Let me point out, the first one listed here, the repeal of the death penalty, failed to be voted out of committee, and Rep. Dave Wilson was the deciding vote.
Jan. 28, 2016 SB 40 Repeals the Death Penalty Bill Failed – House
(16 – 23) Nay
June 30, 2015 SB 59 Authorizes an Undocumented Immigrant to Apply For and Obtain Valid Driving Privileges Bill Passed – House
(22 – 15) Nay
June 2, 2015 HB 39 Reduces Penalties for Marijuana Possession Bill Passed – House
(24 – 14) Nay
April 29, 2015 SB 75 Prohibits Stock Corporations from Establishing Fee-Shifting Bylaws Senate Co-sponsor
June 26, 2014 HB 13 Prohibits Lawmakers from Becoming Lobbyists for 1 Year After Leaving Office Concurrence Vote Passed – House
(33 – 7) Yea
June 26, 2014 SB 36 Authorizes Judges to Hold Suspects of Violent Felonies without Bail Amendment Adopted – House
(29 – 12) Yea
June 25, 2014 SB 36 Authorizes Judges to Hold Suspects of Violent Felonies without Bail Amendment Rejected – House
(24 – 15) Yea
April 3, 2014 HB 265 Increases Certain Business Taxes Bill Passed – House
(26 – 13) Nay
Jan. 30, 2014 SB 6 Increases Minimum Wage Bill Passed – House
(27 – 14) Nay
June 18, 2013 SB 97 Prohibits Discrimination Based on Gender Identity Bill Passed – House
(24 – 17) Nay
April 23, 2013 HB 75 Authorizes Same-Sex Marriage Bill Passed – House
(23 – 18) Nay
March 28, 2013 HB 35 Requires Background Checks Prior to the Purchase of Firearms Bill Passed – House
(24 – 17) Nay
June 19, 2012 SB 205 Requires Manufactured Home Community Owners to Explain Rent Increases Bill Failed – House
(14 – 22) Nay
May 17, 2012 SB 185 Requires Lobbyists to Report Their Activities in the Legislature Bill Passed – House
(26 – 12) Nay
April 3, 2012 SB 185 Requires Lobbyists to Report Their Activities in the Legislature Senate Co-sponsor
July 1, 2011 SB 137 Specialty-Tier Prescription Drugs Bill Passed – House
(28 – 13) Nay
July 1, 2011 SB 65 Expansion of Criminal Nuisance Definition Bill Passed – House
(26 – 15) Nay
June 30, 2011 HB 95 Motorcycle Helmet Requirement Concurrence Vote Passed – House
(28 – 11) Nay
June 14, 2011 SB 129 Removes Protected Wildlife Designation from Coyotes Senate Co-sponsor
May 5, 2011 SB 17 Authorizes Medical Marijuana Bill Passed – House
(27 – 14) Nay
April 14, 2011 SB 30 Same-Sex Civil Unions Bill Passed – House
(26 – 15) Nay
March 22, 2011 HB 47 State Inspections of Abortion Clinics Bill Passed – House
(27 – 12) Nay
March 15, 2011 HA 1 Reduced Punishment for Drug Possession Amendment Adopted – House
(21 – 17) Yea
June 23, 2010 HB 317 Home Solicitation Regulations Concurrence Vote Failed – House
(22 – 15) Nay
May 11, 2010 SB 234 Universal Recycling and Beverage Containers Bill Passed – House
(26 – 12) Nay
April 27, 2010 HB 347 Raising the Reporting Age for Misdemeanors by Students Bill Passed – House
(22 – 9) Nay
March 25, 2010 HB 317 Home Solicitation Regulations Bill Passed – House
(28 – 11) Nay
June 29, 2009 HB 210 Liquor License Fee Bill Passed – House
(25 – 16) Nay
June 29, 2009 HB 211 Cigarette Tax Increase Bill Passed – House
(25 – 15) Nay
June 29, 2009 HB 212 Alcohol Tax Increase Bill Failed – House
(22 – 19) Nay
June 29, 2009 HB 291 Estate Tax Bill Passed – House
(25 – 16) Nay
June 24, 2009 HB 198 National Popular Vote Bill Passed – House
(23 – 12) Nay
June 24, 2009 SB 121 Adding Sexual Orientation to Delaware Anti-Discriminatory Laws Bill Passed – House
(26 – 14) Nay
June 9, 2009 HB 117 School Board Elections Bill Passed – House
(23 – 17) Nay
May 8, 2009 HB 100 Reestablishing a Sports Lottery Bill Passed – House
(30 – 4) Nay
April 2, 2009 HB 107 Manufactured Housing Rental Regulations Bill Passed – House
(22 – 16) Nay
Let me also point out the Committees that Rep. Wilson sits on, these influential committee positions would also be lost to the people of the 35th District if Bob Mitchell and the Greenwood MOB had their way.
House Agriculture
House Capital Infrastructure
House Corrections
House Judiciary
House Public Safety & Homeland Security
House Veterans Affairs
House Capital Infrastructure
House Corrections
House Judiciary
House Public Safety & Homeland Security
House Veterans Affairs
Endorsed a DEMOCRAT for Sussex county Recorder of Wills….I believe you forgot that one, Frank. It’s why Dave Wilson will not win.
