Okay, to all of the so-called protesters out in the streets protesting the victory of Donald Trump, too bad, he won. Our system worked, yes even the Electoral College, it worked exactly as it was designed, so stop the belly aching.
Let me say, I am in favor of the American people having the right to peacefully demonstrate their discontent with our government. The emphases is on the word “peacefully”. I am sure there are many people who are simply out there to do just that, however, there are likely many that are either just angry violent people, or possibly there are some who are professional agitators.
I say to the peaceful demonstrators, if you are in the middle of a protest, and suddenly it becomes violent, if property or people are being destroyed or hurt, then leave and go home, let the police identify the persons who would do such things. If you remain, then you are an accomplice for simply giving them cover. You also allow the media to portray all the demonstrations as violent.
Look, I understand people are not happy with the results, for some it is the fact that Trump will be our next President, some are more upset that their candidate Hillary lost. I have some bad news for you, Hillary Clinton lost the election, she will never be President, no matter how many protest there are, do not allow the agitators to draw you into something that is so un-American.
Now for the other side of the coin, to all the Trump supporters, the election is over, Hillary Clinton lost the election, she is never going to be President, so stop with justifying your vote for Trump, with how bad it would have been if Clinton had won, she didn’t.
Clinton does not get to choose her cabinet, she will never set the agenda for the nation, she will never make decisions about foreign affairs, she cannot defend or expand the Affordable Care Act, so stop using her as the boogeyman.
What is most important now is to hold the new president accountable for the things he promised, and the things he will attempt to do, and more importantly, hold him accountable for the things he is able to accomplish.
We are in the very earliest days of Donald Trump putting his team together, and having him talk about what he will attempt now that he is actually the president. And already we have seen some troubling signs of what we might expect.
Donald Trump has appointed Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist, a man who is being described as a white nationalist, among other troubling things. In pointing this out, we see Trump supporters turning a blind eye and justifying it by saying, “at least it’s not Hillary”.
He has stated that he will not be attempting to protect traditional marriage, because gay marriage is law. He has said he will repeal and replace the ACA, but has also said there are good things about it. I heard a sound bite in which he said on illegal immigration, he will begin the deportation of illegals with the criminal element, and those we can’t deport, we will incarcerate, well isn’t that what we do now? So he is saying we will continue to force the tax payers to house this criminal element, not exactly what his supporters envisioned I dare say.
And yet, his supporters still hold to the idea that it will be better than if Hillary were elected. Well let me say this again, Hillary Clinton lost the election, she will never be president. So to all the Trump supporters who have any intellectual honesty whatsoever, it is you who must keep your eyes wide open, and do not hesitate to point out his hypocrisy.
I know, because I have been anti-Trump from the beginning, it makes it very easy to discount my views as sour grapes, and honestly, there is a little of that by all means. But I had real fears during the campaign, I still have them, and his actions so far have only reinforced them for me. It will take people who supported him to speak up when he goes back on his word, rather than making excuses for him just because he is “your guy”.
I have to say, I don’t hold out much hope considering the amount of anger, and tribalism this election cycle has created, but we have survived some pretty hairy times as a nation, and I pray we survive this administration.
So it is time to get over it, all of us, it is also time to understand, Donald Trump is not your best friend, he is not your favorite sports team, he is however the next president, and I would expect all of us to hold him to the same standards as we do all elected officials, and not to give him a free pass simply because of who he defeated.
“So he is saying we will continue to force the tax payers to house this criminal element”
Are you suggesting the “penalty” for an illegal who commits a crime should be to be set free in Mexico? “Come to America, do whatever you want, and we’ll give you a free ride home!”
It’s okay, though, since Trump has hired Kris Kobach, who drafted Arizona’s “papers please” law that permitted detention of anyone who can’t prove their citizenship on the spot. That will work well with the new national “stop and frisk” policy. Between those two approaches, the private prison contractors are going to do great business building the processing camps for the people rounded up.
Fishbites, sorry, that was meant as ironic and sarcastic since it is likely how many Trump supporters would view it.
It’s hard to tell sarcasm from reality, and that is likely to continue.
“He has said he will repeal and replace the ACA, but has also said there are good things about it.”
…which is also not surprising, given the general depth of understanding that he demonstrates. He mentioned that one of the parts he likes is the ban on pre-existing conditions as a reason to deny coverage.
The problem is that he doesn’t seem to understand that the part about pre-existing conditions doesn’t work economically without mandated coverage. If you can go without health insurance, and then buy insurance when you get cancer, then the insurance market simply collapses.
Things may work out, though, as long as we scrap medicare and the VA. The big idea on the right there is to hand out coupons redeemable for “the medical care of your choice”. Of course, absent the inherent cost controls in medicare and the VA, those coupons aren’t going to buy you anything worthwhile, but the rubes aren’t going to realize that until after those structures are dismantled. But between the cost reduction in getting rid of medicare and the VA, plus the bonus of the value of the unredeemed vouchers, there’s room for another tax cut for the highest income earners.
