How Long?

Titanic 1   The Titanic has long been the symbol of  great disaster, of how people can so delude themselves, to believe a ship could be unsinkable, simply because of its great size.  There are other lessons to be learned from the sinking of the Titanic, if the stories are true.

Of course an unsinkable ship is fantasy. So is the idea, that any presidential administration will be mistake free, or that it will be able to fulfill all of the campaign promises made by the candidate.

One has to wonder, how many people who boarded the Titanic had any idea there were not enough lifeboats for all the passengers? Would they have still boarded had they known? One also wonders, how many people who voted for Donald Trump, did so believing he would be able, let alone even try, to deliver on even half of what he promised.  Or did they know going in, he would likely never be able to deliver even half of what he promised, and like the passengers of the Titanic, chose to get on board anyway, because of the monumental moment?

Yes it has only been a little over three weeks of the Trump administration, and in that short time, we have seen a president who obviously has no tact or diplomacy. Of course this is what endeared him to his more rabid supporters, those  who will be playing the violin as the ship sinks. These are the people who have convinced themselves that the ship is just too big and wondrous too ever sink. Even as they witness their Captain literally casting icebergs in front of the ship himself.

President Trump has been busy alienating  world leaders, even our closest allies such as Australia, and others. So when the ship hits the iceberg, there will be no other ships in the area to pick up the survivors.

When campaigning, candidate Trump promised so much. We could liken it to the plush accommodations of the Titanic, which promised luxury and comfort, and blinded the passengers to the fact they were no safer than any other ship.

President Trump keeps talking of safety for the nation as his number one priority, which he has used to justify his so-called “travel ban”.  And whether or not there was a need for such an action is secondary in my view. What I feel is really important is the manner in which he went about instituting the ban on Muslims.

First of all, his nominee for Attorney general had not yet been confirmed by the Senate, which meant he would have to rely upon a hold over from the previous administration, Sally Yates, who upon the implementation of the ban gave instructions the Department of Justice would not attempt to defend the order upon the merits of the order. She was, as expected, fired.

However, Sally Yates may have been vindicated in her judgment on the merits of the order, since the Trump administration has lost twice in court defending the order, which has been ruled upon by four separate Judges, two Republican appointees, and two Democrat appointees.

The writing of the order was done with, what seems to have been very little input from outside the President’s inner circle, with no real thought for how it was to be administered, which caused what can only be described as chaos. I would welcome one of President Trump’s supporters to please tell me, where were all those good people he was going to surround himself with, to advise him on the process of governing, to help him avoid such mistakes?

And how has President Trump reacted? Well like a scorned teenage girl, Tweeting out personal attacks upon the judges, such as calling the one a, “so-called judge”.  Questioning the place of the Judiciary to even review an order from the Executive. When any good high school student knows that is the check and balance role, the Founders purposefully placed within the Constitution for just such reasons. To protect us from a tyrant.

This President has been signing one executive order after another since taking office. While some have been simply to undo those signed by President Obama, others are nothing more than Executive Branch overreach. And yet, the supporters cling to the railing of the Titanic, making excuses, still believing as the water touches their chins, the ship is unsinkable.

Never before have we had a president who has so many business interest around the world, never have we had a president who refuses to divest himself of those interest completely. The conflicts are unmistakable to all but the most blinded of supporters, they haven’t even put on their life vest yet. We need no clearer example of the conflict of the “family business” and the office of the President, than the recent dust-up over the department store Nordstrom’s discontinuing carrying the Ivanka Trump line of clothing.

While soldiers are dying under his watch, while he should be focused on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, while he should be preparing to defend his ill-advised Muslim ban, he is instead Tweeting this, “My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom,” .

Really? Is this what you expected when you boarded the ship? A Captain who is more worried about whether the fork is on the correct side of the plate at dinner, than he is about steering the ship?
It didn’t stop there. One of the President’s closest advisors, Kellyanne Conway,   then went on national TV and told Americans to go out and buy Ivanka’s products. This is a clear violation of ethics law, but of course these laws don’t apply to the King and his court, right?

The amount of negative things coming from this White House makes it difficult to take it all in, to pay it all the attention it deserves. Maybe that is the plan after all. Distract the public with stories about clothing lines, while attempting to pass law by executive orders which create religious test to come to this nation, which was founded upon religious freedom to begin with.

