Two Hearts

anthem meme   So when I saw this meme on Facebook, so many thoughts ran through my head.   First of all, how does the person who put this together, know where this woman “comes” from?  She may come from Iowa, but I guess in their bleached white world, all Muslims come from somewhere other than “MERICA”.

Another thing which struck me, was the idea, that in some countries, this woman could have been dragged to the field below, and stoned publicly for not standing at the appointed time. But here in the “Land of the free, and the Home of the brave”, we simply tell her to get out.

I wish, I could believe this was an isolated instance,of an idiot with too much time on their hands, but it is truly a growing mentality. At some point, love of country as patriotism,was replaced with hatred of others as patriotism.

We have gone from the anger of being attacked on 9/11 by terrorist, to hating people simply because of their faith. We as a nation are suffering more and more from this disease. No longer is patriotism about loving our nation for all of the freedoms we enjoy. Patriotism is now reflective of the things we hate, and we seem to hate anything we perceive as different. Be it skin color, life choices, or religious beliefs.

No longer do we talk of how great America is, we seem consumed with convincing others how bad we have become, and likewise consumed with laying the blame on others, be they opposing political parties, immigrants, or once again religious beliefs.

When I grew up, patriotism was about the wondrous things we as a nation had done, and could do. It was about being as one, in spite of our differences. In fact we celebrated our differences, held them high to be seen by the world, to show  we may look different, we may come from different places, but we were all Americans at heart.

This is no longer what passes for patriotism in the nation I love. Now when we speak of differences, it is to point fingers and blame. We talk of banning people based on their faith. We no longer talk of what we have done, or can do in a positive manner. We hear only the negatives. Even rhetoric like “Make America Great Again”, sends the message  we are no longer great.

Let me say here, I do not blame Donald Trump for this mentality, I blame the mentality for Donald Trump. He has simply tapped into the psyche of the American people in order to cash in.

Once, we as Americans, were concerned about illegal immigrants, and spoke of ways to stop it. Now we talk of “Mexicans” and how they are all murderers and thieves.

Once we spoke of terrorist, and how we could defend ourselves. Now we talk of Muslims, and banning all of them.

Some will say these are one in the same. I however see subtle changes. The talk is becoming more hate filled, instead of solution driven, more about race or religion, or about skin color, than about actual acts of crime.

What truly concerns me is a seemingly total lack of real knowledge on the issues. People seem to be basing their opinions on either memes like the one above, or are merely repeating what they have heard others say. They take no time to research for themselves.

In my opinion, nothing epitomizes the real danger to our Liberty more than what I see as an all out assault on religious freedom concerning Muslims in the United States. We are seeing a ground swell of fear and hatred at a grass-roots level. It is being mirrored by some for political gain. And simply by doing my own research, I know many of the people who speak on this topic have no first hand knowledge.

I recently completed my reading of the Quran. I undertook this, so that when I speak on the topic, I at least have a working knowledge of the subject.

I have for so long heard others saying this or that about what is contained within this book. I can now tell you, so much of what you hear is wrong.

Let us begin with the word Allah. Some will tell you because Muslims use the word Allah, they worship another god, other than the God Jews and Christians worship. But Allah is simply an Arabic word meaning, that’s right, God. 1.the Supreme Being; God.)  These people will then tell you, okay the word means God, but not the same God.

Really, well let us look at the Quran, where it says;

“6:83-89;  83. That was the reasoning about Us, which We gave to Abraham (to use) against his people: We raise whom We will, degree after degree: for thy Lord is full of wisdom and knowledge.

84. We gave him Isaac and Jacob: all (three) guided: and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: thus do We reward those who do good:

85. And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous:

86. And Isma’il and Elisha, and Jonas, and Lot: and to all We gave favour above the nations:

87. (To them) and to their fathers, and progeny and brethren: We chose them, and we guided them to a straight way.

88. This is the guidance of Allah. He giveth that guidance to whom He pleaseth, of His worshippers. If they were to join other gods with Him, all that they did would be vain for them.

89. These were the men to whom We gave the Book, and authority, and prophethood: if these (their descendants) reject them, Behold! We shall entrust their charge to a new people who reject them not.”

Well, it seems clear that Muslims worship the one God of Abraham, just like Jews and Christians.  In fact they warn against other Gods, “If they were to join other gods with Him, all that they did would be vain for them.

I have heard people saying that the Quran tells Muslims to kill unbelievers, but does it?

I found many more cases of the Quran telling Muslims to allow God to judge the unbelievers, and when I found references of the killing of so-called infidels, it was in the context of wars which Muslims fought to protect from, what they felt were attacks upon their right to worship as they saw fit.

Look here in 6:159;

159. As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allah. He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did. “

You see, the Quran tells Muslims God will judge, that’s sounds familiar doesn’t it?

Islam is truly based upon the one God of Abraham, see here in 7:11;

“It is We Who created you and gave you shape; then We bade the angels bow down to Adam, and they bowed down; not so Iblis; He refused to be of those who bow down. “

  Iblis is Satan by the way.

In 43:88-89 we see the Quran again command Muslims to leave the unbelievers in peace, to be judged by God.

88. ((Allah) has knowledge) of the (Prophet’s) cry, “O my Lord! Truly these are people who will not believe!”

89. But turn away from them, and say “Peace!” But soon shall they know!”

It is clear that Muslims are taught in the Quran, Jesus was a prophet, they however, like the Jews do not believe him to be the Messiah.

