It would seem as though many here in Delaware hold to the oft-repeated mantra of, “never let a good crisis go to waste”. This past Thursday, February the 2nd, a crisis was brought to an end at the Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna. The crisis was a takeover, of a building by inmates, in which they took several guards and a counselor hostage.
What began on Wednesday, and ended on Thursday, left sixteen year veteran correctional officer, Steven Floyd, dead.
Let me say right now, I have been for many years, and remain one today, who supports the death penalty for the most heinous of crimes. Not as a deterrent, because nothing will deter someone who is either evil, or in the heat of the moment. I support the death penalty for just such a case as this. No, I am not saying because someone kills a law enforcement officer they are more deserving of the death penalty than if they kill an average citizen.
However, if we continue to warehouse the most violent of criminals, then we should not be surprised when they kill again, be it other prisoners, or in this case a corrections officer. You see, if you place men in a place where they have nothing to lose, and there is nothing more you can do than add imaginary time to an already life sentence, then what is the deterrent to keep them from killing again. This is why I believe there is a time and a place for the death penalty.
But this is not really what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is the current climate of our political world today. I am most likely one of the most political people going. I follow politics like many follow fantasy football. I am outspoken about my views, and have rarely shied away from speaking my true feelings.
But there is a time and a place, much like for the use of the death penalty, for politics. And I am not really sure that the time, or the place was within hours, if not minutes of the announcement of Officer Floyd’s death. But that is exactly what we were given via social media and talk radio. The man’s body was still being processed as a crime scene, or being handled by the Medical Examiner’s office, and the political hacks and wannabees were already pointing political fingers.
I watched all day as people on Facebook were calling for the death penalty, one person actually suggested that we needed to bring back the whipping post, as if this would somehow have changed the outcome in Smyrna.
At around 4:30 Thursday afternoon I posted this on my Facebook page,
“I understand the anger and outrage about the incident at the prison in Smyrna. Let us all take a non-political moment and say a prayer for all involved. Save the political statements and the call for revenge for another day. Let’s try and remember for just a short time, we are all God’s children.”
Now some took this as some sort of defense of those who had murdered Officer Floyd, others posted on their own pages in reference to my call for a nonpolitical moment, and saying in no uncertain terms, they were incapable of being nonpolitical for even a moment. And that’s okay I guess, some people can’t control themselves.
I am often misunderstood when I speak about such issues, because I attempt to remove my emotions when trying to find real solutions to tough issues. So when I said we are all God’s children, some thought that meant I was siding with the inmates. No such thing. I believe the persons who are responsible for these actions must be identified and held responsible, please see my opening statement about the death penalty.
However, if we see this only through the eyes of the political, then we may miss the human issues at work here. After all, all the people involved are human, and so are subject to human failings just like all of us. And if we seek a solution to what lead to this terrible crime by only looking to punish, without seeking the cause, then we will be doomed to repeat this again and again.
When we have citizens pointing the political finger at this elected official, or even all elected officials, we miss the societal causes. We must look at why so many people are in prisons to begin with. The starting place is as always personal choices by those who commit crimes. Be they minor crimes, or more violent crimes. And please, all you pot heads who will take advantage of this moment to tell us how unfair it is that people are in prison for smoking a weed. Save it, they knew it was illegal and chose to do it anyway, they are no different from the person who knows it’s illegal to rob a store, yet do it anyway. If you want to legally smoke pot, get the laws changed first, or face the consequences.
When these weak-minded politicos rush to politicize everything, they minimize everything. By pointing the political finger at government, and saying it is government’s fault, they have reduced the personal responsibility of those who actually committed the crime. And I must point out, that most of the people pointing this particular political finger, call themselves conservatives. Yet they are the first to blame government, and the first to call on government to solve the problem. When really the solution for a growing crime rate begins at home, and in the communities, and yes in faith. To suggest throwing more money at law enforcement alone will solve the problem, is just like saying throwing more money at education is the solution.
Now from the other side of the political fence, the politicians, they are not immune to taking political advantage of a crisis either. There was no shortage of elected officials running to find a microphone to either tell their heart tug story, about how they were with the families of the hostages, or to tell us where they were and what they were doing during the crisis. While others were simply worried that this would land in their laps.
