Promises, Promises

42 Comments on "Promises, Promises"

  1. Rick says:

    The left- and that includes Our Little Red Star- wants high unemployment because this creates more wards of the state, an ever-growing and important component of the Socialist-Democrat’s voting base. BO and his quislings care as much about the economy as they do about your health. Destroy the economy, destroy the healthcare system, create a constituency. Simple, and straight out of Marx and Engels.

  2. kavips says:

    Rick’s above comment is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say…

    The left wants high unemployment because this creates more wards of the state…

    Really? What planet do you live on? That makes as much sense as saying the right wants toilet paper with holes in it so their fingers can slip through. Both are made up pronouncements; both have no basis in fact.

  3. delacrat says:

    The people over at DP would agree with the views expressed by Rick and that stupid cartoon.

    I hope that gives you pause.

  4. Rick says:

    Really? What planet do you live on?

    The parasite class, particularly inter-generational “entitlement” addicts, always vote for the Socialist-Democrats. This is why, on Election Day in our major cities, buses are lined-up to take these “victims” of capitalism to the polls. Of course, since many of these people are illiterate, sample ballots are provided with the appropriate “suggestions” as to whom to vote for. This is how Reid won in NV- by carrying the “undocumented” hotel worker vote in Vegas.

    Related, by Foseti:

    In much of the Western world, in stark contrast [to first world Asian cities], barbarism has been normalized. It is considered simply obvious that cities have ‘bad areas’ that are not merely impoverished, but lethally menacing to outsiders and residents alike. Visitors are warned to stay away, whilst locals do their best to transform their homes into fortresses, avoid venturing onto the streets after dark, and – especially if young and male — turn to criminal gangs for protection, which further degrades the security of everybody else. Predators control public space, parks are death traps, aggressive menace is celebrated as ‘attitude’, property acquisition is for mugs (or muggers), educational aspiration is ridiculed, and non-criminal business activity is despised as a violation of cultural norms. Every significant mechanism of socio-cultural pressure, from interpreted heritage and peer influences to political rhetoric and economic incentives, is aligned to the deepening of complacent depravity and the ruthless extirpation of every impulse to self-improvement. Quite clearly, these are places where civilization has fundamentally collapsed, and a society that includes them has to some substantial extent failed.

    Care to dispute Foseti’s analysis?

  5. Tuxamus Maximus F & W says:

    Tuxamus Maximus F & W remember that the preceding President made a bunch of promises that never came true.

  6. delacrat says:


    I recommend you stop watching TV for one month and see how you feel.

  7. Tuxamus Maximus W says:

    Delacrat…aren’t these the ones we’re supposed to be concerned about? When we hear that they walk among us and we read that kind of stuff it’s really scary. It’s not a matter of if he makes the news one day but when he will make the news. What a rant to copy/paste. Paranoia is setting in on this one. A real true believer of something less than ‘normal’.

  8. Laffter says:

    One cannot dispute the analysis of a paranoid individual. Not stupid, just paranoid.

    That said…….what miserable , small lives they just lead, when all they read is this paranoid crap.

    I bet they would cross the street simply if another person of color was walking towards them. Make is 5 young men of color and they would be in full flight panic mode.

    Of course the GOOD news is here, is that when I wish to visit DC, or Philly or any large urban area, the do not have to compete for parking space, tickets or entrance into a venue I choose to visit – as many of our cultural treasure are in these city centers. And the Paranoai keeps them away.

    Which is good, coz it leaves all the more for me to enjoy. So thanks Paranoid RWNJS – I appreciate your staying out of town.

  9. Rick says:

    I recommend you stop watching TV for one month and see how you feel.

    Yeah, Foseti’s on TV a lot.

  10. nick says:

    Rick turn off fox noise and stop listening to that Drug Abusing Junkie Rush think for yourself

  11. Mike Protack says:

    The problem with Democrats and liberals is not that they can’t predict the future, they can’t predict the past.

    If unemployment benefits were a boom to the economy with all of the Obama jobless we should have 5% growth.

    As the social welfare state implodes some want to expand it.

    Stop looking at the government for all you need and instead look in the mirror, the reason you fail or succeed is in the mirror not a government program.

  12. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Mr. Protack around here we don’t don’t know how to predict the past because we find it much easier to remember it, or at least go back and read about what has happened. It is funny, maybe sad is a better word, to see how the same ‘event’ is remembered in so many varying ways. History seems to spin out of context, become distorted and used to portray ‘events’ that benefit the mind of those who want to use those ‘events’ for their benefit.

