Has the TEA movements tea bag been dipped once too many times? Has the fact the TEA movement has come to rely on the same tired mantra, over and over again, led to it delivering weak TEA, instead of the once strong energy packed fuel for a grass-roots movement, that has now become little more than talking points and rhetoric?
Recent primary results would lead some to believe this is exactly the case. Of course as soon as I point out the TEA movement’s lack of success in challenging so-called establishment Republicans, someone will inevitably point to their one shining success, that of defeating the Republican House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor in a Virginia GOP primary. But if we look beyond the simple fact that the TEA backed candidate David Brat won, we see that even this perceived victory only demonstrates the TEA movement’s lack of a political stratagem. They took out Cantor, who was once a TEA darling, until he strayed slightly on immigration reform, and gave up a leadership role within the GOP for only the slimmest of hopes of even winning the general election and holding the seat.
It is this ideology of purity that has led to a decline in the popularity of the TEA movement among the average citizens of the United States. A Gallup Poll has the TEA movement falling to a 22% approval rating in 2014, down from 32% in 2010 which may have been the TEA high water mark for support. Of course that was before the movement had been taken over, and watered down by libertarian and fringe elements.
If we look at state primaries around the nation for federal offices we see that it is the so-called establishment, business backed candidates who are winning on an economic agenda. But even in defeat the TEA movement may be having a negative effect upon the GOP in general. In many cases the TEA movement is forcing GOP candidates to the right, and into taking positions that will cause them problems with Democratic voters in the general elections.
It is this check-box politics, check all the boxes or be gone, much like what happened to Eric Cantor, which is causing the TEA to lose its flavor with the people. Of course the hard-core fringe will cry corruption and foul, their built-in escape hatch, and they will fail to look inward to see that it is not their ideas and views so much that has driven the average citizen away from supporting the TEA movement, it is their tactics of name calling and angry rhetoric.
Just a few of the more important primary races the TEA has lost would include the wide open five-way GOP Senate primary in which the TEA candidate failed to make the run off in Georgia, leaving the TEA movement to shift its support for a more establishment type candidate. (Maybe there is hope for them after all. NOT!)
Other primary losses for the TEA movement included a Pennsylvania House race, and losses in Oregon.
The most recent primary loss, though narrow, for the TEA movement in a Mississippi Senate race between sitting Republican Sen. Thad Cochran, and the TEA candidate Chris McDaniel may be a clear marker of the growing desperation of the movement. In an effort to spin the loss in Mississippi into a positive, TEA leaders have pointed to the narrow defeat of their candidate as good news for an upcoming primary in Tennessee. So let me get this straight, losing shows that you are going to win? Okay.
What is more troubling about the Mississippi race is the lengths and tactics that the TEA movement will now resort to in desperation, in order to win. Mark Mayfield, a Mississippi TEA “Party” leader was found dead at his home following an apparent suicide. Mayfield was implicated and charged with having been involved in a scheme to take and publish photos of Thad Cochran’s wife, who is hospitalized in a nursing home for dementia. The ad was alleging that Cochran was having an affair with an aid while his wife was in a nursing home. Whether or not the allegations were true, one has to wonder why they felt the need to abuse this woman who could not defend herself by posting photos of her in this condition.
Personally I feel it goes directly to the heart of the issue of why the TEA movement is losing steam. It is this fringe element that on the one hand talks endlessly about principles and honor, about integrity and openness, about the rule of law and personal responsibility. Yet in the end, they have the deepest darkest secrets and troubles hidden within their own closets. They are beyond the fringe, they have no integrity, they have no personal responsibility, they will defend the most heinous acts if committed by one of their own, while claiming corruption and perversion upon all others.
We here in Sussex County, Delaware have our own problems within the TEA movement, which will be laid bare in the primary process. We have a Sussex County Councilman, Vance Phillips who is awaiting a civil court case for alleged sexual acts against a woman who was eighteen at the time of the acts, and he was in his fifties.
We have a Sussex County Sheriff, Jeff Christopher, who has become a caricature of an over the top fanatic on the issue of arrest powers for an office that has for decades been relegated to serving papers and sheriff’s sales. He would stem the tide of a police state by creating another agency with police powers.
Sussex County is clearly the hot bed for the TEA movement within the state of Delaware. And one of its most outspoken and influential TEA leaders, at least until recently was Eric Bodenweiser. I say until recently because in 2012 Bodenweiser was charged with sexual assault of a child, which quickly brought his political hopes to a close.
However Bodenweiser’s thread of influence is still running through the political field that is Sussex County. If we look back at who supported Bodenweiser, and who he supported, we can see that the TEA movement that relied on his carnival tactics survives today.
Vance Phillips created Eric Bodenweiser as a candidate to draw out support for Glenn Urquhart who Phillips was campaign manager for. Bodenweiser was a huge supporter of current Sussex Sheriff Jeff Christopher, and the support was returned. Christopher’s name even came up during the Bodenweiser trial. Bodenweiser was also supported by Sussex County Councilman Sam Wilson, and both supported Sussex County Registrar of Wills, Cindy Green, whose deputy’s name is Bodenweiser. In fact, the mutual support between Bodenweiser, Wilson and Green goes so far, that Sam Wilson and Cindy Green were regular fixtures in the courtroom during Bodeweiser’s recent two-week trial, along with the deputy registrar of wills Bodenweiser.
