It has been reported on WGMD, that former state Representative, John Atkins has been arrested. As reported here, Atkins Arrested , Mr. Atkins was arrested for offensive touching and criminal mischief, stemming from an altercation with an ex-girlfriend.
This is just the latest, in an ongoing list of personal problems which Mr. Atkins continues to find himself in. From DUI, to allegations of spousal abuse, to burning tires and sending nasty letters about police officers doing their job, and now this.
It was rumored Mr. Atkins was considering another run for the 41st Representative District, which he lost to Republican Rich Collins. One would assume this latest incident would make that unlikely, but time will tell.
In other news, I was informed that the Developers of the Overbrook Town Center, have indeed filed a law suit claiming the Sussex County Council acted improperly in voting down their application for a zoning change. No matter how the law suit turns out, the tax payers of Sussex will pay the cost, either for damages, or if the courts uphold the vote, for the lost of jobs and the chance to have road improvements paid for by the developer.
Enjoy the day, and talk amongst yourselves.
Trump’s handlers and advisors are either incompetent or Trump pays them so much that they are afraid to give him the advice he needs to shut his pie hole sometimes.
I’m a Trump supporter and I realize that Trump is a smart guy, but at this stage in the game, you have to start being calculated in what you say. You can bet your bottom dollar that Hillary will not go off script one time. Everything she says from this point on has been vetted and calculated to manipulate the voters, and do the most harm to her opponent.
Trump needs to keep his attacks focused on Hillary, and I think those attacks need to be given by a jolly yet cynical and funny Trump more than a nasty Trump.
Every slip-up that Trump makes at this point will be jumped on by the Hillary camp and thoroughly backed up, and efficiently timed by the media, to do maximum damage.
Frank, When HUD sued Council and P&Z in 2012 for denying a 50-lot affordable housing subdivision in Laurel, the damages that were awarded in this lawsuit amounted to $750,000. The County’s insurance carrier paid. We taxpayers pay more only if the carrier raises insurance premiums. We don’t pay damages directly.
I don’t know why Atkins would think he could beat Rich Collins, with or without this latest bout of physically abuse against a woman. Rich Collins has been a solid conservative voice in the legislature and he’s managed to mitigate DNREC’s reign of terror against businesses and property owners in Delaware.
Rich has done what? He’s not even a sponsor on the bill he’s been screaming about. No one pays attention to him anymore, except John Atkins, but John’s schedule just filled. Deldot and DNREC, Deldot and DNREC, White noise. Can the 41st district give us a representative that’s not an embarrassment please?$file/legis.html?open
Well thank goodness the decision on the Overbrook Town Center will be safely placed into the hands of a court, instead of a bunch of elected yahoos.
Rich has done what? He’s not even a sponsor on the bill he’s been screaming about. No one pays attention to him anymore, except John Atkins, but John’s schedule just filled. Deldot and DNREC, Deldot and DNREC, White noise.
Collins initiated and raised the money for the lawsuit against DNREC’s Stormwater and Sediment Regulations that are hurting private business and preventing people from building homes on lots they purchased. The regulations put an additional $20,000.00 on the cost of a basic chicken house. If it wasn’t for Collins and that lawsuit, those regulations wouldn’t be back on the table getting rewritten and that bill he’s “screaming about” wouldn’t have made it out of committee.
Just because Collins isn’t out there pounding his chest, bragging about his accomplishments like Atkins liked to do, doesn’t mean that he’s not doing anything. Collins gets things done and doesn’t need his back patted or his ass kissed after he’s finished. That’s called true leadership.
What bill made it out of committee? None that Dick Collins had anything to do with.
May 17, 2016 – Amendment SA 1 – Introduced and Placed With the Bill in Senate
May 05, 2016 – Assigned to Natural Resources & Environmental Control Committee in Senate
HJR 11. And the only reason these DNREC bills are even being introduced is because of the work Collins has done.
Honi, you are correct, I should have remembered that, of course considering the number of law suits the County has had to defend, and lost, it would not surprise me if we are already paying high premiums, and could pay higher ones. Not to mention the cost of the dampening of prospective business. Why would a business try to come to Sussex if they have to not only follow the rules , but have to go to court to get it overturned.
Fish Bites, do I sense a bit of sarcasm? Those elected yahoos ignored their expert body, Planning and Zoning, Sam Wilson gave a speech which outlined all the good things the Center would do for the county, and then voted against it. The courts are the check and balance to prevent elected bodies from abusing their positions.
anonymous says, “I don’t know why Atkins would think he could beat Rich Collins”. Well anonymous, because prior to this latest life event for Mr. Atkins, people in the 41st felt under represented. You see, for a Representative it usually isn’t about what bills they put forth, it’s about constituent service, and from what I have seen and heard, many people in the 41st didn’t feel Mr. Collins has dropped that ball. This is something Bob Mitchell will also find out in the 35th primary race against Dave Wilson.
… many people in the 41st didn’t feel Mr. Collins has dropped that ball. This is something Bob Mitchell will also find out in the 35th primary race against Dave Wilson.
Collins is safe. I wouldn’t be so sure about Wilson. A vigorous anti-incumbent campaign could work in a primary where turnout is typically low.
It’s easy to be great with constituent services when you’re a member of the majority, you get enough staff for support. It’s also easy to be great with constituent services when you don’t really do anything else like read and comprehend legislation up for a vote or learn about the regulations killing growth in your district. Rich Collins actually works on the committees he’s assigned to and he reads legislation and regulations, he looks for unintended consequences and advocates for farmers and land owners.
People think that no one listens to Rich Collins, but again, HJR 11 and SB 253 wouldn’t exist without him, storm water regulations wouldn’t be back on the table, and DNREC would be all over your property trying to find reasons why you can’t develop it.
anonymous, while may agree with your assessment, you are talking about after the election, unfortunately what you have described seems not to matter to voters. Most voters don’t follow the track of legislation, they want someone who answers the phone when they have a pot hole at the end of their driveway. And again, this is more so true for a Representative.
Officer Obie, I can’t put out the tire fire in these handcuffs lol. Yeah, good thing he was replaced by a republican who lobbies for polluters and developers against environmental regulations that protect waterways