Political Gossip and Tidbits Wandering About The Small Wonder That is Delaware-The 9/26/15 Edition

A new mental hospital in Georgetown, body cameras on cops and what is this “Complexities of Color Coalition”? Tune in for this and much more gossip, snark and some genuine information.

A New Georgetown Mental Hospital

Well it’s no secret that my daughter spends a lot of time in mental institutions in this state of Delaware. Also she was a patient at various Maryland mental hospitals. As such, with no great pride, I assert that I am somewhat knowledgeable about this subject. Though my daughter is not in the mental hospital for your normal reasons, another story for another day.

The Discovery channel, by the way, begins filming this story in December I am told. I will be interviewed and they are very intrigued by the book I wrote in 2001 about daughter’s strange affliction. I will keep yon readers apprised and hey, I’ve turned down interviews by WBOC, the News Journal, the Cape Gazette so readers of Delawareright will be right in the middle of the scoop.

Yes we do need a mental hospital in Georgetown, goodness the closest one is in Dover and it’s not that great. With the addiction epidemic running rampart southern Delaware it’s seems almost mandatory that such a facility be located in Sussex county, with Georgetown being a good center for the edifice.

Representative Ruth King of the 37th district is a proponent of the new hospital.

In August, Rep. Briggs King submitted to the Delaware Health Resources Board a letter of support for the new hospital, stating that the need for in-patient mental health services in Sussex County is great. In her correspondence, Rep. Briggs King also said that “through personal family experience I know the challenges and difficulties that Sussex County residents must endure when faced with mental health care needs.”

She also wrote, “The lack of available beds, opportunities to visit, or participate in a plan of care are all impacted by the distance of the nearest facility. As a medical professional for over 20 years, I am ever mindful of our first and foremost duty, ‘do no harm.'”

I did not know Briggs-King was a medical professional. I thought she sold real estate.

Body Cameras on Delaware police?

delrighttidbitsbodycamera9.26.15So the state is launching a pilot project for the use of body cameras on Delaware police….both state and local.

Delaware officials are requesting proposals from “body camera” manufacturers to launch a statewide pilot project to evaluate the use of the devices.

The proposed project would utilize about a dozen cameras that would be worn by state and municipal police throughout Delaware.

In announcing the project earlier this week, Department of Safety and Homeland Security (DSHS) Secretary Lew Schiliro indicated the trial period would last 30 to 45 days.

It seems to me that wearing body cameras by the police is a good idea; I don’t see many negatives about it besides cost, perhaps.

But with all the variations of police arrests versus criminals, if the technology is available seems to me it should be used.

Complexity of Color Coalition-What is This?

Pat & Frank:
I am contacting you on behalf of Delaware’s Complexities of Color Coalition.

The first in a series of town hall meetings on criminal justice and race will be taking place in Lewes this Thursday, September 24th at 7pm.

A news release is pasted below.

I thank you.

Jon Crane
Critical PR


Life or Death: A Critical Look at Criminal Justice and Race
Sussex County Town Hall Meeting
September 24th at 7:00PM in Lewes

The Complexities of Color Coalition, the NAACP-DE, the Delaware Repeal Project, and the Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware are announcing the first in a series of four town hall meetings to address the racial inequities in Delaware’s criminal justice system. It will take place on September 24th at 7:00PM in Lewes (details below).

The message to the political establishment will be clear – it’s time for change in Delaware – the black community is finished with business as usual and determined that its agenda will finally be addressed.

I must say thanks to Jon Crane and his notification to me and Frank about upcoming meetings of an organization called “Complexities of Color Coalition”. The first meeting, as indicated in the quote, has passed but there are schedule several more. If I get notice I will be happy to publish.

Let me be honest here, folks, if I can….Steve? Jeff?

Cause this sounds like a chapter of “Black Lives Matter” and again….nothing wrong with this. But like every case brought to the attention of the public by that organization, the story is never quite right as reported. And I’m not convinced that there are major racial inequities in Delaware’s criminal justice system.

But hey, I will pay attention to where this goes and report back. I have an open mind, rest assured, but not so open my brains fall out.

Register of Wills Goes “Green”

Indeed Sussex county’s Register of Wills, Cindy Green, has converted her office to a mostly paperless office that will make filing of wills and all associated both simpler and cheaper.

Kudos to Cindy and her crew….nice job.

The Sussex County Register of Wills Office is excited about its new e-filing system that allows attorneys to file most important paperwork electronically as well as allowing them to pay fees online.
“I’m enthusiastic about anything that saves time and money, especially when we use less paper,” said Register of Wills Cindy Green

Byron Short Throws Hat in Ring Against Bryan Townsend

I love it when the Democrats fight amongst themselves. It happens so seldom; Republicans do that mostly.delritetidbitsbyroinshort9.23.15

But we now have two primary contenders in the race to fill John Carney’s seat, Delaware’s only Representative in America’s House.

Now I’m waiting for the Republican contender to announce.

Rosie Perez to have them Start Their Engines

I honestly do not know who Rosie Perez is but on 10/4 she will be starting the Nascar Sprint Cup. She has been named the Grand Marshall and hey, if it brings business to Delaware it’s mostly a good thing, right?

Another committee to study state expenditures

Folks I have no idea what this is all about because we’ve already had the so-called “Round Table” report and now we have this new committee to study state expenditures.

Governor Jack Markell announced Friday afternoon the creation of the Delaware Expenditure Review Committee.
Established under Executive Order 52, the 12-member bipartisan committee is tasked with reviewing state government services to determine if they can be delivered more efficiently, more effectively, or can be performed at less expense to taxpayers.

No legislator will sit on the committee, which will instead include leaders drawn from government and the private sector:

• Chairman Fred Sears – Delaware Community Foundation, Committee Chairperson
• Fred Cottrell – Richards, Layton & Finger
• Rick Gessner – representing the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce
• Dennis Greenhouse – Former County Executive and State Auditor
• The Hon. Joshua Martin – Chairperson of the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council
• Robert McMurray – Christiana Care Health System
• Mike Morton – Controller General
• Ed Ratledge – University of Delaware
• Jack Riddle – Community Bank
• Jeff Taschner – Delaware State Education Association
• Ann Visalli – Director of the Office of Management and Budget
• Lincoln Willis – Former State Representative; Willis Chevrolet


Except it seems to me, jus’ sayin’, that this is just a way for Markell to put off any spending cuts until after the 2016 election. And look at those members! Willis Chevrolet? Delaware State Education Association?

I’m not buying anything that will come out of this.

I do not respond to comments on my posts. I certainly have no problem with such commentary and, indeed, encourage it. But I’ve written my piece and I don’t want to argue it further.

Please feel free to email me at patfish1@aol.com if you want to send me a special comment or have any ideas or information you want to share.

NEXT : Got some Sunday political talk show coming up and no doubt it will be all Pope all of the time. Sussex county council next week, some post in pics and, of course, more tidbits.

2 Comments on "Political Gossip and Tidbits Wandering About The Small Wonder That is Delaware-The 9/26/15 Edition"

  1. tony stark says:

    Why do pat’s scoops appear Weeks earlier in the newspapers than on her posts here? ?

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