Why Didn’t You March?

So many people keep asking me – “Why did I march”? I believe the more relevant question is – “Why didn’t you “? The Women’s March across the world ignited a global response – 3 million people-“nasty” women and some “nasty” men- just in the US alone took to the streets to celebrate sisterhood and articulate what we as women will fight for without hesitation – equal pay, reproductive rights, healthcare for all, educational opportunities, criminal justice reform, climate change, and civil rights. Thousands of others in dozens of cities across the world joined in. And yet some people keep scratching their heads in disbelief: What does protesting or boycotting accomplish? Well, history does provide us a Kodak moment of how effective boycotting is, and that would be the Boston Tea Party – the first American boycott. And American history does give us an owner’s manual on how to conduct a resistance – that would be the colonists’ opposition to the Stamp Act. Both events and others were the fodder that led to the American Revolution – the ultimate resistance movement. So, protesting and boycotting are as American as baseball and apple pie. They are the catalysts that fueled the Abolitionists movement, the Suffrage movement and the Civil Rights movement. And clearly, the Marches on Saturday are the germ of a new movement that is sweeping through this country and other cities abroad.
I ask the question again: Why didn’t you march? What are you waiting for? Maya Angelou once said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Believe that President Trump and Congress are committed to eroding the civil liberties that have been earned and defended. Just an hour after being sworn in, the White House’s official website removed the issues of Civil Rights, LGBT rights, and climate change off the page. Gone as if they never existed. But they did exist, not just as words on a page, but embedded in the values that we hold dear. And that matters because our new President claims that he represents all Americans; yet, a gay American, a Black American, a disabled American, or an American concerned with climate change can no longer go onto the President’s website and know that they are on his mind. These Americans are your neighbors, your family members, your coworkers, or maybe you. I marched because I don’t won’t to no longer matter or further compromise my precarious standing in American society. I marched, and 1 out of every 100 Americans did too on Saturday. I marched so others – like President Trump and Congress – would listen. I marched because it is the first step that leads to change. It was just tea in Boston, but it brewed the American Constitution. It matters. Why doesn’t it matter to you?
And to all my sisters that marched with me, young and old, single or married, living throughout Sussex County, our march is the start of a marathon. We need to remain committed, focused and fearless. Join in the local efforts to bring the national message home. Email me at womenforsussex@gmail.com to keep the fire burning. I will admit that my new favorite winter piece of clothing is my pink p—sy hat, and I wear it proudly. Make it yours. Meow.

55 Comments on "Why Didn’t You March?"

  1. fightingbluehen says:

    Over at Delaware’s largest left leaning blog, they are claiming that the hats had nothing to do with female genitalia. ( I noticed that the writer of this post censored the name of the hat)
    I thought that it seemed pretty obvious that the hats represent female genitalia. To back up my argument, I even pointed out to them that if you Google “vagina hat”, the popular “pussyhats” will show up in the “Shop for” category….You can guess what the response was from the other commenters….That’s right… ad hominem.

  2. mouse says:

    The hats I have seen have cat ears. My wife made a few of them. You people are so obsessed with sexual repression and resentment that it makes me wonder if sexual abuse is what drives you folk

  3. fightingbluehen says:

    See what I mean, ad hominem attacks right out of the box.
    I just think it is interesting that the movement is trying to ditch the whole notion of the hats representing vaginas when they obviously do….I heard talk that the transgenders kind of felt left out by all the focus on vaginas, so maybe that’s why they are downplaying the hats.

  4. mouse says:


  5. Rick says:

    …and articulate what we as women will fight for without hesitation – equal pay, reproductive rights, healthcare for all, educational opportunities, criminal justice reform, climate change, and civil rights.

    Wasn’t Obama president for the past eight years?

    Didn’t 53% of white women vote for Trump? Sorry, but you don’t speak for them.

    …the Marches on Saturday are the germ of a new movement that is sweeping through this country and other cities abroad.

