This is the report, put together by Marianne B “Mimi” Drew, Rear Admiral, USN (Ret.), regarding the male members of the Sussex County GOP Committee, and their degrading comments about women.
Let me say first and foremost, though I may disagree with some of the conclusions, and recommendations in this report, I have nothing but the utmost respect for Admiral Drew. She has a reputation above reproach.
Considering her investigation was done in the matter of a month, there is the possibility she was unable to encompass all of the back-stories. While she is no new comer to Sussex politics, she may not have a complete grasp of the personal animus at work within the committee.
She states on page 3 that in her interview with Duke Brooks, he stated that “his job as a talk show host is “ratings, rates, and revenues”. He said “his job is to get people talking and calling in”.
However, in her conclusions, page 10, conclusion 14, she states, “And current rules show no opportunity for censure that I could find”.
Well I beg to differ. Sussex County GOP rules state that members may be removed for, “a. Scandal, personal or public, defined as behavior resulting in negative publicity for the Republican Party as determined by a simple majority vote of the SCEC.”
I know, because this is the rule that the Committee used to remove me, for writing a blog, where my goal is to start a conversation and get people to comment. Sound familiar? Also the precedent was actually set by Mr. Duke Brooks who brought the motion to remove me.
As I said, I disagree with the conclusions in this report. I happen to think the comments were gender attacks. But hey, I’m a man, it’s not for me to say what should, or should not offend women. The fact that a large number of Republican women were offended by the comments is enough for me.
Admiral Drew also seems to fall prey to the idea, that because the male members did not identify themselves as members of the Committee, this somehow minimizes what they said. The thing is, the female members of the Committee know who these men are by name and voice, they also now know how these men feel about their female counterparts. They are now expected to sit alongside these men and ignore what was said.
The real bombshell however comes in the Recommendation section of the report, in the very first recommendation.
Admiral Drew recommends that the Committee be disbanded for one year. She suggest, the fact the riff in the Committee will continue to grow, and likely reach a peak during the upcoming elections, it would be better to disband the Committee now and avoid the negative effect the Committee has had, and will continue to have upon candidates during the elections.
Of course it will come as no surprise to anyone, on this point I would agree 100% with Admiral Drew. In fact, I have been saying for months, the best thing that could happen to the Republican Party, not only in Sussex, but in Delaware, is that this so-called Committee, would cease to exist. Whether because they can raise no money, or whether they follow the recommendation of this report.
Chairman Carroll brought this report to the entire Committee tonight during the monthly meeting. He only briefly discussed it, preferring to allow the RDs to distribute it to the EDs. He did speak briefly about the recommendation to disband.
He then informed the Committee his intention was to do exactly what Admiral Drew had recommended against. He stated that he intended to hold several special meetings of the Advisory Board to discuss how to move forward and insure a mending of the riff.
So that means that it may be months before any so-called solutions will be decided upon, putting us right in the middle of the primary season and the upcoming elections.
While on the surface asking for the investigation, and publicizing the report appears to be a move in the right direction, my personal opinion is that nothing will come from this. The same actors will be in place within the Committee, and their attitudes will not have changed concerning those they see as opposition. Whether from within, or without the party.
I will give credit, where credit is due. I commend Chairman Carroll for his openness and transparency concerning this report.
Considering her investigation was done in the matter of a month, there is the possibility she was unable to encompass all of the back-stories. While she is no new comer to Sussex politics, she may not have a complete grasp of the personal animus at work within the committee.
She states on page 3 that in her interview with Duke Brooks, he stated that “his job as a talk show host is “ratings, rates, and revenues”. He said “his job is to get people talking and calling in”.
Which is true. Right?
However, in her conclusions, page 10, conclusion 14, she states, “And current rules show no opportunity for censure that I could find”.
Well I beg to differ.
You don’t ‘beg” to differ. You whine about every GOP decision you don’t agree with.Of course, you have a right to be a perpetual crybaby, just like any other Democrat.
Sussex County GOP rules state that members may be removed…
Key word; “may.”
Admiral Drew recommends that the Committee be disbanded for one year…it will come as no surprise to anyone, on this point I would agree 100% with Admiral Drew….
As do I. But for different reasons. First, it will eliminate Frank’s incessant crybaby whining, at least on the subject of the committee. Second, the GOP dominates Sussex elections anyway (although you’d never know it if you listen to Frank).
I respectfully disagree with the recommendation to disband. There is significant entertainment value in their activities. Additionally, there is also much to be gained in understanding their values and how well they live (or not) them. In short, I am always interested in public displays of hypocrisy from the holier than thou crowd.
Rick, so now I am a Democrat. You might want to check my registration before making such a statement.
“The key word is may”. No Rick the key word is has. That committee has removed people under that rule, if they weren’t a bunch of hypocrites they would show some consistency and remove these male members.
As for your Duke Brooks impersonation, claiming that the GOP dominates Sussex, well you are correct. People who vote for Republicans in Sussex dominate. Republican elected officials dominate in Sussex.
But this committee dominates nothing but their own thoughts.
Once again Rick, answer the question, since 2010, how much money has the Sussex GOP contributed to even one Republican candidate?
I’ll wait right here while you look it up and then come back and call me a Democrat again.
The key word is may”. No Rick the key word is has. That committee has removed people under that rule…
No, they key word is “may,” because it obviously infers “may not”…which is what happened.
Rick, so now I am a Democrat…
Actually, this is what I posted…
You whine about every GOP decision you don’t agree with. Of course, you have a right to be a perpetual crybaby, just like any other Democrat.
Once again Rick, answer the question, since 2010, how much money has the Sussex GOP contributed to even one Republican candidate?
Good God, who cares? In Sussex, the GOP holds all but three elected offices.
Wrong-Way Rick, wrong again. In a one-party situation like Sussex County, it becomes MORE important to gain control of the single party, not less.
Are you this incompetent at your real job?
Is there an executive summary?
is WGMD going to be sued as well for slander and libel???? see Lacey, that’s how it doesn’t work