In my opinion, there is no doubt, if elected, Hillary Clinton could go down in history as the worst president ever. Putting aside all of the usual things which make a bad president, things which are largely out of their control, such as the world economy’s effect upon the national economy. Other things like unforeseen wars, and attacks like 9/11. Then you add in bad judgement and bad leadership, and, well, you end up with the worst president ever.
Many, on both sides of the political spectrum have long agreed, Jimmy Carter now holds that title, though some confuse their personal dislike for President Obama for his being the worst. With no defense of the Obama years, I would disagree. The Carter years saw a stagnating economy, a fuel crisis, complete with lines at the gas stations, the Iran Hostage situation, the failed rescue attempt, and a mood among Americans of despair.
Some feel because of Watergate, Nixon is the worst president ever, and maybe that argument could be made, but Nixon’s trouble happened in office, and instead of dragging himself and the nation through the mud of an impeachment process, he stepped down.
Which brings us to Hillary Clinton. Ms. Clinton is bringing her trouble with her, Benghazi, the email server, her husband and his history. So while her policies might be middle of the road progressive in nature, the background noise may be too much.
If Ms. Clinton were to be elected, there is a real chance, a Republican controlled congress might bring impeachment charges. If she were to be indicted during the election, and yet still elected, (don’t laugh, I have lost all faith in the American voter), what chance would she have of governing while defending herself of the charges, it would consume all her time and effort.
For these reasons, I believe, if elected, Hillary Clinton has the potential to be the worst president ever.
But wait, because this is the election cycle from hell. I also believe, if elected, Donald Trump, also has the potential to be the worst president ever. Like Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is set to come into office, if elected, with his own baggage. Mostly created by him, during his campaign, and we haven’t even gotten to the general election yet. His racially tinged comments, his attack upon religion concerning Muslims, his degrading of women, his insane ideas of building a wall, and defaulting on America’s loans.
While none of these are yet criminal, or impeachable, what they do is lay the ground work for fierce opposition to him, and any position he takes on any issue. Couple this with his manner and behavior, none of which do I believe will be stunted if elected, and we have the setting for constant turmoil.
Now take this behavior to a world stage, and we have the potential for becoming a world outcast. His name calling of world leaders would alienate our closest allies. His attacks on “ALL” Muslims could lead to more radicalization of some Muslims around the world and lead to more attacks here at home.
Trump’s only political ability, demonstrated so far, is that of a disruptive force, he has shown no ability to control his temperament, he goes to social media like a little school girl when challenged and attacks with more name calling and hyperbolic rants. This is not someone who inspires confidence among thinking people.
Some believe Donald Trump is speaking for a majority of Americans, I can’t bring myself to believe that, but I have been completely wrong about Trump’s chances from the beginning, so take that for what it is.
I have a real fear, if elected, and I have said this before, under a Trump administration, this nation could be in for the bloodiest days of our history domestically, possibly even leading to a civil war. Just look at the division among the masses surrounding this election, and again, we have not even started the general election yet.
I believe Mr. Trump is responsible for this in large part, due to his tactics on the campaign trail. His encouragement of his supporters to, “give a good shot”. But it goes deeper than that.
Recently we saw anti-Trump demonstrators attacking Trump supporters, immediately they were condemned by Trump supporters and the claim that people’s right to assemble peaceably had been infringed. Let me be clear, anyone, on either side who uses violence, should be arrested and charged and tried. There is no room for it in our system of peaceful exchange of power.
But what has sparked this violent response? After all, we have had candidates in the past talk of border control, we have had candidates talk of protecting the nation from terrorist. So why does Donald Trump incite such violent reaction?
I believe, it is because he has taken these issues from the ideological realm, and made them personal for people. He doesn’t talk of border control, he talks about Mexicans, he says things like all that Mexico sends us are, “rapist, drug dealers, thieves and killers”. So now, instead of talking about how to stem the tide of people coming across the border, he has taken it to the moral integrity of a people, and he has lumped them all into one nationality. Even saying that a judge of Mexican heritage who was born here, can’t rule on a case fairly involving Trump.
Imagine if Hillary were to say all Irish are drunks and lazy good for nothings? There would be no end to the outrage. Well at least once the Irish people sobered up and were told about it. (Full disclosure, I have Irish heritage myself.)
On terrorism, Donald Trump has again taken the conversation, if it can be called that, from one of national security alone, and again made it personal by labeling all Muslims terrorist, when he called for a complete and total ban on “ALL” Muslims from entering the U.S..
