba is “negotiating” with Iran over their nuclear weapons program, which means Iran will be a nuclear power within a few years. Our president is too naive to understand that the Iranians will lie to buy time.

    We also need to face the fact that Pakistan will eventually fall under the control of the insane clerics. It is a Muslim state. And it already has nuclear weapons, and the means to deliver them.

    The United States- and the rest of the civilized world- cannot afford to make a mistake here. You don’t get a second chance to undo a nuclear detonation. It should be obvious to any sane person that the Islamic radicals will use any means at their disposal to expand the caliphate and defeat the “infidel.” When they have access to nuclear weapons, they will use them.

    So, what to do? First, we need to obliterate Iran’s nuclear research facilities- blow them off the map. Second, we need to eliminate Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal- the research and development facilities, the production centers and the launch sites.

    Sure, the world will protest- vehemently. That is the price to be paid for saving the world.

    We need to remember that people who gleefully incinerate a man in a cage will not hesitate to incinerate thousands if afforded the means to do so. Drastic circumstances require extraordinary action. Global criticism is preferable to nuclear Armageddon.

  4. Frank Knotts says:

    FBH, I will admit that I have only a rudimentary understanding of the Islamic faith. But if we believe the things you listed represent the Islamic faith as a whole, then does the Klan burning crosses and the Inquisitions and all the other terrible things done in the name of Christianity, represent Christianity as a whole? Or just the bastardization of a faith?

  5. Rick says:

    The Bible tells us to “seek the LORD.” The Koran demands “submission” to Allah.
    Christians “spread the word.” Muslims believe in gunpoint “conversions.”
    The Christian church is not the state. Islam- directly or indirectly- is.

    There is a big difference.

  6. delacrat says:


    We have killed more people in the Middle East than can be counted already.

    If you are so horrified with ISIS’ killing, don’t argue that we join in.

  7. Rick says:

    We have killed more people in the Middle East than can be counted already.

    How many Muslims have ISIS and the Taliban killed?

    If you are so horrified with ISIS’ killing, don’t argue that we join in.

    What should we do? Nothing? Or maybe wait until Washington is smoldering?

    It is my fervent wish that the “Delacrat” types get to someday live under Sharia law- to get a taste of “good” Islam. Women’s rights? What rights? They have none. Free speech? Surely you jest? The “gay. lesbian and transgender community?” They will be the first to go. And let’s not forget, that in most Islamic nations, the church is the state.

    “Kill the Christian, Jew and the gay man too. Woman, hide thy face and hold thy tongue. Submit! Praise Allah!!”

  8. delacrat says:


    Are you OK ?

  9. Frank Knotts says:

    Delacrat says, “If you are so horrified with ISIS’ killing, don’t argue that we join in.”
    Using that logic Delacrat Hitler’s grandson would be Emperor of the world.

  10. Rick says:

    Yeah, I’m fine. Now go watch Brian Williams cover Omaba’s speech condemning the crusades.

  11. delacrat says:


    Comparing a rag-tag bunch to the Wehrmacht means you need to grow a sense of proportion.

    “Yeah, I’m fine. Now go watch Brian Williams….”


    No. You are not fine.

    Anyone with born with a functioning BS detector would not be taken in by Brian Williams’ oily earnestness. So stop watching Brian Williams. Your mind is not up to it.

  12. fightingbluehen says:

    “Anyone born with a functioning BS detector would not be taken in by Brian Williams’ oily earnestness. So stop watching Brian Williams. Your mind is not up to it.”

    How can anyone who supports Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, or Bill Clinton for that matter, claim to have a “functioning BS detector”? That’s actually laughable.

  13. delacrat says:


    I don’t know where you got the idea I “supports Obama and Clinton”.

    I’ve never posted anything one way or the other about clinton.

    But Obomba ….FYI… The Obomba apologists at DelawareLiberal banned me and another commenter for calling out him out the war criminal(among other things) that he is.

    So much for my “support for Obomba”.

    I notice they allow you to comment over there …and you claim that I support Obomba… now THATS laughable.

  14. Rick says:

    Anyone with born with a functioning BS detector would not be taken in by Brian Williams’ oily earnestness. So stop watching Brian Williams. Your mind is not up to it.

    I have never- literally- watched Brian Williams. I haven’t’ watched the NBC Evening News since the Huntley-Brinkley Report. But Williams is a poster-boy for the “mainstream” leftist media. To wit, a congenital liar. Sort of like Hillary having to “run for cover” in Bosnia- another lie.

    But, congratulations for changing the subject. No matter. You have clearly aligned with radical Islam, since you tacitly support its proliferation by way of suggesting non-intervention.