    We’ve read your ‘predictions’ for some time now and yet to see one come to fruition although they are rather vague at times so you could spin them into the ‘truth’ for your world.

  13. Laffter says:

    And Sher Valenzuela made it all on her own, without any special programs to help her
    no small business loans set aside for female and minority loans

    And the City of Milford made no concessions on her utility bills and taxes either I suppose

    I’m not saying that because she is a R – she’s is a nice lady and has worked harm, BUT, there were GOVERNEMNT PROGRMAS she used to help her and her business

    Democratic business people do the same

    I’m just saying what Protack is selling is BUNK

  14. Rick says:

    Rick turn off fox noise and stop listening to that Drug Abusing Junkie Rush think for yourself.

    I don’t listen to Rush very often…boring. I do however listen to Mark Levin, and I’ve read two of his books. Brilliant man.

    I notice that none of my detractors addressed Foseti’s short article. Instead, they attacked me. This is the typical modus operendi of those who can’t formulate a cogent argument against the position. It is the technique used by oppressive states and petty dictators alike.

    I realize you’re flummoxed, but see if you can summon-up enough initiative to explain exactly what is erroneous about Foseti’s position.

  15. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Tuxamus Maximus reads that Rick wants a Foseti comment. OK… YEECH. TM is ‘Ralphing’ at the porcelain throne (relieving that flummoxed feeling).

    Judge Judy says this occasionally: If you don’t like where you’re living MOVE.

    Obviously Foseti lives in a place (or planet) that he should move from rather quickly. Maybe he should follow the ‘sheriff’ (using the title loosely) to wherever he moves to after the next election?

    Foseti should move to the places that are NOT “places where civilization has fundamentally collapsed”. Hit the trail running and don’t look back! We can suggest a few places he would fit in well starting with that group that’s putting together people that want to live on MARS using a one way ticket.

    That make your day for a comment Rick?

    TM knows Laffter is ROFLOL!

  16. delacrat says:

    As a public service , I googled. ” Foseti”.

    Foseti can be contacted directly at

    Foseti is, ahem, “the Friscian god of Justice, Peace and Truth”.

    Rick whines that “none of my detractors addressed Foseti’s short article. Instead they attacked me.”

    Well, Rick, do think anyone is going to take seriously a claimant to divinity, whose faith went defunct centuries ago, and actually address what s/he or it says ?

    C’mon Rick. this is 21st century USA, not 1st century Friscia !

    You don’t need Foseti. You need Jesus.

  17. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Delacrat is now on tonight’s toast list!

  18. Laffter says:

    Ohhhhhhhh, i can hear the burn of the sizzle from here.

  19. Rick says:

    Foseti should move to the places that are NOT “places where civilization has fundamentally collapsed”. Hit the trail running and don’t look back! We can suggest a few places he would fit in well starting with that group that’s putting together people that want to live on MARS using a one way ticket.

    I don’t live in El Paso, but I know we need a fence.

    Rick whines that “none of my detractors addressed Foseti’s short article. Instead they attacked me.”
    Well, Rick, do think anyone is going to take seriously a claimant to divinity, whose faith went defunct centuries ago, and actually address what s/he or it says ?

    Is your name really ‘Delacrat?’ Good God, man…use your head.

    Since you’re all unable to contest Foseti’s (correct) analysis, I’ll assume you agree with it.

  20. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Apparently Rick didn’t feel that the comment we posted earlier as well as that of Delacrat didn’t count as contesting Foseti’s interplanetary analysis. Selective reading can result in missing important information just as selective hearing causes failure to hear all that is spoken.

    Rick, while building your spaceship you must follow the directions to the word. Don’t miss a step or you won’t make it home and we’re sure they miss you on planet Foseti.

    We hope this works in contesting Foseti’s ‘analysis’. Otherwise please put your glasses on the front part of your head.

    Back to the game being played in Denver, Colorado USA of planet Earth now!

  21. Kevin L. Lagola says:

    This Article sums up Obama’s ineptness.

  22. Rick says:

    Apparently Rick didn’t feel that the comment we posted earlier as well as that of Delacrat didn’t count as contesting Foseti’s interplanetary analysis. Selective reading can result in missing important information just as selective hearing causes failure to hear all that is spoken.

    How do comments like this ‘contest’ Foseti’s analysis?

    Rick…I recommend you stop watching TV for one month and see how you feel.

    Rick, turn off fox noise and stop listening to that Drug Abusing Junkie Rush think for yourself?

    … Foseti lives in a place (or planet) that he should move from rather quickly. Maybe he should follow the ‘sheriff’ (using the title loosely) to wherever he moves to after the next election?