So as we can see the TEA movement’s problems are both national and local. They have a problem with tactics, and the fact that some of their loudest supporters are troubled individuals. I believe that the TEA movement is in a downward spiral, that the TEA movement has run its course. The only question is, should, and will the GOP be willing to throw the last remnants of the dying movement overboard in order to save the ship?
A Gallup Poll has the TEA movement falling to a 22% approval rating…
Of course, the TEA Party has been defined by PMSNBC and the rest of the “mainstream” media.
In many cases the TEA movement is forcing GOP candidates to the right, and into taking positions that will cause them problems with Democratic voters in the general elections.
What planet do you live on? McCain was cross-the-aisle moderate appeaser, and what did he do? Romney was a cross-the-aisle moderate appeaser, and what did he do?
What is needed is a real conservative, like Cruz. Run another wishy-washy “moderate” like Christy, and lose again.
Conservative (real or perceived):
Nixon- 2 terms, 1 49-state landslide
Reagan- 2 terms, 1 49-state landslide
Bush II- 2 terms
Moderates (real or perceived):
Ford- LOST
Romney- LOST
Why is it so difficult for some of you to grasp the obvious?
Ok, Frank, let’s be more pragmatic. Everything will be cool then. Jeb Bush 2016! Are you in?
who on the republican side has a chance to win the presidency?
cruz?-no chance
rubio?- very slight chance
paul ryan?-slight chance
lets throw some names out there…
Bryan, no to Jeb Bush. Not just because of his policies, but the name now carries such a stigma that he would stand no chance, he will forever be tied to his brother’s legacy even though the two are vastly different.
Rick as always you are running on your own agenda. The post is about the viability of the TEA movement and their candidates. So let’s play your game for a second.
Nixon- not a TEA candidate
Reagan- not a TEA candidate
Bush II- not a TEA candidate
Ford- tied to Watergate scandal by being appointed by Nixon
Bush I- lost because of the read my lips lie
Dole- lost because he was just a bad candidate
McCain- lost because he tried to reinvent himself, and because Pallin scared too many people
Romney- lost because the TEA movement was against him for not checking all the boxes (thanks once again for making my point)
But let me add one here Rick, you say that all we need is a real conservative to win the general election. So why can’t Ron Paul even win a GOP primary? Oh I know, Rick is now running for the escape hatch, “CORRUPTION AND RINOs” in the GOP!
The point here Rick is that the TEA movement and their candidates are not mainstream enough to win national elections, ever! And now they are failing to win states and districts.
Yes Reagan was a conservative that won landslide elections but he would have failed on the checkbox politics of the TEA movement, and he was not so far right that he scared not only the Democrats, but his own party. The TEA people would have abandoned him after his amnesty for immigrants just as they did Cantor.
Face it Rick, the TEA movement has gone so far right they are no longer conservative, they have gone around the bend and are now bordering on Nazism. They no longer have the ability to grow their movement because they are only interested in the pureness of your ideology, much like the Nazis were only interested in the pureness of your blood. Instead of growing their movement, they are throwing people out who disagree with them, both at a national level and at the local level.
Look at what they did to Cantor on the national level, and yes I will whine once again, look what they did to me on the local level.
As this continues they will become a smaller and smaller group with greater control of their immediate sphere of influence, but as they shrink, so will that sphere of influence.
Your argument doesn’t hold water because the people you listed were never, and never would be considered TEA candidates, ancient history as always with you Rick, just like with the sheriff issue, you choose a place in time and call it perfect and expect to live there forever.
Ideological purity is the bane of both the left and right. If you objectively examine the evidence, you will notice that neither neo-left or neo-right candidates are often, if ever elected to the White House. While the neo-right always counters with Reagan, they fail to explain how such things as how Reagan could give amnesty to illegal immigrants, but somehow not be tainted by that. The far right continues to have that problem, no one actually acceptable to them is electable and no one electable is acceptable to them. Ditto the neo-progressives, for whom outrage is their bread and butter, hoping for a candidate to sweep into office that will ignore reality and govern based on their principles instead of reality. What most of America wants is moderation in all things and pragmatic, sound policies and governance. Unfortunately most of America is relatively silent and we are left with the sound of rage from the far right and outrage from the far left.
Dave, I like the “RAGE” and “OUTRAGE” comparison. Spot on.
Nixon- not a TEA candidate
Reagan- not a TEA candidate
Bush II- not a TEA candidate
Nixon- not a wimpy, cross-that-aisle moderate
Reagan- not a wimpy, cross-the-aisle moderate
Bush II- not a wimpy, cross-the-aisle moderate
Ford-moderate loser
Bush I- moderate, semi-loser
McCain- moderate loser
Romney- moderate loser
What the TEA Party (Taxed Enough Already) is, is simple conservatism. There is no “TEA Party,” per se. If there is a TEA Party, Frank, then who are their officers, where is their headquarters, and who are their members holding elective office?
