As we await news of the testing being done in Houston, Texas at the world-renowned cancer treatment hospital, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, concerning Delaware’s Attorney General Beau Biden, we here at Delaware Right would like to send our heart-felt prayers and best wishes to Beau and his family.
It is at times like these when we must not allow our political agendas, and ideological differences to supersede our humanity.
We hope that the news will be positive, we will not even speculate on what may or may not be wrong with Mr. Biden.
We wish him a speedy recovery.
That was classy Frank and Delaware Right
It was also the right thing to do
Congrads. And I’ll add my good wishes to Beau with yours
A far more decent way to handle this situation than what I heard on WGMD, where the ignorant host and callers were calling Beau Biden’s health problems “Karma.”
This kind of reaction from Frank is how Republicans take back power in Dover. What I heard on WGMD will help to keep Republicans in the basement forever.
Frank wasn’t the author of this piece, he hasn’t even commented. I wish young Biden well. Use of AF II for a personal matter such as this reeks of abuse.
Tuxamus Maximushas read and heard comments all week that has taken hate to a new level of low.
Tuxamus Maximus usually takes a moment on Fridays to wish all (even WC whatever moniker being used and Don A) a great weekend but for now Tuxamus Maximus is so stunned by the week comments, both written and spoken, that doing so for all this week may not be wise aside from those that have been placed on a pedestal in the house of Tuxamus Maximus. For the most part it’s been nothing but crickets here on Mr. Knotts site and Tuxamus Maximus thinks that is a good thing considering this weeks comments elsewhere.
Tuxamus Maximus would like to add the likes of Nobody, Nitpicker and anon to that select group of people that for some reason fight the battle of thinking that shows compassion and something other than hateful thinking in both the written and spoken form.
Tuxamus Maximus knows, as do most decent humans, that ‘karma’ can come back to bite really hard and that cancer of any kind knows no boundaries. It’s a sad turn of events for Tuxamus Maximus to read, and hear, all that has transpired this week. At times it has been nothing short of stunning and unthinkable.
Tuxamus Maximus wants to thank Mr. Knotts for at least posting the piece.
The LAFFING family would like to Tux Max family to enjoy yet another wonderful weekend!
And for Tux Max to know they have pedestal status as well
Laffter did not hear the comments directly ……only thru othersthat can actually listen to the evil being spewed….
There is no other word other than evil to attribute to those very sad ,sad. People…..
Of course I am also sure the Bush twins flew on Air Force II and neither of them were in the military either.
We forget that Beau Biden is a member of our Armed Forces, served his time, overseas, away from his family, is a young man, and has young children. His father, is a concerned father as any father would be.
Lets overlook the little ” transgressions” if the darn plane was flying anyway- isn’t it just more economical to fill it up instead of wasting av gas on one VIP……let it go….
I hope his health improves but I also hope Delaware can have a political life without the Biden name.
How about a political life without the Prtoack name….
Oh , that’s right, we do have actual politicians, not a Protack in the bunch
Who knew?
Tuxamus Maximus has been listening to the crickets for the most part. Tree Frogs as well. reading the loony toons at that other place and wondering why Don A has to make more comments on his post than all the others combined. He must really have it in for the DSP. It’ll all come out in time.
Tuxamus Maximus hopes all have a GREAT (and hopefully long) weekend except those that made the ‘karma’ comments last week. That’s been played a few times around here (so that something other than the crickets are heard) just as a reminder that there are a few people out there that really do walk among us.