    Well, Rick, do think anyone is going to take seriously a claimant to divinity, whose faith went defunct centuries ago, and actually address what s/he or it says ?

    None of these lame responses address Foseti’ s analysis.

    Now, I suppose many of you come from rural areas or a small burg like Wilmidelphia. I was born in Washington D.C., and lived in the area for years. Believe me, Foseti’s piece is spot-on. I could take you to places in Washington on a Saturday night (say Anacostia), drop you off on a corner, and they’d be a strong possibility that you would die that night.

    Many of our major cities have third-world enclaves. It’s like another country. As Foseti wrote, there is no real economy, the streets (especially at night) are dangerous, schools are a joke, and those normal people stuck in such neighborhoods do attempt to turn their homes into fortresses and would never venture into a public park after nightfall.

    Otherwise please put your glasses on the front part of your head.

    If you goal is self-parody, you’ve succeeded in an exemplary manner.

    More from Foseti:

    To call the belief in substantial human equality a superstition is to insult superstition. It might be unwarranted to believe in leprechauns, but at least the person who holds to such a belief isn’t watching them not exist, for every waking hour of the day. Human inequality, in contrast, and in all of its abundant multiplicity, is constantly on display, as people exhibit their variations in gender, ethnicity, physical attractiveness, size and shape, strength, health, agility, charm, humor, wit, industriousness, and sociability, among countless other features, traits, abilities, and aspects of their personality, some immediately and conspicuously, some only slowly, over time. To absorb even the slightest fraction of all this and to conclude, in the only way possible, that it is either nothing at all, or a ‘social construct’ and index of oppression, is sheer Gnostic delirium: a commitment beyond all evidence to the existence of a true and good world veiled by appearances. People are not equal, they do not develop equally, their goals and achievements are not equal, and nothing can make them equal. Substantial equality has no relation to reality, except as its systematic negation. Violence on a genocidal scale is required to even approximate to a practical egalitarian program, and if anything less ambitious is attempted, people get around it (some more competently than others).

    The left knows this all too well, which is why they are so dedicated to social engineering and the guaranteed mediocrity of equal outcomes.

  23. delacrat says:


    If you want an explanation for why Anacostia is the way it is, then consult someone from Anacostia, not the Friscian god of Justice, Peace and Truth.

  24. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Rick…DC wants you back in those very corners. Some of us have lived in the DC area and don’t have those worries at all.
    Take a moment and try to imagine how little we care about your view of things in places we don’t plan to be.
    Been like that for decades…not going to change.

  25. Rick says:

    Foseti didn’t really try to ‘explain’ anything. His piece was a description of the conditions in the inner city. And, as anyone who has ventured into the crappy areas of any large city in America knows, his description is accurate.

    Or course, you could try to refute his analysis, if you can manage to focus on what he wrote rather than why he wrote it, the mythological origins of his handle, his motivations or Rush Limbaugh.

    I’m still waiting. Show me what is wrong with Foseti’s short analysis. As of now, your aggregate grade is a resounding ‘F.’

    No matter. The Dark Enlightenment grows daily, on the internet, out if the glare of big media. The Truth is out there- remove your blinders and see the obvious.

  26. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Rick, we’ll get right on that if you promise to take a deep breathe and hold it for about 10 days. Maybe the Enterprise will beam you up in that time?

  27. Rick says:

    No, I’ll be looking for Capt. Applewhite and the Heaven’s Gate spacecraft.

  28. delacrat says:

    OK Rick, you want analysis, I’ll give you analysis.

    “People are not equal….” – Foseti, Adolf, Benito, etc….

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” – The United States Declaration of Independence, tuxamus, kavips, laffter, nick, delacrat

    This is America. We are all equal. Get with the program.

  29. Rick says:

    All men are created equal in rights… even your average eighth-grader knows that.

    Did you read the essay? If so, how can you possibly dispute what he said? Are people equal in ambition? Are people equal in intelligence? Are people equal in empathy? Judgement? Courage? Get real.

  30. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    That works for us Hale-Bopp. Explains a lot.

  31. delacrat says:


    “Are people equal in ambition? Are people equal in intelligence? Are people equal in empathy? Judgement? Courage?”

    History shows those are ugly questions, eliciting ugly answers from very ugly and dangerous people.

  32. Rick says:

    History shows those are ugly questions, eliciting ugly answers from very ugly and dangerous people.

    When differences in ability, etc., become the focus of politics, I agree. However, I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that you are referring to right wing regimes, such as Hitler’s Germany.