Frank, chasing a ghost. In any case, the TEA Party- or, more properly, conservatives- have moved the GOP to the right.
yeah I do too…
AH! Rick my friend, I challenge you to go back through my post, and my comments and find anywhere I used the term TEA “Party”, except in quotation marks. I always say TEA movement. I have long pointed out that they are not a political party, that they are nothing but rouge fringe elements that have leeched off the infrastructure of the GOP under the banner of TEA. I have also stated that had the “movement” held to the original “TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY” they would have had a better chance of a continuing growth in support and influence even among democratic voters.
But instead the movement got derailed by the anti-all-things- government crowd. The TEA became more about the things these people hated, rather than how to move the nation forward. Instead of a positive message, Reagan’s greatest gift, the TEA offered only negativity and name calling, you are the perfect example.
Now Rick let us take a look at “YOUR” list of conservatives you seem to think are examples of how to be conservatives and not “a wimpy, cross-that-aisle moderate”.
Nixon left LBJ’s “great Society” in place, he was also responsible for the “Philadelphia Plan”, the first significant federal affirmative action program. When he was asked why he campaigned for liberal Republicans across the nation he said, “I would rather have Republicans as majority leaders in the House and Senate than Democrats.” Nixon was also responsible for opening relations in 1972 with “Red China”. Nixon said of politicians who would not compromise, they would “burn down the bakery fighting for principles” rather than “win half a loaf through a judicious compromise.”
Sound familiar Rick?
Reagan, gave amnesty to 3 million immigrants. Raised taxes. Made a deal with Tip O’Neil on social security. Reagan was known for his skills at compromise in fact.
As for Bush II, well most of his “compromises” came at the end of his second term, he lead us into the bail-outs and TARP.
So you see Rick this idealized view you have of your favorites is blinded by your ideology. You are not looking at history through the prism of what was, but through the prism of what you want it to have been.
Now I let you go, because your bakery is burning down.
Indeed, Frank. Nixon could be considered liberal, not even moderate!
Here’s a name for 2016: Scott Walker.
“The only question is, should, and will the GOP be willing to throw the last remnants of the dying movement overboard in order to save the ship?”
Thinking like yours is why the Democrats will continue to win in DE.
Who would you suggest the GOP throw out after the TEA Party?
Why would any party want to throw any group of people out of their party?
So, the TEA Party should be marginalized because you say so?
“…will the GOP be willing to throw the last remnants of the dying movement overboard in order to save the ship?”
Just checked, looks like the GOP must have voted you out as you are no longer listed on their executive committee as a committee person. Obviously, you will have absolutely no influence on what the GOP will decide to do about the TEA Party. Maybe it is you that is “the dying movement that needs to be thrown overboard”? Seems like the local TEA Party (DEPatriots) is doing just fine and a lot of them are Republicans that are still on the Sussex GOP executive committee.
Well Ricky Bobby, you are correct, I am no longer on the EC. The so called “pATRIOTS” grow their influence by reducing the size of the sphere they work in. Oh they may control the Sussex County GOP, but outside of that, they have no juice. And when I speak of the GOP, I speak of the rank and file, not the NEO-ESTABLISHMENT that the TEA people have become.
“The so called “pATRIOTS” grow their influence by reducing the size of the sphere they work in.”
A simple check of the executive committee roster show it to be quite healthy indeed. Your old slot is filled with two good people.
“Oh they may control the Sussex County GOP, but outside of that, they have no juice.”
Your opinion. It is not the Patriots fault NC County is filled with RINOS.
“And when I speak of the GOP, I speak of the rank and file, not the NEO-ESTABLISHMENT that the TEA people have become.”
Did you do a survey here in Sussex? I would guess the TEA Party is still held in high regard in this conservative stronghold.
Ricky Bobby, your last comment is delusional. You say, “A simple check of the executive committee roster show it to be quite healthy indeed. Your old slot is filled with two good people.”
Just because the EC has members, does not mean they have juice.
You ask this question, “Did you do a survey here in Sussex? I would guess the TEA Party is still held in high regard in this conservative stronghold.”
No need, ask yourself this, why did the 912 Patriots move their meetings from the larger Millsboro Fire House to the smaller Millsboro Cheer Center? No longer a need for the larger space? Can no longer afford it?
Also ask yourself why their was no 912 Patriot presence for Dover Days, or the 4th of July Parades? Lack of interest? Lack of participation. Are they done playing patriots?
You wrote, “Just because the (Sussex GOP) EC has members, does not mean they have juice.”
I disagree. They have so much juice that they have a lock on the state house seats from Sussex. Five of the nine Rep seats have no opponent (if you don’t count the one Libertarian). Three of the four remaining Rep seats have the odds on favorites running in the race. And Reiley might just find someone to topple Schwartkopf. Two of the three Sen seats are odds on favorites with Richardson looking to finish Venables off in their 2nd round, which is the remaining race. The Sussex GOP has juice dripping all over it! Kent and NC need to take lessons from them.
When I wrote, “the TEA Party is still held in high regard (in Sussex)”, You wrote, “…ask yourself this, why did the 912 Patriots move their meetings from the larger Millsboro Fire House to the smaller Millsboro Cheer Center? No longer a need for the larger space? Can no longer afford it?”
