The following video demonstrates what is wrong with our government, the people elected to run it have no idea how our system was intended to be run.
Our U.S. Constitution does not empower the government with rights, a government cannot have rights, the people are guaranteed our rights as spelled out in the Constitution.
After hearing this, if you still believe that there are not people in government that want to take all that you have and share it out to others who have not worked for it, think again.
And by the way, the people he names as being in favor of that tax, they are just hoping to be the last bite the alligator takes.
“Our U.S. Constitution does not empower the government with rights, a government cannot have rights, the people are guaranteed our rights as spelled out in the Constitution.”
The U.S. Constitution grants to government, powers, and to people, rights.
The US Constitution was written to limit the powers of the federal government, as there are only eighteen enumerated powers in Article I, Section 8. George Mason refused to sign the Constitution because their were limited protections for the people, and as a result Madison used parts of the Virginia Declaration of Rights to form the Bill of Rights.
delacrat- Our rights come from our Creator not government, and therefore cannot be taken away from the government.
My point is that while Ellison, and indeed most politicians, use rights and powers interchangeably, they are NOT the same.
Delacrat, it may be a matter of semantics, but the Constitution does not grant powers to the government in my view, it enumerates the government’s responsibilities and how to go about fulfilling those responsibilities.
I believe you and I and Mike agree that politicians do not understand the difference.
But let’s not think for a minute that some, and Mr. Ellison may be one, use the word “right” to mislead a more uninformed constituency. Leading them to believe that they are being robbed of something that is their due.
My money and your money is only one thing that they would like to take from us using these tactics.
I think the appropriate interpretation of this, would be that if the people want their government to act for them, they have the right to empower their government to act for them. If the population is undecided as to the direction that should be followed, then a vote gets taken on which way most of us want to go.
In this video, as long as those people sitting at the table listening and watching are in favor of his views, the speaker is doing no wrong; he is arguing for his constituents… Making such a speech into proof that the government is out to get you, is stretching, just as saying all the citizens who went out and voted in 2012 were also out to get you, would be stretching.