Wave the shiny object of calling judges “so-called” in order to discredit the courts, to build support for some future dismantling of the courts.

Talk of building a wall, while allowing a Russian build up in Europe.

So I ask all those Trump supporters, who are standing on the deck watching as the life boats fill up, as they realize there are not enough of them, watching as the Captain attempts to let the water out of the sinking ship, by drilling holes in the ship’s hull, how long do you cling to the railing of the ship as it slips beneath the water?

You see, unlike my analogy of a sinking ship, which it becomes more and more likely a person will jump from the ship as it sinks, it is more unlikely a person will abandon their chosen leader as things continue to take turns for the worse.

You see so many people did not vote for Donald Trump because they thought he could do the things he promised, they invested their emotions in the campaign. They voted for him not for what he might do, but for what he was saying. Did the people who boarded the Titanic truly believe it was unsinkable? Some did, others just wanted to go along for the ride, and to be able to say they had been there. To buy the hat.

But like being on a ship in the middle of the ocean, the further you get from shore, the less likely you are to jump off the ship. After all, even if the ship loses power, if it is just drifting along at the whim of the ocean, you don’t jump off and attempt to swim to shore. You hold out hope that the Captain and the crew will be able to right the problem, and you can continue on your way.

But what if you lose power and are just casting about, and you spring a leak? Well again, you are still in the middle of the ocean, and it’s just a small leak. But then you start to run out of food. Well you can try to fish I guess. Now there are more leaks and a fire breaks out. The crew starts to take the life boats, and the water is at your chin. Are you ready to go into the water yet?

It will be interesting to see how long it takes, and at what point good people realize they have been clinging to the rail? If this administration has nay chance of righting the ship, the passengers will have to convince the Captain to change course.

At some point the Trump supporters have to stop being supporters, and become citizens again. To hold the man they voted for accountable, because Democrats screaming about the actions of this President will be waved off as partisan politics. And republicans such as myself who have been against his being elected from the beginning will be called whiners and crybabies.

I know some will take what I have said as hoping for President Trump to fail, and thus America to fail as well. Not so.

I see it more as all of us, all citizens, standing on the bow of the Titanic, screaming to the Captain to steer away from the iceberg.

Or we can all just enjoy the band as the icy water touches our chins.

39 Comments on "How Long?"

  1. Sammy from Selbyville says:

  2. Rick says:

    Maybe you think the “ship is sinking.” So does Hollywood. And who cares?

    Yes, Trump is disrupting the D.C. status quo. Good. Washington could use some disruption.

    Trump has finally put some experienced adults in charge of foreign policy.

    Trump is enforcing immigration rules.

    Trump has installed someone in the Dept. of Education who may finally break the union stranglehold on our failing public schools.

    He has appointed an Attorney General who will actually enforce the law.

    Trump is preparing and will soon reveal a major tax cut.

    He is accelerating necessary pipeline projects. Gas won’t be cheap forever.

    And on and on. No president has ever had a busier first three weeks.

    The left is befuddled. The press. Hollywood radicals. The flag burners and window-smashers.

    And Frank.

    Now, there is a real political Titanic. It is the party that lost 1200 state and federal seats in the past 8 years. It is led by members of the geriatric ward, and the favored candidate to “lead” the DNC has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. And in ’18, they have to defend 23 Senate seats.

    You see, the Socialist-Democrat Titanic- like the real one- has already sank.

  3. Frank Knotts says:

    You see Rick, you are more concerned with partisan attacks than I am. You also seem not to care that this President is governing by decree rather than working with congress. Something I am sure I remember you complaining about the previous administration. Can you tell me why it is so easy for President Trump to undo many of the things President Obama put in place? Because that which is done with the pen can be easily undone with the pen.
    President Trump has done nothing. His Muslim ban is dead in the water because he cars nothing for the Constitution.
    As for the experienced people he has put into place? Where were they when he was crafting his flawed ban?
    Please understand Rick, I do not oppose many of the things President Trump proposes. However, I have far too much respect for the rule of law and the Constitution to sit quietly as he attempts to trample upon both.

  4. Rick says:

    You see Rick, you are more concerned with partisan attacks than I am….

    Your whole screed was a “partisan attack.”