I’d say ask Teresa Garcia why they moved. The Sussex GOP had a couple of meetings at the Millsboro Cheer Center. It holds as many as the fire hall. I am guessing you haven’t heard that DE Patriots are now moving to the Schell Bros.’ Independence, which is even bigger and it is a top shelf location. There will be standing room only at their meeting in August with a nationally known speaker coming in from out of state. It looks like they are healthier than ever to me.
You wrote, “Also ask yourself why their was no 912 Patriot presence for Dover Days, or the 4th of July Parades? Lack of interest? Lack of participation. Are they done playing patriots?”
I’d say that would be attributable to the 10% rule. Only 10% percent do any work. A lot of the rest just stand on the sidelines and criticize. Who wants to be in a parade these days? It was rained out anyway. And sitting in a booth at Dover Days is boring too.
What is the story with what seems to be your obsession with Bodenweiser? You wrote, “And one of its most outspoken and influential TEA leaders, at least until recently was Eric Bodenweiser…Bodenweiser’s thread of influence is still running through the political field that is Sussex County. If we look back at who supported Bodenweiser, and who he supported, we can see that the TEA movement that relied on his carnival tactics survives today. Vance Phillips created Eric Bodenweiser as a candidate to draw out support for Glenn Urquhart who Phillips was campaign manager for. Bodenweiser was a huge supporter of current Sussex Sheriff Jeff Christopher, and the support was returned. Christopher’s name even came up during the Bodenweiser trial. Bodenweiser was also supported by Sussex County Councilman Sam Wilson, and both supported Sussex County Registrar of Wills, Cindy Green, whose deputy’s name is Bodenweiser. In fact, the mutual support between Bodenweiser, Wilson and Green goes so far, that Sam Wilson and Cindy Green were regular fixtures in the courtroom during Bodeweiser’s recent two-week trial, along with the deputy registrar of wills Bodenweiser.”
That’s eleven Bodenweiser’s in one paragraph. I think it is nice that people supported him and he supported them. I did not know you felt he had so much influence on the TEA Party. Please explain why you feel the need to go on and on about him. Maybe the TEA Party needs another Bodenweiser?
Ricky says, “They have so much juice that they have a lock on the state house seats from Sussex. Five of the nine Rep seats have no opponent (if you don’t count the one Libertarian). Three of the four remaining Rep seats have the odds on favorites running in the race. And Reiley might just find someone to topple Schwartkopf.”
You are confusing the Executive Committee with GOP candidates, the EC has no juice, and if you were more involved you would understand why. As for Reiley finding someone to topple Schwartzkopf? He couldn’t find someone with a map and a flashlight!
As for the 912 Patriots, here is something from their own leadership.
“Independence Day – What Happened?
This year for the July 4th Holiday I spent it doing laundry or something mundane like that. No family gathering, no special commemoration or meditation on my part to mark this critically important day. I cannot let this happen again.
When I think of the miracle of the founding of this nation and the sacrifice made by millions to preserve it I am ashamed that it passed like another day, a long weekend. I’m sure most of you reading this didn’t abuse this important day to the extent that I did – hopefully. I serve in a position of leadership in this organization; I know better. God forgive me but God help me to do better not just next year but every day from this point on.
This organization didn’t participate in the Dover Days event due to lack of interest from the membership. We didn’t walk in the July 4th Parade, also due to lack of interest. The Summer BBQ will most likely be pushed out again due to lack of interest. These are perhaps less important than what we do daily to mark the miracle that is this precious nation BUT they are outward expressions of our commitment to each other, to this nation, to our God in front of others. If we don’t stand up in front of an unschooled community every chance we have, how can we hope to shift this paradigm?
I know we are all tired, exhausted, hardly able to pay our bills and take care of our families. Perhaps we are in our senior years and feel that we have paid a hefty price already. Many of us are weary from trying to inform a willingly uninformed public, legislature, clergy, education system, healthcare system, etc. I get it; I’m part of that tired and huddled mass.
Here is my hope. I hope that each of us will make a personal pledge to reach out to one young family this summer and bring them to a 912 meeting. We have been carrying the water for young families for 5+ years and it is time they understand what is at stake. I hope that each of us will draw nearer to God for the strength we will need to get through this next season. I hope that we will always remember that no matter what the political ideology, we must find commonalities if we are going to make any progress. I hope that we make a concerted effort to reach out in peace to at least one person over the summer that we have heretofore had disagreements. We know that the truth is on our side as long as we deliver it in peace and love.
I am honored to be part of this organization and I cannot think of a greater group of people with which I would want to spend my Independence Day Celebration. Let’s not let it slip by again next year, ok? We are friends, we have each other’s back, so to speak so let’s edify each other by finding ways to gather together.
With great Respect,
Karen Gritton
Asst. Executive Director
912 Delaware Patriots”
That was an email sent to members, seems the group is a little down in the dumps, wouldn’t you say?
As for your opinion of Bodenweiser, and that the TEA movement needs another Bodenweiser? Friend they already have far too many Bodenweisers for my liking.
You wrote, “You are confusing the Executive Committee with GOP candidates, the EC has no juice, and if you were more involved you would understand why.