I understand the anger, the hurt. I understand that yes, government is inefficient and full of fraud and incompetence. I know there are many things we can do to improve the conditions in which the officers are forced to work in. I also know that some of these improvements include changes to how the inmate themselves are handled. This is not a one-dimensional problem, and will demand an unemotional, and nonpolitical discussion.
It matters little who comes up with the ideas, or the solutions to a problem, as long as they work. Until the little, weak-minded, cold-hearted people, who are only worried about this party or that party are marginalized, we will see this again. It is time for the people to demand, not further separation and fractioning of our society, but for a closing of ranks to defeat those who would create the separation.
May God Bless Officer Floyd and his family, and thank him for his service.
“It is time for the people to demand, not further separation and fractioning of our society, but for a closing of ranks to defeat those who would create the separation.”
I agree, and thankfully the political party who specializes in “separation and fractioning” has less influence at the moment.
The prisoners were protesting “conditions.” So they murder a guard.
Corrections officers work under the same “conditions” that prisoners live in. Prison stinks. It’s no picnic for anyone involved. And I doubt that there’s a whole lot that can be done to change it.
As an aside, I believe that an individual who is convicted of a first offense crime involving a firearm (and gets the usual lienient sentence) is later convicted of a subsequent crime involving a firearm, there should be a mandatory 20-year sentence.
With one caveat; the criminal can opt for deportation with no possibility of return.
This would save the state a small fortune and probably save lives. “Who would take convicted criminals” one might ask. Well, plenty of nations coddle criminals and many nations call the US prison system “racist.” And those are the suckers whom would offer refuge.
Oh please, the Republican party uses every divide and conquer parlor trick available to incite their bigoted tribal uneducated base to be energized and vote with hate in their 3 sizes too small hearts.
FBH, you see, unfortunately you seem to want to be a part of the problem. If you truly believe that it is only Democrats who are divisive, then you are suffering from partisan blindness. You are not always alone, just look around at some of the so called establishment Republicans and how they close their eyes simply because of party affiliation. Oh wait, you will have to open your own eyes in order to look around.
Rick I don’t believe they murdered the guard to protest conditions. Most likely the taking of hostages was to gain attention, and as is likely to happen in such a climate with violent people, one or more of the prisoners decided to seek some twisted idea of revenge.
…the Republican party uses every divide and conquer parlor trick available to incite their bigoted tribal uneducated base…
Finally. I figured it out. Mouse is a conservative; and a very effective satirist to boot.
” I support the death penalty for just such a case as this.” – Frank
I support making the death penalty and prisons go the way of the whipping post.
Ok Delacrat, I can agree with that. What is your first suggestion to make that happen?
Send the next guy convicted of murder to delacrat’s house. Surely he can overcome the convicts proclivity for violence with compassion.
Of course, delacrat was probably intimating that “environment” causes (excuses) crime. Really? Explain the Menendez brothers, Bernie Madofff, Rod Blogojovich and Thomas Capano.
We do what we did to abolish the whipping post.
Chicago has the most efficient system; just let criminals kill the criminals.
Along with many young bystanders caught up in the crossfire and random murders. But they are mostly black kids so it’s ok
None of the Wall St fraudsters who stole and gambled away $billions, resulting in millions of workers losing their jobs, ever went to prison. If the really dangerous criminals don’t go to prison, what is a prison for ?
Along with many young bystanders caught up in the crossfire and random murders. But they are mostly black kids so it’s ok
But a miniscule number when compared to the numbers killed by Planned KKK Parenthood.
None of the Wall St fraudsters…ever went to prison.
I am certainly no defender of unscrupulous bankers. But while the collapse occurred under Bush (triggered, in part, by the “no doc” loan facilitated by Clinton’s “Community Reinvestment Act”), the aftermath- including investigations into banking improprieties- was under Obama’s watch. It was his Justice Department.
Ask Eric Holder why no one was prosecuted.
The GOP was conspicuously silent over Holder’s non-prosecution of Wall St.
So it defies belief that a McCain or Romney presidency would have been anymore lenient, which reinforces my point that prisons don’t really deter the most dangerous criminals among us.
The “most dangerous” criminals are the politicians who stole $19-trillion from future generations.