    President Trump has done nothing.

    The first business for any president is a cabinet. It looks like that’s finally solidified. He is planning a tax cut, which should be revealed this week. He also has to come up to speed on defense/homeland security.

    However, I have far too much respect for the rule of law and the Constitution to sit quietly as he attempts to trample upon both.

    You didn’t seem to mind when the State of Delaware said that “shall be the conservator of the peace” means “process server.”

    But when has Trump “trampled the Constitution?” The so-called “Muslim ban?” A liberal judge erred in his decision (and Alan Dersewich, liberal Professor Emeritus of Law at Harvard, along with other legal scholars, agree).

    The 9th Circuit has an 80% overturn rate on cases granted certiorari. By far- by miles- the highest rate of any Circuit Court (which is why the initial case was filed in Seattle). That’s what happens when courts make political decisions. Their errors are inconsistent with facts and law.

    Of course, it will soon be moot, since Trump is already formulating a new order accommodating current visa holders.

    The real Titanic is the Socialist-Democrat Party. It is at rock bottom.

    Apparently, you don’t like the view.

    “Making America Great Again !!!”

  5. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick where did I criticize President Trump based on his being a Republican? And I notice as usual you ignore that which you can’t defend, why is it okay for President Trump to govern by decree when President Obama was rightly criticized for the overuse of the EOs?

  6. fightingbluehen says:

    The United States Congress (We The People) gave Trump the permission to “govern by decree” on the issue of immigration.

    “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by PROCLAMATION, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

  7. delacrat says:

    “The so-called “Muslim ban?” A liberal judge erred in his decision… “ – rick

    The ban was actually ruled against by two Republican appointed judges, as well as two Democrat appointed judges.

  8. Rick says:

    The so-called “Muslim ban?” A liberal judge erred in his decision… “ – rick

    The ban was actually ruled against by two Republican appointed judges, as well as two Democrat appointed judges.delacrat

    And that means- what?

    I didn’t say anything about Republican judges. I said “liberal.” Earl Warren and David Souter were both appointed by Republicans, and both were liberal. I think even Roberts leans liberal.

    In the USDC Seattle case, Judge Robart was probably appointed as part of a USDC “package” deal whereby the Socialist-Democrats (or, Republicans under a Dem president) allow a few conservative appointments as long as a few “moderate” judges are packaged into the mix. This is standard DC operating procedure.

    It is said that BO gave as much as $33-billion to the Islamic State of Iran. Islamic State. In so doing he denied money to Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Atheists. Why is this preferential treatment to a Muslim state not against the First Amendment?

  9. delacrat says:

    “The so-called “Muslim ban?” A liberal judge erred in his decision… “ – rick

    “The ban was actually ruled against by two Republican appointed judges, as well as two Democrat appointed judges” – delacrat

    “And that means- what?” – rick

    What that means is what Frank said: “…you [rick] ignore that which you can’t defend….”

  10. Rick says:

    You said the ruling was made, among others, by “two Republican judges…”

    So, “that means what?” As I pointed out, two very liberal Supreme Court judges (Warren and Souter) were appointed by Republicans. But they were liberals, and had a liberal judicial philosophy, i.e., a propensity to legislate from the bench.

    What Frank said was nothing but the media tripe he’s being spoon-fed and swallowing; that Trump voters “regret” their vote (Brexit, anyone?). That the administration is in disarray. That Trump is incompetent.

    The reality is that Trump is delivering, and if the election were re-held tomorrow, he’d win by a larger margin. Why? Because the Socialist-Democrats are now completely joined-at-the-hip to the violent “protest” movement, and even moderate-left voters don’t sympathize with anarchists.

    I might say, parenthetically, that if anyone is inhibiting Trump’s agenda, it is the lethargic “establishment” Congress. Weak as green tea.

    Frank likened Trump to the Titanic. I guess he wishes it were true, but it isn’t. The Socialist-Democrats are, like the Titanic, already sunk. And if they keep-up the hysterics, they are going to be sunk further in ’18, since they need to defend 23 US Senate seats, many of them in “red states.”

    Franks Pavlovian screed did prove one thing; that unlike Trump voters, he is as vulnerable to “liberal” propaganda as ever.

    Watch and learn.