57:27; 27. Then, in their wake, We followed them up with (others of) Our apostles: We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, and bestowed on him the Gospel; and We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him Compassion and Mercy. But the Monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them: (We commanded) only the seeking for the Good Pleasure of Allah. but that they did not foster as they should have done. Yet We bestowed, on those among them who believed, their (due) reward, but many of them are rebellious transgressors. “

No where in the Quran do I find any command to kill in the name of Allah, other than when attacked. But I do not find any justification for killing someone just because they believe differently than do Muslims. In fact, according to my understanding of the Quran, Jews and Christians are not unbelievers, because we believe in the one God of Abraham.

I couldn’t possibly list the entire Quran here, so I encourage anyone who actually seeks knowledge, to read the book in context. I admit that I am not a scholar on the topic, and if given years I could likely find ways to pervert it’s meaning, to twist it to my own desires. After all, we Christians have been doing that with the Bible since the word was passed down to man.

The title was Two Hearts. One heart is my love of country, my second heart is what I hope is my Christian love for all. In actuality, they are but one heart, for if we love our fellow-man as Jesus instructed us, and not just our fellow Christians, then we will in the end love our country, for we are the great melting pot of the world, and that is still a good thing, no matter what those who hate would have you believe.

87 Comments on "Two Hearts"

  1. Henry says:

    Just because you have read it doesn’t mean that a former drug addict with burnt brain cells can comprehend what he is reading. Sums up what your behavior displays verses what you actually write for a blog post.
    Like saying goes, “Practice what you preach!”
    But that doesn’t apply to you doesn’t Frank?
    Furthermore there are hundreds of people who read the Quran and the Bible then calls themselves an expert on the topics enough so trying to sway others opinion.
    Sounds like you Frank.
    I will stick with historians and scholars on the subject of the Quran and it’s existence of 1400 years of wars with nations and how the Muslim culture through its Islamic belief of a paedophilic killer called Mohammed can stone people to death and cut off their heads while they treat women and children lower than their animals.
    Far from a culture of peace and let’s just all get along.
    Funny you left out the sections of the Quran that advise their followers ( it’s cult not a religion like the Jones cult) to assemble, spread out and when the time is right, do as I have instructed you to do as in kill the non believers and infidels.
    1400 years of Islamic history has proven their existence.

  2. fightingbluehen says:

    Let’s not get all bent out of shape over this lady, who is just enjoying the inalienable rights of a free Western Society.

    She has every right to sit there and nonchalantly flip through her cell phone during the National Anthem.

  3. Fish Bites says:

    “She has every right to sit there and nonchalantly flip through her cell phone during the National Anthem.”

    It was Christian religious groups who do not swear oaths, who had the biggest problem with the Pledge of Allegiance.

    I guess whomever is upset with “what other people do”, didn’t mind the two guys a couple rows down who didn’t take their hats off. Of course, the guys keeping on their hats are white, so it’s different.

  4. mouse says:

    It’s always the symbols that mean the most to right wingers

  5. Rick says:

    For centuries, immigrants assimilated. Today, many don’t. And they have no intention of doing so.

    The Italians and Irish and others who came here still practiced many of their traditional customs, but they were Americans first. Mexican-flag waving illegals and Arabs like the woman depicted in the photo are here only for the benefits of living in a free society as they thumb their noses at our citizenry and hold our nation and it’s traditions in contempt.

    It is just a matter of time until America faces a civil war- or, hand the country over to La Raza and the Muslim Brotherhood, as I suppose Frank would prefer.

  6. Frank Knotts says:

    Henry, notice that I said myself that I have but a working knowledge, and that I am no scholar of the Quran. But in my reading, of several translations of the book, I found none of the things you believe to be held within it. You say you will rely on the opinions of historians and scholars. Why not challenge yourself to read it for yourself? After all history is written by the victor, and scholars are subject to biases.
    I challenge you to read the Quaran and then point to the parts you feel are evil.
    Beyond the historical references to battles fought, the Quran simply instruct Muslims to worship but one God, the God of Abraham.

  7. delacrat says:

    “It’s always the symbols that mean the most to right wingers” – mouse

    “Symbols are for the symbol-minded” – George Carlin

  8. mouse says:

    Lol, and it’s always an external enemy for a boogie man. Tribalism today, tribalism tomorrow, tribalism forever!!! Vote dumb

  9. Rick says:

    Wherever the Muslim goes, trouble follows. They never assimilate, only conquer.

    I suggest that Frank go visit Yemen, Iran or some other Islamic paradise, and see first hand how the infidel is treated. If he comes back alive, he can tell us about it.

  10. Frank Knotts says:

    Once again Rick walks right past the point to get to hate. Rick my post is about the Quran and how it has been perverted by men.

  11. Kurt J says:

    Photoshopped/Staged. Info including Quran quotes is available from a Hillary Clinton SuperPac website for bloggers. Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, of course the RIght wing has the same type of Press Kits available. Lets stick with nude County Attorney’s in Family Resorts like Ocean City, Maryland. Local, humorous and better than Facebook.

  12. Rick says:

    Once again Rick walks right past the point to get to hate…

    Well, you’re right- sort of. I get it when someone hates me- my civilization- my country- my religion. Muslims have demonstrated their hatred for anyone who hasn’t submitted to their insane creed for over a thousand years. Their whole lives center around hate.

    “Kill the Christian, Jew and the gay man too. Woman, hide thy face and hold thy tongue. Submit. Praise Allah !”