    Like the movement that would propel Bernie Sanders to the White House?

    …but embedded in the values that we hold dear.

    Who is “we?” Speak for yourself. Or Hillary. Just remember, she lost.

    Go ahead and march. Scream, too. Maybe even threaten to blow-up the White House.

    Meanwhile, what little BO actually managed to do will be dismantled. You may have the streets, but “we” have the Congress and the White House.

  6. Anna Nym says:

    I did not march because I am a woman of class and grace. I did not march because the real issue is we categorize people into groups; African American, Gay American, Female American etc. I did not march because I DO get equal pay because I fight for it and have earned it. Being part of a bigoted march is not solving anything rather I work in my community and make my voice heard with local legislators to change the climate here in Delaware. I did not March because women who have made money sexualizing themselves and acting like whores do not represent me, speak for me nor for the kind of women I want my daughters to be.

  7. Frank Knotts says:

    Why didn’t I march? Well first of all, I don’t buy into the oppression of women which the protesters are selling. Women have all the same constitutional rights a man has. So to make it a “women’s” march in my view was sexist.
    You said women will fight without hesitation for, “equal pay, reproductive rights, healthcare for all, educational opportunities, criminal justice reform, climate change, and civil rights. ”
    Well don’t you suppose there are men who would also fight for those things? So why make it a women’s march?
    Equal pay? That is for the individual to negotiate at the time of hire, don’t like it, don’t take the job.
    Reproductive rights? You mean abortion, so call it that. Because women have the right to reproduce, what you are talking about is the right to not reproduce. And if women don’t want to have children, they have the right to not have sex.
    Criminal justice reform? That is a women’s issue? No guess not, unless you are saying women are tried differently than men. What you are talking about is the idea that minorities are tried differently than whites. Or maybe you want to remove certain things from being crimes, like drug use.
    Climate change? Now this is good. So you want to march to change nature. I know mouse will show up and call it settled science, but I tend to look towards logic and evidence. That being, there is evidence that the planet has been much warmer than it is right now, and colder and warmer and colder. The one thing I know, is that weather changes. Not sure what marching would change.
    Now civil rights? Now that is something I can get on board with, and we have proof in history that marching can affect change. But please tell me which civil right you feel is in danger.
    Why didn’t I march? Well mainly because I didn’t have time to knit my “pussy” hat, and yes FBH, you are correct, the hats were a direct response to Donald Trump’s comment about “grabbing pussies”.
    But I would not have marched because this protest had no central reason for being, it had no real clear message. It was a pot full of special interest groups poured out on the streets of D.C. Its only message was, we hate Trump, and that’s not good enough. I would have respected it more, and may have even considered marching, had the message been, we oppose Trump.
    But love the photo, and the hat. 😉

  8. Paulette Rappa says:

    Rick -“Didn’t 53% of white women vote for Trump? Sorry, but you don’t speak for them.”

    Yes, 53% of white women voted for Trump, but that was not all women. Hillary won the women vote, and if only women voted, she would have been President today.

    “Who is “we?” Speak for yourself. Or Hillary. Just remember, she lost.”

    So, Rick is it safe to say that you don’t support civil rights or the Constitution for that matter which protects civil rights. It’s called Equal Protection under the Law which is a part of the 14th amendment. So when I say “we” I include those individuals that believe in the strength of the Constitution.

    “…but “we” have the Congress and the White House.”
    So, Rick look how confident that over 3 million people throughout the world are that the Congress and the White House know what they are doing.

  9. Paulette Rappa says:

    Frank -“Why didn’t I march? Well first of all, I don’t buy into the oppression of women which the protesters are selling. Women have all the same constitutional rights a man has. So to make it a “women’s” march in my view was sexist.”

