Even I can’t believe I have to write this post. In the past I wrote a post titled “How I Became A Liberal”. Some of you may remember it, some may not have read it before, so here is a link.
The gist of this post was, as the Republican Party continued to move farther and farther right, I was left behind in the center with my core values and principles. I was constantly attacked for holding to those values and principles, and called a liberal.
That is fine, I would rather be intellectually honest than popular. I would rather be able to look myself in the mirror, rather than satisfy someone else’s perception of what it means to be conservative.
Well it is happening again. The Republican Party is on the precipice, of the point of no return, as it moves closer and closer to Donald Trump being anointed the Republican presidential nominee for 2016.
I freely admit I underestimated the appeal of Trump, and his ability to pander to the angry, under informed voters. I still don’t believe he can win the general election, but I again may be wrong.
I look at the people who have been for Trump from the beginning, and I see angry people. People who cheer things, like calling all Mexicans rapist, who see no problem with banning people from entering this country legally, based on their religious faith. And what I think is, okay, these are just uneducated hillbillies.
But then, I see people I have, maybe had, respect for who talk endlessly about needing better candidates, candidates who can articulate conservative ideas, candidates who have broad appeal. And yes, on the surface this would seem to be Trump. But wouldn’t it also seem to be President Obama? Didn’t he articulate progressive ideals? Did he not have broad appeal?
As I see it, Trump is just the GOP version Of Barrack Obama. Yes he has had success, and failures, in the business world. But when it comes to governing, he has no credentials, no experience. He is the same empty suit, we Republicans criticized Obama for being. But hey, at least he’s wearing the right jersey, right?
I have watched many of my friends, and others, through the primary process. I have seen them go from supporting good experienced candidates, to becoming Trump Jumpers. They now beat the drum loud and fast for a man they were highly critical of only months and weeks ago. They have sold their political souls, and for what?
To be able to say they voted for the winner? To say they chose the lesser of two evils? To say they voted for someone other than Hillary? Okay, if that is all it means to them to cast their votes, live and let live. But don’t criticize me for believing Trump is the larger evil. I would suggest to these new Trump Jumpers, take a look around yourself, and notice the people surrounding you, in your new-found political home, and ask yourself, in the past, have you respected their political positions and the people they supported?
And don’t bother listing all of Hillary’s negatives. I know them. Yes she has lied. Name me one politician, hell name me one of your relatives for that matter, who has never lied. Yes she was involved at some level in the decisions which led to the deaths in Benghazi. But if we take that line of thought, then Reagan can no longer be considered a great president.
When we have people in harm’s way, our leaders make choices, and sometimes people die. This is not meant as an excuse, it is simply reality.
I keep asking the Trump Jumpers, why? Some would not support John Kasich because of his stance on the assault weapon ban, but will accept Trump’s “change of heart”, even though he said he supported an assault weapons ban, and a longer waiting period for gun purchases in his book. I know other people who are ardently against raising the minimum wage, yet they make excuses for Trump, who has now changed his position on raising the minimum wage, only days after locking up the nomination. It seems to cause them no concern, that once elected, he may have another change of heart.
Tell me, which is more likely the truth, what he said prior to running for office, or what he says to get elected?
It must be a very easy life, to be able to simply close one eye and live your life with no conviction other than party loyalty. But even that is in question for those Republicans now supporting Trump. Many party insiders believe having Trump at the top of the ticket will help local Republicans. Will it though?
Imagine this, you are at a local candidate forum, and your local state Representative has to answer a question about what Trump said that morning. And these candidates, especially in Delaware, have to make a decision. Distance themselves from Trump’s racist, bigoted rhetoric and risk losing his fanatical legions, or in a Democrat state, tie their campaigns to the Trump Train and lose everyone else.
The old and the new Trump supporters will tell you, Trump will make America great again, by building a wall to keep out the “Mexicans”. That by imposing tariffs on imports he will bring back manufacturing jobs. That he will make us safe by banning all immigration of Muslims.