Now instead of targeting radical religious fanatics, Trump has targeted a religion, in my opinion, this one thing is the single most danger to our Liberty, if Trump were to be elected. So again, now you are talking not just about terrorist, but all Muslims, you are not sending fear to just terrorist, but you are sending fear to all of the Muslims who work and raise families here everyday without ever hurting anyone.
I think the escalation of violence is a natural human response to having your nationality and religion targeted.
We as Americans seem to have lost the ability to have intellectual debate over the fitness of our candidates. It has become all about Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal. It is no longer about real experience or qualifications for the job. We can no longer simply disagree without name calling and attacking those we disagree with, not based on the merit of their argument, but based simply on who they support.
If I am critical of Trump, his supporters say I support Hillary. They don’t seem to have the ability to see, I can be honest in my opinion of both. Intellect is not a zero sum game. If we are to ever move back towards electing people who actually have the best interest of the nation in mind, then we as voters, have to have the intellectual honesty to examine the candidates with both eyes open. To ignore either Trump’s, or Clinton’s failings is to the detriment of the nation.
This is where someone will invoke the “lesser of two evils” argument, and maybe no other election in history is a better example of that quandary. But to be able to come to that conclusion, we first have to be honest with ourselves, and we must cast off our party first mentality.
I fear the hatred, and racism, and religious bigotry may rule the day, some will say this is a good thing. But I as a Christian, am taught to love my brother, all my brothers, not just those who look like me and speak the same language, and not just those who believe as I do in faith. I am taught to care little for wealth, that my rewards will come to me in heaven.
So when I see a candidate promoting hatred and racism, and religious bigotry, well as a Christian, my choice seems easy, because I would far rather be poor in a world where people are treated fairly, rather than rich at someone else’s expense.
What, exactly, is “insane” about wanting to have a secure southern border? We have been invaded by millions of people who simply refuse to follow the immigration laws that the rest of the world follow when wanting to come to America.
The labor participation rate in the United States is around 62%. So, let’s continue to allow millions of uneducated, unskilled illegal aliens access to the United States, to flood our school systems and stress our welfare programs with individuals who pay no taxes. Brilliant.
The violent, American flag burning, Mexican flag waving “protesters” don’t hate Trump. They hate the United States, capitalism and the rule of law.
It has been said that it would be “impossible” to deport “millions” of illegal aliens. Really? They could have started in San Jose. There were hundreds there who probably could not provide proper documentation; those who could not could be bused to the Mexican border. Their property could be sold at auction to help defray the costs to the American taxpayers of welfare, food stamps, public housing, schools and prisons serving millions who have no business being here.
Trump is a business man, and that’s what he knows and falls back on. He brings the most leverage to the bargaining table that he thinks he can.
For all the perceived outrageous things that Trump has said, the fact is that he has actually done or facilitated nothing at this point. None of the problems in the world can be attributed to him, like they can with Hillary.
I won’t judge Trump until I see just what he does and accomplishes. Yes ,I’m willing to take that chance seeing that the other choice actually has done things that I feel should preclude her from being in elected office.
Rick, the labor participation rate will continue to decline no matter sits in the White House. And that is because baby-boomers will continue to age out of the workforce. The CBO projects that it will be at 60.8 in 2024.
Frank, my vote could go to Warren Harding as possibly the worst president. He played poker while his friends raided the US treasury. Or maybe Andrew Johnson, who opposed the 14th Amendment. Or John Tyler, who defended slavery. Or George Bush, for getting us into Iraq. But I think probably Herbert Hoover, who fueled trade wars and brought about the Great Depression.
I’m less concerned about what Trump says than I am about what Clinton does.
She left Americans to die like dogs, dragged through the street of Bengazi just like her husband left Americans to die like dogs, dragged through the streets of Mogadishu.
As Secretary of State she refused to allow the Boko Harim to be classified as a “terrorist” organization, a year later they kidnapped almost 300 girls from a school in Nigeria, many of the girls under 10 years old, and they’re using them as sex slaves.
She turned a blind eye when ISIS was kidnapping Yazidi girls in Iraq, and just this week 19 were burned alive in a cage for refusing to have sex with their slave masters.
She was the architect of the “nuts and sluts” defense in the 1990s.
Her Whitewater dealings lead to the conviction of 88 of her closest friends.
She championed her husband’s crime bill that led to the destruction of the black community.
And she compromised national security with her blackberry and private email server.
Trump, meanwhile, has done nothing except make a small handful of comments that send liberals to the fainting couch.
George Bush, for getting us into Iraq.