    Sure, women share the same constitutional rights as any man does… but theory and practice are two different things … Although women receive more college and graduate degrees than men, they still on average continue to earn considerably less than men. For every dollar a man earns, a woman only earns .80 cents, a gender wage gap of 20%, and if a slow change continues to close the gap, it will take another 44 years or not until 2059 for women to finally reach pay equity. Calling the march a women’s march is not sexist – before women had the right to vote, we didn’t call Congress the Male Congress – men just assumed that their gender was implicitly understood in the title of Congress. But hey, if you want equal investment in the message of the March, I will bring you your own pussy hat Friday at Jimmies.

    “Equal pay? That is for the individual to negotiate at the time of hire, don’t like it, don’t take the job.” Ah, if it were that simple. It has nothing to do with a woman’s ability to negotiate for better pay. It has everything to do with the erosion in her work history capital because she has to juggle both family and career. And before you go screeching that men have contributed more now than in years gone by towards childrearing, maternity leave, child sick days, and school functions still negatively impact her ability to accumulate the career traction that puts her on the same trajectory as men in the same job.

    “Reproductive rights? You mean abortion, so call it that. Because women have the right to reproduce, what you are talking about is the right to not reproduce. And if women don’t want to have children, they have the right to not have sex.”
    While I encourage dialogue on issues, really Frank – women can’t have sex for pleasure just because they are biologically capable of giving birth. Honestly, if my uterus was capable of shooting out bullets instead of babies, then maybe the government would not regulate it. When you have your own vagina and uterus , then you would have the right to criticize mine. Until that time ….

    “But I would not have marched because this protest had no central reason for being, it had no real clear message.”
    Take the wax out of your ears… there was a clear message. As citizens, those that marched ( and that included the men there) we are not tolerating the discriminatory rhetoric and unfair policies that the current administration is legislating. We will fight to protect civil rights for all and make sure that the progress we have made as women does not erode back to the days of the “little ladies.”

  10. Bob Kirby says:

    Sounds more Left than Right

  11. Maya says:

    So Paulette Rappa, you feel abortion is needed to be available so women can freely have sex? Because last I understood there are plenty of contraceptive options for responsible men an women out there. I am prolife but I can at least understand the concept of those who want it available for the extreme circumstances of rape and life of mother. But am disturbed by the desensitization you and others portray by irresponsibly promoting abortion like it’s no big deal. Also men have a right to comment on abortion because it’s their human life you are taking away from them as well. Another thing, the fact marches like this one continue to label women as abortion focused is demeaning to all women. I care about same things men care about because im smart enough to understand the economy, increase of drugs destroying families, taxes, regulations, infrastructure issues, jobs, etc. My sex life has never been ruined because of my choice to never have an abortion. I’ve utilized my freedom and rights in this country to have had lots of great sex with lots of great, and not so great, men and it was easy not to become pregnant. We don’t live in the 50’s anymore. Society has progressed where there are lots of resources to not get pregnant and lots of resources to support women who do. Ill add I also get paid equal to my male counterparts and took advantage of American capitalism to have a career making more money than the average man. I have succeeded in America because of the freedom and rights I have here that I would not have in several other countries. Please tell me what unfair policy Trump has put out there? What policy is he promoting that is going to take away a human right for women??

  12. Rick says:

    What policy is he promoting that is going to take away a human right for women??

    He’s not, but it sure sounds good to disgruntled Democrats who still can’t get over the fact that the wife of a serial sex predator didn’t get elected.


    Rick -“Didn’t 53% of white women vote for Trump? Sorry, but you don’t speak for them.”

    Yes, 53% of white women voted for Trump, but that was not all women. Hillary won the women vote, and if only women voted, she would have been President today.

    And you still don’t speak for the 53% of white women who voted for Trump. Nor do you speak for those who didn’t vote, since you have no idea who they would have voted for.

    So, Rick is it safe to say that you don’t support civil rights or the Constitution for that matter which protects civil rights. It’s called Equal Protection under the Law which is a part of the 14th amendment. So when I say “we” I include those individuals that believe in the strength of the Constitution.

    The Fourteenth Amendment doesn’t “protect” the rate of pay one receives. That is a matter- on-a case-by-case basis- for the courts to determine.