So to all of the libertarian, and small government Republicans, let me say this, all you will get from Trump is walls and laws. And most likely no wall, just laws. Trump, in order to do even half of what he says, will need to grow the size of government. The wall will never be built. Trump says he will make Mexico pay for it, but it will need to be funded during construction, how?
Tariffs on imports will first raise the cost of products to the consumers, that’s you and me folks, and will be met by tariffs placed on American products exported to other countries, that will cost us jobs. Wait until we can’t sell our Delmarva chickens in China. But even if it could bring back manufacturing to the U.S.A, it would take decades, if not a century. And his ban on all Muslims, is in my opinion, the greatest threat to, not only our religious freedom, but all Liberty. For if government can pick and choose winners among faith, what is to stop it from banning faith all together. And once that wall is down, what Liberty will be safe?
Now consider the damage just his mouth could do to world markets. The President of the United States carries a lot of weight in just what he says. Now imagine Trump and one of his mouth trips about tariffs, or imports and exports. Imagine the sell offs in our markets and the world markets in reaction to comments made by this chooch, before the comments can be walked back. A Trump administration has the potential to keep the stock markets in a constant state of confusion. But of course there is the possibility this would be good for a billionaire, whose companies could take advantage of wild swings, especially if they knew they were coming.
So here I stand once again, with my values, principles and integrity securely in place, watching my party of choice being dragged over the cliff, by a cheering group of people, who seem only interested in winning. Much like fans at a sporting event throwing snowballs at Santa Clause. They seem only to be interested in their team winning, and they care nothing about what is best for the nation as a whole.
Does this mean I think Hillary Clinton will be a good President? Do I think she will hold to conservative values? Do I think she will appoint Supreme Court Justices who will share my values? Absolutely not, anymore than I think Trump will. What I don’t think Hillary Clinton is capable of, is destroying the GOP, or this nation, which I fully believe Trump is capable of.
So to all of you Trump Jumpers who will call me liberal, who will say I don’t care about the people killed in Benghazi, and all of the other things you will think of, let me say this, you have chosen your taste of evil, others will have to choose theirs.
Maybe the safest thing for the GOP and the nation is to vote for Hillary Clinton for President, and then pull the ticket Republican for the rest. This would keep the mad man out of the Oval Office, and give a balance to government to keep Hillary Clinton under control, until such time the GOP finds its senses again.
It is easy to talk of principles, it is harder to live by them.
“So to all of you Trump Jumpers who will call me liberal, who will say I don’t care about the people killed in Benghazi,” – Frank
You can add that you don’t care about all the Libyan people or Honduran people killed as a consequence of Killery’s tenure as Secretary of State… or all the Iraqis and GIs as a consequence of her Senate voting record.
Sore losers vent! Romney was just the Republican moderate version of Obama. We all had to suck that up. Now it’s time for the moderates to suck it up.
Maybe the safest thing for the GOP and the nation is to vote for Hillary Clinton for President, and then pull the ticket Republican for the rest. This would keep the mad man out of the Oval Office, and give a balance to government to keep Hillary Clinton under control, until such time the GOP finds its senses again.
Yes, let’s let Hillary Clinton nominate anywhere from one to four Supreme Court justices, and let the left dominate appellate jurisprudence for a generation. Brilliant strategy.
Some may say that Hillary would be inhibited by a Republican senate. Well, let’s remember that Kirk, Ayotte, Johnson, Toomey and Burr, among others, face tough re-election campaigns. While I do believe that the GOP will hold the senate, it’s certainly not guaranteed. Imagine the consequences if Hillary were able to put a few more Sotamayors and Kagans on the court.
Of course, as one who believes that secession of the Heartland is inevitable, a Hillary presidency would only accellerate the process. Hence, I don’t really care who wins.
Remember, vast cultural schisms cannot be resolved politically. Never have, never will.
Henry, Romney had been a governor.
Rick, your concern for the types of judges Hillary would appoint is valid, yet I’m not sure what you base your confidence in Trump’s appointees on.