  13. Frank Knotts says:

    See Rick, you once again generalize when you say,” Muslims have demonstrated their hatred for anyone who hasn’t submitted to their insane creed for over a thousand years. Their whole lives center around hate.”
    First of all not all Muslims, second please show me where the insane creed is held within the Quran.
    Or for that matter, show me where the Quran says,“Kill the Christian, Jew and the gay man too. Woman, hide thy face and hold thy tongue. Submit. Praise Allah !”

  14. Rick says:

    I’m not going to waste my time citing the Koran. The Satanic Verses within the Koran are well known, and anyone with a computer can read them for themselves.

    Rather than depending upon your idiotic theories, I look at reality. Most Muslim nations are despotic dictatorships, where women are treated like dirt and children are taught to kill. Muslim fanatics flew the 911 planes and bombed Boston. They behead, torture and otherwise murder thousands in the Middle East and Africa, and if they had the power, they’d do it here.

    Islam is a disease. If it can’t be eradicated, it must at least be confined to the desert.

    Again, go visit Yemen or Pakistan, and if you get back alive, tell us about it. The Koran is a dream; ISIS, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, and soon, a nuclear-armed Iran is reality. Wake up.

  15. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick the reason you won’t site the satanic verses from the Quran is because there are few to site, and those there are, are in the form of those within the Tora and the Bible, as the tempter of the people.
    And if you are getting you information from a computer, please link to the sites you personally use. I can’t wait to see the names.
    You demonstrate you have no knowledge of the actual Quran beyond the echo chamber of hate.
    You made only one correct statement above, radical Muslims attacked us on 9/11, but they were instructed by men and a perverted interpretation of the Quran, not by the Quran.
    You are no different from them really. They pervert the message to inspire people to kill, you pervert it to inspire people to hate. Maybe the only difference is they have actually read it.

  16. fightingbluehen says:

    I think Trump’s “suggestion” of temporarily banning Muslim immigration is a smart pre negotiation tactic.
    Although the reality where the temporary ban would take place is unlikely, Trump just suggesting it, is a good warning shot across the bow, that Muslim leaders will take notice of.

    Same goes with the wall. These are all great bargaining tactics.

  17. mouse says:

    Are there seminars on obsessing on irrational fears of others?

  18. fightingbluehen says:

    Mouse, If the right people in charge fear that they will be inconvenienced by an immigration ban, trust me; action will be taken within the Muslim community to curb the violence….This is the peaceful resolution to the problem……Obama’s drone assassination policy has just created more enemies, and consequently more danger to Western society.

    Mouse, you do realize that immigration into the US was practically halted between 1924-1965…. The people we refer to as the “greatest generation” lived and governed during this policy.

  19. Rick says:

    Rick the reason you won’t site the satanic verses from the Quran is because there are few to site…
    So now you’ve changed your mind. There are satanic verses.

    Yes, there are. And more than a few.

    ….and those there are, are in the form of those within the Tora and the Bible…

    Ah, the usual distraction, in the form of rationalization. Do Christians and Jews place “infidels” in cages and lower them into water to drown? Do Christians and Jews line up “infidels” and behead them? Do Christians and Jews buy and sell young girls as sex slaves? Do Christians and Jews stone women for infidelity? Do Christians and Jews fly jets into skyscrapers?

    Islam is the religion of fanaticism, despotism and violence. It isn’t even a religion, per se, but rather, a sociopolitical system enforced with brutal efficiency by insane imams, and spread through violence and intimidation. It is a scourge upon the earth, and needs to be eradicated.

  20. mouse says:

    I agree about the drone part. I would be more likely to ban people from certain nations than a blanket ban on a religion which is nothing more than a mind consrtruct

  21. Frank Knotts says:

    FBH, one slight problem. Tell me how the ban would have stopped any of the recent attacks, since they were carried out by people born here? Is the next logical step after the ban to force Muslims into camps? Exile? Execution? The real problem is that any generalized action based on religion is dangerous ground.
    And Rick I await those links or quotes. And I am talking about the Quran, you are talking about what men have done to other men. You generalize all Muslims based on the actions of some.
    Let us have a discussion about the Quran and whether it is to blame for the actions of those who use it as an excuse for killing.
    But that would require you to challenge yourself to seek real knowledge not just the hate echo.

  22. delacrat says:

    “Wherever the Muslim goes, trouble follows.” – Rick


    Just a few planks in your all-American eye to remember the next time you point to the speck in the Muslims.

    Did Muslims subject Fallujah to white phosporous? Glass over Hiroshima and then Nagasaki ? And do the Vietnamese blame Muslims for all the agent orange and napalm applied to their country? Or do our First Nations blame Muslims for their near extermination ?

    It’s evident that wherever the Christian and Jew “goes, trouble follows”.

  23. Ali Muhammad al Benghazi says:

    Allah be praised.

    HE hath sent the Holy Warrior and the one known as Mullah Franki al-Khnatzi as builder of the Bridgeville Mosque and supreme leader of the Faith in Sussexstan.

    No one can STOP him — NOT Charlie Copeland or John Daniello , Matt Denn or Pete Schwartzkopf, Tom Carper or even Rurh Ann Minner as HE is the veritable Fate of Delaware.

    HE is the King, the all knowing, the WISE. His detractors are infidels not worthy of mention as HE is nothing short of Delaware’s Twelfth IMAM.

    LO, the Peacock of Paradise breatheth Propane upon the twig of the Tree of Eternity, whilst all other Delaware bloggers pale into insignificance, shrivel before him and fall before his scimitar, for His is an alternate reality , unencumbered by mere science, facts and figures , for they have met the New Face of Islam, coming to a neighborhood near YOU!