Yeah, I thought that was a mistake from the beginning, but Obama ran for president knowing the deal in Iraq. It’s not like it was an unknown quantity for him. He was so hell bent on getting us out of Iraq that he pulled us out against the advice of the military, and left the vacuum that ISIS capitalized on, and now we have to deal with that shit storm.
“i’m less concerned about what Trump says than I am about what Clinton does.”
Rick, the labor participation rate will continue to decline no matter sits in the White House. And that is because baby-boomers will continue to age out of the workforce.
And as they do, more illegal immigrants will arrive to take their place.
The real unemployment is rate at least 10%. Obama doesn’t count people who have quit looking for jobs in the unemployment numbers. Furthermore, most of BO’s “job creation” is in fast food and other low-paying positions. In short, the Obama “recovery” is non-existent.
Trump, meanwhile, has done nothing except make a small handful of comments that send liberals to the fainting couch.
And their operatives to the streets.
Do you know why the media is hysterical and the protesters violent? Because they’ve played all of their cards, and Trump is still tied with Hillary in the polls. Hillary will carry traditional Democrat states (CA, CT and so on) and Trump will carry traditional GOP states (SC, KS and so on). But the vacillating “independents”- those who switch from party-to-party- will, when they are in the voting booth, probably pull the lever for Trump.
“More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.” ― Woody Allen
Rick said, “There were hundreds there who probably could not provide proper documentation; those who could not could be bused to the Mexican border. Their property could be sold at auction to help defray the costs to the American taxpayers of welfare, food stamps, public housing, schools and prisons serving millions who have no business being here.”
Rick, isn’t this what the Nazis did? “Bused” the Jews out of the country, and confiscated their property?
FBH said, “I won’t judge Trump until I see just what he does and accomplishes.” FBH, is this like, “we won’t know what’s in the bill until we pass it”?
Rightie, I don’t disagree with your views of Hillary, I said she could also be the worst president ever. The point of the post is to demonstrate the lack of honest assessment on both sides.
I know it bothers some, but I can’t help but see the similarities of this race to the rise of the NAZI party and Hitler. He was the non-establishment candidate, he said what the people wanted to hear, he only said outrageous things, while the ruling class or establishment had done bad things. To turn a blind eye to the fact that Trump has no experience in governing, that he rules like a dictator over his personal empire, that he shows no personal control, that he ahs no problem alienating large segments of our population, that he would impose restrictions upon religious groups, simply because he is the “lesser evil”, is not only intellectually vacant, it is dangerous.
Rick said, “There were hundreds there who probably could not provide proper documentation; those who could not could be bused to the Mexican border. Their property could be sold at auction to help defray the costs to the American taxpayers of welfare, food stamps, public housing, schools and prisons serving millions who have no business being here.”
Rick, isn’t this what the Nazis did? “Bused” the Jews out of the country, and confiscated their property?
German Jews were German citizens, not criminal invaders.
German Jews weren’t rioting and trying to intimidate German citizens.
German Jews spoke German, and didn’t burden the taxpayers by consuming largesse by way of social relief programs.
In other words, there is no analogy.
…Trump has no experience in governing…
Do the politicians who buried America with a $19-trillion debt have “experience” in governing?
You sound like Mika Brezinski.
“those who could not could be bused to the Mexican border”
And then what?
I’m trying to picture this scene – you’ve got a busload of Hondurans, Guatemalans, and El Salvadorans, and you are going to march them into Mexico?
Rick says the real unemployment is rate at least 10%, that people have stopped looking for work, and that the jobs that have been filled are in the low-paying fast food sector.
The Labor Dept released stats today showing 5.78 million job openings across a range of industries. At the worst part of the recession in 2009 there were 2.3 million job openings.
Employers are trying to hiring more, but they can’t find enough skilled workers for the jobs they need. That’s what the problem is. A lot of people aren’t finding jobs because they are not qualified to do the job.
Are you saying that it was Mexicans that off-shored our manufacturing base ?
…you’ve got a busload of Hondurans, Guatemalans, and El Salvadorans, and you are going to march them into Mexico?
Exactly. And if the Mexicans don’t like it, tough. They crossed in to America through Mexico, they can go back through Mexico.
The Labor Dept released stats today…
You mean Obama’s Department of Labor Propaganda?
Are you saying that it was Mexicans that off-shored our manufacturing base ?
Sort of. They are so backward (like the rest of Latin America), that they’ll work for slave wages.
According to polls, the most important issue concerning Americans is the economy. The Obama “recovery” is non-existent, and everyone but a Marxist can see it with their own two eyes.