As for you belief that the heartland will leave the Union and be land locked, well thank you for once again demonstrating the fringe and why I am made to look like a liberal.
It is the extreme right which will be the end of the GOP as the people who actually spend money not just words leave the party.
Flyovera lol
Knotts, you dirty rotten RINO.
This piece of CRAP should be named “How I Became More Libtard”.
Charlie Copland is really ticked off this time.
You really should re-register as a D.
Rick, your concern for the types of judges Hillary would appoint is valid…
Trump would be in office four to eight years. Hillary’s judges could rule for thirty. The fact is, the Supreme Court is now the most powerful branch of government.
As for you belief that the heartland will leave the Union and be land locked, well thank you for once again demonstrating the fringe and why I am made to look like a liberal.
Funny, I always thought the port of Galvaston was on the Gulf of Mexico.
There is a vast cultural schism in America, and it gets wider every decade. The traditionalist population must either break the bonds of union, peaceably, or face an inevitable civil war or socialist dictatorship. I prefer the former.
As always Rick acts as if he doesn’t understand what is said. The question was, what makes you think that Trump appointed judges will be any better than Clinton judges? Based on what?
And to the “new” guest High Ranking Republican, I don’t have to care what the party thinks. The party has left me and many others in its run to the right. If leadership lacks the ability to lead, not my fault.
Trump has common sense. Whomever he nominates will be better than the radical leftists Clinton would nominate.
Fresh Quinnipiac poll;
FL…Clinton 43…Trump 42
OH..Clinton 39…Trump 43
PA…Clinton 43…Trump 42
And Trump hasn’t really started on Hillary yet. She is a liar who will do or say anything for money, she enabled her husbands’ infidelity and ridiculed women who claimed her husband raped them, she was incompetent at the State Dept. and jeopardized national security. Most of all, she is an entrenched career inside-the-beltway operative in a year when the American people desperately want an outsider.
A tele-prompter won’t do her any good on the debate stage- Hillary can’t think on her feet, she needs a script. I can’t wait to see her stumble and bumble her way to disaster.
“Trump has common sense. Whomever he nominates will be better than the radical leftists Clinton would nominate.”
The only judge he has mentioned is his sister, who was appointed to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals by….. Bill Clinton.
Are you calling Trump’s sister a “radical leftist”?
“she enabled her husbands’ infidelity”
Who enabled Trump’s?
Rick favored Trump although he said he probably isn’t a conservative. Then he says it really doesn’t matter to him who wins the election because he thinks the Heartland inevitably will secede. Rick, if secession were to come about do you have an opinion on how this might affect the cost of a first class postage stamp?
Are you calling Trump’s sister a “radical leftist”?
She could be. I don’t know anything about her. But I do know that he won’t even seriously consider her for the Supreme Court.
…“she enabled her husbands’ infidelity”
Who enabled Trump’s?
First of all (if you haven’t realized it by now), nothing sticks to Trump. That is probably because of his irreverent schtick. Unlike the phony, scripted Clinton, with Trump, what you see is what you get- nobody cares about his divorces or glamorous wives (Chris Matthews excepted).
On the other hand, the pious Hillary is supposedly a crusader for “women’s issues.” And there is no more preeminent “women’s issues” than rape and the cover-up of sexual assault. Bill Clinton didn’t lie in a federal deposition and pay Paula Jones $700k for nothing. Just wait until Trump starts parading Broderick, Jones, Flowers and the rest of the gang on stage. The leftist press ignored- even denigrated- these women in the 90’s, to protect Clinton’s presidency. It won’t work this time around, due to Trump’s mastery of the media. The millennials who don’t remember the 90’s, who believe that the system is rigged and corrupt, and who support Sanders simply will not vote for Hillary.
As an aside, her phony use of the terms “Snapchat” or “tweet”- to show how hip she really is- only demonstrates how clueless she really is. As State Department records show, this is a woman who needed to be instructed how to open an e-mail.
The latest poll shows Sanders has a better chance of defeating Trump than Killery.
