I Resign!

me 1   I was going to wait a couple of days and think this over, but feeling the way I do, I think now is as good a time as any to make this official.   Following the election held Monday night for the new Sussex County Executive Committee, and considering my opinion of those elected to leadership, (now that make me laugh just typing it), and believing that nothing worth a damn will come out of that committee, and seeing no benefit in remaining a member of such a dysfunctional organization, I hereby officially and publicly resign my Election District Chair position.
I will not have my name be a part of what is to come in the future of that committee, so I have sent a copy of this resignation to Linda Creasy, Secretary of the Executive Committee.
My future goals are to help elect and re-elect people who are more interested in serving the people as a whole, instead of pandering to the special interest group of TEAPATRIOT912ERS.

My time will be spent on things that can accomplish this, instead of simply sitting in a room full of do-nothings.

25 Comments on "I Resign!"

  1. Critical Mass says:

    Damnit Frank, We were planning the next meeting where you would be expelled. The whole party has been planned. I was to bring hot dogs and popcorn. A friend was going to bring some Johnny Walker scotch. Now we have to settle for a collective ROTFLMAO.
    It is just like you to throw a pail of water on a great idea.

  2. RINO Hunter says:

    Good Riddance!

    Don’t let the door hit you too hard on the way out. You really have no leadership qualities and there really isn’t much more you can do besides staying on this dysfunctional dump site and continuing to fling your monkey poop at people you hate. That is if your buddy, GROSSMAN doesn’t stab you in the back , your boss Jeff Cragg doesn’t fire you or Dan Anderson doesn’t dry up your funding.

    There is no way that you or anyone else of Delaware Right will ever “Move Delaware Forward” , as it simply can’t be done with dregs at the helm.

    You have taken dirty politics to new lows because your mind is in the gutter.

  3. Zulu says:

    From the plains of the Serengeti came Rhino hunter, seeking to be the first to bag the new North American species of unhorned RINO. Stealthily he stalked this new variety of North American RINO but the old way of hunting had to be discarded as he was advised that the new internet would be the most successful way of bagging his first trophy.
    While stalking this new hatemonger RINO, he used caution and stealth as of yet unknown to him. Just as this hunter from Africa’s Serengeti closed in on his prey, the new specimen of North American RINO self-destructed.

    Satire intended

  4. Rick says:

    “I Resign!”

    I don’t blame you after your pathetic display on Gaffney’s show yesterday. Boo-hoo-hoo.

  5. Hypocrazy Watch says:

    Today’s “RINO Hunters” and Frank critics are tomorrow’s “RINOS.” This is just 2010 coming full circle.

  6. Dave says:

    Frank, I am curious as to why you would have even sought the office considering the probable outcome of the election? I mean you knew you were going to be the Lone Ranger.

  7. Frank Knotts says:

    Dave, it’s called politics and politics is about numbers. We were supporting Mary Spicer and Lewis Briggs for Chair and Vice Chair. They are elected by the newly elected EDCs so we were trying to get as many friendly EDCs in as possible. And if there. Had been even the slightest move back from the fringe right I may have attempted to stay and work within. But the election actually further right which is hard to believe as possible.

  8. Pit Viper says:

    The real question is :

    Has Frank gotten his head out of his butt yet? I don’t think so.

    In order to help others you must first help yourself. The crud that you post does not help you or anyone else and the crooked politicians you support really don’t need your help.

    You can pile more garbage on top of your last post, but you’ll just dig yourself in deeper.

    The truth is out and can’t be recalled..


    If Frank is the Lone Ranger then who is Tanto?

  9. Meyer says:

    Good for you, Frank. I learned awhile ago it’s more about the person than the party label.

  10. Rick says:

    Frank, I am curious as to why you would have even sought the office considering the probable outcome of the election?

    Because he wanted to serve…himself.

  11. ProFrank says:

    Frank…… Keep up the good fight. Don’t let the tools and puppets on here discourage you. Maybe you can understand why other parties shake their heads in disbelief when Tea Party/Patriots speak. Scary folks!

  12. Mitt Romney's Dancing Horse says:

    Republican on Republican crime. I love it!

