We’ve got some great pics of the guy so upsetting the Sussex GOP…the one they almost sent to jail for signing an “X”. Also a great Fred Silva story…..who knew? Much more you’ll all love.
Fred Silva’s Nephew
Below Fred Silva, Sussex GOP co-chair and generally an unassuming fellow who seems to be everywhere. So my book club has us reading “The Fallen Angel” by Daniel Silva. This is most definitely a book I would never read so I must suppose that’s the purpose of the book club.
Anyway I was very delighted by the book and the author’s protagonist, Gabriel Allon, is quite the fellow, restoring precious art, saving the Pope and preventing the total destruction of Jerusalem. It was a really nice read, refreshing to my political/news-addicted self. So I saw Fred walking along the sidewalk the night Frank Knotts (some pics of him later) almost went to jail and I gave a wave and mentioned that I read a book written by a relative of his.
Well I was only kidding….Silva’s not all that common a name so I tossed my verbal cuteness out there for a laugh.
“Oh, you mean Danny!” Fred Silva.
Well you could have knocked me over with a feather. OF COURSE I MEANT DANNY!
“He’s got about twelve other books out there, “Fred told me after I got my jaw off the ground and learned that Daniel Silva is Fred’s brother’s adopted son.
Heh. I can’t wait to tell my book club, how cool is this?
Public Service Photo Caesar Rodney Institute
Annual dinner coming up. If someone buys me a ticket I’ll go to this thing, maybe sign my name with an X, mingle and report back all the gossip.
Attend our Seventh Annual Dinner at the Wilmington Country Club, featuring Keynote Speaker Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Foundation and hear from Vincent Vernuccio, Director of Labor Policy at the Mackinac Center.
Early Bird deadline is March 20. Final open seating deadline is April 9.
More info here
Man of the Week-Frank Knotts-the Blogger That Terrifies
Here’s a picture of Frank hobnobbing with Ruth and Stan King at the KCRC Lincoln Day Dinner.
Below a picture of Frank and his buddy Steve Grossman at Jimmy’s Grill for the weekly Dan Gaffney 105.9 radio show.
Okay, enough of Frank but hey, he makes waves, he rocks their minds.
What a Surprise
My own self resides in the 20th legislative district and I did not know we had this cool logo.
She’s Alana Keeley, she’s cool, smart and evidently some sort of race car driver. Keeley is President of the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club and her pose is perfect. There was some confusion between her, her husband and an event that involved head gear and fast cars.
I think it’s great.
Georgetown Motor Vehicles Awarded for Saving Life!
The Georgetown DMV is the coolest place in the world. It has WI-FI, lots of roomy chairs to lounge in, it’s efficient and runs smoothly judging by my experience. And now they save lives!
Gov. Jack Markell was on hand March 18 to recognize six Georgetown Division of Motor Vehicle employees for their work in saving the life of a DMV customer. On March 9, the customer was pinned between a wall and his RV when the vehicle unexpectedly rolled forward. From left are Delaware State Police Superintendent Col. Nathan McQueen, DMV employees Jordan Champlin, Jeffrey Hertzog, Lester Bristow, Carlo Rodriquez-Reyes, and Ronald Griffith, Delaware Secretary of Transportation Jennifer Cohan, and Markell. DMV employee David Taulbee, who also was honored, was unable to be present.
I do not respond to comments on my posts. I certainly have no problem with such commentary and, indeed, encourage it. But I’ve written my piece and I don’t want to argue it further.
Please feel free to email me at patfish1@aol.com if you want to send me a special comment or have any ideas or information you want to share.
NEXT : Some tidbits including Bodenweiser insight, thoughts and opinions.
Okay, enough of Frank but hey, he makes waves, he rocks their minds.
All I’ve ever heard him do is bitch, whine and cry. About everything.