    The Fourteenth Amendment doesn’t guarantee an unfettered access to abortion, particularly late-term. Nor does the Fourteenth Amendment guarantee taxpayer-subsidized abortion. Planned Parenthood (founded by eugenicist/racist Margaret Sanger), a for profit business, should have to operate like any other business.

    No legislation, decree or amendment can guarantee “equality.” People are not equal; not in size, intelligence, ambition, looks, determination, focus, strength, compassion or hundreds of other aspects, readily discernable.

    Fully knowing the above, what the left really wants is equal outcomes. So did Karl Marx.

    “…but “we” have the Congress and the White House.”

    So, Rick look how confident that over 3 million people throughout the world are that the Congress and the White House know what they are doing.

    Thirty states voted for Trump. That’s all that matters.

    What also matters is that since BO’s inauguration, the GOP has gained 1000 state and federal legislative seats. People “throughout the world” might not like that, either. Who cares?

    The fact that George Soros (who finances the bulk of US “protests”), Madonna (who threatened to bomb the White House) and hundreds of other vulgar Hollywood “celebrity” crackpots have a pathological for Trump- and conservatives in general- is irrelevant (except perhaps, in the next elections, when Socialist-Democrats will be joined at the hip to the “movement”).

    On the other hand, controlling the Congress and White House is relevant. And you on the left are going to feel it- hard.

  13. Frank Knotts says:

    Well Maya hit a lot of what I might have said Paulette. You did make one point which I don’t think you realize make my point. You talk of the reason a women makes less than a man being child rearing. Well you know we are a free nation. Women have the right to choose to be a mother or have a career. Some mange both, some are not as talented.
    It is not an employer’s place to subsidize a women’s choice to have children, and if they did, would that not tip the scale the others way against men?
    Oh! Wait, now I see why abortion is so important for mordern women.

  14. fightingbluehen says:

    It’s very impressive how quick and efficiently the Democrat/leftist operators can mobilize certain sectors of the population… Kudos to the puppet masters and their skill set in these areas.

    You know that it can only be taken so far though. The question is, how far will they take it?

    Just remember that the Democratic Party leaders always announce the opposite of what their true intensions are…. When Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are being amiable ; that’s when you need to be on your guard the most…..When Obama conveyed that he hopes for a “smooth transition of power”, that’s when we knew that they would try to see that it wouldn’t happen that way.

  15. delacrat says:

    “It is not an employer’s place to subsidize a women’s choice to have children, “ – Frank

    I suppose you don’t think it’s an employer’s place to ‘subsidize’ anyone’s choice to eat or pay the rent.

  16. Frank Knotts says:

    Delacrat, Paulette’s point was that women get paid less because they miss more time from work due to raising children. And unlike eating, having children is a choice. Why should an employer pay a person who misses a lot of time, by choice, the same as someone who is more reliable?

  17. delacrat says:


    An employer ‘subsidized’ your mother’s choice to have you.

  18. mouse says:


    Interestingly enough in 1859, the same year Tyndall discovered the infrared insulating properties CO2, Charles Darwin published Origin of Species. Clearly a conspiracy hoax here simultaneously aimed at fossil fuel producers and religious believers. Clearly after such a hoax on seemingly established science must surely be wrong.

  19. mouse says:

    I marched in Lewes. Why go to some nasty city to protest?

  20. mouse says:

    Besides, the Constitution only applies to white male slave owners.

  21. mouse says:

    Can you imagine 5 woman prancing around after they drafted a bill to limit what men could do with their reproductive organs, lol.

  22. Rick says:

    One danger of abortion- exacerbated by late term abortion- is the rationalization used to justify the procedure. Abortion ends life. That is a fact. A living being is denied existence. And this is being portrayed as being protected under the prenumbra of “social justice,” specifically, “women’s rights.”