The EC helps support the candidates. You know all this. There is a headquarters where voters can come pick up signs and literature. The EC produces volunteers to help the candidates. EC funds pay for some group candidate advertising. You know all this yet you deny them any juice. The 38th is unbelievably powerful. The 35th used to put on Take Back Our State events that you even helped work on. Please explain why you don’t think there is any juice when you know all these things to be true. You are just mad because they voted you out. No one needs your negativity, Frank. No one.
You wrote, “As for Reiley finding someone to topple Schwartzkopf? He couldn’t find someone with a map and a flashlight!”
Real nice. Keep attacking Rieley. Make sure you don’t do anything else but criticize, condemn and complain about everyone. He is a good and decent man and at least he is willing to try to do the job. If he reads your dribble, you have gotten him fired up by now. Maybe you want Schwartzkopf to stay in office. Why don’t you go out and find a candidate? Oh, that’s right you don’t do anything but sit in your underwear and type.
You wrote, “As for the 912 Patriots, here is something from their own leadership…That was an email sent to members, seems the group is a little down in the dumps, wouldn’t you say?”
I already read this when I got their email. Gritton is just doing some cheerleading for DePats. Hurray for her. She is another positive person. DE Pats is still strong. What organization do you even belong to? The Moose? Really Frank, is there anyplace you are welcome anymore? You seem to be the only one that posts on this rag. No one wants to be around you.
You wrote, “As for your opinion of Bodenweiser, and that the TEA movement needs another Bodenweiser? Friend they already have far too many Bodenweisers for my liking.”
Guess what Frank? The TEA movement is not about you and your likings. I did not give my opinion about Bodenweiser. I asked you what your obsession with him was all about and you didn’t answer me. Yet, he consumes your thoughts. By your own words, it seems the TEA movement must be thriving because they have too many Bodenweisers because you said he was the juice.
Ricky B says, “The EC helps support the candidates. You know all this. There is a headquarters where voters can come pick up signs and literature. The EC produces volunteers to help the candidates. EC funds pay for some group candidate advertising. You know all this yet you deny them any juice. The 38th is unbelievably powerful. The 35th used to put on Take Back Our State events that you even helped work on. Please explain why you don’t think there is any juice when you know all these things to be true. You are just mad because they voted you out. ”
These are all the things that the EC are supposed to do. Doesn’t mean they actually happen. If you have attended the monthly meetings, as I have for the past six years or so, and only missed under ten, you would see that very few of the elected candidates come there. Hopeful or desperate candidates do in hope of the support one would expect, but find only talk, and no money. Check the committee treasurer’s report, the only money they raise is from required filing fees. The 38th is the cream of the crop, the 14th comes in next for actually doing stuff, and that is due to the members who have been there since before the TEA influx.
As for the 35th? Now that is a joke. You bring up the fact that I worked on a project called “Take Back Our State”, you are correct. I did so until I discovered that Jack Clark who was the 35th RD Chair at the time was actually fronting these events that were not raising money for the 35th RD, but the money was going to a PAC he had established. Money from this PAC was actually donated to Democrats, Lynn Rogers in particular, this is public record on finance reports, loo it up.
The current 35th RD Chair Matt Opalinski did not even work the polls in the last election, at least not the largest in his district at the Bridgeville Firehouse, where I stood outside all day, from six-thirty until the polls closed, never left, so I didn’t miss him. And I can’t tell you how many months I sat alone at the monthly meetings of the EC with no other member of the 35th present, not even the Chair, and there had been no monthly meeting for the 35th in about seven months. oh yeah they have real juice!
The EC is a sham, it is a group of people playing fantasy politics, they draft there fantasy politicians and root for them, but they rarely get out of the lounge chair and actually play even a supporting role. I am not the hardest working person, there are others that do far more than I do, but many on the EC do nothing, that is why in my opinion they have no juice. They will attempt to take credit for wins, such as they did after Ernie Lopez won, even though most of them opposed him. One of my own personal aha moments was when I realized that the role I played in ousting Ron Sams as Chairman would have long negative effect on the EC’s ability to actually effect races.
Ricky B then says, “Real nice. Keep attacking Rieley. Make sure you don’t do anything else but criticize, condemn and complain about everyone. He is a good and decent man and at least he is willing to try to do the job. If he reads your dribble, you have gotten him fired up by now. Maybe you want Schwartzkopf to stay in office. Why don’t you go out and find a candidate? Oh, that’s right you don’t do anything but sit in your underwear and type.”
Let me start with the underwear comment, I guess I need to close my drapes!
As for John Reiley being a good and decent man? I have never said otherwise, as for him being a productive chairman? Not so much in my opinion. Let me be clear, I consider John a friend, though that has been strained lately due to actions on my part, and his. My criticism, while harsh, is my honest opinion, John Lennon once said, “Being honest won’t get you a lot of friends, but it will get you the right ones.” I hope that John Reiley is man enough to take mine as well as other’s, I believe he is. Actually I know of a potential candidate that had been found by an outside source (outside the EC) to run against Schwartzkopf, and their conversation with John Reiley may have been the deciding factor in why not to run.
The point of posting the email was to demonstrate that the 912ers are in trouble due to lack of interest and involvement, this is in the words of their own leadership.
