Well here we are, another Memorial Day. Every year I, and many others, write the obligatory Memorial Day article. We talk of the sacrifices of the many who fought and died to protect our freedoms. We emphasize how this weekend is not about cookouts and the beach, it is about the men and women who throughout our history, dared to wear the uniform of the United States of America, to stand a watch against those who would do us harm and those who would erode our Liberties at every chance.
Well if I stopped there, this might qualify as my shortest post ever. But anyone who knows me, and knows bloggers in general, short is not my way. So stick with me.
I do believe all of the things above. The people who have the courage to wear the uniform and who take that midnight watch, on the wall of our freedom, deserve so much more than some lame post by a part-time blogger.
They deserve our undying gratitude, they deserve support and respect upon their return to the world, their families deserve the same if their loved ones make the ultimate sacrifice. We as a nation have often failed in this regard. We often place other things at a higher priority, we will make flowery speeches, and place flowers upon monuments, we may shake the hand of a soldier and thank them as we pass on the street, and then walk on feeling good about ourselves, yet never wonder if that soldier is struggling with mental issues, are they receiving the support they need to survive.
It seems as though Memorial Day has become more about civilians making themselves feel good, rather than about honoring those who insure our freedom.
This selfishness is not limited solely to Memorial Day, we as a nation have become self-centered, and selfish. Many among us feel it is their right to say and do anything they want. And yes, the people who fought and died, did so, so we as Americans would have the liberty of free expression of our thoughts, and our opinions.
But in the quest to express those thoughts and opinions, have we taken our personal responsibility, for our own actions and words for granted? Have we lost our humanity?
Let me assure the reader, I, of all people, would never attempt to silence anyone’s opinions or views. I have been the target of some, who, when they could no longer debate me, sought to silence me through intimidation. So trust me, what I am about to say, is in no way intended to silence anyone. However, I do feel we all have a responsibility which travels side, by side with liberty, to show, at times, restraint, and common respect for others around us, to show humanity, and understanding of others who may be less fortunate than ourselves, or who may be going through an event in their lives which we have no possible way to understand. The simple courtesy of sympathy may at times, be all that is needed.
Just this past week in Manchester, England a terrorist exploded a bomb at an Ariana Grande concert. Anyone who knows Ms. Grande’s music, knows it is targeted towards a young female audience. It is unclear if this was the reason this concert was the target of the attack, or if it were merely a target of convenience.
Twenty-two people died, some were mere children as young as eight years old, sixty-four were physically injured, and thousands of others will forever be changed by the experience. Currently this is the world we live in, and we should never become so desensitized to these types of attacks, that we take them in stride and move on. While we cannot allow the terrorist to intimidate us into hiding in our homes, afraid to go to concerts with our children, afraid to go to the movies, we must recognize the danger they present.
We must have the tough debates about how to balance security, with freedom. How to identify those who wish us harm, without broadly painting an entire community, or faith as terrorist. We must be willing, when justified, to take measures which will prevent such attacks, and use all resources available to bring to justice, those who carry out such attacks.
By now, some who are reading this may be asking, why is Frank talking about this in a Memorial Day post, and I will explain a little later. Let me first explain why this latest attack, and the response of many, has caused me to wonder if we as an American society have lost our humanity, or is it, as I would pray, merely a small, angry sector of our society who is vocal?
As the news was breaking about the attack in Britain, I was at home watching the news. As I checked my media sources, and also Facebook, when I came across this post.
This was posted by a person who fancies himself a Republican operative, and who is a rabid defender of, and apologist for, President Trump. I give this background to put the statement into context. Obviously this was an attempt to justify the actions of the President, in giving classified intelligence to the Russians, it is also an admission this person believes the President did pass the intelligence to the Russians.
But my point here is not about the intelligence being passed, though it may be about the intelligence of the person who posted this. I am not identifying the person here, because while I feel this was a vile act to post such a political use of a tragedy, it was not an isolated incident. As I scrolled through Facebook, I found many such memes and accusations. All this within hours of people losing their lives, and people losing loved ones to a cowardly attack.
I am not saying we can’t or shouldn’t have these debates, but have we as a society grown so angry, so divided, so politicized, that we cannot wait even a day before we politicize the deaths of innocent people? To use those deaths to justify actions by others which happened a week or more prior to those deaths?
Current Mayor of Chicago, and former Chief of Staff for the Obama Administration, Rahm Emanuel was famous for saying, “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste”.