    Once this “rational” displacement of the moral for the immoral occurs- quite often, ostensibly, for the “good of society,” the door is opened for even less positive pursuits- “for the good of society”- such as those utilized by Stalin, Hitler and Mao, and even the American eugenicist and founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, who proposed abortion as a means of ridding society of “undesirable” who would be a “burden” on society.

    After all, Stalin told us that “one death is a tragedy- a million deaths is a statistic.” To Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion on demand advocates, the millions who were denied life are simply numbers- statistics.

    Be careful of what you chose to advocate.

  23. mouse says:

    Maybe if you did’t resent women so much and their reproductive freedom, you would get laid and not be so obsessed with sexual control and resentment. It’s a viscous cycle

  24. mouse says:

    You people don’t give a damn about any other “life”. In fact, you people would starve kids to death after they were born and not give a damn. Drop bombs on foreign lands and babies die denied life, you people could care less. I mean why be such liars. It’s obvious what motivates you people. Control and resentment of women. It’s always sexual issues with you people, always. Get help

  25. delacrat says:

    “In fact, you people would starve kids to death after they were born and not give a damn.”


    “Conservatives” believe the “right-to-life” begins at conception and ends at birth.

  26. Frank Knotts says:

    Delacrat, I would ask you leave my mother out if this, unless you knew her. By the way, when I was born my parents didn’t have health insurance, and there were very few men performing the job my mother worked at that time.
    As for life beginning at conception, well that is a scientific fact my friend. The fact is, once the egg is fertilized, conception, unless man or God interveans, it will become a human life, thus life begins at conception .

  27. Rick says:

    Maybe if you did’t resent women so much…

    I don’t resent women. I oppose abortion, particularly as a means of birth control.

    …and their reproductive freedom, you would get laid…

    I never had a problem getting dates. But I bet you did.

  28. mouse says:

    So is spontaneous abortion an act of God or an act of biology? If it’s not your fetus, it’s not your business. If you guys want to regulate and harass someone, at least be productive and go after polluters or people who hire illegals. You people are for “liberty” for your every despotic fetish but no liberty or autonomy for a woman’s reproductive rights.

  29. mouse says:

    I mean, I mean, do you people ever self reflect? I mean really self reflect on why you are so obsessed with sexual issues and particularly women’s sexual aka health issues? I mean you split ever hair to demonstrate that a mass of cells in someone’s else uterus is something you have to desperately protect and obsess on but no were else do show any concern for human life. There’s a giant pink elephant in the room man.

  30. Rick says:

    If it’s not your fetus, it’s not your business.

    Federal or state funded abortion is every taxpayer’s business.

    And society is everyone’s “business.” Unfettered, state-sanctioned abortion promotes the culture of death that permeates contemporary America. Can I “prove” that? Probably not. But neither you cannot prove otherwise. But considering how many incidents of child abuse we hear of- children locked in closets, chained to a bed or murdered, it seems likely that there is some relation to the disposable baby mindset leading to the disposable child.

    What’s next? The disposable homosexual? The disposable Caucasian? Can’t happen? History is reality and the past is often prologue.

    In the 1920’s, Germany was a cultural cesspool; and from the muck rose Adolph Hitler.

  31. delacrat says:

    “…considering how many incidents of child abuse we hear of – locked in closets, chained to a bed or murdered” – rick

    And you want people who do that to be parents whether they want to or not? That’s some stinkin’ thinkin’, rick

  32. Rick says:

    The acceptance of state-sanctioned murder spawns atrocity. And more, and worse, will come.

    I read this elsewhere:

    From the Office of the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan…


    We would like to thank the recent women’s “right to choose” protestors and Planned Parenthood for their efforts to rid society of undesirable elements. As you know, in our urban areas many more black children are aborted than born. We, the membership of the KKK, salute your good work in ridding white America of this plague with “compassion” and efficiency, and we pledge to support your efforts to provide “health” care in the urban ghetto until the job is done.