But, to be honest, I’m waking up to the realization that I have spent entirely too much time being concerned about what happens to people who make less than 150k a year.
What is wrong with these coddled crybabies? No wonder they can’t find a job.
I don’t think that many conservatives were thrilled when Obama was elected in ’08. Was he hung in effigy? Were Obama supporters pulled from their cars and beaten? Did conservatives riot, destroy property, confront the police and obstruct business?
A lot of these young people really need to grow up, before it’s too late. The world doesn’t owe them anything. Losing is part of life- nobody wins all of the time. Shake it off and move on.
“Was he hung in effigy?”
Why, yes – Yes, he was. Many times. Do you have Alzheimer’s disease?
Oh, and Snopes and the police have already debunked your guy pulled from the car story. It was awful, but it wasn’t political. However, the Trump supporter who punched the women in the face at the Brooklyn restaurant and the Trump supporter (on video) at Ohio State who pushed a protestor down the stairs are true. You really need to study up on how the internet works. FYI, Rick: Those emails you receive aren’t really from Nigerian princes. You’re welcome.
“I say to the peaceful demonstrators, if you are in the middle of a protest, and suddenly it becomes violent, if property or people are being destroyed or hurt, then leave and go home, let the police identify the persons who would do such things. If you remain, then you are an accomplice ….” – Frank
You ought to find a street protest where you can lose your street protest virginity before you lecture the people doing it about it should be done.
Oh, and Snopes and the police have already debunked your guy pulled from the car story. It was awful, but it wasn’t political.
I saw the video. They were yelling “he voted for Trump.” How is that not “political?”
(Granted, it’s hard to say the acts of black thugs are political, since most of them can’t even read.)
It’s funny, roving bands of black thugs can’t commit a “hate crime.” Something tells me this situation might soon change, especially if Cruz becomes A.G.
Too bad, Pandora, about your leftist dream. LOL.
(I notice you still practice censorship at DL. Just like the petty Stalinist you are. Congratulations.)
The past administration kept telling us how they were going to fix our infrastructure with all the money that they printed ( I wish I had a dollar for every time Obama said “roads and bridges”)…. Well, we know what happened with that story.
If everything goes well, Trump will go on the biggest building spree since the the New Deal, and we will incur little debt from it.
Builder-in-Chief, no wars, “under budget, and ahead of schedule”.
FBH, I’m going to guess you haven’t been through the interchange at the top of DE 1 and I-95 in a few years. That was all funded through the recovery act.
FBH, here are where 140 million in Delaware ARRA funds were spent:
It includes:
Bridge Painting, South District: This project involves removal and replacement of the structural steel coating on the following bridges: Bridge 2-021A Rehoboth Boulevard in Milford completed June 21, 2011; Bridge 3-151 Front Street bridge painting completed December 9, 2011; and Bridge 3-154 Savannah Road in Lewes completed November 18, 2011. Contractor Marinis Brothers, Inc.; Project bid amount $837,286.38
“They were yelling “he voted for Trump.” How is that not “political?””
Because the altercation was the result of a car crash road rage incident. The insults and bystander comments were gratuitous, but had nothing to do with what had gone on.
If a group of white guys were assaulting a black guy, and the white bystanders were shouting, “he voted for Obama, beat his ass”, what do you think would happen?
One of the most entertaining aspects of politics for me is watching people twist and turn as they work their way around the double standards and hypocrisy.
And one of the most entertaining aspects for me is watching you guys pretend you were rebuilding infrastructure and stimulus. No running up the debt or deficit, guys.
And one of the most entertaining aspects of this post-election hysteria was watching leftists cry. Now, they throw a tantrum. Like any typical three-year-old.
What a bunch of pathetic losers.
Amen Rick!
Can’t say I found any aspect of this election to be entertaining. Maybe I should lighten up. Like Rick.
Wait till you people figure out he’s not going ahead with all the hateful racist crap you people voted for and instead he’s cutting the social security and medicare benefits of lower class white to give the 1% a tax cut.
I agree that Trump may not go ahead with all the options that we have, but he will bring those options to the negotiation table , and hopefully the US, and to a lesser extent all parties, will be satisfied.
You know as much about what he’s going to do as you did about the election itself- nothing.
Sessions as AG is a pretty good start.
Medicaid is bankrupt and Medicare is getting there- fast. Something has to be done.
Instead of giving millions to protesters and Hillary, maybe the Socialist-Democrats’ billionaire sugar-daddy, George Soros, could give some cash to charity?
No. Too busy trying to disrupt some country’s currency.
@Rick: I gather your view of Soros hasn’t changed since you rued that he wasn’t assassinated. Is Soros the sum of your enemy list or are there others you’d like to see done away with in similar fashion?
His attack on the British pound was an act of war. Had I been British PM, I would have ordered his assassination. Maybe a pepperoni and polonium pizza or polonium pasta primavera.
Vladimir’s Black Russian (a killer twist on an old favorite)
1 jigger dark Creme de Cacao
1 jigger Stoly vodka
2 oz. half-and-half
Shake vigorously and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with polonium.