    We need to remember that the hero of the ‘women’s’ right to choose’ movement and founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was an inveterate proponent of eugenics as a solution to what she euphemistically referred to as ‘social problems.’ And among the leftist elite, she was hardly alone. Hence, the right has no monopoly on socioeconomic elitism.

    Let’s look at it from another perspective; isn’t the attempt to equalize socioeconomic outcomes just as dangerous and pernicious? After all, it has been tried in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and so on, and it never works. And it never works because there are differences in ability among any population, and in an attempt to ‘equalize’ outcomes you only suppress the innovation and creativity that is invariably the product of a rather small fraction of the population. In a system where equal outcomes becomes the primary political goal, there can be no Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Egalitarianism is not a motivator for creation- self-interest is.

    The best solution for true equality is freedom. The freedom to produce, to buy and to sell, without government interference. In other words, a society envisioned by the Founders.

    Nick Land:

    Political agents invested with transient authority by multi-party democratic systems have an overwhelming (and demonstrably irresistible) incentive to plunder society with the greatest possible rapidity and comprehensiveness. Anything they neglect to steal – or ‘leave on the table’ – is likely to be inherited by political successors who are not only unconnected, but actually opposed, and who can therefore be expected to utilize all available resources to the detriment of their foes. Whatever is left behind becomes a weapon in your enemy’s hand. Best, then, to destroy what cannot be stolen. From the perspective of a democratic politician, any type of social good that is neither directly appropriable nor attributable to (their own) partisan policy is sheer waste, and counts for nothing, whilst even the most grievous social misfortune – so long as it can be assigned to a prior administration or postponed until a subsequent one – figures in rational calculations as an obvious blessing. The long-range techno-economic improvements and associated accumulation of cultural capital that constituted social progress in its old (Whig) sense are in nobody’s political interest. Once democracy flourishes, they face the immediate threat of extinction.

    Which is why..(Steve H. Hanke, ‘On Democracy Versus Liberty’):

    Most people, including most Americans, would be surprised to learn that the word “democracy” does not appear in the Declaration of Independence (1776) or the Constitution of the United States of America (1789). They would also be shocked to learn the reason for the absence of the word democracy in the founding documents of the U.S.A. Contrary to what propaganda has led the public to believe, America’s Founding Fathers were skeptical and anxious about democracy. They were aware of the evils that accompany a tyranny of the majority. The Framers of the Constitution went to great lengths to ensure that the federal government was not based on the will of the majority and was not, therefore, democratic.

    If the Framers of the Constitution did not embrace democracy, what did they adhere to? To a man, the Framers agreed that the purpose of government was to secure citizens in John Locke’s trilogy of the rights to life, liberty and property.

    The Constitution is primarily a structural and procedural document that itemizes who is to exercise power and how they are to exercise it. A great deal of stress is placed on the separation of powers and the checks and balances in the system. These were not a Cartesian construct or formula aimed at social engineering, but a shield to protect the people from the government. In short, the Constitution was designed to govern the government, not the people.

    Note; I’m not here to persuade, but rather, to offer perspectives from modern political philosophers that some of you may have never heard of. You have your own eyes and your own brains. Just bear in mind that the objective of most modern governments is to manipulate, intimidate, lie, propagandize and steal.

  33. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Hale Bopp you had us for a moment or two but we lost interest quickly. Part of the job description here is to, when time allows, go back and read past posts and have gone back years now. Having read many of your comments we wonder what our country would be like if your kind ruled. Would it be a combination of the 3rd riech, Stalinism, Genghis Kahn or just our way or leave/be jailed to hard labor for not thinking like us? No reply needed as we know the answer would be absurd. Thankfully you, and your ilk, are heavily outnumbered.

    HTM gracefully retires from this thread now.

  34. Latter says:

    One thing is clear, Rick thinks he is far more ” EQUAL” than anybody else.

    Leave society to it’s own devices and the vices of Man without morals will quickly destroy itself.

    That far right wing and the theocrats NEED it’s religious intolerance and rules because they are unable or unwilling to live and accept others as they are.

    Yes, all men are CREATED equal, however my ambition is not equal to the ambition of another, my ambition is to see all people secure in peace and justice.
    While Ricks ambition seems to be the desire to LORD IT OVER the rest of have while others have not

    This is the utopia of Rick and his ilk, the utopia of those who for centuries felt it their devine right to exploit the resources of the world that we are the stewards of, the resources of our human capital and to put it to use for the benefit of only themselves.

    Yes, there is a war, a war between those who wish the share the resources given us for the benefit of all mankind , and those who wish to use it to propel only themselves into a utopia of their creation. While others suffer and die

    While not meant to be a religious treatise, take is as you will, secular or spiritual.

