Everybody’s got an opinion and thus do I. The best, BEST, quote the night, the winner, the loser, those that will be leaving….we got it all. Click on in for some good speculation and snark.
Let us begin by affirming this was the best debate forum so far in this campaign cycle. The FNB moderators were great, keeping themselves out of the political fray while addressing policy issues of the day.
So let’s go through first, the candidates I did not like and/or predict will be leaving.
Of course I could not stand John Kasich and neither could any other pundit it would seem. Guy was nasty and adopted an attitude that he was smarter and better than any other candidates. I think he’s out of there soon. He brings nothing to the fight.
Carly Fiorina, as almost any pundit will assert, did a great job and she looked good since this is so important to Whoopi Goldberg. But I stop and pause at this point in time and ponder just what the hell is she doing?
She’s not going to win that nomination although hey, I’d support her if she did. And I suppose she has the “outsider” appeal that seems to be this year’s flavor. But there are two other so-called outsiders and they are running rings around Carly. And if push came to shove and Carly was rising to the top to everyone’s surprise, a Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio, establishment types in other words, would soon take her over.
Now she might be going for a VP slot, always got to be aware of this possibility. I honestly don’t see any of those nominee contenders as being willing to pull Carly on board with himself.
I think it might be time for Carly to go is what I am suggesting here.
Rand Paul is great for the libertarian crowd and he didn’t disappoint them. IF push came to shove I’d vote for Paul but I’d rather not. I think Paul might stay around for a while but his days are numbered.
Jeb Bush…..well he didn’t do bad. Although Donald had to help him out as Bush tried to interrupt and was not able. Scuttlebutt is that Jeb had a little time left before the money people backing him move over to Rubio. I think Jeb has a little more time but he’s sinking fast. It just ain’t there for Bush.
Ted Cruz-many pundits give Marco Rubio the edge over Cruz in this debate. I’d call it a tie, if not an edge to Cruz. Bearing in mind yon ladies and gems, that I quite like Cruz, he’s my candidate, and might be a bit prejudiced. Whatever the case, Cruz, as always, came through strong and deep, secure in his responses and on the money with most of them.
Marco Rubio was one of the gang of eight, let us not forget. Said gang of eight being a group of Senators who wanted to craft their own immigration/amnesty bill, which the rabid base was very much against.
I understand, yon reader, that the elected elite do not understand us fire and brimstone anti-immigrant people but it’s not that difficult. America’s immigration policy has been, for many years, to allow into this country whoever the hell can manage to sneak in. Then we support them, pay for health care, educate children….all so big employers can get cheap labor.
And guess what? WE DON’T LIKE THAT SYSTEM!!!
Many years ago Ronald Reagan asked for amnesty for some three million illegal immigrants. We, the populace, gave it, on the promise that it will not happen again. Now America houses some eleven million immigrants, the border is still not secure, and we should believe the politicos when they say THIS time they will really, really, really fix it?
Let us not forget that Rubio joined that disgraced gang of eight because yon ladies and gems, we only want our immigration policy to make sense. Rubio might claim he wanted to fix it and make it right but I say bullshit.
Scuse my language.
Rubio does get credit for the BEST quote of the night. “Welders make more than Philosophers. We need more Welders,” Rubio said in regard to the worth of a college degree. He couldn’t be more correct. Our college graduates think that degree is going to bring them great wealth. Too often what it brings is endless debt.
I spent 13 years going to night school for my college degree. Yes I suppose I got jobs I wouldn’t have gotten without that degree, who knows? But by the time I had that thing I had so much experience I could install a new accounting system, boom, or set up a new company, with half my brain tied behind my back. It was the EXPERIENCE that gave me good job, that degree was just decoration.
Ben Carson is, as always, soft-spoken. But hey, Carson’s been out there venting his spleen over the fact that the media discovers a VHS tape that he turned in without re-winding and I like his anger. I don’t think Carson is anybody’s wimp.
Still and so, I begin to give Carson a closer look and ponder that his time isn’t running out. Now he could be VP bait, I suppose, but I see Carson as more suited to a Secretarial job than VP. I predict right here and now that Carson begins a slow drop in the polls.
As for Donald Trump…..he did okay. I still do not think he’s going through to the finish, to eventual nomination, but there’s an outside possibility that Trump might be in for VP slot.
Scuttlebutt has it that Trump and Cruz been acting like best buds of late. I kind of like that concept.
A Cruz/Trump ticket….it could work.
I do not respond to comments on my posts. I certainly have no problem with such commentary and, indeed, encourage it. But I’ve written my piece and I don’t want to argue it further.
Please feel free to email me at patfish1@aol.com if you want to send me a special comment or have any ideas or information you want to share.
NEXT : So much going on, so little time to describe. Be patient with me.
As for Donald Trump…..he did okay. I still do not think he’s going through to the finish, to eventual nomination, but there’s an outside possibility that Trump might be in for VP slot.
Huh? Why would you think that he’s not “going through to the finish” when the first primary is in two months? What he won’t do is run for VP.
I think Fiorina and Cruz had the best performances. Fiorina’s articulate, concise clarity is unparalleled by anyone in either party.
By facilitating the mass influx of illegal immigrants across the border, the executive branch of the US gov. has basically been a party to human trafficking on a grand scale. Trump knows this and he knows that most Americans disagree with the administration and the Democrats’ actions pertaining to this.
I personally don’t think Trump will actually send all of the illegals back, but by saying what he said in the debate, people will start talking, and the word will get around.
The main stream media could probably be making a bigger deal out of Trump’s statement than they are, but I don’t think that they really want his threat to deport the illegals to get around too much. If Trump’s statement gets back to the people in Latin America, and it most likely will, it may have the effect of stemming the tide of illegal immigrants into this country, and when those statistics are reported, Trump’s popularity will increase even more with the American people.
Trump is smart, and he is calculating.
….he can say, “look, I’m not even president yet, and I’m already solving the problem”.
…the US gov. has basically been a party to human trafficking on a grand scale.
This is true. And it’s also true that with our current un-and-under employment rate, we don’t need any immigration, legal or otherwise.
I haven’t really focused on the immigration issue per se, but my general feeling is that Rubio seems to exhibit most of the qualities that would make me comfortable with him in the driver’s seat. Trump may well be the candidate, which will interesting because despite his entertaining showmanship, he really is pretty moderate and certainly all about big business. I usually look for a President who can effectively implement foreign policy and work on the world stage. I look to Congress to man up when it comes to domestic policy (power of the purse). Of course that’s the Congress of yesteryear. Not today’s Congress who can barely pass a budget to keep themselves funded.
“I look to Congress to man up when it comes to domestic policy (power of the purse).”
Good luck on that one. The executive branch and the judicial branch are effectively working in tandem as a super branch of government at this point. I don’t know if there is anything congress can do that couldn’t be overturned by executive order.
Trump may well be the candidate, which will interesting because despite his entertaining showmanship, he really is pretty moderate and certainly all about big business.
Our economy stinks. As does our tax structure. We need a proven, competent executive in the executive office, as opposed to our current community organizer.
I usually look for a President who can effectively implement foreign policy and work on the world stage.
Donald Duck could “work on the world stage” better than The Three Stooges; Obama, Biden and Hillary. Everything they touch turns to crap.
Is there any threshold of embarrassment in the republican party for your candidates? But I guess that takes the ability and willingness to self reflect