Rick: “You mean Obama’s Department of Labor Propaganda?”
If the stats are inconvenient to your position, Rick, you’re simply dismissive of them without providing your own sources. If you’ve got sources to back you up, let’s have ’em.
Frank, on You Tube I saw a bumper sticker
Rick I know you won’t understand this, but when you start talking about busing people and confiscating their property, I think it becomes a humanitarian question as well as a political one. The reason for doing it may be different, the results could be the same. First of all, in your busing plan, are there buses leaving every hour from every city, so that when these people are captured we can put them right on the bus and send them back? It would we have to create places to “concentrate” them until we got a bus load?
Joan, personally I would prefer Muchelle over Hillary, at least Michelle is honest about her liberalism.
“so that when these people are captured”
I think Rick believes that they will simply show up to the bus stop and get on the bus. Getting them to the bus is, IMHO, the interesting part. First, cordon off neighborhoods to prevent escape and set up checkpoints for anyone going in or out to prove they are a US citizen (since everyone carries that around on them). Then, close in, doing house-to-house searches for all occupants, checking their papers, and marching the ones who don’t have them to an assembly point. After an area is cleared, keep the checkpoints in place, to avoid infiltration as the “Make America Great Team” works on the adjacent areas. If there are any infants that look like they might have been born here, include squads of social workers who will take the infants and place them with citizen foster families.
Either that or use smaller shuttle vans which are decked out as contractor and landscaping company livery, and say they are picking up day laborers. That’ll lure a bunch of them on.
If the stats are inconvenient to your position, Rick, you’re simply dismissive of them without providing your own sources.
Government statistics, particulary those offered by this corrupt administration, fulfill a political agenda. They are mere propaganda.
Using census data (itself flawed), start with the adult population. Subtract those collecting Social Security. The majority of the remainder are unemployed, or in the case of some S.S. recipients, working part-time. Actually, my 10% figure is probably well below the actual unemployment rate.
Here is the “busing plan.” Arrest the violent illegal invaders during the riots. Ask them for identification. Check their citizenship. Those who are not citizens are placed on a bus and driven, immediately, to a Mexican border crossing. All property will be forfeited.
This plan applies to violent rioters only. I do support a citizenship plan for those illegals who have been working and have no significant criminal record. The plan must include a structured monetary repayment to federal, state and local jurisdictions to compensate for taxes not paid over the years.
There will be no welfare, food stamps or other largesse for illegals. Furthermore, jailed illegals convicted of felonies that are being housed, clothed and fed by U.S. taxpayers will be deported to Mexico.
No border, no country,
What the current administration has done concerning the encouragement, and facilitation of illegal immigration, is tantamount to human trafficking, and it has caused harm to both the immigrants and to the people who already live here.
Concerning the Dept. of Labor G-6, which is never used by the administration or the media:
…While the U-3 rate measures all unemployed workers as a percent of the civilian labor force, the U-6 includes more. It’s defined as all unemployed as well as “persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons” plus all marginally attached workers, as a percentage of the labor force.
That means the rate for the unemployed, the underemployed and the discouraged remains stubbornly above prerecession levels.
The U-6 rate remained unchanged at 9.9 percentin January. Overall, the U-6 has been more volatile than the U-3 rate. It’s down 1.4 percentage points over the past year, versus an 0.8-point drop in the U-3.
However, unemployed illegals and those on welfare are not included in the G-6 unemployment numbers. Real unemployment estimates vary, but some studies show a real rate of over 30-percent.
Fish Bites, sounds a lot like what we are doing in Iraq huh?
Also Rick you did not address the holding areas, or camps if you will. Will there not be a cost to that?
And how does someone who is deported pay back taxes? Oh that’s right, you confiscate their property.
And how long is it before we just make it illegal to be brown?
Rick, I posted that the Labor Dept had released stats showing 5.78 million job openings. You responded by disparaging the source (Obama’s Department of Labor Propaganda). When I pointed out that you are dismissive of stats that are do not support your positions, you sidestepped the stat we were discussing and instead returned to an earlier posting about the labor participation rate. Do try keeping up.
“Also Rick you did not address the holding areas, or camps if you will.”
Frank, Rick did address that. He wants to arrest a handful of miscreants who were seen on video causing trouble at a political rally. After those people are shipped out, we’re done.
How’s about we deport CEO’s that off-shore jobs and off-shore their asses ?
Do try keeping up.
The Labor Dept’s U6 shows initial post claimed 10%. But the U6 doesn’t include the millions of people on welfare or unemployed illegals.