  24. fightingbluehen says:

    “FBH, one slight problem. Tell me how the ban would have stopped any of the recent attacks, since they were carried out by people born here?”

    It’s hard to debate what ifs, but hypothetically speaking, like I said; once the ban inconveniences the right people, the leaders would do more to see that propaganda designed to radicalize people in other nations would start to be a risky venture for the perpetrators.

  25. mouse says:

    I don’t know, he may have a point. I general all angry white uneducated bigoted men and it seems fairly accurate lol

  26. Honi Soit says:

    Delacrat, the acts you list were not expressly carried out in the name of Christianity–except to some extent those against indigenous American Indian communities. But many atrocities have been carried out in the name of Christ, including modern ones. Rick doesn’t merely gloss over them, he has yet to even acknowledge them.

  27. mouse says:

    Well, this off topic but there’s no Open Threads. It looks like the multinational realestate development mafia is going to “develop” another 123 acres on Mulberry knoll off of rt 24. A road with no turn lanes. A forested and agricultural area that will now have the entitlement to rezonzing cabal build several hundered more over priced beige plastic generic homes for retired transplant tax evaders. How sad for us all. Over the weekend Rehoboth had to close several blocks for swimming due to fecal bacteria and the whole inland bay system is dotted with similar closures. Who protects the property rights of those wanting to use our natural resources?

  28. fightingbluehen says:

    “The real problem is that any generalized action based on religion is dangerous ground.”

    I can relate to that. So, make it a regional temporary ban instead. Remember, that it’s all just pre deal banter until Trump sits at the bargaining table anyway. That’s the way he works it.

    What we are doing now is obviously not working.

  29. Rick says:

    It looks like Imam Frank’s cohorts spread the religion of peace in Turkey today.

    Or maybe the bombers were radical Christians and Jews? Maybe the KKK?

    Kill, Kill and Kill again. It is the way of Allah.

  30. Rick says:

    And Rick I await those links or quotes.

    Look them up yourself, Imam. Since you can’t digest information effectively, I’ll repost:

    I’m not going to waste my time citing the Koran. The Satanic Verses within the Koran are well known, and anyone with a computer can read them for themselves.

    Remember now?

    By-the-way…do you mind if I call you Mo(e)?

  31. Frank Knotts says:

    FBH, not sure what you mean by “ifs”, it is a fact that the recent attacks have been carried out by people born here. And when you say, “once the ban inconveniences the right people, the leaders would do more to see that propaganda designed to radicalize people in other nations would start to be a risky venture for the perpetrators.” Are you saying that we should pressure other countries to shut down freedom of speech? Yes it may be propaganda, it may be hate filled, but the same could be said about much of what passes for news reporting right here in the U.S..
    FBH, you seem convinced that somehow Trump winning will suddenly change thousands of years of behavior, if he wins. Infringing on rights as a “pre-deal’ strategy is no less dangerous to our Liberty.
    And now Rick runs for cover. Rick I gave quotes directly from the Quran, you said if someone has a computer they can find the satanic verses within the Quran, yet you refuse to give some links to them. Why? Is it because they will expose the fact that you get your information from hate filled sites?
    You can call me whatever you choose, it only shows you for the intellectually vacant person you are. I have challenged you to debate the topic of the Quran, you choose to call me names, thanks once more for demonstrating exactly my point.

  32. fightingbluehen says:

    “Are you saying that we should pressure other countries to shut down freedom of speech?”

    Free speech is something that does not exist in these counties, especially on heavily monitored social media.

    As far as stopping an attack like the one that happened in Orlando. It would probably take a period of time for the leaders in these countries to effectively shut down the radical propaganda flowing out of these countries, that incites people to commit violence in the name of Islam.

  33. Rick says:

    And now Rick runs for cover. Rick I gave quotes directly from the Quran…

    “Runs for cover?” What does that mean? I slice and dice everything you post.

    Congratulations, Mo. Your ISIS brethren who act in the name of the Religion of Peace killed another fifty innocent civilians at an airport. You must be proud.

  34. Fish Bites says:

    “Your ISIS brethren who act in the name of the Religion of Peace killed another fifty innocent civilians at an airport.”

    Rick, what do you suppose was the religious persuasion of most of the victims there?

    Has it ever dawned on you that ISIS has killed more Muslims than any other religious group?

    Can you explain to me just who it was we were fighting for and against in Iraq? We were fighting on behalf of whom, exactly?

  35. Frank Knotts says:

    FBH, I’m confused, you say that ban Muslims here would force unknown countries to stop the flow of propaganda from their heavily controlled media and Internet. Why would this work? What pressure would it bring to bear?
    Rick, you slice and dice nothing. You call me names and make accusations which you refuse to back up with links or quotes. I gave chapter and verse, you say “just because”. You’re an intellectual coward. Maybe you should hang out with NDA.

  36. Mustafa Adid al-Tikriti says:

    My brother, you have been so faithful to Allah that you have become an Imam. Praise be to Allah. Before your true faith, you were known as Frank the Infidel. For your faithfulness you will receive 77 virgins, they shall all be fat and ugly and they shall all take turns nagging you for eternity.

  37. Rick says:

    Rick, what do you suppose was the religious persuasion of most of the victims there?

    What difference does it make? What was the “religious persuasion” of the perpetrators?

    Kill, Kill and Kill again. Praise Allah!