We need more Sussex Council persons who believe a man’s land is a man’s land where rezoning is an entitlement and runoff restrictions to protect the inland bays are an unacceptable intrusion of property rights.
Oops, wrong rant
We missed you Pat. Now memorize the following:
Register of Wills
Recorder of Deeds
Clerk of the Peace
Dave Wilson will win.
He is popular among Democratic Conservatives. Bob Mitchell hasn’t found or gained that very important link to win his campaign against him. If Dave Wilson was to change party affiliation to the Democratic Party and run on their platform, he would win because he has that much of their support.
Yeah Pat, you’re right, the last thing we need are people with integrity. People who support the person they feel is best qualified, party be damned. As shown above, Dave’s votes are what qualify him as conservative and Republican, not the letter behind his name. I’ll take that every time over shallow opportunistic rhetoric.
So, speaking of shallow opportunistic rhetoric, how about that Rose Izzo again this year?
Wilson is crooked
Dave Wilson is a nice man, a consistent conservative and a good elected official and Cindy Green is a nice woman, a consistent conservative and a good elected official.
All of you need to meet at 16 Mile for a Beer Summit.
Move Delaware forward.
“Say No To Wilson” , what’s your evidence of that, or are you just repeating MOB rhetoric?
And Sad Face, not sure the MOB allows the drinking of beer.
Sleazebirds of a feather flock together.
This is the same Dave Wilson who told everybody registering a will that law required an appraiser when it in fact did not and who then steered and suckered them to an expensive appraisal firm that he had a direct interest in for a nice fat profit. Now, he wants to steal the People’s right to vote for their county Register of Wills in favor of an appointed state office. Next thing you know, the Clerk of Peace, Sheriff and Recorder of Deeds offices will be stolen in the State’s power and money grab.
What’s in it for you, Frankie?
You ain’t nothin’. You never was nothin’ and you ain’t never gonna be nothin’ but a KC Dirtball Transplant.
Knotts, when you talk about integrity, most of the rest of Delaware is laughing out loud as you are, without a doubt, the filthiest Blogscumbagger in the First State. A man is known by the company he keeps. The same applies to tapeworms and cockroaches. its no mystery that you and your G.O.B. Bbuddies support and wallow in public corruption and crap up the GOP. To put it mildly, you and the rest of Delaware Right stink worse than pig manure.
It’s not too late for the voters to throw your egg-suckin’ dawg political hack buddies out of office.
“This is the same Dave Wilson who told everybody registering a will that law required an appraiser when it in fact did not and who then steered and suckered them to an expensive appraisal firm that he had a direct interest in for a nice fat profit. ”
That’s a heck of an accusation, and an accusation of that level of corruption requires proof. So let’s have it.
“the People’s right to vote for their county Register of Wills”
Did you say that out loud before you posted it?
Matador I appreciate that you at least attempt to hide you real reason for commenting here, which is to call me names, by attacking Dave Wilson.
Do you have proof of what you say, or are you just repeating the the Greenwood MOB and Cindy Green talking points? These things were investigated by the AG’s office , which by the way is held by the opposing party. One would think they would have taken any opportunity to take out such a conservative Republican?
Damn right, Knotts. You are wondering why you are called names? You routinely spread lies and manure on the internet, but when you or one of your cronies gets a dose of your own medicine , you bitch and moan and play the victim. We don’t care if you like Trump or not as your influence is virtually zero. You are SCUM, a RINO, a rat, a lowlife, a coward and a politically useless punk. Even your Democrat buddies are laughing behind your back.
When Donald Trump kicks Hillary’s fat Benghazi-stained ass and wins the election, maybe you can take your queue from some of the celebtards who said that they will leave the country. It’s bad enough that we have to look at your ugly face at our county committee meetings. You and Grossman stink up the room every time you walk in. If you don’t like the GOP, get the hell out and form your own damn party!
Matador, you are welcome for having this forum to hurl your insults. As for the monthly meetings, well I hope to be attending tonight. Please feel free to introduce yourself and insult me in person. I look forward to it. And as for leaving the GOP? No, it is leaving me. I am just baring witness to its death. Trump may be the final stab, but it is a death of a thousand cuts.
And as for leaving the GOP? No, it is leaving me.
Yes, it is leaving you and the rest of the country club cross-the-aisle back-slapping appeasers who gave us a $19T deficit and care only about their next re-election.
“You are SCUM, a RINO, a rat, a lowlife, a coward and a politically useless punk.”
Frank, I’m not all that familiar with Republicans. These are the ones that think they have the inside track with Jesus, right?
Yeah Rick, I’m country club😂.
And yes Fishbites. And I was so disappointed last night at the monthly meeting, Matador did not introduce themselves to me. What a shame.
Yeah Rick, I’m country club.
You belong to the Bridgeville Putt-Putt league, don’t you?
I was referring to country club politicians- career parasites like Boehner and McConnell.
Rick says, “I was referring to country club politicians- career parasites like Boehner and McConnell.”
I’m sorry Rick I didn’t know they were running in Delaware this year.
Sadly, they are not running in Delaware this year, Frank.
As much as we have tried to recruit candidates to primary against Senator Christine O’Donnell’s wildly popular incumbent stranglehold, then the country climbers like you will just have to deal with it.