  13. Dave says:

    First, it’s “Tonto” not “Tanto.” Second, why do you feel the need to use different screen names? I mean, everyone knows it’s one of two people. Third, everyone also knows you have enmity towards Frank. We get it. Really. But honestly, you’ve carried it past the point of ridiculousness. When you give someone the finger, you kinda just do it and move on. The longer you stand there with your finger, the more you become the butt of jokes because it starts to look pretty juvenile and if you have aspirations for office, it’s a not a good look. Sure, you have plausible deniability but, really the guy you are depending on to maintain that plausible deniability happens to be the target of your wrath. Not very smart in my view.

  14. Rat Fink says:

    There are more of us and the number is growing. Everyone does not know because everyone is not even reading this retarded website. Knotts Grossman and Cragg make the DEGOP look stupid. That’s great for the Dems and others, but the real joke is on them. as well as their supporters.

  15. Frank Knotts says:

    Let me be clear here for those who have been saying that I have been whining and a poor loser. DAMNED RIGHT! I have been whining because the people I backed lost. And I am one hell of a bad loser. Show me a good loser and I’ll show you someone who likes to lose.
    I could have come here and wrote some post about how I congratulated the new Chairman and the other fringe elements that won, and who would have believed it?
    I could have said something like, “I hope now we can all come together and work to make the GOP better”. But I don’t believe that is possible with people who have demonstrated by their actions that they have no desire to work with people they label. See Rick comments.
    So I came here and wrote an angry, but honest post about how I felt about losing, and my honest opinion of those who won.
    If you can’t handle honest opinions then you should most likely not read my post.
    I can tell you this, I don’t like to lose, I get mad when I do, as I said in the post, with myself for not doing more. I blow off some steam, see post above, and then I start looking for way to do better next time.
    I’m not going anywhere, and I will continue to call stupid, stupid and hypocrisy, hypocrisy.

  16. fightingbluehen says:

    “There are more of us and the number is growing. Everyone does not know because everyone is not even reading this retarded website.”

    Then why bother to comment. You can choose not to read it. You people obviously feel threatened by this blog or you wouldn’t be conducting this coordinated attack.

  17. Rat Fink says:

    Threat ??? In your dreams. Nuisance is more like it. A sore loser and and a dolt rejected by his own party, not to mention a boldface liar.

  18. Boobie says:

    Frank — The Sussex GOP is completely irrelevant. 100%, totally irrelevant. They have no impact on anything at all. Now that the convention has been moved, the only power the Sussex GOP has left is to appoint the candidate in a special election.

    Let the crazies have their little club. I would openly encourage people to stop participating in the Sussex GOP and start finding other ways to participate that actually help people get elected. Because the county party hasn’t helped anyone get elected in YEARS.

  19. Rick says:

    Let me be clear here for those who have been saying that I have been whining and a poor loser. DAMNED RIGHT! I have been whining because the people I backed lost. And I am one hell of a bad loser. Show me a good loser and I’ll show you someone who likes to lose.

    What a bunch of crap.

    In the National Hockey League, the two teams line-up and shake hands after a playoff series has ended. Among those who’ve exhibited sportsmanship while being on the losing end were Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux- two Hall of Fame players with several Stanley Cup victories on their resumes.

    I suppose they “liked to lose?”

    A prudent course after a loss is introspection. Whining and blaming the other “team” is the behavior of a crybaby. And crybabies are true losers- win or lose.

  20. kavips says:

    Frank. lol. Just shake it off. if that song ever had any viable meaning, it does here. 🙂

  21. shut the front door says:

    @rat fink members of the GOP especially a few members of the SC GOP have no problem proving just how flipping stupid they truly are without any outside assistance. This site according to you is such a nuisance yet you return again and again and again and yet again all on your own. Guess what nobody gives a damn about you or the other asshats you are associated with, you do not nor will you ever represent the values of the majority of SC Republicans.

  22. Frank Knotts says:

    Well Rick old friend I would take you back to a more relevant example, though your hockey analogy was fascinating. I was in the room after COD lost. As were you I believe, and walked out of that meeting after some people had shouted down Tom Ross, as did you I believe, was that your idea of being a good sport? Sport.

  23. Frank Knotts says:

    Rat Fink, I would like to thank you and all of your friends, both real and imagined, for all of your intelligent, well thought out and thought provoking comments here. And while I am sure that your use of the screen name, “Rat Fink” was intended to infer that I am a rat fink, I find it both curious, and a slight bit Freudian, so tell us, did you ever try on your mother’s underwear?

  24. Rat Fink says:

    Is that all ya got? You got Nothin’.

  25. Rat Fink says:

    In your hat and over your ears.

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