  38. delacrat says:


    If you see a moral difference between the ISIS killing people in Turkey and the US killing people in a drone strike, I got news for you: There ain’t any.

  39. Matador says:

    IF the RINO Mullah Frankie Knotts al-Biridgvilli is reading the Koran, does this mean that his puppetmaster, GROSSman is reading das Kapital? BTW What is fathead Cragg up to ??? SCIENTOLOGY? or the Zombie Apocalypse?

    The GOP really needs to clean house.

  40. Fish Bites says:

    Meanwhile, in the real world….

    “A series of American airstrikes killed at least 250 ISIS fighters driving in a convoy outside Fallujah on Wednesday, a senior U.S. defense official confirmed to Fox News.”

    Gee, it’s almost as if we had a president who is, on pretty much a daily basis for years now, authorizing bombing and drone strikes on terrorist forces.

    And, Rick, ISIS victims in Turkey were predominately Muslim, as are ISIS victims in Syria and Iraq. If the root problem is Islam itself, then why are radicals spending the bulk of their efforts killing Muslims? I’d think you’d be rooting for them for killing Muslims at a higher rate than anyone else. Turkey is far and away a majority Muslim country. Why on earth would you be upset that an attack occurred there? A number of Muslims were killed in this attack. That puts this one firmly in the “win” column for you.

  41. Frank Knotts says:

    Matador, since my only affiliation to the GOP is as a registered voter, why are you suggesting by cleaning house. Are you saying their should be a purge of voters who don’t agree 100% with your views? Way to grow and win genius.

  42. Fish Bites says:

    Frank, you admitted that you read a book. That disqualifies you from membership.

  43. Rick says:

    If you see a moral difference between the ISIS killing people in Turkey and the US killing people in a drone strike, I got news for you: There ain’t any.…delacrat

    What do you mean “there ain’t any?” Retailiation for terrorist attacks and attempts to thwart insane jihadist Muslim organizations like ISIS and the Taliban is not the moral equilivent of setting off a bomb in an airport or flying jets into skyscrapers.

    What would you do in response to terrorist attacks- send them flowers?

  44. delacrat says:

    ” Retailiation(sic) for terrorist attacks and attempts to thwart” – rick

    Here’s some more news for you:

    Every warmonger justifies their violence as “retaliation” or “attempts to thwart”.

  45. mouse says:

    Reading science books is disqualifying too lol

  46. mouse says:

    Shrink, I want to kill. Kill kill kill

  47. Fish Bites says:

    “What would you do in response to terrorist attacks- send them flowers?”

    Rick, just because we happen to have a president who doesn’t strut around and boast about doing his job on a daily basis does not mean we are sending them flowers.

    This was less than 24 hours after the Istanbul bombing

    “A U.S.-led coalition aircraft waged a series of deadly strikes against Islamic State around the city of Fallujah in Iraq on Wednesday, killing at least 250 ISIS fighters.

    The strikes, which took place south of the city, where civilians have also been displaced, are just the latest battlefield setback suffered by the terror group in its self-proclaimed ‘caliphate’ of Iraq and Syria.

    One U.S. official cited a preliminary estimate of at least 250 suspected fighters killed and at least 40 vehicles destroyed, Reuters reports.”

    So, let’s see, apparently the US knocked out 250 of them and 40 vehicles. What did you do, Rick? Wear out your keyboard some more?

  48. Fish Bites says:

    Oh, I forgot, Rick’s response to terrorism is that he wants to go to war against the United States in an armed insurrection.

  49. Matador says:


    If you keep up your scummy BS, the GOP will have to change the mascot from elephant to TURKEY or rhino..

    You and Grossman stink up our meetings every time you walk in. Punks like you really scare people away from the party and play into the hands of the Dems.

    You are nothing but a two-bit rat-faced political hack wannabe, never-was, never-will-be, who couldn’t’ even keep a job as an ED.

    The GOP needs creative genius — not trash like you

  50. Rick says:

    Here’s some more news for you:

    Every warmonger justifies their violence as “retaliation” or “attempts to thwart”.

    Muslim terrorists attacked the United States on 9-1-1. They’ve been at it ever since.

    What would you do? Nothing?

    I know you’re too naive and politically-correct to comprehend the situation, but there is a vast segment of the Muslim population that wants you dead or subjugated. If you prefer to kneel down and be decapitated, that’s your business. Luckily, there are people like me who will save you from your own “liberal” brand of insanity.

    Remember Wordsworth’s poem To Milton?

    Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour:
    England hath need of thee: she is a fen
    Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen,
    Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower,
    Have forfeited their ancient English dower
    Of inward happiness. We are selfish men;
    Oh! raise us up, return to us again;
    And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.
    Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart:
    Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea:
    Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free,
    So didst thou travel on life’s common way,
    In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heart
    The lowliest duties on herself did lay.

    Yes, or maybe Charles Martel or Ed Cid.

  51. Fish Bites says:

    And yet, matador keeps coming back to see what Frank has to say. Lol

  52. Frank Knotts says:

    Matador, thank you for your continued intellectual input, I am honored to have such “creative genius ” as yourself participating.
    And still waiting for those links Rick.

  53. delacrat says:

    “Muslim terrorists attacked the United States on 9-1-1. They’ve been at it ever since.”
    “What would you do? Nothing?” – rick

    Oh yes, attacking Iraq(And we’ve “been at it ever since”!) in the ’90s prevented 9/11.

    And invading Afghanistan and Iraq, prevented the Orlando massacre.