So if you find the prospect of a President Trump too appalling, then Bernie Sanders is your man.
I can’t believe you used the work chooch. My grandfather used to use that word all the time. Nice article by the way. Hillary will surely continue to get us into one foreign conflict after another and Trump has said that we can’t continue on that path. I also recall that Bush said we can’t continue to be the worlds policeman and Obama something similar and we all know how that all turned out. roughly sixteen years of killing and maiming people overseas. I would suggest that everyone stay home and not vote for either of them but some jackass will surely vote for one of them. Personally I think we are screwed either way.
“She could be. I don’t know anything about her. But I do know that he won’t even seriously consider her for the Supreme Court.”
Why not, Rick? She’s a judge on a federal circuit appeals court.
Do you read the news at all?
Donald Trump told Mark Halperin yesterday that his sister, a federal judge, would be a “phenomenal” Supreme Court justice.
Not only do you, Rick, have absolutely no idea what Trump will do, but you seem pretty ignorant of things he has actually said.
Now, granted, Trump says whatever strikes him at the moment and then later tries to address the contradictions, like this week’s “increase taxes on the rich, but not really increase taxes on the rich, because by ‘increase’ I meant that the tax cut might not be as large as I want” idiocy. But the man has a solid record of saying one thing and doing another.
Does he pay back loans? No.
Does he stay married to anyone? No.
This guy has never kept a commitment in his life – to anyone for anything. He’s never done anything for anyone else on the planet other than himself, personally or professionally. Nada, zip, zero.
You don’t have the faintest idea of what this nut is going to do if he gets elected, and neither does anyone else. It’s Let’s Make A Deal and you are sitting there with $100 cash in your hand looking to trade it for the box where Carol Merrill is standing. You are going home with a rusty tractor.
The latest poll shows Sanders has a better chance of defeating Trump…
Yeah. Like McGovern would beat Nixon.
Why not, Rick? She’s a judge on a federal circuit appeals court.
Do you read the news at all?
Yes, I do. And I know the difffence between gossip and news.
Trump’s first nominee would be Lyin’ Ted Cruz- he’s qualified, conservative and young.
I saw Trump’s first Bengahzi ad today. Poor Hillary.
“Ted Cruz- he’s qualified, conservative and young.”
And well-loved by a majority of US Senators.
No, he’s not “well loved” in the Senate- which is why they’ll gladly ship him off to the Court- if for no other reason than to get rid of him. Like him or not, his qualifications are beyond dispute.
Rick, if secession were to come about do you have an opinion on how this might affect the cost of a first class postage stamp?
There won’t be a postage stamp, because we won’t waste billion$ on a postal system when e-mail can handle the job. The shipping of parcels and magazines will be handled by private provides like FedEx and UPS, who undoubtedly will handle the job at a lower cost than the bloated, antiquated and inefficient USPS.
On secession;
Historian (mainly of science) Doug Fosnow called for the USA’s “red” counties to secede from the “blue” ones, forming a new federation. This was greeted with much skepticism by the audience, who noted that the “red” federation would get practically no seacoast. Did Doug really think such a secession was likely to happen? No, he admitted cheerfully, but anything would be better than the race war he does think is likely to happen, and it is intellectuals’ duty to come up with less horrific possibilities.
– John Derbyshire
Thus, rather than by means of a top-down reform, under the current conditions, one’s strategy must be one of a bottom-up revolution. At first, the realization of this insight would seem to make the task of a liberal-libertarian social revolution impossible, for does this not imply that one would have to persuade a majority of the public to vote for the abolition of democracy and an end to all taxes and legislation? And is this not sheer fantasy, given that the masses are always dull and indolent, and even more so given that democracy, as explained above, promotes moral and intellectual degeneration? How in the world can anyone expect that a majority of an increasingly degenerate people accustomed to the “right” to vote should ever voluntarily renounce the opportunity of looting other people’s property? Put this way, one must admit that the prospect of a social revolution must indeed be regarded as virtually nil. Rather, it is only on second thought, upon regarding secession as an integral part of any bottom-up strategy, that the task of a liberal-libertarian revolution appears less than impossible, even if it still remains a daunting one.
– Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Secession would be infinitely preferable to civil war, or worse, to what the Left has planned for society, which is, in simple terms, an ant colony.
“Like him or not, his qualifications are beyond dispute.”
Ah, yes, of course, Trump will appoint someone to the Supreme Court whom he has repeatedly proclaimed to be a “liar”, because that is how responsible adults behave.
Not sure why these macho boy men think that parroting the rants of talk radio entertainers makes them look like anything but fools? I was a republican once. A liberal republican and I worked Bill Lee’s campaign and bought a lot of value to his campaign. He was reasonable and a problem solver. Now it’s pure macho dogma from the republican talk radio right. Anyone that is educated and cultured sees the party as a bad joke with a carnival barker leader. I just don’t get it. And Trump is likely liberal on many issues that until very recently were dogmatic litmus tests for party acceptance and loyalty. Shows that the macho talk radio types with their secession bs have no real values and need to grow up.
As a moderate, I don’t actually fear a Trump presidency. After all, he really is a liberal. Or rather he is agnostic when it comes liberalism or conservatism. This is a major reversal when the Democratic candidate is the conservative and the GOP candidate is the liberal. I can’t even imagine how shell shocked the “real” conservatives are.
Trump might surprise me and learn how to govern in a short amount of time and he could actually start looking and acting presidential. But more important than anything is his entertainment value, not in what he says or does. I was never a fan of his. No, the entertainment value lies in the gymnastics that “real” conservatives have to perform, to support Trump, knowing that he is likely to do things about national health care, minimum wage, and other liberal ideas. I’ve seen Cirque du Soleil. I expect the circus we are about to go through will be every bit as entertaining.
This is one election I can’t lose. Either I get someone who can actually govern or I get someone who will keep me entertained. Regardless, neither candidate will have the slightest impact on my quality of life. I prefer someone who can govern but in keeping with my philosophy of a glass half full (generally an outlook on life that is the exact opposite of Rick’s), I am prepared to be entertained.
Ah, yes, of course, Trump will appoint someone to the Supreme Court whom he has repeatedly proclaimed to be a “liar”, because that is how responsible adults behave.
Please don’t confuse campaign bluster with reality. There is no connection.
And don’t confuse Clinton’s sanctimonious piety with reality, either.
Rick says that secession of the heartland states won’t affect the price of a first-class stamp because there won’t be a post office when that happens. If he’s right, then secession is not much of a concern for quite a few years. I have to say though that his tone made it seem otherwise. Thanks Rick for clarifying. I can sleep better now.
This is rick’s argument against Hillary for Trump. “She is a liar who will do or say anything for money,”
Really? Trump is a liar who will say anything to get elected. Next.
As to trump appointees Rick says, “Trump has common sense. Whomever he nominates will be better than the radical leftists Clinton would nominate.” Again Rick based on what? If Trump had common sense would he be saying the things he is saying? He is not saying them because of common sense, he is saying them because of angry people like you to get elected.
And please don’t make the moral argument about the Clinton marriage, Trump is not the poster child for fidelity.
Rick says, “First of all (if you haven’t realized it by now), nothing sticks to Trump”.
So in Rick’s moral upstanding world view, anything is okay as long as it doesn’t “stick”.
Rick said, “Trump’s first nominee would be Lyin’ Ted Cruz- he’s qualified, conservative and young.”
So again, Rick doesn’t care if the guy is a liar, put him on the Supreme Court. LMAO
Rick, your rhetoric here, your contradictions, your total lack of concern for the things trump has contradicted himself on, your complete intellectual vacancy on the issue of trump, is a perfect example of why normal people can’t buy into Trump. But thanks for demonstrating the real problems with Trump.