It’s very easy to dis-spell the banker’s lie that the talk radio class seems keen on parroting by googling percentage of bad loans made by UNREGULATED LENDING INSTITUTIONS. In other words, look at bad loans by institutions that weren’t regulated by the community reinvestment act. This canard is based on your ilk wanting to try to pin the financial crisis on minority lenders when this is an obvious scapegoat racist lie. It’s easy to verify it’s a lie but you have to look beyond talk radio and the entertainment media that spews the lies your ilk so desperately wants to hear to feed your black hole desire to hate minorities.
Here’s an article from Forbes magazine that explains it well.
Fine, but I said …triggered, in part, by the “no doc” loan…
Plenty of non-minorities got “no doc” loans for rental or beach properties they couldn’t afford.
Meanwhile, what about the grandest theft of all—-the incomprehensible $19-trillion, stolen from future generations by the government.
So Delacrat, your solution is to just abolish the death penalty and close your eyes to the fact that these violent criminals will repeat their violence? Whether it be on society in general, or prison guards or fellow inmates.
Try again, how do we abolish the need for the death penalty? Because if your only solution is to warehouse these people till the end of their lives, that is no solution and no protection from them repeating their violence.
The problem is giving the state the right to kill people and it’s implications
There are a lot of alternatives to prison and the death penalty.
It just takes some imagination. For example, a right to a job means fewer guys are going to take their unemployment out on their old ladies. Hence, fewer domestic violence calls for the county cops, fewer court cases, less demand for prison space and the death chamber.
Fewer dads in jail, fewer kids without dads(and possibly moms), fewer kids looking to the street for role models. You can see how the benefits of some imagination cascades throughout the community.
What does your imagination suggest ?
It’s all
Shrink, I want to kill kill kill
If the state ever takes the position of not locking up violent criminals, the natural progression would be that people would have no choice but to take the protection of themselves and their families into their own hands… I think it would be a bad idea.
Some municipalities ,controlled by progressives , are paying violent criminals not to be violent, but I haven’t heard much on the success rate of those programs.
“Some municipalities ,controlled by progressives , are paying violent criminals not to be violent, but I haven’t heard much on the success rate of those programs.” – fbh
If you actually knew any ” municipalities ,controlled by progressives , are paying violent criminals not to be violent,” , you’d have mentioned some.
Can I get that grant application on line
The problem is giving the state the right to kill people and it’s implications…
The states have the right to formulate criminal penalties. They don’t need the federal government to “give” them a “right” that they already have.
For example, a right to a job means fewer guys are going to take their unemployment out on their old ladies….
You are monumentally naive.
Sure, unemployment may trigger some crime. But there is a large percentage of individuals who have basically never worked regularly in their lives, and they have no intention of doing so. Sussex County is full of them. They can find a job; they don’t want a job. They want the “easy” way (or so they think).
These types- professional criminals- are spawned by uncaring, inept parenting reinforced by the violence enfused popular culture. And those criminals who produce offspring perpetuate the cycle.
Having a dignified living wage job for anyone who wanted one would solve most of it. Only in the mind of some bitter resentful type are there people who don’t want a job
“If you actually knew any ” municipalities ,controlled by progressives , are paying violent criminals not to be violent,” , you’d have mentioned some.”
Oh, you didn’t know about this? Apparently the programs have had success in some cases… it is claimed.
Okay Delacrat, I can agree that some crime is the result of unemployment. But please explain how you will guarantee a job for every person? Mandatory employment seems a bit of a pipe dream. Unless of course you are talking about government make work. But how do you pay for that? By taxing those who work outside of government? Isn’t that just welfare? Even if they are picking up trash?
If you are talking about creating an atmosphere in which businesses can grow and create jobs, then you may be more conservative than you wish to admit.
But your employment argument does not explain, nor does it address the problem of inherently violent people.
Having a dignified living wage job for anyone who wanted one would solve most of it.
No it would not. Because there is a criminal class who simply will not work for any length of time. This is especially true in the urban areas; work is frowned upon while welfare and criminal activity is essentially encouraged. Not to say that the malaise doesn’t exist in rural areas; it does.
Mandatory employment seems a bit of a pipe dream.
Not if you’re a Marxist- which is the core ideological foundation of today’s “liberal” philosophy.