You say I am obsessed with Bodenweiser, yet you keep it going. You said, “Maybe the TEA Party needs another Bodenweiser?” That is an opinion, and just because you incorrectly placed a question mark at the end of the sentence doesn’t change that.
You are right, the TEA movement is not about my likings, but a movement to grow must be about someone’s likings. The reason the TEA is shrinking is because the TEA has become bitter and unlikable, hence the point of the original post here friend.
You wrote, “If you have attended the monthly meetings, as I have for the past six years or so, and only missed under ten, you would see that very few of the elected candidates come there.”
I attended more EC meetings than you ever will and saw plenty of elected officials show up all the time.
You wrote, “Check the committee treasurer’s report, the only money they raise is from required filing fees.”
Seems to me, Under Urquhart’s leadership the Sussex GOP raised about $70,000. Fundraising is all it is cracked up to be. What did you do to help raise funds?
You wrote, “As for the 35th? Now that is a joke. You bring up the fact that I worked on a project called “Take Back Our State”, you are correct. I did so until I discovered that Jack Clark who was the 35th RD Chair at the time was actually fronting these events that were not raising money for the 35th RD, but the money was going to a PAC he had established.”
My understanding is that Jack Clark was and still is upfront about his PAC. If you helped him you knew what you were getting involved in before you started. He always worked hard for the party and resigned his position honorably.
You wrote, “Money from this PAC was actually donated to Democrats, Lynn Rogers in particular, this is public record on finance reports, look it up.”
I think you are making this up. Please supply the link to prove your accusation.
You wrote, “The current 35th RD Chair Matt Opalinski did not even work the polls in the last election, at least not the largest in his district at the Bridgeville Firehouse, where I stood outside all day…”
So if you didn’t see Opalinski at the polling place you were working he did not work any of the polls? Matt wasn’t even the Chairman of the 35th during the 2012 election was he?
You wrote, “And I can’t tell you how many months I sat alone at the monthly meetings of the EC with no other member of the 35th present, not even the Chair…’
Really Frank? You attended meetings with no other members present? Where were these lonely meetings held? I can’t imagine you repeatedly sat alone in an empty room saying to yourself “no one else showed up again”.
You wrote, “…there had been no monthly meeting for the 35th in about seven months.”
Then you should ask to become the RD Chair and start having meetings instead of criticizing, condemning and complaining. Oplalinski might give you the opportunity just for the entertainment value.
You wrote, “The EC…rarely get out of the lounge chair and actually play even a supporting role.”
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Get up from the keyboard and do something, anything to promote what you believe in, you are not getting anything done sitting there. Help someone, anyone get elected.
You wrote, “One of my own personal aha moments was when I realized that the role I played in ousting Ron Sams as Chairman would have long negative effect on the EC’s ability to actually effect races.”
So now you regret helping cause Sams to leave? You should go back and remind yourself how he ran the show. Urquhart, Woods and Rieley have done a far better job.
You wrote, “Actually I know of a potential candidate that had been found by an outside source (outside the EC) to run against Schwartzkopf, and their conversation with John Rieley may have been the deciding factor in why not to run.”
Once again you have name dropped without giving a name and alleged something that may have happened. If someone really wanted to run for office for that office all they needed to do is sign up and pay the filing fee on time. They certainly did not need the permission or blessing from the county chairman. I believe Rieley would have encouraged just about anyone to take on Schwartzkopf and still will.
You wrote, “The point of posting the email was to demonstrate that the 912ers are in trouble due to lack of interest and involvement, this is in the words of their own leadership.”
You made a great point. ( I have deleted false information and links to outside sources. I will address these in my following comment. Edited by Frank Knotts)You wrote, “The reason the TEA is shrinking is because the TEA has become bitter and unlikable, hence the point of the original post here friend.” If you are correct, then they have become like you, bitter and unlikable.
Please tell me when you attended these meetings? Was in the past six years? Was it prior to the TEA influx? Many, is also a subjective term.
And now you go back to Urquhart to prove fundraising ability for the Sussex GOP? WINNING!
What good does it do today to talk of money raised years ago? Is that all you have? And do yourself a favor and look into the actual reports of who donated the bulk of those dollars during Mr. Urquhart’s time. Wait I’ll tell you. It was Glen Urquhart donating. Why? In hopes of buying some support maybe? But so far you have made two arguments that both seem to be rooted in the past, and politics my friend is a game played in real time.
Okay my little fly, you have again wondered to the center of the web. As to the Take Back Our State events, yes I was involved, and no it was not clear where the money was going. Jack Clark was the Chair of the 35th Representative District of the Sussex GOP. The PAC was deceptively named the 35th Representative District Conservative Committee. Okay I admit, I allowed myself to be fooled and worked to raise money for a PAC instead of the GOP, that was my fault, so when I found out, I dropped out.
As to where the money went, ” “Money from this PAC was actually donated to Democrats, Lynn Rogers in particular, this is public record on finance reports, look it up.”
I think you are making this up. Please supply the link to prove your accusation.”