    G. Wizard

  33. Paulette says:

    All – You all have strayed way off base from the original intent of the blog post. Furthermore, the posts are becoming toxic. Clearly Thomas Paine said it best – ” To argue with a person who hqs renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”

  34. Frank Knotts says:

    Mouse, “So is spontaneous abortion an act of God or an act of biology?” That would depend on your own belief system, but the scientific fact is, if not interrupted after conception, a fertilized egg becomes a living being, so life must begin at conception. Do you ever self analyze your willingness to end a life simply for political reasons?

  35. Rick says:

    All – You all have strayed way off base from the original intent of the blog post.

    You post was a screed. The “intent” was to perpetuate a myth.

    If you can’t take criticism, don’t post.

    Furthermore, the posts are becoming toxic.

    To many, your post was toxic. Hence, the response.

    Clearly Thomas Paine said it best – ” To argue with a person who hqs renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”

    Is that like renouncing reality?

    Trump won the election, and legislation isn’t proposed and signed in to law in the streets.

    Hopefully, deluded Socialist-Democrats will double-down, follow the politically-correct course, and name Keith Ellison as DNC chair. A card-carrying member of a Muslim Brotherhood subsidiary with ties to Farakkhan should sell well in red states with Democrat senators running for re-election in ’18.

  36. Rick says:

    “She’s With Him.” A Portrait of 7 Women for Trump:

    Click here

  37. delacrat says:

    “All – You all have strayed way off base from the original intent of the blog post.” – Paulette

    As to the original intent of the blog post: “I didn’t you march ?”.

    Well actually, I and the family did march in Philadelphia.

  38. pandora says:

    Frank, you need to correct your statements about fertilized eggs. Pregnancy occurs only if the fertilized egg is implanted. Many fertilized eggs don’t implant, so… no pregnancy. I mean, if we want to cite science, we should cite it correctly.

  39. Not From Pennsylvania says:

    Why didn’t I march? Because it wasn’t a march for women’s rights it was a hate fest. When the response to Trump’s coarse language and treatment of women became violence, dressing up like vaginas, carrying signs about “p-sies,” and spewing hate speech, I, like the vast majority of American women, chose to opt out.

    Many of Trump’s comments have made me wince, but they pale in comparison to what I’ve seen and heard coming out of the left since the election. The irony of protesters carrying “Love Trumps Hate” signs while rabidly cheering on speakers talking about “blowing up the White House” isn’t lost on the average American.


    Paulette I suspect you think that you can rally this Trump hate into a win against Ruth Briggs King in 2 years. You think the march was a success but all it did was radicalize your choir and turn off everyone else from the middle to the right. That’s what liberals like you don’t understand, radical behavior turns the average American off, and it doesn’t sell in Sussex County. Put your p-sy hat away and give it up.

  40. delacrat says:

    “When the response to Trump’s coarse language and treatment of women became violence, dressing up like vaginas, carrying signs about “p-sies,” and spewing hate speech,” – not from PA

    Uh… “dressing up”, “carrying signs” and “spewing” may offend your snowflake sensibilities, but it’s not violence.

    “The irony of protesters carrying “Love Trumps Hate” signs while rabidly cheering on speakers talking about “blowing up the White House” isn’t lost on the average American.”

    What “isn’t lost on the average American” is that it’s the White House, not Madonna, that has been “blowing up” stuff for as long as anyone can remember.

  41. Frank Knotts says:

    Pandora, I believe the egg not implanting would fall under being interrupted after fertilization, so I stand by my statement.
    Paulette, well that didn’t take long. A blog is a conversation, do all of your conversations stay on topic? A blog post once posted and opened to comments becomes a living thing all its own. I have been following and would have to say while the topic have grown, it is still based on what you yourself wrote.
    And if you refuse to defend what you write, or as you say , argue your point, then you miss the point of the blogosphere. We want the conversation, the opposing view points, not an echo chamber, it is why you were invited to contribute.