Frank says “Now consider the damage just his mouth could do to world markets. The President of the United States carries a lot of weight in just what he says. Now imagine Trump and one of his mouth trips about tariffs, or imports and exports. Imagine the sell offs in our markets and the world markets in reaction to comments made by this chooch, before the comments can be walked back. A Trump administration has the potential to keep the stock markets in a constant state of confusion. But of course there is the possibility this would be good for a billionaire, whose companies could take advantage of wild swings, especially if they knew they were coming.”
Everyone has their choice on who to vote for. I see no big deal that Frank is going to vote for Hillary. The truly shocking realization for me is that Frank has the knowledge he does for the world markets and what affects them! Thank you Frank for sharing your expertise. The president making such comments could cause a huge sell off? Yikes! What power that is to have. I do have one question for you that I’m hoping you can answer. How would Trump be able to take advantage of market swings when his company is privately held and not publicly traded? You are saying a lot of things here that affects everyone with a 401k. This type of issue does not discriminate on race, religion, gender etc. So please share with us in case we need to start putting our money into cash.
“Regardless, neither candidate will have the slightest impact on my quality of life.”
Until a demonstrated unstable thin-skinned hothead with the temperament of a two year-old has the nuclear launch codes.
Maya, my apologies, what I should have said was that Trump’s investments could benefit from an unstable market. We can assume that Trump is invested in the stock markets in some way. But off course we can only assume, since Trump is refusing to release his tax records. Hum? Wonder why? I also wonder where you would stand on Pres. Obama’s tax records?
Frank thank you for your apology. I accept. From reports majority of Trump’s investments is in his company and in real estate. Not saying he doesn’t have some stock investments but with what is known is that the majority of his focus is on real estate. Therefore your theory on his desire to affect the market is not really reasonable. Sorry just speaking the truth. I have no idea why he doesn’t want to release his tax records. The speculation could cause a lot of conspiracy theories. As for Obama’s tax records? I don’t understand your question.
Maya, whether or not he would personally benefit, it us undeniable that a presidential remark can have devistating effects on markets. Like saying we should default on our bonds.
Frank, you are making comments to create a “Huge” (Trump pun intended) reaction to scare people. Define “devastating effects”. Rhetoric does not affect the market like you think. At least it has shown this historically. What affects a market drop is something actually happening like the US debt rating being downgraded in 2011. That caused the market to correct more than 10%. You have a right to your opinion and concerns. I get it. I just don’t think it’s effective to make extreme comments creating panic in areas where you are not an expert. I’m simply suggesting caution in this area.
Also…Trump actually said the” US would never default on it’s debt”. He backed it up with a comment about printing money which was kinda stupid to mention. But he NEVER said the words “We should default on our bonds”. Sorry, really not trying to pick on ya. Just getting the facts straight.
” I just don’t think it’s effective to make extreme comments creating panic in areas where you are not an expert.” – Maya
Nobody would “panic” if you would make the same “extreme comments”, why do you think anyone would “panic” if Frank makes them ?
OK whatever you say.
Trump’s tax returns. Every major candidate has released them for the past 40 years. Nixon released his when they were under audit. Trump urged Romney to release his saying that the wealthy should be proud of their wealth. Trump just said that the IRS audits were very unfair. All the more reason to make them public now so that tax experts all across the United States can weigh in and decide whether the IRS is unfairly auditing Trump or not.
Maya, never claimed to be an expert. And you are welcome to your opinion as well. If you think a president’s statements have no effect on world markets, that is your opinion. But you make my point about having to constantly walking back his comments in your own comment here.
There are opinions and there are facts. You were giving inaccurate information to back up your opinion. It is not an opinion when I told you that historically rhetoric from presidents do not cause “devastating effects” (devastating effects is obviously an opinion which you never defined) on the market and I gave you past real life factual examples to show what actually affects the markets in any significant swing. I was giving you accurate information that anyone can check out from past market reactions, not an opinion. It would be an opinion if I claimed what was going to happen in the future. Also I gave the actual comment Trump said about US debt. What you claimed he said was completely not true. So let’s not confuse opinions and facts here. Trump says plenty of stupid stuff you can use to back your opinion. In this case you completely misquoted what he actually said. I simply believe in using accurate facts to base your opinions on. You may not have claimed to be an expert but you were certainly giving quite a bit of detail in an attempt to create an effect on people when you were not using accurate information. It’s like me making comments about the dangers of driving a sports car to create fear in people to get them to agree with me when I do not have accurate information or knowledge on the car and the safety features.