  11. BluetBolt says:

    In this picture, Knotts is locked in steerage , while GROSSman and Cragg are on deck ,disguised as women, scrambling to the lifeboats.

  12. Rick says:

    For sure

    I can across this article, penned today by moderate Democrat Doug Schoen, former campaign advisor to Bill Clinton and long-time operative. In part;

    Many Democratic disagreements with Trump’s executive orders are valid and there is a clear opportunity for opposition to Trump on the basis of their faults and flaws.

    However, if Democrats want to win back power they cannot do so by moving further left, resisting Trump at every move, and taking to the streets.

    Put simply, the Democratic Party is on life support and there is a quiet, but ruthless, war being fought over its future.

    While the Democratic Party is driven left by anti-Trump activists, protesters, and Senators such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, America itself remains a fundamentally center-right nation.

    A fundamental belief in national sovereignty and individual responsibility, married to cautious skepticism of government and deeply held moral convictions, continues to govern how most Americans think about politics.

    Trump’s ascendance is rooted in America’s preference for center-right policy. As the Democratic Party shifted ever leftwards under Obama, it suffered net losses of 11 Senate seats, 62 House seats, and 10 governorships since 2010, as well as nearly 1000 state legislative seats….

    Couldn’t have said it better myself.

  13. mouse says:

    Can you imagine if Obama had 3 foreign wives and the last one posed nude? Can you imagine Obama issuing these kind of executive orders? Can you imagine the religious right’s reaction if Obama made crude comments that shot at the heart of presidential dignity or made comments about grabbing women’s sex organs? People defending and voting for this guy stand for nothing but winning like a football team. There’s no real core values other than racial, sexual and religious resentment

  14. Frank Knotts says:

    We all know that anyone who disagrees with rick is automatically “liberal”. It is the defense of the intellectually weak argument.
    Rick states that if the election were held today, Trump would win by an even larger margin. Really? Considering his approval rating continues to drop? Considering catching lightening in a bottle twice is rare?
    And yes Rick, I would say President Trump is incompetent considering he in his first month has found himself on the losing end of a court case, and now as of today his national security advisor has had to resign for lying to the boss. Now that is a “GREAT” start to making America Great Again, isn’t it?

  15. Rick says:

    Can you imagine if Obama had 3 foreign wives and the last one posed nude?

    Who would care about a “foreign” wife? He had a “foreign” ideology- Marxism.

    Frank Knotts FEBRUARY 14, 2017 AT 5:40 AM
    We all know that anyone who disagrees with rick is automatically “liberal”. It is the defense of the intellectually weak argument.

    You are a “liberal,” Frank. It is obvious to anyone reading your posts or listening to you on the radio. That is why on your “conservative” blog, “liberals” outnumber conservatives 5-1.

    I get out and about a lot. And a lot of people know me- and you- from the radio, and in my case, from the old Browseabout GMD broadcasts. And whenever I talk to a conservative who remembers when you were actually conservative, they ask me “what happened to Frank?” Not most of them- all of them.

    Now, I explain that I don’t really know you. That we’ve met a couple of times and that’s it. We live on opposite sides of the county. I don’t know what happened. And I don’t really care. Your liberalism is your right- just don’t try to pass yourself off as a conservative. It doesn’t work.

    Rick states that if the election were held today, Trump would win by an even larger margin. Really? Considering his approval rating continues to drop?

    Is that the same “approval rating” the left touted before the elections? That rating? LOL

    Of course he’d win.

    And yes Rick, I would say President Trump is incompetent considering he in his first month has found himself on the losing end of a court case

    The “court case” isn’t over. If I were Trump, I would suspend all immigration. Is that illegal?

    …..and now as of today his national security advisor has had to resign for lying to the boss. Now that is a “GREAT” start to making America Great Again, isn’t it?

    Trump isn’t Flynn. Before this occurred, would you have considered Flynn, a man with a thirty year record in the defense of the United States, unqualified?

    But it is revealing that you would join the vulgar Hollywood left, window smashers and Rachael Maddow and celebrate the demise of a patriot. You fit right in.

    How low you have sunk. So sad. So pathetic.