So I give you fact and you “BELIEVE” I am making this up. What do you base this belief on friend, the fact that you don’t like what I have to say. But okay, here you go, this is the link to the Office of the State Election Commissioner for Delaware and just in case http://elections.delaware.gov/information/campaignfinance/campaignfinance.shtml
And when you get there scroll down to and click on view reports online, then in the box on the left click on view filed reports again, then click continue, then enter the name of the PAC, 35th Representative District Conservative Committee in the box marked “committee name”, click search, scroll down and click on the report for 2012 30 day report, then scroll down until you see where the committee donated $500 to the Friends to elect Lynn Rogers. WINNING! Will you never learn? Now go ahead and justify that which you said I made up. I know you said you had other things to do, you might want to get to those since you are really bad at this.
Okay, not only didn’t you read what I wrote, but you copied it without reading it.
I attended the monthly EC meetings, these are the meetings in Georgetown of all the RDs, and I was often the only member of the 35th who attended, though there we members of other RDs there. Really dude you either need to slow your roll or give this up, you are looking like Don Ayotte now.
As for anything to do with the “official”35th RD committee, no thanks, not right now. There are other avenues to actually have an effect on elections outside of the fantasy politics that the current Sussex GOP is playing.
You then say, ” Get up from the keyboard and do something, anything to promote what you believe in, you are not getting anything done sitting there. Help someone, anyone get elected.”
You think you know me and what I do or don’t do, your conversation here shows that you have no idea who I am.
On Ron Sams, I stand behind what I said. You are welcome to your opinion as am I to mine.
On the potential candidate, I will not use someone’s name who did not declare themselves publically, as for your opinion it is based once again on your “BELIEF” while mine is based on knowledge. Have you not yet learned that I do not write unless I know?
Ricky B, in his above comment attempted to link to an event that was not approved prior to posting, this is not a public bulletin board, start your own site, or submit through the proper channels. You can submit such post to our contact us email.
“Really dude you either need to slow your roll or give this up, you are looking like Don Ayotte now.”
Frank, I will not allow you to use this kind of ‘attack’ on this page. If you continue to make these attacks please try to find language that is appropriate for this site.
Using the words ‘Don Ayotte’ without the prefix: NOT is not proper use of language according to the Journalism Department at UD. For future reference, the correct usage is as follows:
I stand corrected. I had a momentary lapse of reason. It will not happen again. I expect to see this mistake reflected in my compensation for writing here.
You wrote, “Please tell me when you attended these meetings?”
I was there before you were, that I can guarantee you.
You wrote, “And now you go back to Urquhart to prove fundraising ability for the Sussex GOP?…Is that all you have?
Yes, Frank. That is all I have. But it is a lot more than you have.
You wrote, “…look into the actual reports of who donated the bulk of those dollars during Mr. Urquhart’s time…It was Glen Urquhart donating. Why?
Urquhart is a Christian. He follows the bible. Luke 12:48 (NIV) “… From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”
You wrote, “I allowed myself to be fooled…”
Why would you allow yourself to be fooled? Seems to me one would try not to be fooled.
You wrote, “As to where the money went, ” “Money from this PAC was actually donated to Democrats, Lynn Rogers in particular…”
Thanks for supplying the link. Here is where it lead me:
Date Received Contributor Name Contributor Mailing Address Amount Received
09/17/2012 friends to elect lynn rogers 26177 deep branch rd. milton $500.00
It is obvious to me your are mistaken here. Lynn Rogers donated to the PAC, quite the opposite of receiving money from the PAC. So a conservative democrat gave money to a conservative PAC run by republicans. The republicans would do well to bring Lynn Rogers into the fold. He is okay in my book. How about yours? And how are those fries?
You wrote, “Okay, not only didn’t you read what I wrote, but you copied it without reading it.
I attended the monthly EC meetings, these are the meetings in Georgetown of all the RDs, and I was often the only member of the 35th who attended, though there we members of other RDs there.
I agree. I blew it. However, my mistake pales in comparison to yours above. I doubt any of the other ED’s wanted to sit anywhere near you. They were probably there but sitting somewhere else in the room.
You wrote, “…you are looking like Don Ayotte now.
I will proudly wear that remark. I like Don. Whack me all you want about liking Don. I have found that if he is your friend, he is your loyal friend. If he feels passionate about an issue he goes after it like a pit bull. He is willing to run for office, unlike you.
You wrote, “As for (my having) anything to do with the “official”35th RD committee, no thanks, not right now.”
My understanding is you are banned for life so my bad, sorry I mentioned it. You can’t go back there either.
You wrote, “You think you know me and what I do or don’t do, your conversation here shows that you have no idea who I am.”
Oh, but I do know you.
You wrote, “On the potential (R) candidate (to run against Schwartkopf), I will not use someone’s name who did not declare themselves publicly…”
You are making it up. Like you did with the Lynn Rogers donation thingy.
You wrote, “Have you not yet learned that I do not write unless I know?”
Looks like I shot this supposition all to hell when I disproved the Lynn Rogers donation thingy.
You wrote, “Ricky B, in his above comment attempted to link to an event that was not approved prior to posting, this is not a public bulletin board, start your own site, or submit through the proper channels. You can submit such post to our contact us email.”
