I would like to thank all of the citizens who came out to meet their elected officials in the 35th district town hall meeting tonight. I would also like to thank the elected officials who came out to speak with the public.
Those who attended had a chance to hear from, and ask questions of, House Minority Leader Danny Short, Sen. Minority Leader Gary Simpson, Rep. Dave Wilson, Senator Brian Pettyjohn, Sussex County Council President Mike Vincent and Sussex County Councilman Sam Wilson.
I would like to also thank two Election District Chairman, Bill Atwood and Steve Mc Carron from the 2nd of the 35th, who put in their time and effort to organize this event. Thanks guys, great job.
We had around fifty people show up, and all were respectful in their questioning of the officials. The topics ranged from entrances to developments, to gun laws and education.
I think this event showed that we can communicate with our elected representatives in a respectful give and take, where all parties walk away knowing something they didn’t before.
We live in a representative republic, and that means that we elect people to go to our capitals and represent their districts. The best way for them to do this is for them to hear from those who elected them. It is unreasonable to think that an elected official can somehow contact each and every citizen within their districts. That is why events like the one held tonight in Bridgeville is so important to the process. By holding this event, it was made possible for the two parties in this partnership we call democracy to come together and have an exchange of ideas and information.
For those who knew of this event and simply chose not to come, well please stop complaining that your elected officials aren’t listening. They were there tonight to do just that, so where were you?
Finally I would like to thank the Bridgeville Volunteer Fire Company for the use of their facility.