  42. Honi Soit says:

    @Ana Nym: “I did not march because the real issue is we categorize people into groups; African American, Gay American, Female American etc.”

    I guess the “etc” includes Moslem-Americans too and you don’t distinguish them in any way from all other Americans, now do you?

  43. Rick says:

    Uh… “dressing up”, “carrying signs” and “spewing” may offend your snowflake sensibilities, but it’s not violence.

    We’ve all seen the smashed windows, cars burned, mothers of soldiers attacked, “hate speech” by Madonna and others and so on. If they hate America so much, why don’t they just leave?

    It’s funny how chicken-$hit leftists find courage in a mob.

    I’m glad you were there with the rest of the 3-V’s. Vile, vulgar and violent.

    Did George Soros pay for your gas?

  44. delacrat says:

    “We’ve all seen the smashed windows, cars burned,…..blah, blah, blah” – rick

    Funny, I’ve never seen that at any march I’ve been to. Maybe that goes on at the ones you attend…. or is your understanding of planet earth informed entirely from too much teevee?


  45. Honi Soit says:

    @Ana Nym: “I did not march because I DO get equal pay because I fight for it and have earned it.”

    I see. So if you are not personally affected by discriminatory practices, then you don’t care that others are. Indeed, you fault them for putting up with it.

  46. Rick says:

    Funny, I’ve never seen that at any march I’ve been to. Maybe that goes on at the ones you attend…. or is your understanding of planet earth informed entirely from too much teevee?

    I wasn’t there either. It was on Jan.20, and there was a lot of TV coverage, and also many photographs, both in newspapers and online.

    Of course, you saw it. You just feel the need to pretend, like any good “liberal.”

  47. Honi Soit says:

    @Not from Pennsylvania: “Why didn’t I march? Because it wasn’t a march for women’s rights it was a hate fest.”

    Sounds as though you’re describing a Trump rally:
    “Kill her.”
    “Trump that bitch!”
    “Build a wall — kill them all.”

  48. delacrat says:

    “I wasn’t there either. It was on Jan.20, and there was a lot of TV coverage, and also many photographs, both in newspapers and online.” – rick

    So by your own admission, your entire understanding of a protest derives entirely from corporate media, not by any personal experience.

  49. mouse says:

    Everyone should be polite like the tea party types were at rallies and open forumns

  50. mouse says:

    The east side of Sussex is a bit different.

  51. Rick says:

    So by your own admission, your entire understanding of a protest derives entirely from corporate media, not by any personal experience.

    “Entire understanding?” No, I’ve observed the modus operendi of the left for decades. Always the same. Sort of like your posts.

    But since you must have been under a rock on Jan 20th and missed out, here’s a snapshot of one of the day’s activities…..

    Innauguration “protesters” torch limo in D.C.

  52. delacrat says:

    I’ve observed the modus operendi(sic)….” – rick

    ….as spoon fed from your idiot box.

    You ought to be more concerned about people who torch a constitution than those who torch a limo.

  53. Rick says:

    You ought to be more concerned about people who torch a constitution than those who torch a limo…

    Ahhh. So you abandon your position when confronted with reality.

    Obama circumvented the US Senate when he vacuously substituted the word “deal” for treaty in regard to Iran. Totally unconstitutional. So was his stewardship of the IRS, that illegally targeted conservative organizations.

    I know. You were just following orders.

  54. delacrat says:

    “Ahhh. So you abandon your position when confronted with reality.” – rick

    Actually stand by my position that by your own admission, your entire understanding of a protest derives entirely from corporate media, not by any personal experience.

  55. Rick says:

    Are you saying the photo is fake? Sorry, I saw it on live television, too.

    Hence, your statement;

    “Funny, I’ve never seen that at any march I’ve been to..” is irrelevant. Because it did happen in Washington, for all to see, as I had said…

    “We’ve all seen the smashed windows, cars burned…”

    By-the-way….were you with Neil Armstrong on the moon? Or was that a “big media” production?

Got something to say? Go for it!