    Given that more Americans died “retaliating” and “thwarting” than from 9-1-1 itself, nothing is demonstrably preferable to your “Kill, Kill and Kill again” approach.

  54. delacrat says:

    And those links Frank’s been askin’ you about, where you hidin’ em ?

  55. BlueBolt says:

    FRANKIE is a Demo-crat.
    He really is a RAT.
    He will shaft you anytime,
    For a Nickel or a Dime.

  56. Honi Soit says:

    I’ll come to Rick’s rescue and produce a source exhorting the believer to stone to death anyone who worships other gods. It’s in Deuteronomy.

  57. Rick says:

    Muslims kill again, today in Dhaka. Kill, Kill and Kill again! Praise Allah!

    Yes, it must be wonderful- similar to Paradise- living in a Muslim hellhole.

    But Mo wants to bring in more. They are so demonstrably peaceful.

    Naivety is dangerous.

  58. Ali says:

    Imam Frank is a true believer, working to bring Sharia to the GOP.

    له الكبير صحيح القرآن

  59. Frank Knotts says:

    For Rick and those others attacking me on my views, views I base on actually having read the Quran, thank you, you demonstrate exactly what is wrong right now in America, and the political arena, and the Republican Party. Too many are unwilling to make the effort to educate themselves, they choose to rely on others to form their opinions.
    Rick every time you comment here without providing proof of you assertions, you slip further and further into the realm of conspiracy nut job.

  60. RINO Hunter says:

    YOU are really one to bitch and moan about intolerance and narrow-mindedness, Frankie. It’s a barrel of laughs.

    You are one of the most intolerant, shallow, sleazy, mean-spirited and hypocritical cockroaches on Delmarva. Why is it that every one you attack has guts, character, principles, education, brains, talent, power, looks or sex appeal? (Not necessarily in that order).

    The real truth is that it is a shining tribute to the tolerance of our beloved GOP that miserable bastard scumbags like you and your buddy Grossman are even allowed into our midst. No other party will have you as you are both disgusting, treacherous, untalented and useless. You thoroughly stunk as an EDC and it will be a cold day in HELL before you are ever elected to anything again, as you can’t even be trusted to serve the coffee.

    The street-level truth came out at a recent high-level strategy session. What is really amusing is that some of your favorite candidates laugh at you behind your back.

    A word to the Wise Ass:

    You are simply turning out to be a not-so-useful idiot, hanging by a thread, one step away from being thrown under the political bus. Keep up your crap and you will soon be out in the cold.

    Not only are you a RINO, you are a Rat.

    BTW, we would appreciate it you would thoroughly bathe and otherwise attend to your personal hygiene before attending our meetings.

  61. Fish Bites says:

    I can see why Jesus is so popular on the right.

  62. Rick says:

    Eighty-three more killed yesterday. Radical MUSLIMS kill again.

    Islam, the religion of peace.

    “Kill the Christian, Jew and the gay man too. Woman, hide thy face and hold thy tongue. Submit. Praise Allah!”

  63. Cynnic Acid says:


    The GOP’s first propane-fueled Shiite Mullah Lesbiman.

    What will they think of next?

  64. Frank Knotts says:

    Rino Hunter, thank you. You have once again shown yourself for what you are, a coward.
    Not sure how “looks and sex appeal” qualifies anyone for anything, but maybe you would like to tell us who it is you feel I attacked, who also has those qualities.
    Rino Hunter says, “The real truth is that it is a shining tribute to the tolerance of our beloved GOP that miserable bastard scumbags like you and your buddy Grossman are even allowed into our midst.”
    Really? So I assume you are in favor of keeping people out of the party if they disagree with your narrow views. That is a good way to grow the party and to win elections.
    “The street-level truth came out at a recent high-level strategy session. What is really amusing is that some of your favorite candidates laugh at you behind your back.”
    They are free to laugh to my face if they choose to.
    This is my favorite, for it shows the total distain you have for someone with a job. “BTW, we would appreciate it you would thoroughly bathe and otherwise attend to your personal hygiene before attending our meetings.”
    Yes I have come to monthly meetings straight from work, and yes, mine is a job which requires labor, and sometimes it is dirty work. Unlike many of the so called good Republicans, I am not retired, I don’t spend my days playing golf, or attending lunches. I work with my hands, and I am proud of it.
    One wonders why an organization which needs new blood, which has an age problem, which has mostly older retired people, would move the starting time of their meetings from 7pm to 6:30 pm, making it even harder for people with families and jobs to attend? Is it intentional?

  65. Rick says:

    Yes, we need more Muslim terrorists in America, to grow the party.

    I assume you are in favor of keeping people out of the party if they disagree with your narrow views..

    Look who’s talking. You disqualify anyone who isn’t a Muslim butt-kisser like you.

    As an aside, most people who work also take showers. It takes all of five minutes.

  66. Rick says:

    Rick every time you comment here without providing proof of you assertions, you slip further and further into the realm of conspiracy nut job.

    For Mo and his fellow idiots.

    1) Go to Google or any other search engine
    2) Type Koran, Jihad, Infidel, Punishment
    3) Select a link and read it.

    Of course, you could always just open your eyes and see how many jihadist atrocities are committed in the name of Islam by Muslim terrorists, worldwide. Perhaps start with 9-1-1.

  67. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, I don’t need to search, I read the book. I am asking to see where you get your information, since you are not man enough to to read the book.
    As for taking a shower. Well since they moved the meetings to 6:30 I don’t have time to run home after work and back to Georgetown. But thank you for showing your bias against the working man. And all this time I thought the GOP was for the blue collar middle class. I guess as long as they don’t have to sit next to them.