    “Kill the Christian, Jew and the gay man, too. Woman, hide thy face and hold thy tongue. Submit! Praise Allah!!”

  15. fightingbluehen says:

    Sorry delacrat. I assumed by your name that you were a Democrat. My mistake.

  16. delacrat says:

    “I haven’t’ watched the NBC Evening News since the Huntley-Brinkley Report. But Williams is a poster-boy for the “mainstream” leftist media.”

    You’ve never watched Williams,…..but you “know” he’s a “leftist”.

  17. Rick says:

    You’ve never watched Williams,…..but you “know” he’s a “leftist”.

    There is plenty of evidence concerning Williams’ political orientation on the internet, and in the print media. For what it’s worth, I haven’t watched network- any network- news broadcasts for years. It is typically left-wing drivel, written for those with an eighth-grade education- very much like their prime-time “entertainment” programming.

  18. Frank Knotts says:

    Delacrat says, “Comparing a rag-tag bunch to the Wehrmacht means you need to grow a sense of proportion.”
    Well Delacrat, the Brown Shirts were just a bunch of bar brawlers when they got their start, maybe you should get a sense of history.

  19. Dave says:

    Off topic, but concerning the comments.

    Does anyone today actually get their information by “watching” the news? I barely know who Williams is or who any of the anchors are on the any of the major networks, including Fox. If Williams lied, so what? I have no reason to trust or distrust him. He has no impact on my life or my views about anything.

    Once upon a time, we were hostage to whatever was being transmitted across the airwaves or published in the daily rag. No longer. Now everyone can “seek and ye shall find.” Well, with the exception of places like Newsmax, Infowars, and the like that appeal to certain segments of the population.

    I don’t get the obsession with an anchors political persuasion. I mean who cares? Discerning individuals can separate the wheat from the chaff. All I need to know is that event took place. I’ll do my own digging. Their opinions are completely irrelevant. Heck, I sometimes even listen to Limbaugh when I want to be entertained, but as an information source? You gotta be kidding!

  20. Dave says:

    On topic.

    Yes, Radical Islam adherents are a serious threat. I am glad that a distinction is being made without condemning the entire religion. Some Pentecostals play with snakes but that doesn’t mean all Christians are whack jobs, just some Christians are whack jobs.

    Islam suffers from hijacking by radical/extremist/ignorant/misogynistic/whack jobs facilitated by a lack of a formal hierarchy or structure that would keep a lid on such behavior. It also is a consequence of the adherents of Islam characterized by a tribal, paternalistic culture that promotes violence as a means to resolve disputes. The lack of a formal hierarchy means that just about anyone can become an Imam and promote whatever values they have. That the foolish masses tend to follow these radicals is demonstrative of the ignorance rampant within the Middle East culture. In short the culture that gave us the zero (although the Mayans and even the Chinese apparently arrived at the zero around the same time), has been deconstructed into something a little more than tribal warfare between primitive people who seem to care little about themselves and even less about others. The Arab culture used to be associated with the advancement of science rather than advancement of violence and death.

    Fortunately, history tells us that eventually Islam will evolve to spreading the word in a peaceful fashion similar to the evolution of Christianity which, contrary to some folks thinking, was spread at the point the sword (and the rack, along with other medieval forms of “enlightenment”).

    Until then, my belief is that we must be vigilant and responsive to our and our allies security needs, including the use of both selective and widespread force when necessary. And no, I don’t want boots on ground anywhere, without a clear and present danger that can only be mitigated by boots on the ground. By “boots” I mean troops, not very small forces that have very specific objectives.

  21. delacrat says:

    “Well Delacrat, the Brown Shirts were just a bunch of bar brawlers when they got their start, maybe you should get a sense of history.” – Frank


    You get a sense of history.

    Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of of WW II knows that the wehrmacht would not have arisen without a heavily industrialized country. ISIS has nothing remotely comparable to a Krupp or Messerschmitt.

    Despite everything your TV tells you, ISIS ain’t the wehrmacht.

  22. Rick says:

    Fortunately, history tells us that eventually Islam will evolve to spreading the word in a peaceful fashion…

    How does “history” show us that? Islam is now and has always been a religion of conquest. The Koran states that quite clearly. Mohammed died 900 years ago. What has changed?

    …similar to the evolution of Christianity which, contrary to some folks thinking, was spread at the point the sword (and the rack, along with other medieval forms of “enlightenment”).

    Huh? What “sword” was used to convert Rome, the epicenter of Christianity? What “sword” was used to convert England? Or the American colonies?