“Mandatory employment seems a bit of a pipe dream. Unless of course you are talking about government make work. But how do you pay for that? By taxing those who work outside of government?” – Frank
The “mandatory” employment during the first Great Depression was real not a “pipe dream”. My grandfather worked on WPA projects that kept his and 3 million other families under a roof, clothed and fed. And we generations later still benefit from those same projects.
“But how do you pay for that?”,
“Paying for that” proved not to be a problem then. Ask yourself why so-called “conservatives” never ask “how do you pay for” the bank bailouts and bullshit wars. If you can pay for bank bailouts and bullshit wars, paying for full “mandatory” employment won’t be a problem today.
Valentine’s Day is coming up soon. Here’s an idea if you’re looking for a card:
At a party hosted by the College Republicans at Central Michigan University, the organization handed out a Valentine’s Day card featuring a picture of Adolf Hitler and the words “my love 4 u burns like 6,000 jews.”
After an uproar, they apologized but probably couldn’t understand why. After all, the so-called Toddler in Chief has said, “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct.”
“Ask yourself why so-called “conservatives” never ask “how do you pay for” the bank bailouts and bullshit wars. ”
Bank bailouts? Obama along with his Goldman Sachs minions, including Timmy (the weasel) Geithner, fraudulently funneled trillions into Wall Street banks.
Bullshit wars? Who is the only president ever to be at war for his entire two terms?… I think the word that the so-called “liberals” always like to throw around is “unprecedented”, right.
“These types- professional criminals- are spawned by uncaring, inept parenting …” – rick
Sending people to jail won’t make anybody a better parent.
Employment is the key to creating stable families, institutions and culture. Seems fairly obvious..
60% of the federal discretionary federal budget or about 600 Billion goes for government defense spending each and every year. Maybe redirect a bit of that into infrastructure programs that build economic growth for more jobs in areas that multiply.
How about funding a fully connected electrical grid where local monopolies can’t create bogus electric shortages to hose consumers. And fund a transportation infrastructure that is totally electric with the goal making all electric devices increasingly more efficient. Electric rates are regulated where as fossil fuel markets are scam and fund polluters and wars. It’s easy to see the path forward unless your whole point of view is sadistic and based in tribal, cultural and racial resentment
The “mandatory” employment during the first Great Depression was real not a “pipe dream”. My grandfather worked on WPA projects that kept his and 3 million other families under a roof…
And millions more wouldn’t work. The common term for those people is “bums.” And since the Obama “recovery” is so “strong,” why are we worried about it anyway?
Sending people to jail won’t make anybody a better parent.
Criminals have to be sent somewhere. Maybe your house?
The problem, especially in the inner cities, is cultural. Just listen to their music. We have millions on inter-generational welfare, many of whom have never worked for any length of time in their lives. Failure is a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Maybe redirect a bit of that into infrastructure programs that build economic growth for more jobs in areas that multiply.
What did Obama do with the $50 billion he got in ’09 for “infrastructure?” I suppose he gave it to his doomed-to-fail “green” business cronies and Wall Street billionaire contributors.
We will soon enter a new era of supply-side economics, so you can expect rapid growth with much better paying jobs created, as happened under Reagan…unlike BO’s fast food economics.
Some will say, “oh, deficits increased under Reagan.” This is because the Socialist-Democrats controlled the House, and thus, all revenue bills. Nevertheless, the Reagan economic expansion was vast and palpable, obvious to a blind man after the miserable “Stagflation” Carter era.
WWI- Wilson, Democrat
WWII- FDR, Democrat
Korea- Truman, Democrat
Vietnam- JFK-LBJ, Democrat
Iraq (2)- Bush, Bush, GOP
War to end Slavery- Lincoln, Republican
Now it’s the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Emails were sent out with the following messages:
“Hi niggers, I just wanted to say that I plan to kill all of you. White power! The KKK has returned!!! Heil Trump!!!!”
“Hi you fucking filthy jews, I just wanted to say the SS will rise again and kill all of your filthy souls. Die in a pit of eternal fire!”
The Bannon administration is conspicuously silent so far. Maybe Rob Arlett can get through to them.
“…600 Billion goes for government defense spending …” – miouse
It’s war spending.