  68. Ismael says:


    If you have not read the original Arabic, you cannot claim to have read the Holy Qur’an.

    Face Mecca and beg Allah for forgiveness.

  69. Frank Knotts says:

    Ismael, one could say the same for the Bible I suppose. I did reference several translations during my reading.

  70. Rick says:

    …. since you are not man enough to to read the book.

    Not “man enough” to read the Koran? What is that supposed to mean?

    But thank you for showing your bias against the working man.

    I don’t really care about your lack of hygiene. But what does it have to do with being a “working man?” Do you think you are the only one in Sussex who has a job?

    Poor Lil’ Mo. No time for a shower. Just like his Muslim brothers in Yemen.

  71. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, man enough to base your opinion on something other than someone else’s opinion.

  72. Rick says:

    Rick, man enough to base your opinion on something other than someone else’s opinion

    Google “Koran, jihad, infidel” and read the quotes- from the Koran. The “someone else” is Mohammed himself, the architect of the “religion” of terrorism.

    Over the past ten years, how many innocent people have been murdered by jihadist Muslim terrorists? How many women have been stoned or enslaved by Muslims?

    Over the same period, how many innocents have been enslaved or murdered in the name of Christianity?

    What people like Frank can’t comprehend is that Islam is not merely a religion. It is a political system. And those who don’t conform (submit) must be punished or eradicated. In Islamofacsist nations, there is no separation of church and state; the church is the state. Even in “modern” Iran, the “secular” President is subordinate to the Ayattolah.

    The goal of Islam is to rule the world under Sharia law. Plain and simple. Naive dolts like Frank and delacrat will submit through acquiescence. Many- most- patriotic Americans won’t.

    “Kill, Kill and Kill again. Submit! Praise Allah.”

  73. delacrat says:

    “…….Islam is not merely a religion. It is a political system. And those who don’t conform (submit) must be punished or eradicated. “ – Rick

    And this what your numerous Muslim friends and acquaintances tell you ? Or are just a “naive dolt” who swallows corporate “news” hook-line-and-sinker ?

  74. Rick says:

    “…….Islam is not merely a religion. It is a political system. And those who don’t conform (submit) must be punished or eradicated. “ – Rick

    And this what your numerous Muslim friends and acquaintances tell you ? …delacrat

    No. It is an observable fact. Even the Iran “deal” needed the Ayatollah’s okay.

  75. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, once again, I am talking about the Quran itself, you are talking about what men have used it for. Once again, give me one link that you, yourself have used to come to your conclusion of what the Quran says on the topic of killing. Since you don’t seem to have the time to read the book yourself, or you are too frightened to do so.
    Once again, I don’t need to look it up, I already read it, I’ll wait for you to catch up.

  76. Rick says:

    One of thousands of links….

    The Religion of Peace LOL

    Now I’m sure that noted Arabic linguist and Islamic scholar, Imam Knutts, will correct the interpretation.

  77. Frank Knotts says:

    First Rick, I want to commend you for being honest in who you are. You gave exactly the type of link I expected. Not a link to a translation of the Quran, but to a clearly biased site. So much so they have to declare there lack of bias. Also they have to put a disclaimer of violence inspired by there site.
    The link this site have to the Quran supposedly listing a call to violence, is when read in context a recount of an actual battle. It also says, that the hypocrites who failed to fight, would be sent to hell. It does not call for Muslims to deal out punishment.
    “176. And let not those grieve you (O Muhammad) who rush with haste to disbelieve; verily, not the least harm will they do to Allah. It is Allah’s Will to give them no portion in the Hereafter. For them there is a great torment.”
    So you see, you are drawing from someone else’s interpretation, and are talking about what man has done. I am talking about the Quran itself. This is why you should actually read the book in context.

  78. Rick says:

    First Rick, I want to commend you for being honest in who you are. You gave exactly the type of link I expected. Not a link to a translation of the Quran, but to a clearly biased site. So much so they have to declare there lack of bias

    Notice how Imam Knutts doesn’t even attempt to counter the cited verses-direct from the Koran- but instead attacks the site itself. Another failed diversion.

    The quotes are from the Koran. Period.

    “Kil, kill and kill again. Submit. Boil the infidel alive! Praise Allah!’

  79. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, what are you talking about, I put up and addressed one of the quotes. The site you chose is not simply a link to the Quran, it is some groups interpretation of the Quran, which means you are basing your opinion on someone else’s interpretation.
    Just admit that you are unwilling or frightened to read it for yourself.

  80. Rick says:

    Sure, there is opinion within the site; but I don’t rely on the opinion, I simply read the quotes, directly from the Koran. And as I mentioned earlier, there are literally thousands of sites where one can read Suras promoting subjugation, violence, discrimination and so on, found within the Koran.

    Worse, is the fact that so many Muslims focus on these heinous passages, and operate an organized terror campaign designed to subjugate the entire world. This is the history of Islam.

    Today, with the aid of dupes like Imam Knutts, the Muslim invader can operate with relative impunity simply through immigration to Western nations that they failed to subdue through traditional military campaigns (see Iberia, Vienna, Tours, Poltiers and so on). As they isolate themselves from the host culture and breed prolifically (see Dearborn MI, London, Paris), they exert influence on politically-correct Western “leaders,” incrementally leading to a quasi-autonomous Sharia state within the host nation. This is actually happening today, as we speak. They are clever and the Westerner is naive, although there finally appears tone a movement within Europe to confront this insidious design to conquer Europe.