    Most Christian religious conflicts were internal. Not so with Islam- the word Islam means “submit.” The Koran demands forced conversion. The Muslims used war to make their way to Vienna and the Pyrenees. Other than the Crusades (an attempt to liberate the Holy Land) and the Spanish Inquisition, when did Christians use religious conquest and forced conversions?

    In any case, we need remember that it is 2015, not 1215 – most Muslim states are stuck in the 13th Century. The only wealth they have is from oil, and the Europeans had to show them how to get it out of the ground. Generally, Muslim states are backward, illiterate, impoverished and violent oligarchies. I can argue that Islam and Sharia law have kept millions of people locked in a bizarre time capsule from which the only escape is a liberation from Islam itself. Personally, I feel it is their fight- if they wish to “submit,” and lead the life of a 13th Century zombie, so be it. But I draw the line when they try to spread their magnificent culture to the West.

    The Bible tells us to “seek the LORD.” The Koran demands “submission” to Allah.
    Christians “spread the word.” Muslims believe in gunpoint “conversions.”
    The Christian church is not the state. Islam- directly or indirectly- is.

    There is a big difference.

  23. Dave says:

    I’m not going to spend any time providing sources on the methods employed by Christian missionaries around the world including North and South America, Asia, Africa, Russia, the Caribbean, et al. They are all easily found with Google.

    Suffice to say, that those methods were not simply spiritual and altruistic since they were mostly coupled with conquest and colonization, hence the term “conquista spiritual.”

    And yes Islam is stuck in the 13th (or so) century. We (Europeans) also went through our 13th century which (unlike Muslims) took place in the 13th century. Just as Russia, is kind of going through their Wild West days, just like we did, only later. Why are these societies evolving later? Because they were and still are artificially constrained by tribalism and despotism, and dictatorship.


    2 Chronicles 30:8 Do not be stiff-necked, as your ancestors were; submit to the Lord. Come to his sanctuary, which he has consecrated forever. Serve the Lord your God, so that his fierce anger will turn away from you.
    Job 22:21 “Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you.
    Proverbs 3:6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

    And so on….

    To seek the Lord is to submit to His will. How can it be otherwise?

  24. Rick says:

    And yes Islam is stuck in the 13th (or so) century. We (Europeans) also went through our 13th century which (unlike Muslims) took place in the 13th century. Just as Russia, is kind of going through their Wild West days, just like we did, only later. Why are these societies evolving later? Because they were and still are artificially constrained by tribalism and despotism, and dictatorship.

    And the dictatorship is Islam itself. And it is growing. The term Islam means “submit.”

    There is no evidence whatsoever that Islam will ever “evolve.” So quit trying to compare 21st Century apples with 12th Century oranges. Most sane people are not interested in waiting for Islam to “evolve,” particularly if they do so with nuclear weapons.

  25. delacrat says:


    “Most sane people are not interested in waiting for Islam to “evolve,” particularly if they do so with nuclear weapons.”

    I am not the scholar of Islam that you apparently fancy yourself to be. But I, like most sane people, do understand that there is more to the middle east than religion. Such as: US invasions, US client dictatorships, oil, drone strikes, etc … that motivate people and explain present day realities.
    Hopefully, one day your sanity will evolve enough to disabuse you of the notion that Islam explains everything.

  26. Rick says:

    None of that matters. In the name is Islam, jihad and the caliphate, certain Muslim states have or are developing nuclear weapons. Since they don’t hesitate to murder and rape women and children, behead and burn alive fellow human beings on television and fly passenger airlines into skyscrapers, it would stand to reason that they will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons.

    Nothing else matters. Who cares why the clerics, ayatollahs and “secular” leaders are insane. The fact is, they are.

    People like you won’t be satisfied until New York and Washington lay in rubble. Then you’ll say, “well, we didn’t think they’d actually do it.”

    Open your eyes.

  27. Dave says:

    “certain Muslim states ”
    who else besides Iran?
    “Nothing else matters. Who cares why the clerics, ayatollahs and “secular” leaders are insane. The fact is, they are” –
    Sure. There will always be some real whack jobs. So point taken.

    “People like you won’t be satisfied until New York and Washington lay in rubble.”
    I for one, would not like that to be an outcome. So just what do you propose to do about it? How do you want to resolve the insanity so that NY and DC are protected?

  28. delacrat says:

    “Since they don’t hesitate to murder and rape women and children, behead and burn alive fellow human beings on television and fly passenger airlines into skyscrapers,” – Rick

    Like we did not “murder and rape women and children” in Iraq, and we did not “burn alive fellow human beings” with white phosphorous in Fallujah and “don’t hesitate” to provide WP to zionists to do the same in Gaza. And beheadings, …are you talking about our allies the Saudi’s or does your car run great on their gas.

