Heh…..great pic of various Delawareans depending on town. Lafferty’s talking horse and more smiles for Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving
I am grateful for my health. Yeah I know it’s not very original but considering that my father died by my age, my sister had a horrible stroke and my mother died only five years older than I am now. Seven years ago I had a quadruple bypass so I walk a fine line.
I thank God for my health…..so far.
I am grateful for living in a most wonderful country. IF I never had a break in my life, it was being born an American.
I am grateful for having two wonderful nieces who have stood by me, also my wonderful friends.
Yes, I am thankful.
May all yon ladies and gems have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Lafferty’s Horse-He Talks!
As quoted below, horse, named Trooper, allegedly says:
“I have my game face on for tonights Dover Downs horse race in the 4th with post position #2. I am picked the favorite so I hope I don’t let you all down. Weather going to be tough, but that when the tough get going!”
Delaware people
Heh. Well I thought it an amusing compilation
Bryan Townsend
I spoke to Bryan Townsend once, by chance, about a possible limit on surveyor liability if memory serves. And though he’s a Democrat he worked with me and on some level he impressed me.
And quite ambitious he is, is he not?
For he now wants to run for Delaware’s only Representative in America’s House. Until I decide otherwise, if it has to be a Democrat I’d go with Townsend.
Transit of Venus Observatory
The oddest story of the week. Who knew they were fiddling around in space back in the late 1700’s? And in Lewes no less!
Cheer Christmas party
Cheers is one of my favorite Sussex County icons.
Featured promo of the week.
I do not respond to comments on my posts. I certainly have no problem with such commentary and, indeed, encourage it. But I’ve written my piece and I don’t want to argue it further.
Please feel free to email me at patfish1@aol.com if you want to send me a special comment or have any ideas or information you want to share.
NEXT : OMG if yon readers aren’t calling or emailing me about my property war, I am being confronted in person at religious events. NEXT I will write the result although it’s not final. But it gets better….or worse. Complete with pics and if you’re on my side now, you’ll be revolting at how awful I am being treated for daring to own a piece of property in Sussex county, completely legal and cared for over 13 years with great love. Of all the things I write, THIS story is capturing attention. Cause if they do it to me….THEY COULD DO IT TO YOU!
“The oddest story of the week. Who knew they were fiddling around in space back in the late 1700’s? And in Lewes no less!’
Anyone who attended highschool?
“Cause if they do it to me….THEY COULD DO IT TO YOU!”
Has the possibility that perhaps your fence is in the wrong place EVER ONCE crossed your narrow mind?
“how awful I am being treated for daring to own a piece of property in Sussex county, completely legal and cared for over 13 years with great love.”
First of all, you are not being treated any way for “daring to own a piece of property in Sussex county, nor does it matter whether you’ve cared for it with “great love” or apathetic detachment. It may be that your fence is in the wrong place. Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t, but the point of the process here is to resolve the dispute which has arisen between what purport to be conflicting surveys, or what may have been a replacement or upgrade to a section of the fence.
Because you don’t have a survey showing “the fence” is on your property. You have a survey showing “a fence” on your property. Whether the fence that is there now, is the same fence that was there when the survey was made, is an entirely open question.