    Be choose your side carefully.

  35. Rick says:


  36. Rick says:

    One thing is clear, Rick thinks he is far more ” EQUAL” than anybody else.

    Why? Because you say so? Who are you, Nostradamus? Or just a common egomaniac?

    That far right wing and the theocrats NEED it’s religious intolerance and rules because they are unable or unwilling to live and accept others as they are.

    The postmodern left exemplifies the intolerance of the seeds of their ideology- the Putitans of New England. The only difference is that the church has been supplanted by the State. Do you think that it is a coincidence that the Clinton’s, Bush, Omaba and Romney all went to Yale or Harvard?

    This is why the Dark Enlightenment calls modern society The Cathedral. Rand, CS Lewis, Bradbury and many others saw it coming. And now, on the internet, the curtain is being drawn, and reality is being revealed.

  37. Rick says:

    Re; Tea Party…from Real Clear Politics…

    Insurgent conservatives seeking to pull the Republican Party to the right raised more money last year than the groups controlled by the party establishment, whose bulging bank accounts and ties to major donors have been their most potent advantage in the running struggle over the party’s future, according to new campaign filings and interviews with officials.

    The shift in fortunes among the largest and most influential outside political groups could have an enormous impact in the 2014 election cycle, as the warring Republican factions prepare to square off in a series of Senate and House primaries around the country and as Republican leaders seek to rein in activists who they believe have fractured and endangered the party with policies that alienate independent-leaning voters.

    Groups representing the party establishment, like Karl Rove’s Crossroads, are struggling to bring in the level of cash they raised in 2012, when Crossroads spent more than $300 million in a failed effort to defeat President Obama and retake the Senate, leaving donors grumbling that their dollars had been wasted.

    Carry the base, articulate a clear contrast to the Socialist-Democrat left, and you’ll carry the ‘independent’ moderates, too.

    The McConnell/Boehner ‘establishment’ is a failure.

  38. Tuxamus Maximus F says:

    Ok…so Hale Bopp can copy/paste even more drivel. All we want to know is…AND? Care to expand with your own thinking Hale Bopp?

  39. Rick says:

    Numbers are numbers…and the so-called TEA Party organizations (anti-establishment) are bringing in more cash than the country-club ‘experts’ like Rove. At the presidential level, conservative candidates win, malleable, finger-in-the-wind ‘moderates’ lose. Big donors are tired of backing losers.

    As an aside, I notice that the latest poll shows Scott Brown even with Shaheen in NH, and he hasn’t even announced his candidacy yet. That’s likely to be another GOP pickup.

  40. Tuxamus Maxamus W says:

    This is really the whole of HTM and everyone is here! Full house and more to enjoy the 70in Sharp for the game. I’m just the one at the keyboard sharing house comments.

    Hale Bopp has poll numbers! Even aside poll numbers!! When this news flash was read aloud to the house it took a while for the laughter (that’s the light in the sky for a polar swimming Laffter) to subside. When it did TM4 stated they had to be “Heritage numbers” and the riot started all over again! If Hale Bopp would kindly supply the source of these polls so we could all have even more of what Laffter provides so often.

    We would consider naming Hale Bopp ‘Laughter” but our appreciation of Laffter won’t allow us to do that as he might consider it an insult from us and that’s not going to happen here.

    Please comment with more silliness Hale Bopp! TMJ had to change clothes with that comment. Give it a shot and GO FOR TWO.

    Hale Bopp RULES!!!!! (the Ultra RWNJ ET types)

  41. Laffter says:

    Hey HTM, I love to laugh, and provide the same to others, and the RWNJS give me so much material to do so…..that I am often wiping tears out of my eyes.

    Hale Bopp works well………..

    I often try to look out 10-15-20 years and besides pushin up daisies , I wonder where the RWNJS will be

    My prediction is having their diapers changed, and their prescriptions filled courtesy of…………….OBAMACARE.

    Wonder how that sits with them, knowing that…..

  42. House Tuxamus Maximus says:

    Laffter the RWNJ’s will in the years to come be very appreciative of Obama just as they are now of Mr. Clinton. Notice how they don’t bother to mention or praise the bush 43 as the was something swept under the rug.

    We’re glad you like the “Hale Bopp” and that he responds to it just as Richard Cranium does his but that Hale Bopp gave it to us on a silver platter, as did Richard Cranium is simply priceless.

    Will have something soon for the ‘Integrity’ thread we hope you and others enjoy.

Got something to say? Go for it!