The Redskins play home games in a stadium that holds about 82,000 people. Got an image of that? Trump beat Clinton by 77,744 votes in three states combined: PA (44,292), MI (10,704) and WI (22,748). Not enough to fill that stadium.
If the tables had been turned by the same number of votes in those three states, Clinton would be president with 278 electoral votes to Trump’s 260. Less than 78,000 votes made the difference.
So let’s not imagine that Trump can claim a landslide victory. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million nationwide and he won the electoral college vote by the skin of his teeth.
Hi niggers, I just wanted to say that I plan to kill all of you. White power! The KKK has returned!!! Heil Trump!!!!”
“Hi you fucking filthy jews, I just wanted to say the SS will rise again and kill all of your filthy souls. Die in a pit of eternal fire!”
Most of this stuff is done by “liberal” students, in an effort to frame Trump supporters. The incidents are ubiquitous and too numerous to cite.
…he won the electoral college vote by the skin of his teeth.
The states elect the president. Trump won thirty of fifty. That’s 60%.
Of course, it doesn’t matter if he won by 300 or 1 electoral vote. He won.
And Republicans picked-up 1000 state and federal legislative seats during the Obama years. The GOP holds 33 governorships. And the House and Senate.
In ’18, the Socialist-Democrats must defend 23 Senate seats, plus two “independents” who caucus with the Democrats. Several are in “red states” and a handful are in states Trump won by double-digits. Hopefully, the Democrats will be stupid enough to name Keith Ellison as DNC Chairman. Those ties he has to the Muslim Brotherhood should really help people like Claire McCaskell in Missouri.
It’s war spending.
What war?
What do you think kept Russia out of Western Europe? U.S. military power.
However, I do agree with Trump that the Europeans should start paying for their protection.
Of course, much of Europe will be part of the Western Caliphate within a few generations. When you discard your native culture, it is replaced by another. I wonder how “liberal” Europeans will like living under Sharia Law? Make no mistake about it, they will submit. Because Islam spreads by force, and sissified Europeans have lost the will to fight.
“Kill the Christian, Jew and the gay man too. Woman, hide thy face and hold thy tongue. Submit. Praise Allah!”
On Feb 7, The Liar in Chief said: “The murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? Forty-seven years. I used to use that — I’d say that in a speech and everybody was surprised, because the press doesn’t tell it like it is. It wasn’t to their advantage to say that. But the murder rate is the highest it’s been in, I guess, from 45 to 47 years.”
Trump does not stick to the facts b/c facts have a liberal bias.
….And the left would have you believe that the murder rate is inconsequential. All I know is that when I was a kid, Wilmington wasn’t called Murder Town USA.
Everybody has heard of the “Saint Valentines Massacre”, right? Seven gangsters were shot and killed in Chicago.
Now, if seven gangsters are shot and killed in Chicago, they just call it another Saturday night.
FBH: Maybe Kelly Anne Noway had the St Valentine’s Day Massacre in mind when she said the Bowling Green Massacre?
Chicago needs more gun control. Oh, they already have that. They need more?
On a side note, this morning I posted on Delaware Liberal. It would have been the third comment on the first thread. It was my schtick on how the KKK “thanks” Planned Parenthood for their “good work” in the inner cities. No profanity (not that it would matter on that site) or name-calling, no use of anyone’s real name.
Of course the post never saw the light of day- it was immediately censored, as is par for the course at DL. Only one opinion is allowed, just like in the good ‘ol USSR.
But, immediately after my “non-post,” this was posted…the third post on the first thread:
SussexWatcher says:
February 11, 2017 at 9:44 am
Use incognito mode, clear your cookies or spend $20.
Is it now the policy of Delaware Liberal to threaten posters? Obviously, Sussex Watcher is an administrator for DL. And this representative of DL intimated that only $20 could offset a failure to take various settings/security steps.
To some- including perhaps, the authorities- this is tantamount to ransomeware.
We all know that censorship is prevelant at DL. Shrug, who cares? They only listen to each other.
But threats are a different animal. While I am not an IT expert, I have a relative who is. And this relative- who holds a CISSP certification- works for a major IT corporation, in its cyber security division.
If I have any problem whatsoever with e-mails, revealing of personal date, etc., I will refer this matter to him, so it can be investigated thoroughly and if appropriate, be forwarded to law enforcement authorities, or be used as a basis for civil action.
