35th Representative District Town Hall Meeting, April 4th, 6:30pm

A chance to meet your elected officials in a Town Hall style format.

This is an event to encourage voters to meet with their elected representatives.  This will be a Town Hall style format, with questions and answers on current and pending Delaware legislation, as well an opportunity to meet the people who represent you in Dover.

Attendees include:

Representative Dave Wilson, Senator Brian Pettyjohn, Senator Gary Simpson Rep. Danny Short and President of the Sussex County Council Mike Vincent

This is an open event to all in the community.

To be held at the  Bridgeville Volunteer Fire Hall

  On April 4th at 6:30 pm

 311 Market Street, Bridgeville, Delaware 19933

7 Comments on "35th Representative District Town Hall Meeting, April 4th, 6:30pm"

  1. Kent County IPoD says:

    During the recent debates on the gun bills in Delaware’s General Assembly, there where individuals attending who witnessed lawmakers laughing and joking about HB 35 and one member stated she didn’t know much about firearmss, showing very little to no concept of what the members are doing (suggesting they are brainless)
    It leads me to conclude the recent news I found in the Huffington Post may actually be correct, by some standards of what is called today humankind.

    Recently Swedish scientists announced new findings on the so-called “paradox worm,” or Xenoturbella bocki. The simple-bodied organism has no brain, no sex organs and no vital organs, yet new evidence makes a compelling case that at least some came from, not an ape, but this specie; A brainless simple bodied organism with no genetals.

    To add more proof of this theory, we have brainless simple bodied law makers, I will also urge you to look at DE Code Title 15 Chapter 61 § 6103.(a,b,c,d) .

    In accordance to DE Code Title 15 Chapter 61 § 6103.(a,b,c,d) the COE arbitrarily the Commissioner of Elections (Dept of Elections) has the authority, and duty to conduct criminal background checks of all who register to vote in Delaware. (I can also attest that in Kent County the Department of Electins does in fact do check those registering to vote to ensure they are qualified to do so, in accordance to DE CODE.

    Anyone submitting an application to run for any elected office must be a registered voter in Delaware, (Excluding a candidate running for the office of President of the US, but including candidates for municipal county and state offices). Thereby making a recent bill sponsored by State House Minority Leader Dan Short, R-Seaford, who wants any candidate running for state or county office, as well as any municipal office on the general election ballot, submit to a mandatory criminal background check. A time consuming measure that wastes taxpayer money in Legislative Hall by any members of the General Assembly for even debating this bill.
    State Law makers can use this time that would be alotted for a debate on Mr. Shorts measure for more important issues.

    This bill is actually falls short of addressing what it is promoted to serve. giving voter confidence in those running for office. The underlying problem that should be addressed is Delaware’s weak public integrity code. The bill does not address unethical conduct,
    conflict of interest, etc. Although, it does an insult to the intelligence of every voter in Delaware.

    This bill from Mr. Short and anyone who alots taxpayer money to debate is wasting time and money that could be used for things that are not already a duty pursuant to DE Code prima facia. It also takes on the apperance to be nothing more than a distraction. Yet still further proves there is shortage of brains in the General Assembly.

    ( I have edited out the last paragraph of this comment, as it was an attempt to use the blog as a bulletin board. I would direct the poster to the rules page and see that no one will be allowed to use the blog as their own and that any comment with two or more links will automatically be moderated. Frank Knotts)

  2. joyce barron says:

    Hi, I am interested in a number of topics to give Kent County an equal financial footing. Why are federal fema funds not being used to replenish sand at woodland Beach? I am aware of all provisions of the antiquated beach act from 1978. How can our citizens obtained a representative on the sea rise committee? After the citizen input to recent hearings, have they revised maps to have route 6 extend beyond route 9 as it does in actuality? Why is Kent County not adjacent to new jersey which we can see, and Sussex county is adjacent to Maryland and so got Sandy relief funds. Why are we spending public replenishment funds on private beaches in front of millionaire retirement homes in Lewes when Kent County children are expected to play in the clay left on their free public beach? How can we remove the types of roadblocks Croakers has experienced in trying to create jobs. How can we improve public treatment of the disabled? How can we curb the abuse of power shown by new castle county police which has contributed to numerous unsafe courthouse incidents

  3. joyce barron says:

    The current law enforcement need to attend awareness sessions on hidden disabilities. The criminal code increases the severity of charges when the elderly are assaulted but do not afford the same protection to younger individuals unable to physically defend themselves. I was attacked by two teens and their mother after a break-in and had over $15000 of medical bills, yet the mother received only an offensive touching charge.