It would seem as though this particular Republican wanna be operative, has taken lessons from Mr. Emanuel.
In the days following the attack, people became board with simply making this about politics alone, it seems as though they needed to personalize it even more. Many chose to attack Ariana Grande. And honestly, some of her past actions and statements lend her to such attacks. But to infer she was somehow responsible for the attack, or the act was some form of justice for her past statements, was again in my opinion, a demonstration of just how far we as a society have moved away from our own humanity.
When we are more concerned with politicizing these attacks for political gain, when we rush to attribute these acts to people because of their political ideology, rather than taking even a moment to feel for the loss of those actually involved, then we have lost our humanity.
So, how does this all tie into a Memorial Day post you ask? First of all, the men and women who have served this nation, did so, so that we all might experience the freedom our Founding Fathers envisioned oh so many years ago. Those who serve, are the foundation upon which our Liberty rest. Without them, this nation may have long ago fallen to the enemies of Liberty, the tyrant, the dictator, those who feel entitled. So while I feel personally, the above comment, and the many others I witnessed are a sad demonstration of just how far we have moved away from the high ideals our Founders held, I also believe this is exactly what our armed forces, and others have so long defended. The freedom to be a dumb ass.
Secondly, when we look at how, we as a society, treat our returning veterans, should we not wonder? If we have so lost our humanity, in the handling of such attacks, as we saw in Manchester, is it any wonder we fall so short in extending our humanity to those closer to home?
Humanity is not a switch to be turned on and off. It is not to be doled out to those we feel close to, and withheld from those we feel are less deserving because of political differences. If we as a society can feel so little for people across an ocean who were murdered, that we rush to politicize the incident, rather than extending sympathy, then why should we be surprised when we fail our own, right here at home?
Just this past week in Manchester, England a terrorist exploded a bomb at an Ariana Grande concert. Anyone who knows Ms. Grande’s music, knows it is targeted towards a young female audience.
I read some lyrics from her “music.” I guess, like most modern “pop” singers, her goal is to turn every 12-year-old I to a whore.
It is unclear if this was the reason this concert was the target of the attack, or if it were merely a target of convenience.
No way to know for sure, but I believe that the jihadist Muslims picked this venue to demonstrate to young Muslims in England that there is a price to be paid for assimilating and embracing perverted Western culture. This was an internal enforcement action, with the added benefit of the terrorism component.
If Grande were to perform in Saudi Arabia- or most anywhere in the Muslim world- she would be stoned (pardon the pun).
Islam has zero tolerance for much of anything that isn’t approved by the radical clerics who run the show in the Caliphate. Islam is a religious dictatorship, enforced by intimidation and jihad.
Obviously this was an attempt to justify the actions of the President, in giving classified intelligence to the Russians, it is also an admission this person believes the President did pass the intelligence to the Russians.
Who is responsible for deeming information to be “classified?” A member of the Executive Branch or an officer in the military. And the President of the United States is both the chief executive and the commander-in-chief. Hence, he is the ultimate arbiter of what is or is not “classified.”
It is also natural that sensitive information may come-up when discussing the fate of a nation embroiled in a civil war involving a dictator, poison gas, thousands of refugees and with Russian troops supporting one side and the UN on the other.
I just saw a “Memorial Day” episode of Watter’s World, taking place at some beach. He interviewed a few college-age kids. Yes, I know he cherry-picked responses, but still…how can any twenty-something not know who the colonists fought in the Revolutionary War? One moron thought the Civil War was fought between the US and Russia. Cold War? “What’s the cold war?”
We are raising a lost generation of morons. No wonder they live with mommy and daddy well into their 30’s.
“… the men and women who throughout our history, dared to wear the uniform of the United States of America, to stand a watch against those who would do us harm and those who would erode our Liberties at every chance.” and. “…..the men and women who have served this nation, did so, so that we all might experience the freedom …” – Frank
You’d think someone whose been around as long as you would have disabused yourself of the myth that our “freedoms” and “Liberties” are protected by those who ” dared to wear the uniform” or that such “freedoms” and “Liberties” are threatened by the likes of Sadaam Hussein, Ho Chi Minh, Vladimir Putin or for that matter ISIS or the hobgoblin de jour.
Confirmation bias, Rick. I meet plenty of people from our generation everyday that don’t know the difference either.