Of course, massive unemployment is expected in a socialist system. That way, the government can invent some new “programs” justifying more theft from the productive.
The real cause of unemployment is the size and scope of government. Taxes, regulation and a general anti-business sentiment.
At the end of the day, government has saddled Americans with a $19-trillion+ deficit, not including doomed-to-fail Social Security. Our government theorists are inept, which is why they work for the government. To believe in politicians who distribute largesse for votes and who worry more about transgender bathrooms than bankruptcy is insanity.
Eliminate unnecessary federal agencies (Education, Labor, Agriculture and so on) and Americans will be free to go about the business of business- and all will benefit. Fail to act, get the debt to GDP over 100%, and witness eventual economic collapse- and chaos.
What a pathetic lying fraud Elizabeth Warren (the Blue-eyed Squaw) is. Taking advantage of working people facing foreclosure. Well, she did “help” her family by loaning money to her brother- at 9.5%.
From the Boston Herald:
Elizabeth Warren, who has railed against predatory banks and heartless foreclosures, took part in about a dozen Oklahoma real estate deals that netted her and her family hefty profits through maneuvers such as “flipping” properties, records show.
A Herald review has found that the Democratic U.S. Senate candidate rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices.
Land records from Warren’s native Oklahoma City show the Harvard professor was active in the often topsy-turvy real estate market in the 1990s, including:
• Purchasing a foreclosed home at 2725 West Wilshire Boulevard from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for $61,000 in June 1993, then selling it in December 1994 for $95,000 — a 56 percent mark-up in just 18 months.
• Buying a house at 200 NW 16th St. for $30,000 in August 1993, then flipping it for $145,000 — a 383 percent gain after just five months.
• Lending one of her brothers money at 9.5 percent interest to buy a home at 1425 Classen Drive for $35,000 in August 2000. He sold the place three months later for $38,500 — a 10 percent gain in 75 days.
• Providing her brother with financing to buy a $25,000 house at 4301 NW 16th St. in 1994. He sold the property four years later for $42,000, a 68 percent increase.
• Giving her sister-in-law a mortgage in 1996 to buy a $31,000 home at 2621 NW 13th St. Three years later, the sister-in-law sold the place for $45,000 — a 45 percent boost in three years.
• Providing her brother with a loan in 1997 to buy 901 NW 22nd St. for $90,000. He sold it some two years later for $106,000 — an 18 percent increase.
• Giving her brother a mortgage to buy 3836 NW 12th St. in 1997 for $26,000. Nine years later, he unloaded the home for $45,000 — a 73 percent jump….
What a lying hypocrite Pocahontas is- just like Hillary. A complete fraud. Of course, Socialist-Democrats love lying frauds. Like Bill and Hillary.
[Trump should release his tax records when Hillary releases the transcripts of her $300k speeches to Wall Street brokerage firms and banks.]
“As a Native American socialist, I reject usery, speculation and profit!”
“…doomed-to-fail Social Security.” – Rick
Right-wing chicken-littles have saying Social Security has been “doomed-to-fail” since 1935.
2015 Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees report:
“Social Security as a whole as well as Medicare cannot sustain projected long-run program costs…” [and that the government should be] “giving the public adequate time to prepare.”
Yeah, those crazy right-wing S.S. Trustees.
For Social Security to survive, future workers will have to pay over fifty-percent of their wages toward the program. Do you think they will? I don’t.
Remember, there is no “Trust Fund,” just IOU’s. The government spends the money. Social Security is merely a Ponzi scheme; anyone who would create such a plan in the private sector would be convicted of fraud. It lasted a long time because of the sheer size of the program, but like any other pyramid scheme, it becomes top-heavy and falls.
Let’s prosecute each and ever corporate officer that hires illegals
Nowhere in the report do the trustees say that the Social Security’s funding issues are unsolvable. Indeed the opposite is clearly implied in the sentence you conveniently omit.
“Lawmakers should take action sooner rather than later to address these structural shortfalls.”
Nowhere does the report say “future workers will have to pay over fifty-percent of their wages toward the program.” Do tell us from which of your orifices you pulled that one from (;
” Remember, there is no “Trust Fund,” just IOU’s. “
Get some economic literacy. In 21st century debt and credit based money systems, IOU’s are money.
Raise the cap on income and the problem is solved. I never will understand why lower middle class uneducated types think that being synchophant shills for the wealthy who hose them in every way is somehow in their interests. I guess it’s the ole if I shill for the CEO class, I too will be rich delusuion