The people who still think that the act of shutting down the government was a good idea, just don’t get it.
The shut down that was orchestrated by the TEA people in congress, and supported by TEA people around the nation. These people just don’t get it.
The TEA people see this as some sort of political statement to demonstrate their total discontent with the direction the nation is headed in, a discontent that many non-TEA people share. However, the growing opinion of TEA people is that they are fanatical and detrimental to the good of the nation. The TEA people don’t get that either.
The one thing that the TEA people really don’t get however, is that every time they pull one of these circus acts, all they do is to make Pres. Obama seem reasonable.
I heard Pres. Obama’s victory lap press conference yesterday, and while I don’t believe that he actually believes all that he said, he got to come out and speak to the American people in a reasonable manner, to say all the right things, that make him and his party seem as if they have the best interest of the citizens in mind.
The Republicans on the other hand come out of this looking like a bunch of spoiled children holding their breath until they get what they want, and then when they realize they can’t hold their breath forever? Well now they just look like a bunch of spoiled children.
All of this could have been avoided, if the Republican Party would simply rein in the TEA faction of the party, or better yet, completely distance the Party from the TEA movement and its tactics of destruction. Because every time the TEA people go off on one of their tangents, the Republican party is the one that ends up holding the tab.
And then Pres. Obama gets to take another victory lap.
“The TEA people see this as some sort of political statement to demonstrate their total discontent with the direction the nation is headed in, a discontent that many non-TEA people share.”
This is not true. They do these things for one reason – to raise money from stupid people. One day, maybe, the donors will actually expect some Conservative policy to be moved forward. Because if you take Obamacare as a case study, the TEA Party failed miserably at every point to actually ACHIEVE anything. But keeping the atmosphere constantly polluted with conflict is real good for the wallets at Heritage, Club for Growth and the campaigns of worthless idiots like Ted Cruz.
Anon, spot on my friend!
“he got to come out and speak to the American people in a reasonable manner, to say all the right things, that make him and his party seem as if they have the best interest of the citizens in mind.”
Reasonable? If we were to take his “reasonable” advice, we shouldn’t even be reading this blog. We should all be just following in lock step behind the Pied Piper in Chief.
I wonder if the sherif is going to activate the posse’??? COD sent out a plea for donations to his funding base. He does not strike me as a man to share the wealth, or the crazzies.
Riffing off Anon’s chord progression, I looked back to see when things in politics started shifting towards being uncompromising…
It coincidentally aligns to the same time frame, as when all control on money was lifted…
The accusation that these people act crazy and put the country at risk to just to make a lot of money, actually makes a great deal of sense.
Would the contrary be true? If you limited PAC money, would we then get compromise back into our government?
There would be no incentive NOT to compromise, would there?