The National Scene-The Sunday Political Talk Show Report on 10/11/15

The most interesting items discussed on this week’s political talk showers was a book and a movie. Though the prospect of a boring Democratic debate coming up intrigues….who is going to debate? Much more…talking points of the week and my take on things.

FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga.

MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders; Reps. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., and Dave Brat, R-Va.

FACE THE NATION (CBS): Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson and Donald Trump; Rep. Mick Mulvaney, R-S.C.

THIS WEEK (ABC): Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah; Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal.

STATE OF THE UNION (CNN): Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley; Reps. Tom Cole, R-Okla., Raul Labrador, R-Idaho, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla.

The FreeRepublic Sunday Talk Show Thread

Fox News Sunday-A Movie With an Incongruent Title

It’s coming out this Friday folks. The title is “Truth”.


But it’s all a lie.

I believe it was on FreeRepublic that a user questioned the font on the document as it was a font not available on a typewriter of that era that exposed the fraud.
We all remember the famous pre-election bombshell dropped right before the 2004 elections, of a paper alleging that George W. Bush went AWOL when he was in the National Guard.

Dan Rather was the liar…..oops…journalist responsible for revealing this forgery to the world, a forgery they called, heh, “fake but accurate”.

Rather had an accomplice, named Mary Mapes, helped to obtain the forged document.

They don’t give it up, folks. When liberals tell a lie it is always the truth, will always be the truth, you may call it a lie but to liberals, it is the truth.

They even brazenly name movies after their lies.

Meet the Press-Two Republican Senators Key Off

Reps. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., and Dave Brat, R-Va. Were guests on this show and goodness they had quite a contretemps.

This Dent fellow is a snob bucket ain’t he? He went on and on about the danger and horror of shutting down the government and what the hell is it with these establishment Republican types?

First, this shutting down the government, as they call it with images of horror and shame on their face, is not considered such a big deal out here in la-la land. Bearing in mind that the checks keeps coming….I know a lot of people get SS checks and such but that does not shut down. Nor does the military.

The bigger thing that these GOP establishment types don’t get is that we’ve been taught that one of the powers of the people is that of the purse. The purse controlled in the House of Representatives.

delritesundaypolitwosenatorsrepub10.11.15When the lily-livered establishment Republicans refuse to even consider such a thing they are effectively saying that we’ve been lied to all these years, that the elected politicians own the purse because that is de facto the effect.

Maybe we need to sit down and have a dialogue about this; perhaps it is best not to over-react. But to toss off the base of the party as if they are too stupid to explain logic to is NOT the way to go.

Face the Nation-Donald Trump Interview of the day

Got to have at least one Donald Trump interview and we have a pretty good one on Face the Nation.

It would seem that The Donald is fine with Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House…more on this later.

Political Pic of the Week


State of the Union–Getting ready for the debate

Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, chairwoman of the Democrat party, was on this show as well as Martin O’Malley, Democratic candidate for President.

Lots of discussion on this Trans Pacific Trade deal, which I do not understand at all except that Obama likes it and Hillary don’t.

This Week-A Book we all should read

Ben Bernanke wrote a book called “The Courage to Act”.

So of course he must go on the Sunday talk shows and try to sell us on this claptrap which documents how very delritesundaypolibenbernanke10.11.15brave he and the Obama administration were to save the day with their ridiculous stock market machinations.

The market should survive on its own because all this artificial manipulation is only covering up the sluggishness of the economy.

My take.

There was, of course, a lot of discussion about the opening for House Majority Leader, the possibility of Paul Ryan, the demise of Kevin McCarthy.

I am fairly okay with Paul Ryan for Speaker; here’s hoping he accepts the job.

Lots of talk about the upcoming debates on CNN at 8:30, this coming Tuesday 10/13/15. What a laugh fest this is going to be….come back next week, I’ll be covering it.

I do not respond to comments on my posts. I certainly have no problem with such commentary and, indeed, encourage it. But I’ve written my piece and I don’t want to argue it further.

Please feel free to email me at if you want to send me a special comment or have any ideas or information you want to share.

NEXT : Got a couple of good Delaware tidbits and one national coming up next week. Maybe the Sussex county council but I got a meeting.

One Comment on "The National Scene-The Sunday Political Talk Show Report on 10/11/15"

  1. mouse says:

    Why don’t they restore regular order or take care of spending in continuing resolutions? It’s alla show for the angry white guys who don’t understand the process and just want the food fight

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