    I am also concerned about the safety of stranded motorists due to the lack of professional regulation and oversight. There is a towing company in new castle whose drivers have performed illegal repossessions many times, have assaulted females and caused injury to their cars, yet no action is taken against this predator and there is nowhere to report issues. Other towing companies are banned from arbor management and other properties due to unethical contact. You regulate the people who do my hair and nails. If funding is an issue, I’d rather risk a bad haircut than have violent men with a tendency to harm women prowling back roads in search of stranded motorists with no oversight

  4. Frank Knotts says:

    Joyce, all good points above. I am not sure where you live, if it is within the districts of the elected officials who will be attending this meeting, then please feel free to attend and ask them yourself. If you live elsewhere, then my suggestion to you is to ask your own representatives, or possibly get together with you neighbors and organize a meeting such as the 35th has and allow the same kind of give and take between the public and the elected officials. Thanks for adding to the conversation here at Delaware Right though.

  5. Kent County IPoD says:

    Yes, Joyce makes very excellent points! The concerns she has though are not only in the district where she lives, they are a problem that expands into Kent County as well. Woodland Beach is one area of Delaware that has been neglected, yet it was once a popular vacation resort community for vacationers coming from PA NJ MD and northern Delaware. This community has been neglected in so many ways for so long by the people who have served this distircts dating back to Mr. James Vaughn. and longer.
    I too would like to see a townhall meeting with the local lawmakers from the General Assembly the county and the areas known as Duck Creek Hundred, to address this matter. Yet, it seems a meeting of the minds for such matters is beyond their pay scale, from what she and others have personally experienced, who live in the community known as Woodland Beach.
    One major problem for safety to the community is access to and from the community as she mentioned and relys on the tidal charts, the lack of the state and county providing the community with adiquite county septic and water systems also has a high probablity of causing environmental and health risks, not only to the Delaware Estuary but also to the people who reside there. Yet with little to no help from the county or state lawmakers investing efforts to correct the problems the community members have voiced, in an area that has so much potential for growth and actually expanding the possibilities of needed revenue, for the county and state, Joyce like many others throughout the state have grown frustrated with the lack of confidence in their lawmakers doing what is right. Instead some wish to introduce bills that are nothing more tha a red herring.

    I would propose people like Joyce seriously consider running for state held offices such as State House of Representatives on the Independent Party Ballot to rid the state of such problems that obviously are cause by both lawmakers negligence from both the Democrat and Republican party. She obviously has the knowlege as you yourself have witnessed , of what problems people face in Delaware. And I am even more confident people like Joyce could actually prove to be a great asset for the three county’s and State.
    Earl Lofland, Kent County Chairman

  6. joyce barron says:

    Thank-you for the kind comments. I have been involved behind the scenes with politics in various states for years and have a wonderful collection of letters. My two favorites are the one from the incumbent John Edwards unseated in his first senate race, where he admitted if he had listened to my input he would not have lost the race, and a very lengthy old fashioned response from strom thurmond regarding a state of the senate resolution he introduced on my behalf in regards to tax treatment of employer tuition reimbursement. My main concern with running for office is the state of my health. I have lived with multiple disabilities for decades, but a repetitive motion injury in 2009 has aggravated substantially due to the problems obtaining proper treatment under state worker compensation laws. Ive recently had spine surgery at my expense outside of workers compensation and if I improve I will consider running. One of my interests will be reforming workers compensation and the way the state disabilities office processes ssdi claims. I believe we can substantially reduce prescription drug abuse, crime and long term entitlements by taking a common sense view at these issues

  7. Frank Knotts says:

    Joyce you definitely sound like the type of person to organize such a meeting between the public and elected officials. I believe that people should focus in their own districts for the most part. Someone who is as motivated, as you seem to be, could help bring more people to the process.

Got something to say? Go for it!