  16. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, an honest appraisal of the principles I apply to issues and actions demonstrates that I haven’t changed. What has changed is that I also apply them to the far right as well. And like most things grown in the dark and manure, they can’t stand the light of scrutiny.
    And to be honest both terms liberal and conservative have become so vague, I could care less what people call me, I am beyond that.

  17. delacrat says:

    “He [Obomba] had a “foreign” ideology- Marxism” – rick

    Oh yeah, protecting Wall St., the very seat of capitalism, from “the pitchforks” is ‘Marxism’.

    Rick does not know one ideology from another.

  18. Rick says:

    Rick, an honest appraisal of the principles I apply to issues and actions demonstrates that I haven’t changed…

    This statement exemplifies just how fall off the deep end you’ve fallen. Do you read your own posts?

    Frank, no conservatives post here, other than me, FBH and a few who just throw-out a quick derisive quip occasionally. That’s a fact.

    It’s also a fact that almost anyone I talk to who remembers the old GMD days invariably expresses the opinion that you’ve lost your mind. Personally, I don’t care about your liberal views, or your anti-Trump hysteria. You have that right. But please, don’t continue to embarrass yourself by claiming to be a conservative. You’re not, and everyone knows it.

  19. delacrat says:

    “Frank, no conservatives post here, other than me, FBH and a few who just throw-out a quick derisive quip… “ – rick

    So what, Delawarepolitics the other “conservative” website is not well posted on either.

  20. Rick says:

    But plenty of “liberals” (actually, lockstep conformists) post here. I thought this blog was Delaware Right (maybe Delaware Right to be “Liberal?”)

    I have no issue with the fact that Frank sounds like just another Maxine Waters or Rachel Maddow. He absolutely has that right. What is laughable is that he has the unmitigated gall to call himself a “conservative,” and call his blog “Delaware Right.” There is nothing conservative about Frank or his blog.

  21. Henry says:

    Rick your are spot on. Nothing but dribble.

  22. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, maybe you missed this post early this year, in it I explain that I and the site have moved past the petty partisan label of the meaning of “RIGHT”. I now prefer to think of it as “Let’s Do Delaware Right”.
    As for who comments here, as you say, the so called “conservatives” who comment here have nothing to offer other than name calling, not surprising since they seem to take their lead for Pres. Trump. Even an intelligent person such as yourself can’t seem to make your points without attempting to denigrate those with opinions different than your own.
    This is usually a sign that an argument is weak and the name calling is an attempt to draw out anger and deflect the conversation to a more personal level.
    Instead, why don’t you pull up your big boy pants and answer the question of this post, how long will you continue to make excuses for Pres. Trump simply because he is a Republican?
    Here is a link to the post from early this year.

  23. mouse says:

    The terms liberal and conservative serve a binary black and white mentality that thrives on negative conflict like that of our antagonist here. I don’t adhere at any stinkin political tribe or ideology. Some things are just intuitively obvious

  24. Rick says:

    Rick, maybe you missed this post early this year, in it I explain that I and the site have moved past the petty partisan label of the meaning of “RIGHT”….

    Just because you decide to change the definition of “right” in your own mind doesn’t mean that the commonly accepted political definition of the word has changed. “Right,” in a political context, means conservative. And “left” means “liberal.”

    The fact that you have moved left doesn’t mean that the definition of “right” moves left with you.

    This is usually a sign that an argument is weak and the name calling is an attempt to draw out anger and deflect the conversation to a more personal level….

    There is an element of truth to that, but I think the hit-and-run posts are indicative of how many people just can’t stand you or what you represent. You were thrown-off WGMD and out of the Sussex GOP for a reason, and a lot of people- particularly those who remember when you actually were conservative- are pissed. To them, you are a traitor. So naturally, as a blogger, you will be the target of vitriol.

    Personally, I don’t care about the fact that you are now joined at the hip to Maxine Waters and Rachel Maddow. You absolutely have that right, and you’ll never hear me say otherwise. Just don’t continue to embarrass yourself by waving the flag of conservatism- for it is obvious to all that it is a false flag.

    …. how long will you continue to make excuses for Pres. Trump…

    I applaud just about everything Trump has done. “Excuses” for what?

    …why don’t you pull up your big boy pants…

    “Big boy pants?” What is that supposed to mean?

    I evicerate virtually every screed you post, paragraph by paragraph. It is ludicrously easy to do.