Agreed delacrat. MOST of the men and women I served with were not sacrificing…… the military was the only viable option for them. They could not have succeeded in the private sector then and many of them are milking the system today. (p.s. they are all white).
I meet plenty of people from our generation everyday that don’t know the difference either.
You know “plenty of people” who don’t know who fought in the Civil War? Can they read?
So far Trump has said nothing about Portland. But he found time as soon as he got back from his trip to go on a Twitter rant. You’d think he’d at least tweet that the supremacist is an evil loser. Or maybe he reserves that expression for muslims only.
Delacrat, you cherry picked your wars to make your case. Would you agree, that a world in which Hitler and Mussolini had been victorious would be a far less free world than the one we live in today? Was it wrong to push Iraq back out of Kuwait? Does our standing armed forces not deter others from landing upon our beaches?
As for why people serve in the armed forces? Well some do so out of patriotism, some out of necessity, but even though they are there for the job, they serve the same purpose as those there for country, and it still takes courage to sign on the line, knowing a war could break out the next day and your life could be forfeited.
Memorial Day is not a day to justify war, it is a day to honor those, who most likely pray harder than the rest of us that war never comes.
Rick says: “I read some lyrics from her “music.” I guess, like most modern “pop” singers, her goal is to turn every 12-year-old I to a whore.”
Then Rick says: “Islam has zero tolerance for much of anything that isn’t approved by the radical clerics who run the show in the Caliphate. Islam is a religious dictatorship, enforced by intimidation and jihad.”
I’m not seeing much of a difference between Rick’s views and those he condemns.
” Was it wrong to push Iraq back out of Kuwait?” – Frank
Since when did Kuwait become the 51st state of the union ? If Iraq thought Kuwait is rightfully an Iraqi province, that was Kuwait’s problem, not ours.
“….Hitler and Mussolini …” – Frank
You had to go back over half a century to come up with an arguable reason for a standing military, although the Russians did most of the heavy lifting in that one and likely would have sorted out H and M without us. Anyway, the European powers brought that on themselves with the Treaty of Versailles. Besides I recall my grandparents saying they left their “old countries” to avoid the “old countries” wars.
I’m not seeing much of a difference between Rick’s views and those he condemns.
When it comes to cop-killing, hate-whitey, turn young girls into whores lyrics, you’re right.
Oh, I know….it’s “art.”
And Hitler was an artist.
Enlistments rose after 9/11 attacks but only modestly. 1941 it was not. Still it was patriotism that inspired them to enlist.
Another London terror attack. How long until they poison gas the subway?
Yes, Islam, the religion of peace. LOL.
Performing jihad during Ramadan gives one a place in a special paradise.
The English are an endangered species. Fifty years and GB is part of the European Caliphate. Remember, the problem isn’t Islam. The problem is Islamophobia.
What naive dupes.
Wishing you a Happy Ramadan from The Religion of Peace LOL;
May 27 — Charchino, Afghanistan — Group fighting in favor of imposing Islamic law ambushes checkpoint, kills 11.
May 27 — Qadis, Afghanistan — Taliban kills 14, injures 17.
May 27 — Khost, Afghanistan — Taliban suicide bomber targets U.S-backed National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF), which includes army and police units, killing 18, woundin six others, including children.
May 27 — Kacha Khuh, Pakistan — “Honor Killing” — Brother hacks 18-year-old sister with axe to death for denying to abide by pre-arrange marriage.
May 27 — Marawi, Philippines — Jihadists kill 19 including women and a child.
May 28 — Marawi, Philippines — Jihadists murder 8 for “having betrayed their faith.”
May 28 — Ramo Adey, Somalia — Jihadists bury man to his neck, stone to death for adultery
May 28 — Mosul, Iraq — ISIS sets hospital ablaze and kills a dozen young people inside.
May 28 — Mosul, Iraq — ISIS kills at least 40 women and children trying to flee besieged city.
May 28 — Shirqat, Iraq — ISIS rocket attack kills three children and their parents.
May 28 — Gumsri, Nigeria — Boko Haram kills at least seven villagers.
May 28 — Shakhil Abad, Afghanistan — Islamic extremists kill district governor and his son inside their home.
May 28 — Baqubah, Iraq — Suicide bomber kills 3, injures up to 16 others outside court.
May 29 — Nguro, Nigeria — Boko Haram beheads five people.
May 29 — Ghat, Libya, — Suspected Islamic terrorists kill 1, injure 4.