    Make no mistake about it; in the near future, there will be civil war in Europe, and the Muslim invader will be shot in the streets. Or, Western Civilization will capitulate and submit to Muslim rule. If the latter occurs, the modern “liberal” may not enjoy life quite as much without drugs, alcohol, education of women or any type of LGBT activism- since there will be no LGBT’s left alive.

  81. Rick says:

    Musings of T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia). Apparently, even in the early 1900’s, he had no problem with the Arab Muslim aristocracy living as an antibellum Cottonfield Caligula….

    “….[I]sat and half-listened and saw visions, while the twilight deepened, and the night; until a line of slaves with lamps came down the winding paths between the palm trunks, and we walked back through the gardens to the little house, with its courts still full of waiting people, and there we sat down together to the smoking bowl of rice and meat set upon the food-carpet for our supper by the slaves…

    ….the gardens were entrusted to slaves, negroes like the grown lads who brought in the tray of dates to us, and whose thick limbs and plump shining bodies looked curiously out of place among the bird-like Arabs…When grown strong they were worth from fifty to eighty pounds apiece, and were looked after carefully as befitted their price…

    ….but the majority were sent out to the palm villages … whose climate was too bad for Arab labour, but where they flourished and built themselves solid houses, and mated with women slaves, and did all the manual work of the holding.

    One hundred years after the English banned the slave trade and fifty years after the American Civil War, Lawrence is admiring the quaint Muslim slave culture. But as shocking as Lawrence’s blasé attitude toward the “peculiar institution” was, what is particulary incomprehensible is that slavery would still be practiced today, one hundred years after Lawrence. But it is- in the backward! barbaric Islamic world.

    “now what is bid for this fine Nubian child- do I hear five pieces of silver…six…seven…”

  82. Frank Knotts says:

    But you see Rick, by seeking out these sites, you are lead to the quotes you hope to find, to fulfill your pre-conceived ideas. Why not buy a copy of the Quran, or if holding a book is too difficult, here is a link to the translated text.
    But don’t simply scan for that which you seek, seek that which you don’t know. Read the book in its entirety, in context, seek out other translations, cross reference, look for the historical context in which it was written, and put aside what men have used the words for. As you yourself pointed out above.
    “Worse, is the fact that so many Muslims focus on these heinous passages, and operate an organized terror campaign designed to subjugate the entire world. This is the history of Islam.”
    And really, considering the number of Muslims in the world, if the majority did as you say, would we stand any chance?

  83. Rick says:

    But you see Rick, by seeking out these sites, you are lead to the quotes you hope to find, to fulfill your pre-conceived ideas.

    What “preconceived ideas?” The quotes on the site are directly from the Koran. Are you saying that they are not?

    Why not buy a copy of the Quran…

    I don’t give a crap about the Koran. Islam is a religion of force, submission, conquest, jihad, slavery, destruction, violence, discrimination and so forth. It isn’t even a religion.

    Wherever Islam spreads, violence and chaos follow. It is the nature of the beast.

  84. Frank Knotts says:

    Yes Rick the quote are directly from the Quran. But have you taken the time to read in context of the entire book? Have you sought out the historical context? Or have you simply repeated this narrow quote because it plays into your view of Islam?
    You see Rick, if taken out of context, man can pervert even the Bible.
    “Habakkuk 3:13
    Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation unto the neck. Selah.”
    This sounds like someone is being told to go forth and lop off someone’s head, no?
    We agree that man has perverted the Bible and the Quran, I think.
    My point in this post was to expose the fact that people have no idea what is within the Quran, anymore than some know what is within the Bible, yet they talk as if they do.
    I say again, if as you seem to believe, that even just the majority of Muslims around the world followed the radicalized teachings of the Quran, then we would stand no chance of defeating them.
    You refusal to educate yourself on a topic you speak so forcefully about, merely makes you look like a bigot.

  85. Rick says:

    Or have you simply repeated this narrow quote because it plays into your view of Islam?

    It’s not “my view” of Islam. It is the view of Bin Laden, ISIS, The Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah and radical Muslims who decapitate Christians, stone women and fly airplanes into skyscrapers. It is the “religion” of conquest, depravation and murder.

    You refusal to educate yourself on a topic you speak so forcefully about, merely makes you look like a bigot.

    And your defense of the religion of terrorism makes you look like a fool.

    You see Rick, if taken out of context, man can pervert even the Bible.
    “Habakkuk 3:13
    Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, eve

  86. delacrat says:

    “I don’t give a crap about the Koran.” – rick

    Then why does Frank reading it upset you ?

  87. Frank Knotts says:

    So you admit to sharing the views of “Bin Laden, ISIS, The Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah and radical Muslims who decapitate Christians, stone women and fly airplanes into skyscrapers.”
    Rick said, “And your defense of the religion of terrorism makes you look like a fool.”
    Please show me where I have defended a religion in this post or the comments. Religions, all religions have lead to war and killing. My post is about the Quran, which Muslims believe is the word of God passed to them by Muhammed. The same as Christians believe the New Testament is the word of God passed to them by Jesus.
    The problem is not the words within either book, the problem is man’s need to be right. If you would take time to read the Quran, you would see that both books teach their followers to allow others to believe what they will and God will judge them.
    And in the same way radicalized Muslims judge others, you have judged all Muslims.
    You have set yourself above God, according to the teachings of the Quran, and both the Old and New Testaments.

Got something to say? Go for it!