    Now, put on your “big boy pants” and tell us- specifically- what laws you said that Flynn violated.


    It’s funny how it’s “criminal” that Trump or an advisor “talked” to the Russians. Earth to liberals- incoming members of a new administration make preliminary diplomatic calls to various world leaders. It is standard practice. And these calls are monitored by the NSA and others. These transcribed conversations are what is known as compartmented data, and the release of this information- as done by some Obama mole burrowed somewhere in the bureaucracy- is a felony.

    Another component of the Russian “story” is the fact that during the administration of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Vladamir Putin ordered the Russian army to invade a sovereign nation (Ukraine) and seize and occupy a significant portion of their land (Crimea- or, as Maxine Waters called it, “Korea.”).

    Trump or Flynn or somebody “talked” to the Russians- ohmygod!- while Our Little Red Star just sat and watched while Ukraine was invaded and seized by the Russians. LOL

  25. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick as I pointed out in the post about the changes, the original concept of the site was as a conservative leaning blog. However, as we have moved forward we have discovered this has a limiting affect on the conversation. So we have made a conscious decision to take it in another direction and make it neither liberal nor conservative, but simply a place where we can all have a conversation. I know it plays better to your narrow world view to label me a traitor, so feel free, it only shows who you are, not who I am.
    As I have said, I have not moved from my principles, but the Republican Party and the so called conservatives have moved further and further right. This does not make me a liberal, but it does put them in the neighborhood of fascism.
    Again I know the narrative that I was thrown off WGMD plays better to minimize my views, but you are wrong. I stopped calling into the Colley show after he allowed Glen Urqhart to lie on air unchallenged.
    I will not give Duke Brooks the pleasure of hanging up on me, so I don’t call his show. I have however called the morning show from time to time.
    As for the Sussex GOP? Yes they voted me out of the Committee. Why? Because of my views on politics? No, because I exposed their dirty underside.
    And I hate to break it to you Rick, but simply coming here and calling me a liberal does not “eviscerate” anything. Your routine is to call people things like liberal and socialist in an attempt to minimize and deflect. As always I thank you for your participation as it demonstrates exactly what the current face of the far right looks like.
    Finally, you are correct, there is nothing unusual in incoming administrations communicating with foreign nations. However, the amount of contact during the campaign is beginning to look like collusion.
    Also, during the campaign, I thought Donald Trump liked leaks?

  26. Rick says:

    Rick as I pointed out in the post about the changes, the original concept of the site was as a conservative leaning blog. However, as we have moved forward we have discovered this has a limiting affect on the conversation. So we have made a conscious decision to take it in another direction….

    This is Sussex County Delaware. There is a grand total of one “liberal” elected official in the county. The “limiting affect” was precipitated by you- or more properly- your conciliatory political views.

    I know it plays better to your narrow world view to label me a traitor, so feel free….

    I never called you a “traitor.” I said that most people I talk to do. As you know, being a ubiquitous presence on the radio creates a bit of a following. When you spend years presenting conservative views, then, inexplicably, turn a 180, you get a reaction. And the reaction among local conservatives to your “epiphany” has been negative, to say the least. Of course, you have gained support, too-Pandora, Honi Solt, delacrat and so forth- never miss a chance to prop-up your vacuity.

    …only shows who you are, not who I am.

    I still have standing on local talk radio- as a conservative. You don’t. I understand that socialism and free market republicanism are incompatible. You don’t. I understand that compromise with the left ratchets everything- the culture and the body politic- inexorably to the left. You don’t. I am firm in my convictions. Your incessant vacillating shows you aren’t. I am conservative- that’s “who I am”- you aren’t.

    Again I know the narrative that I was thrown off WGMD plays better to minimize my viewsbut you are wrong. I stopped calling into the Colley show after he allowed Glen Urqhart to lie on air unchallenged.

    Bulls#!t. You quit calling because after every call you made, there would be ten calls from long-time listeners questioning your sanity. You were driven off the air.

    Politicians lie all of the time. It’s what they do.

    but the Republican Party and the so called conservatives have moved further and further right. This does not make me a liberal, but it does put them in the neighborhood of fascism.

    Fascism? You sound like Rachel Maddow again.