May 29 — Shirqat, Iraq — Islamic shrapnel dismembers a child, injures 7.
May 29 — Baghdad, Iraq — 17 killed, 32 wounded — ISIS launches suicide attack against ice cream parlor frequented by families who were breaking their Ramadan fast.
May 29 — Baghdad, Iraq — 14 killed, 37 injured. ISIS attacked Shiites.
May 30 — Mattani, Pakistan — Islamist gun down four peace committee members.
May 30 — Peshawar, Pakistan — Suspected jihadist shoots leader of Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s Hezb-i-Islami group while he was leaving a mosque.
May 30 — Shifa, Iraq — Mass grave found with 60 ISIS torture victims, including women, elderly.
May 30 — al-Joura, Syria — ISIS mortar kills 14, including children.
May 30 — Bay Hassan, Iraq — ISIS kills 3 Iraqi guards, wounds six others.
May 30 — Baghdad, Iraq — Jihadists kill 7, injure 19 in a blast.
May 30 — Baqubah, Iraq — A bomb explosion at mosque kills 7, wounds 6.
May 30 — Hit, Iraq — Fedayeen suicide bomber kills 8, injures 10.
May 31 — Kaya, Nigeria —Boko Haram kills 14.
May 31 — Fafi, Kenya — Suspected al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab burns down school, kills one teacher.
May 31 — Bab el-Beid, Iraq — Suicide bombers kill 3 civilians, including a child.
May 31 — Hit, Iraq — Shahid suicide bomber kills 3, injures 7.
May 31 — Mosul, Iraq — ISIS kills 34 for trying to leave the city.
May 31 — Mangai, Kenya — al-Qaeda-linked bombers kill 8.
May 31 — Kabul, Afghanistan — Suspected Haqqani Network kills at least 150, Wounds more than 460, including 11 Americans.
May 31 — Sinjar, Iraq — ISIS kills 2, injures 2.
June 01 — Abala, Niger — Jihadists kill 6 guards.
June 01 — Al-Hazm, Yemen — Terrorists kill 6, wound 15.
June 01 — Behsud, Afghanistan — Suicide bomber kills 1, wounds 4.
June 01 — Oldenburg, Germany — Muslim kills one for smoking during Ramadan and refusing to fast.
June 01 — Zanjili, Iraq — ISIS kills 7 for trying to flee caliphate.
June 02 — Kolofota, Cameroon — Islamist use two girls as suicide bombers killing 9 and wounding 30.
June 02 — Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia — Jihadist beheads one man.
June 03 — Marawi, Philippines — Islamic sniper kills 70-year-old man.
June 03 — Halabsah, Iraq — Four suicide bombers kill 1, injure 3
June 03 — London, England — Three Jihadists plow into pedestrians, then stab people, killing 7, injuring 48.
June 03 — Zanjili, Iraq — ISIS kills 43 for trying to flee caliphate.
June 03 — Lower Munda, India — Hizb-ul-Mujahideen kill 2 security troops, injure 4
June 03 — Nawabshah, Pakistan — Alleged victim’s brother-in-law kills two people for alleged adultery.
June 03 — Kabul, Afghanistan — Suicide bombers kill 20, injure 87
June 04 — Kandahar, Afghanistan — Afghan police insider attack leaves six dead, one injured
June 04 — Spini, Pakistan — Two Shiites from Hazara minority group killed.
June 04 — Talibul, Moula, Pakistan — “Honor Killing” — Father kills 18-year-old daughter for allegedly “having an affair.”
June 04 — Zanjili, Iraq — Wave of suicide bombers kills 32, injures 24.
June 04 — Quaidabad, Pakistan — Jihadis kill 1 barber.
June 05 — Melbourne, Australia — ISIS-linked migrant from Somalia kills man, takes prostitute hostage, an injures 4.
June 05 — Baghdad, Iraq — Terrorist mortar fired into family home dismembers 10-year-old boy, injures 4.
June 06 — Lower Munda, India — Hizb-ul-Mujahideen kill 2 security troops, injure 4
June 06 — Paris, France — Jihadist wounds cop with a hammer outside Notre Dame cathedral.
June 06 — Herat, Afghanistan — Terrorist kill 7, injure another 16 near the northern gate of the Great Mosque of Herat.
June 07 — Mosul, Iraq — Islamic State massacres 160 civilians trying to flee city, according to United Nations.