Rick says that secession of the heartland states won’t affect the price of a first-class stamp because there won’t be a post office when that happens. If he’s right, then secession is not much of a concern for quite a few years.
This is rick’s argument against Hillary for Trump. “She is a liar who will do or say anything for money.”
I have a hundred arguments against Hillary.
Rick says, “First of all (if you haven’t realized it by now), nothing sticks to Trump”.
So in Rick’s moral upstanding world view, anything is okay as long as it doesn’t “stick”.
Aren’t you always whining about “religious freedom?” They why are you trying to impose your dogma on me, or any other commentator or candidate? If I say “nothing sticks to Trump,” how is that indicative of my morals ( as if my morals are any of your business)?
So again, Rick doesn’t care if the guy is a liar, put him on the Supreme Court. LMAO
Who are you laughing at- yourself?
Did I say Cruz was a “liar?” Are you saying he’s a liar? Who but Trump said he was a liar? So in your mind, if Trump calls someone a liar, his word is sacrosanct?
Rick, your rhetoric here, your contradictions, your total lack of concern for the things trump has contradicted himself on, your complete intellectual vacancy on the issue of trump, is a perfect example of why normal people can’t buy into Trump. But thanks for demonstrating the real problems with Trump.
Your celebration was a bit premature. As usual, it was quite easy to cut your critique to pieces.
The truly shocking realization for me is that Frank has the knowledge he does for the world markets and what affects them! Thank you Frank for sharing your expertise.
Perhaps Frank graduated from Wharton with Trump? Or maybe he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express?
Until a demonstrated unstable thin-skinned hothead with the temperament of a two year-old has the nuclear launch codes.
Which is as good a reason as any not to vote for her.
I just don’t think it’s effective to make extreme comments creating panic in areas where you are not an expert. I’m simply suggesting caution in this area.
Do you think that anyone or any market, anywhere, makes any type of economic decision based upon what Frank says? You’d be better off using a Ouiji board.
…what I should have said was that Trump’s investments could benefit from an unstable market…
Oh yeah, there’s nothing better for the renting and selling of commercial and residential property than unstable markets.
Once upon a time, E.F. Hutton talked and people listened. On economic issues, when Frank Knotts talks, nobody listens. Except maybe his 4 am coffee klatch buddies at Jimmy’s Grill.
All the more reason to make them public now so that tax experts all across the United States can weigh in and decide whether the IRS is unfairly auditing Trump or not.
Isn’t the IRS an “expert” on tax policy? Has Trump been dragged into US Tax Court or criminally indicted for tax violations? No? That’s what I thought.
Sometimes nothing sticks because nothing’s there.
Rick you brought moral question into the conversation when you criticized Hillary for not divorcing Bill.
Trump called Cruz a liar, you support Trump, which one would assume you support his opinions, you supported the idea of Cruz in the Supreme Court, thus you support putting a liar on the bench.
As for my opinions? Well I am free to them as you are to yours. Unlike you I at least attempt to keep them consistent.
…you brought moral question into the conversation when you criticized Hillary for not divorcing Bill.
I never said anything about divorce. I said:
…she enabled her husbands’ infidelity and ridiculed women who claimed her husband raped them…
Trump called Cruz a liar, you support Trump, which one would assume you support his opinions, you supported the idea of Cruz in the Supreme Court, thus you support putting a liar on the bench.
I don’t believe Cruz is a “liar” simply because Trump used the moniker as a clever form of campaign derision. You can’t take things so literally. I didn’t believe Reagan was “going to start bombing Russia in five minutes,” either.
I might add that all politicians are liars, some worse than others.
I’m a conservative liberal