That’s right I am done. It has been a long hard election cycle, I have, as always, been outspoken and opinionated. And in doing so I have made new friends, and also made new opponents. I have convinced some that I am a true conservative, consistent in my views and principles. I have also convinced others that I am a bleeding heart liberal because I will not compromise those principles.
In all that I have written, or spoken, I have tried to always be true to my conscience, and true to my understanding of the issues. This has not always made me popular, but it is not about being popular, it is about the truth.
So as this is the final day before the election I would assume that most people have made up their minds about who they will vote for in most of the races, though there are always a few coin tosses the day of.
So, it is of little use for me to again tell you all the reasons I support, or oppose any given candidate. My goal in writing this, my final post, is to simply encourage all eligible voters to vote. Of course I would as a partisan Republican for the most part hope that the citizens would see the difference between the major parties, and support the more conservative candidates. I won’t go into my feelings about third parties and other options on the ballot, it is every voter’s right to cast their votes for, or away for who they choose. (Sorry, I guess I did go into my feelings after all.)
So in this my final post prior to the election, I only say, if you are voting, and I hope that you are, that you vote with both “I”s open, be “Informed” and “Involved”.
Also feel free to use this as an open thread. Play nice. I will be checking in from time to time, but I have a few things to do, to get ready for the big day.
I would also ask all of my guest here at Delaware Right to tune into Delaware 105.9 Tuesday evening at 7 pm for election coverage. I have been invited to sit in with Dan Gaffney and Sussex County Clerk of the Peace John Brady to give commentary and election results. I am looking forward to this experience and I am grateful and humbled to have been invited to participate in another side of our election process. So tune in, and look here for election follow-up on Wednesday.
I thank all who participate here at Delaware Right, both those I agree with, and those who I disagree with, the growing success of the endeavor of Delaware Right would not be possible without all of you. If not for you, I would be simply talking to myself.
Thanks again.
Looking forward to your insights:
Delaware 105.9 Tuesday evening at 7 pm for election coverage. I have been invited to sit in with Dan Gaffney and Sussex County Clerk of the Peace John Brady to give commentary and election results.
Blah, Blah, Blah! The only direction Delaware Grossly Wrong is going is straight to hell in a hat basket. Dan Gaffney better get his head examined for that lapse in judgement.
What the hell is a “hat basket”?
Well in Gerald’s case a hat basket would be his ass
Truly sad to see you leave. You provided a forum for the exercise of our most treasure civil right. There’s a reason the freedom of expression was embodied in the FIRST Amendment. You will be missed.
It is his last post before the election results are in. Frank is going to be a very busy boy untill well after his bedtime on Tuesday.
But I appreciate the thoughtful thoughts Brian
“What the hell is a “hat basket”?”
At first I thought it was mixing metaphors, but I couldn’t figure out what metaphor is using a hat. After further thought I realized that it is a result of oral learning that left the author with incomplete learning. That is, knowledge being passed down by word of mouth rather than by reading and studying. It’s kind of like the child’s game of passing phrase around a circle by whispering back to the one that originated the phrase and finding out the phrase has been transmongrified into something completely different and ludicrous, such as “going to hell in a hat basket.”
I suppose they could try and pick up book or two, but if word got out they were reading, it might result in a loss of status amongst their fellows.
Sorry but I will be tuning into WGMD, where the coverage is much better. The afternoon show is also a million times better than talking about american idol or whatever else Jarod saw on e news.
Well then I guess you missed Jared taking Christopher apart this afternoon
You can also watch the election night broadcast live from the Delaware 105.9 Studio here
Mike Rowe’s oath breaker buddy Kim running her mouth like the RWNJ she is .05 cents. Jared owning a few callers PRICELESS !
I couldn’t figure out what metaphor is using a hat. After further thought I realized that it is a result of oral learning that left the author with incomplete learning. That is, knowledge being passed down by word of mouth rather than by reading and studying. It’s kind of like the child’s game of passing phrase around a circle by whispering back to the one that originated the phrase and finding out the phrase has been transmongrified into something completely different and ludicrous, such as “going to hell in a hat basket.”
I suppose they could try and pick up book or two, but if word got out they were reading, it might result in a loss of status amongst their fellows.…Dave
Just like was done by Native Americans…or sub-Saharan Africans, up to the time of the British colonization and the building of schools. Sorry about your condescending Eurocentric elitism.
Oral knowledge is fine for huntin, fishin, and trappin. Especially for takin down buffalo. It has its time and place. So does book learnin. Gotta, know what tools to use and when to use them. So up to the time of British colonization and building schools, you made do with what you had. Just like today, we make do with what we have, computers, databases, dictionaries, books, libraries, stuff like that. Elitism? Nah, just common sense, which seems like it’s not all that common.
Enjoying the 105.9 tv/radio coverage.