“Of course the post never saw the light of day- it was immediately censored, as is par for the course at DL. Only one opinion is allowed, … wah, wah, waaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!1” – rick
They banned me, but you don’t see me whining about it.
The demogogic Liar in Chief tweeted today that our legal system is broken. Anything that ever gets in his way he tries to destroy. We saw it all through his shady business career and all though the campaign.
They banned me, but you don’t see me whining about it.
You don’t have time. You’re too busy whining about Trump.
But why would they “ban” a lockstep, conformist “liberal” like you? You fit right in.
Anyway, my point was not to “whine,” but rather to show how the pathetic left operates.
Here’s how leftist Bill Clinton handled protesting coal miners in Kentucky last May:
“I’m not like a lot of people. It doesn’t bother me to have protesters at rallies. I’m glad they come, because I think one of the biggest problems in America today is we seem to be less prejudiced about a lot of things, except we don’t want to be around anybody who disagrees with us. You notice that? I think ‘Make America Great Again’ means that we’ll make it like it was in the 1960s, even if [we] have to put another wall up. Well, if you think you can do it, have at it, but no place else in the world that mines coal has been able to do it.”
“I think you’re better off imagining this: We got some more years where we’ll be able to mine coal. There ought to be a transition period, and at the same time, we should aggressively move as quickly as we can to do what we’ve been doing and to learn to do something else and diversify this economy. Don’t tell me we can’t bring different kinds of jobs. Don’t tell me you’re not smart enough to do it, and don’t tell me nobody over a certain age can learn this stuff.”
Compare that to the demagogic Toddler in Chief who responded to protesters at his rallies by saying:
“I’d like to punch him in the face.”
“In the old days, protestors would be carried out in stretchers. We’re not allowed to push back anymore.’
“Go home and get a job. Go home to mommy.”
“If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise. They won’t be so much, because the courts agree with us too — what’s going on in this country.”
No one on the right would use such language except Trump and some of his rabid supporters:
“Trump that bitch!”
“Kill the bitch!”
“Paul Ryan Sucks!”
I’m pretty sure sussexwatcher was referencing Jason330’s inability to read the news journal’s website which is behind a paywall. An annual online subscription costs $20. You are allowed a certain number of free articles, once you reach the magic number, you’re blocked….unless you clear the cookies on your browser which “resets” your freebees. The easiest way to read websites set up like the news journal is to use an incognito browser mode such as with google chrome. In this mode, no cookies are accepted allowing unlimited page views.
I’m pretty sure sussexwatcher was referencing Jason330’s inability….meatball
Thanks for ruining my conspiracy theory.
Now, can you fix DL’s censorship problem?
I’ve had dealings with the “protest” movement back in the day. Sure, most of them are there for the party. But those who engage in violence are not “protestors.” They are a mob. And a mob has no brains. Take one of them out of the crowd, take off his disguise and drive him a few blocks from the action and let him off on a sidewalk in a residential neighborhood. Will he smash a car window? Burn a trash can? No.
The same thing happens after football games. All it takes is one fool, and the herd stampedes.
And who was the master of instigating and manipulating mobs? Adolph Hitler.
These violent “protests” are obviously planned. There are leaders. And the Mob are the Brownshirts.
Trump won thirty of fifty states. Burning cars and smashing windows won’t change that. So what good is destroying someone else’s property? No good. But the left doesn’t care.
The hate-America left:
click here
The 3-V’s….vile, vulgar and violent.
@Rick: “While I am not an IT expert, I have a relative who is. And this relative- who holds a CISSP certification- works for a major IT corporation, in its cyber security division. If I have any problem whatsoever with e-mails, revealing of personal date, etc., I will refer this matter to him, so it can be investigated thoroughly and if appropriate, be forwarded to law enforcement authorities, or be used as a basis for civil action.”
I’m not disclosing anything here that Rick already hasn’t in previous postings. The relative is his son who went to George Washington University and graduated with a degree in International Affairs. He worked for a Nike store in Georgetown until CIS (Computer Sciences Corporation) hired him two years ago.
Now it’s very hard for me to imagine that Rick’s son would (mis-)use the resources of CIS to help Daddy out on this matter. I could be wrong. But I have every reason to think that acorn fell pretty far from the tree.