    Wanting lower taxes, a sustainable healthcare system, a realistic relationship with Iran and the rest of the world, a rebuilt military, a strong economy, schools that actually teach and courts that rule on matters of fact and law rather that legislate from the bench are not Fascist views. They are long-held conservative tenets.

    And since you implicitly oppose the above- planks in the Trump platforms- what does that make you?

    And I hate to break it to you Rick, but simply coming here and calling me a liberal does not “eviscerate” anything…

    Ramblings- your posts- are easy to evicerate. Paragraph-by-paragraph. See the above.

    I thank you for your participation as it demonstrates exactly what the current face of the far right looks like.

    The “far right” put Trump in office. Trump carried PA, MI and WI, along with twenty-seven other “far right” states.

    Perhaps it is you who has lost the way? Ever think of that?

    Maybe you’re just mad because the TEA Party now has a member in the White House? Remember all of your inane posts celebrating the demise of the TEA Party? Who do you think they voted for? Who do you think was at all of Trumps’s wild rallies? There are a lot of members currently serving in Congress with TEA Party endorsements. In the era of the TEA Party, the “dead” GOP has gained 1200 state and federal legislative seats and the GOP holds 33 governorships. As happened centuries ago, the TEA Party precipitated a political revolution. Too bad you missed-out.

    Now wonder you whine so much. Your little world-view has collapsed.

    Not to worry, Frank. You still have Pandora and delacrat. Seek succor together.

  27. mouse says:

    I always fantasized about calling Brooks and riling him up and teasing the animals a bit until he grabs his chest on air and falls on the mic

  28. mouse says:

    Rick, why can’t you just be honest and admit that you have no moral compass and all that matters is that your tribal team wins?

  29. mouse says:

    I called one day talking about what an opportunist sleaze Arlett is pushing to add more houses to a development that was already up-zoned so his developer backers could have even more at the expense of everyone else. He berated me and said there should be no zoning. If I ever become wealthy, the first thing I’m going to do is build a pig farm, junk year and chicken house on 3 sides of his property

  30. delacrat says:

    “In the era of the TEA Party, the “dead” GOP has gained 1200 state and federal legislative seats and the GOP holds 33 governorships.” – rick

    So, with the GOP running things, why are we not great ?

  31. Honi Soit says:

    Hard to say how long before the Luxury Liner Trump sinks. But this most un-seaworthy of vessels definitely took in water at today’s press conference, where the Pouter-in-Chief threw tantrums and spewed lies. Mean and incompetent and possibly unbalanced. A ship almost entirely devoid of ballast.

  32. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, what you continue to fail to understand, is that unlike you, I know longer base my self identity on either political ideology or party. I am merely a citizen who want what is best for as many people as possible. I base my views on personally held principles, which I no longer demand others must adhere to. Those principles have not changed, though my views on particular issues may have as I have gained more knowledge. That which does not grow, dies.
    The people who see me as a traitor do so not because my principles have changed, but because I apply them equally and have not toed a party line. It usually has to do with my opposing candidates such as in the case of Trump. “If you don’t support Trump then you are a liberal “.
    As for the WGMD question? I have told you why I stopped calling. And honestly Rick, have you ever known me to shy away from a debate?
    I stopped calling into Colley because he condoned and supported Urquhart’s lies about Lopez. Bottom line.
    And just because the TEA people latched onto Trump, doesn’t make him a TEA candidate.
    He is an opportunist, for all the rhetoric about him not being a politician, he is nothing but a politician.

  33. Rick says:

    Rick, what you continue to fail to understand, is that unlike you, I know longer base my self identity on either political ideology or party.

    Then quit calling your blog “Delaware Right.” There’s nothing “right” about it.

    …such as in the case of Trump. “If you don’t support Trump then you are a liberal “.

    I (we) don’t perceive you to be a liberal because you oppose Trump. Because you don’t just “oppose” Trump, you attack, ridicule, denigrate and trash him at every turn. Your obsession and hysteria are quite similar to that of Rachel Maddow, Rosie O’Donnell and the rest of the Hollywood maggots.

    As for the WGMD question…


    …just because the TEA people latched onto Trump, doesn’t make him a TEA candidate.

    Whatever. But he was the TEA Party’s candidate.

    It’s funny how the press learned nothing from November. Oh well. What they forget is the fact that in ’18, the Socialist-Democrats must defend 23 seats. Sure, some- many- are safe. But not all.