    ” they will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons.”

    FYI …. they did not do Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    I ask you, Rick Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Matthew 7:3

  29. mouse says:

    Shrink, I want to kill

  30. Rick says:

    “People like you won’t be satisfied until New York and Washington lay in rubble.”
    I for one, would not like that to be an outcome. So just what do you propose to do about it? How do you want to resolve the insanity so that NY and DC are protected?

    I explained “what I would do” in my first post on this topic:

    …The United States- and the rest of the civilized world- cannot afford to make a mistake here. You don’t get a second chance to undo a nuclear detonation. It should be obvious to any sane person that the Islamic radicals will use any means at their disposal to expand the caliphate and defeat the “infidel.” When they have access to nuclear weapons, they will use them.

    So, what to do? First, we need to obliterate Iran’s nuclear research facilities- blow them off the map. Second, we need to eliminate Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal- the research and development facilities, the production centers and the launch sites…

    They will use nuclear weapons.

    Like we did not “murder and rape women and children” in Iraq, and we did not “burn alive fellow human beings” with white phosphorous in Fallujah and “don’t hesitate” to provide WP to zionists to do the same in Gaza. And beheadings, …are you talking about our allies the Saudi’s or does your car run great on their gas.

    Collateral damage in combat is an unfortunate occurrence. I doubt that there were many instances of rape. On the other hand, the ISIS hoard rapes and murders with impunity on a massive scale- and they”re abusing fellow Muslims along with their genocidal acts against Christians.

    The last time I checked, Saudi Arabia was a Muslim state. They are not nor will they ever be our “allies.” We must, by necessity, use them for their oil.

    It is my sincere wish that people like Delacrat get to live under Sharia Law.

    mouse: “Shrink, I want to kill”

    First, get a job on Capitol Hill.

  31. delacrat says:

    “Shrink, I want to kill “

    “I mean I’m sittin here on the Group W bench
    ’cause you want to know if I’m moral enough join the army, burn women,
    Kids, houses and villages….”

  32. Rick says:

    I would like to clarify one point. I am not now- nor have I ever been- in favor of a military presence in the Middle East. I believe that the U.S. must eliminate Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal and Iran’s potential for developing nuclear weapons. That’s it. There’s no long-term benefit in fighting for one side or the other in what amounts to a religious civil war.

    Without U.S. interference, the ISIS/Al Qaida types will ultimately prevail in the Middle East. This means that the region will remain in the 12th Century for another 900 years. In the fairly near future, with alternative energy sources and new petroleum extraction techniques, there will be little or no need for Arab oil. Hence, their already anemic economies will collapse completely. They can then focus on their areas of true expertise; goats, camels, myrrh, frankinsence and the occasional suicide bomber.

  33. delacrat says:

    “Collateral damage in combat is an unfortunate occurrence.” – Rick

    “collateral damage” is just a euphemism for US war crimes.

  34. Rick says:

    “collateral damage” is just a euphemism for US war crimes.

    You probably believe that Hiroshima was a “war crime.”

    Why do you, and so many Socialist-Democrats, hate the United States?

  35. Rick says:

    Bye the way- when do you think Islam will disavow slavery? I hear that Christian women and children are bringing a particularly high price these days. Not to worry, I’m sure they’ll “evolve” some day- maybe in another 1000 years.

  36. delacrat says:

    “You probably believe that Hiroshima was a “war crime.” – Rick

    It’s not just me. A leading perpetrator of Hiroshima thinks so too.

    “I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal….” – General Curtis LeMay
    “Why do you, and so many Socialist-Democrats, hate the United States?” – Rick

    Your need “to opens your eyes” does not mean other people hate the United States.

  37. mouse says:

    The 2nd bomb was a war crime

  38. Rick says:

    “You probably believe that Hiroshima was a “war crime.” – Rick

    It’s not just me. A leading perpetrator of Hiroshima thinks so too…

    “I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal….” – General Curtis LeMay

    Obviously, you don’t know much about Curtis E. LeMay. In any case, he wasn’t saying that he was an admitted war criminal, but that if the Japs had won the war, he would have been tried as a war criminal.

    But, what are you saying? That we deserve to be the target of a nuclear attack?

    As LeMay noted, more people were probably killed during the incendiary bombing of Tokyo.

    If the weak left directs American foreign policy, we can be assured of a nuclear attack within a few years. The time to act is now. If radical Islam gets a bomb, they’ll use it.

    “Kill the Christian, Jew and the gay man too! Woman, hide thy face and hold thy tongue. Submit! Praise Allah!!”

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