For Giggles and Grins, let’s take a look at the 2016 Governor’s race, Let’s discuss how it’s shaping up, both Democrat and Republican.

Come join in as we ruminate on the current declared candidates for Delaware’s Governor and snark on a couple of local politicos we never see. It’s a fun read, come on in.

For sure I will not respond to any comments on this post but I encourage a rollicking debate if it comes to that. Because some of the candidates seem to raise a lot of ire around here but still we must discuss.

So far as I know, there are two candidates who threw their hat in the ring for a chance in the Republican primary. There is a few on the Democratic side but only one that matters. That is he who will probably be Delaware’s next Governor.

dr11.09.15governorracepostlaceylaffertyLacey Lafferty is an announced candidate for Governor and, indeed, she has a big billboard up on Route 9, she travels the state, she really works it. Lacey is an ED in her district for the Sussex GOP so again, she’s working it.

Colin Bonini has announced his intention to run for Governor on the Republican ticket as well.


I am choosing to make no comment on the lawsuit Lafferty is waging on this Blog due to untrue things, as alleged, co-Blogger Frank Knotts said about her and some co-plaintiffs. Although it is impossible for me to ignore this fact with my proffered wisdom here because I consider this lawsuit a negative for Lacey.

Now let me insert that bit about this being my opinion and everything. Your mileage may vary, as the online phrase it.

Okay, Sen. Bonini is running. Goodness, didn’t this guy get beat by Chip Flowers?

And doesn’t he have a history of, eh….lying? Kudos to Delawareliberal for the story of Bonini’s dr11.09.15governorsracecolinboninimissing MPA.

I’m sorry yon ladies and gems, but there’s something used-car-salesman about Colin Bonini. I’m one of the common people, I can smell it a mile away.

As for Lafferty, I interviewed Lacey back when she had Bill Christy running her campaign. Of course I liked her, who wouldn’t? She’s a nice, likeable, friendly person. Understand that’s pretty much the extent of my contact with Lacey besides an occasional Hi at the monthly Sussex GOP meeting.

And so far Lacey hasn’t said she supports anything controversial that would cause me concern. As I recall with ageing brain cells Lacey specifically told me that she was not going to take a stand on the big issues until further into the campaign. Bear in mind yon reader that this interview was almost two years ago so such a sentiment at the time made a sort of sense.

But here we are about a year before the race and I don’t see much more coming from Lafferty save canned campaign rhetoric.

Not that there’s anything wrong with this. But it does bring me to my next point. Because another potential contender, Rep. Ruth Briggs-King, just picking a name out of the air, too might not have a list of stances should she be running for Governor. BUT….King does have a record of how she voted. A record that she can’t walk away from.

Thus I cast aspersions not on Lafferty’s lack of experience as if I much cared how many years an elected official might have sucked on the public teat, but an elected official will have a record of votes, committees, prior electoral strengths, that sort of thing.

I admire Lacey for her efforts. She might be spending her own money but I fail to see why that’s a drawback. She probably won’t win, even if she got the nomination. But probably no Republican will win. John Carney’s going to win. Everybody knows this. And finally, I will state here publicly that should Lacey Lafferty get the Republican nomination I will vote for her in the general election. Same with Colin Bonini as I hold my nose.

BUT, insert several more “buts” here… sure would be nice if one of the elected folks would step up dr11.09.15governorraceruthkingto the plate . Which is why I phoned into WGMD last week while Rep. King was on air and coyly queried about a possible run for the Governor for her.

She was nice about it. She didn’t say no. But she did say how a whole lot of money would be needed and she’s right. A whole lot of money for a probable lost cause.

Anyone who clicked into this thread expecting any kind of definite answer is hereby disappointed. Ruth Briggs-King would be a great Governor. She’s a bit short in stature but she has an honest conversational style that is very appealing. I might add that she’s a female….remember Ruth Minner?

I don’t see King getting a whole lot out of throwing her hat and going through the gruel of a campaign for Governor. Sometimes people run for losing causes just for exposure. Ruth King is well ensconced in the Delaware legislature, comfortable and assured. Republicans moved in on things involving brains, like Ken Sempler, that kind of thing.

I’ll end this pondering with another possibility. Perhaps it would be a good time for an unknown candidate to step up. Brian Pettyjohn has a likeable way about him. I consider him a pretty good legislator for myself. And Pettyjohn has places to go, people to see, space and issues he needs to embrace. Same for Steve Smyk.

Ernest Lopez would also be a great candidate, handsome, nice family, well-spoken. He’s a little too Lewes though and Sussex county is getting fed up with Lewes and their endless bike trails.

Bryant Richardson, another dark horse. But it’s way too early for him to throw hat in ring.

You never know, something really odd might happen and the state might suddenly turn red. The Republican party should have someone in the race just in case.
I do not respond to comments on my posts. I certainly have no problem with such commentary and, indeed, encourage it. But I’ve written my piece and I don’t want to argue it further.

Please feel free to email me at if you want to send me a special comment or have any ideas or information you want to share.

NEXT : Got all kinds of updates….more on DNREC, my court case continues on and it’s still a bit of a laugh, and the Sussex county council might have something interesting going on tomorrow.

2 Comments on "For Giggles and Grins, let’s take a look at the 2016 Governor’s race, Let’s discuss how it’s shaping up, both Democrat and Republican."

  1. Bill Christy says:

    Ms. Fish,
    Please allow me to make the following correction, about my involvement with Lafferty.
    When I was involved 27 months ago there was NO campaign. I was NEVER in charge or choreographing any campaign for Lafferty.
    I was approached and asked if I would consider being her Treasurer for PAC she wanted to set up. I agreed, I was the Treasurer for the Liberty PAC. that ended when I resigned 27 months ago in Aug 2013.

  2. Rick says:

    None of these mediocre GOP “front runners” has any chance whatsoever of being elected governor in this state. Only a political outsider with name recognition and money would stand a chance.

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