    The left never seems to understand that when they align with flag-burners and rioters, red state candidates suffer. Some early projections, in order of vulnerability:

    McCaskell (D) MO. Trump won by 19% She is in serious trouble.

    Donnelly (D) IN. Trump won by 19%. Wave bye-bye.

    Heitkamp (D) ND. Trump won by 36%. One-and-done Heidi.

    Tester (D) MT. Trump won by 21%. I’d say 50/50.

    Brown (D)OH. Trump won by 8% If Kasich runs, he probably wins.

    Heller (R) NV. Hillary won by 2%. Dems don’t seem to have a candidate.

    Casey (D) PA. Could hang on in off-year election. Same with Baldwin (D) WI.

    Manchin (D) WVA. Hard to call. Very popular but Trump carried state by 42% probably will hold due to gun and coal positions.

    The crazy press is going to hurt the first five- probably fatally. Thus, with a little luck, a filibuster-proof 60-seat GOP Senate majority is possible.

    Yell. Riot. Scream. Burn flags. Smash windows. Hide illegals. Go, go, go!!!

  34. delacrat says:

    “Your obsession and hysteria are quite similar to that of Rachel Maddow, Rosie O’Donnell and the rest of the Hollywood maggots.” – rick


    Do you consider any of us or yourself as maggots ?

  35. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, there is no TEA “PARTY”. Only a group of like minded people, who leach off of the GOP because they are too small to take on national politics alone. They are however large enough within the GOP to disrupt and affect the direction of the party, that I give you. Whether that is positive or negative is up for debate, and we will likely not agree.
    As for the definition of the word “right’ in the name of this blog, well I guess that is up to myself and the other people involved to decide. Your obsession with left and right is exactly the type of hysteria which has given rise to the divide in this nation. I can no longer simply be an American citizen concerned for my country, I must adhere to some tribal label as defined by others. No thanks.
    The fact that so called conservatives on the so called right have supported Donald Trump only proves the labels are meaningless, all that really matters is the team label of partisanship.

  36. Rick says:

    Rick, there is no TEA “PARTY

    That’s what I told you for years, when you used to post about the TEA Party incessantly.

    But it is a movement (Taxed Enough Already); and during its tenure, the GOP gained 1200 state and federal legislative seats, including the House, Senate and now, the White House. If that is failure, I’ll take it.

    Left and right isn’t an obsession. They are simply terms generally used to describe “liberal” or conservative, since the time of post-Napoleonic France.

  37. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, I understand that at a certain age we begin to lose our memory, but you seem more like a revisionist. Never did I consider the TEA people a party, and always revered to them as a movement. And pointed out they were simply leaches, leaching off the GOP. And like any parasite, if allowed to remain within the body of the host, they will eventually take over and kill the host. Which on this we may agree, the TEA people morphed and grew and lead to the election of President Trump, which very possibily will kill the host.

  38. Rick says:

    Never did I consider the TEA people a party…

    Over the years, how many posts of yours had “TEA Party” in the title?

    If it doesn’t exist, don’t use the term.

    And pointed out they were simply leaches, leaching off the GOP. And like any parasite, if allowed to remain within the body of the host, they will eventually take over and kill the host.

    During the era of TEA Party influence, the GOP gained control of the US House of Representatives, the US Senate, over 1000 state legislative seats, added several governorships (to a total of 33) and recently, the presidency.

    If that fits your definition of “killing” the GOP, you’re farther gone than I thought.

  39. Honi Soit says:

    Rick: “Left and right isn’t an obsession. They are simply terms generally used to describe “liberal” or conservative, since the time of post-Napoleonic France.”

    Before Napoleon. The terms appeared during the French Revolution of 1789. Members of the National Assembly sat on the left if they supported the interests of commoners. They sat on the right if they supported the interests of the privileged classes: king, aristocracy, and clergy.

    Back in the day, Trump and his so-called cerebrum (an organ sometimes known as Steve Bannon) would have sat on the far left. Or maybe on the far right. He certainly gives lip service to the interests of Joe Blow, but his actions favor the privileged. Wall Street loves him. Goldman Sachs positively swoons over him. Its stock has gone up by about 40% since the election.

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