Two brave souls step up to run for Sussex GOP Chair. Let’s chat about them and really smile at Delaware Treasurer Ken Simpler’s wisdom that he shared at the GOP meeting for Sussex county, 7/13/15
Republican of the Month
I think this award is a good idea and if someone would remind me, I would post a pic of the winner every month.
Here we have Republican of the month Connie Hillva.
So let’s discuss Billy Carroll and Mary Spicer
Let me begin with my sincere expression of admiration for these two folks. Anybody who stands tall and takes the challenge, filled with good intentions and grand ideas, is someone I’d admire no matter how I may disagree with the ideal ology.
I would mention that Billy Carroll provided several resume and documentation of past achievements and accomplishments. Mary Spicer provided nothing but she did make one very important mention during her five minutes introduction that might change the tide in her favor. More on this later.
Indeed it was a great turnout this past Monday night, an evening when the Sussex GOP did not have a chairman and not much of anything going on.
Then Ken Simpler shows up, a gentleman who was my number one Delawarean of 2014 and I was surprised and delighted.
Anyway, both candidates did a good job for their five minutes. I’ve got an opinion on who might be better for the job but I am just a Blogger with opinions….big deal.
Billy Carroll is the man for the job, at least this year. I have heard his name bandied about, most times in a positive light with an appreciation for his enthusiasm and upbeat attitude.
Which is not to say, oh no, that Mary Spicer wouldn’t be fine for the job. And indeed, she did verbally list her political accomplishments and I was very impressed. Mary’s been very involved with women’s activities, including the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club….President for two years. I did not know this!
Spicer made mention that when Christine O’Donnell defeated Mike Castle that she sent out flyers and helped on the O’Donnell campaign. Good for you Mary! It was one item I was concerned about and you covered it well.
Should Mary win the chairperson nod, it should be fine. She’s very experienced and judging by the cheers of the SCRWC crowd, she’s their favorite. Of the two, I feel Carroll has the more charisma and enthusiasm that the Sussex GOP is in desperate need of given the dismal beginning the organization had this year, what with odd fundraisers, missing chairpersons, and police being summoned.
Speaking of the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club-their next meeting is on 9/23/15 at Sussex Pines. They have a fundraiser scheduled on 9/23/15-a fashion show I am to understand.
I’ll work on getting contact information, be patient.
And Now …Named Most Intriguing Delawarean of 2014 by….ME!…Ken Simpler
It was a great idea to have Ken Simpler, Delaware’s current Treasurer, an elected position that Delawareans entrusted to a Republican, natch.
Simpler’s presentation was just terrific and I say this as one audience member who learned quite a bit.
Fox example, I did not know that in Delaware, balancing the budget means spending 98% of the money coming in….just like we do on our budgets at home…….NOT!
Simpler was full of anecdotes about his experience, beginning with having to dive in and work with the busy legislators all wanting to pass laws over you and I. He has to deal with a paid staff that he cannot hire, cannot fire. It was almost a hoot, if not a bit pathetic.
I got a picture of myself with Simpler, even though I look awful but then Frank Knotts put up an even worse picture of me so indulge me.
I am going to try to get an interview with Ken Simpler cause this guy is going places and I want to say I knew him when….
I do not respond to comments on my posts. I certainly have no problem with such commentary and, indeed, encourage it. But I’ve written my piece and I don’t want to argue it further.
Please feel free to email me at if you want to send me a special comment or have any ideas or information you want to share.
NEXT : You’ll never believe what Eric Bodenweiser’s been up to. It has nothing to do with politics, it will make your heart sing.
Since Billy Carroll has been in Delaware, he has donated to GOP candidates 2011 $150 to Sen. Hocker, 2014 $300 to Councilman Arlett, and $50 to Rep. Smyk for a grand total of $500 whopping dollars!
Mary Spicer in 2014 alone donated $5,061to the GOP and GOP candidates. $1,000 going to Treas. Ken Simpler. The remaining $4,061 to the likes of ROW Green, Rep. Dukes, Rep. Collins, Sen. Richardson, the SCRWC and the SCGOP. This was just 2014 for Ms. Spicer.
It’s clear who can raise the money, organize the volunteers, and get out the GOP vote. That’s clearly Mary Spicer.
Spicer donates her own money to Republican candidates, she ran against Pete Schwartzkopf when no one else would stand up and do it, she’s volunteered on every meaningful Republican campaign for the past 20 years, she was the president of the Delaware Federation of Republican Women, she was the president of the ESRC and I believe she was a president of the SCRWC.
Spicer knows how to raise money, legally for candidates. She has a long record of fundraising for GOP candidates across the state. People from other parts of the state will donate money to the SCGOP just because Mary Spicer is the Chair.
Billy Carroll? He raised ZERO dollars when he wanted to run for office. Please, SCGOP, do something smart just once.