@Rick: Soros did not attack the British pound. No act of war. He came to the conclusion that it was vastly over-valued because it was linked to a strengthening German mark. Soros bet that fixed exchange rates could not be sustained and that they would give way to natural market forces. He was right. When the Brits came to the same conclusion, they stopped pouring billions into keeping the pound artificially high, and they un-linked the pound to the mark. Soros’s bet paid off and he made a huge amount of money.
Now, isn’t that the American Way?
Yeah, the Hunt brothers didn’t do anything in the silver market, either.
Let Soros play his game with Russian currency, and see how long he lasts. Putin isn’t a British metrosexual weakling.
Funny how the Socialist-Democrats, the supposed “people’s party,” are bankrolled by billionaires.
@Rick: “Hillary may have barely won the popular vote, but the vast majority of the American land mass is decidedly Republican.
The popular vote now puts Hillary at 1.5 million in popular votes over Drumpf, but who’s counting? Surely not you, Rick. No, your focus is on sparsely populated land mass. Could there be a reason why so few people live there? Tell us, Rick. After all, you did write that you spent a very short while in Jefferson County Texas but then came fleeing back to the East Coast. And why is that? I’d have thought that the cultural norms there would be more to your liking.
Flyover country lives matter lol
Clinton’s lead is 1% of the popular vote, well within any margin of error. Hardly anything to get excited about when she got her butt handed to her in the electoral college and clearly lost the Presidency, again.
I don’t know what made democrats think that the establishment candidate from 2008 who lost to Obama could be repackaged as the “change” candidate in 2016. That scheme was never going to work.
…you did write that you spent a very short while in Jefferson County Texas but then came fleeing back to the East Coast. And why is that? I’d have thought that the cultural norms there would be more to your liking.
Jeff Davis County, not Jefferson County. I was there for a specific reason and for a specific time. We had no water or electric and it was hot. Plenty of rattlesnakes. Plenty of guns.
…popular vote now puts Hillary at 1.5 million in popular votes over Drumpf, but who’s counting…
Right, who’s counting? Nobody but the left. Because the states elect a president, not the people.I guess they don’t mention that in “Hamilton” (the most vociferous proponent of the Electoral College).
The Socialist-Democrats have been crushed at the state level in the past few years. They’ve lost around 1000 legislative seats. The GOP hold 33 governorships. Why does that matter?
@Rick: Yes, yes. Not questioning the LEGALITY of the election’s outcome–unlike what Drumpf was doing before any votes had even been cast. Rigged system and all that. Just saying that no president can lay claim to a mandate after losing the popular vote.
BTW, HRC’s lead now stands at 1.7 million. And several million votes in California still haven’t been counted. Why do I kinda doubt that many will go into Drumpf’s column?
@Anon: The margin of error has got ZIP to do with ACTUAL votes cast This is not Gallop we are talking about. We’re not calculating the likelihood of a sampling error from a survey’s results. Jeez. Bone up.
Just saying that no president can lay claim to a mandate after losing the popular vote.
What is a “mandate?” Nothing. But since states elect the president, how many states did Trump carry? Isn’t that a “mandate?”
No matter. The GOP controls the House, Senate and White House. You can have your fictitious “mandate,” and Trump will have the power to act.
Yes, he will have the power to act. No question. But let’s not gloss over the fact that he does not have the support of most voters. If he did, he also would have won the popular vote.
Compare that to Reagan, who took 525 of 538 electoral votes and 54+ million votes to Mondale’s 16+ million. And you think mandates are fictitious?
Re: Proposed Polonium application
Knotts , GROSSman and DR are in bed with George Soros.
…does not have the support of most voters.
But he has the support of many more states.
There are major differences between states. In demographics, culture, economics and so forth. Hence, there is no such thing as the “voters” in the aggregate. There are just too many disparate views on the issues, and what is important to one group is irrelevant to another. What is big in the cities in New York or California might not be so important in Alabama, Wyoming or Texas.This is one major reason why the electoral college exists.
The Socialist-Democrats, generally, represent urban areas which share the same concerns (although they don’t seem too concerned about the astronomically high murder rates). Politically, there is very little diversity- there’s really not that much difference between Chicago, Cleveland and Baltimore, other than superficial differences like barbeque and steamed crabs. Take away the metropolitan areas of NY City, LA, Chicago, Philly and so on, and who do the Dems represent? Not many people.
It is the states- not the masses- that elect the president. And many more states chose Trump.
I’ve read the calls for the abolition of the Electoral College. Go for it. It only takes 3/4ths of the state legislatures. Which means that thirteen states can stop the process.
I understand that there can be major differences between states. And major differences withing states. And major differences within counties of states, and within communities, and within families. So what? That hardly means there there is no such things as voters in the aggregate.
And HRC’s lead now is over 2 million. And growing.
My point was simply that Trump would be in a much stronger position if most voters supported him. They didn’t on election day.
And HRC now leads at 2.6 million.