Frank Knottzi strikes again! Edit away! I is okay for you to post a 9/12 DEPATS email but not me, The email only help prove my case. you Nazi! Your candidate(s) for sheriff are wimping out of the debate. The event will be hugely successful. Posting on your site, read by tens, would not have had any effect.
You wrote, “The current 35th RD Chair Matt Opalinski did not even work the polls in the last election, at least not the largest in his district at the Bridgeville Firehouse, where I stood outside all day…”
So if you didn’t see Opalinski at the polling place you were working he did not work any of the polls? Matt wasn’t even the Chairman of the 35th during the 2012 election was he?
Again, You are LOSING!
Wake up! Your public is getting impatient. We need some more of your wisdumb.
“Please tell me when you attended these meetings?”
I was there before you were, that I can guarantee you.”
Exactly, and things have changed and elected officials do no come to these meetings on a regular basis. In fact I asked at least three to come to last night’s, and got the same response from all three, just a little chuckle and a no.
Ricky B concedes another point, on the issue of money raised by the Sussex GOP, all he has is history. WINNING!
And Ricky B, careful you are now getting in way over your head when you start deciding who is and is not a Christian and quoting the Bible to me, “Urquhart is a Christian. He follows the bible. Luke 12:48 (NIV) “… From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”
We are talking politics here, what do you think the political reasons were for his generous donations?
On the Lynn Rogers point, I stand corrected. I will do further research. But as I right now you are correct. LOSING!
It’s not that big a room.
That is correct, I get to decide what gets posted within my post, and there is a decision process for what gets posted to the site, and again, NOT MY SITE.
As for the “event”, again, if someone is having scheduling issues, then they should talk to the campaign people of that candidate, which I am not. And by the way, it is not a debate. I have never seen a debate where there are scheduled guest speakers who would be reinforcing one person’s views. This is nothing more than a campaign rally for Jeff Christopher. He can’t stand alone, so he want Sheriff 9put the women up front) Mack and some book selling lawyer to soften up his opponent.
As for Matt Opalinksi, he also missed the kick-off event for Rep. Dave Wilson last night. You do know that the R in RD Chair stands for representative don’t you?
You wrote, “In fact I asked at least three to come to last night’s (Sussex GOP meeting), and got the same response from all three, just a little chuckle and a no.
I do not blame them. When I campaigned, I skipped the meetings too. Door knocking and event appearances take priority over Sussex GOP meetings during campaign season. Of course if you knew anything about campaigning you would be aware of that.
You wrote, “Ricky B concedes another point, on the issue of money raised by the Sussex GOP”
Pat Fish just reported the Sussex GOP has done a good job raising funds. I believe Pat.
You wrote, “We are talking politics here, what do you think the political reasons were for his (Urquhart’s) generous donations?
Urquhart gave because he had the money to give. Maybe you will do the same someday if you are blessed with extra. (This has been edited for content, if Ricky want to send get well cards then do it elsewhere. Frank Knotts)
You wrote, “On the Lynn Rogers point, I stand corrected. I will do further research. But as I right now you are correct.”
You should offer a public apology to Jack Clark right away.
You wrote, “It is not that big a room (in describing your blog).
Now you are getting it. You are irrelevant.
You wrote, “As for the “(912/Depats Sheriff) event”, again, if someone is having scheduling issues, then they should talk to the campaign people of that candidate, which I am not.”
Yes, you are part of the campaign, you liar you.
You wrote, “And by the way, it is not a debate. I have never seen a debate where there are scheduled guest speakers who would be reinforcing one person’s views. This is nothing more than a campaign rally for Jeff Christopher.”
And I grant you what you have written. However, if your candidate, Robert Lee were serious about winning and had good arguments, he would walk into the belly of the beast and walk out having won some of the crowd over to his side. Who knows what can happen if you only try? But, hey unlike you, he is willing to run and I respect him for it.
You wrote, “As for Matt Opalinksi, he also missed the kick-off event for Rep. Dave Wilson last night.”
Really? Was he personally invited by Wilson and turned down the invitation? Will Wilson now lose his election against his non existent opponent because Opalinski did not show up? Doesn’t Opalinski support Wilson? Was Wilson upset that Oplalinski wasn’t there? Did Wilson announce it to the crowd? What other Sussex GOP officials missed the opening? Oh, that’s right, all of them because they had a regular scheduled meeting to go to. Wilson picked his date. It is not the Sussex GOP’s fault he picked their date. Simpler was smart enough to have a function in the same building as the Sussex GOP. Wilson was in Bridgeville because that is where a lot of his constituency lives. Opalinski did not “miss(ed)” anything.
You wrote, “I allowed myself to be fooled…”
Why would you allow yourself to be fooled?
You wrote, “As to where the money went…Money from (Jack Clark’s) PAC was actually donated to Democrats, Lynn Rogers in particular…”
Thanks for supplying the link. Here is where it lead me:
Date Received Contributor Name Contributor Mailing Address Amount Received
09/17/2012 friends to elect lynn rogers 26177 deep branch rd. milton $500.00
It is obvious to me your are mistaken here. Lynn Rogers donated to the PAC, quite the opposite of receiving money from the PAC. So a conservative democrat gave money to a conservative PAC run by republicans. The republicans would do well to bring Lynn Rogers into the fold. He is okay in my book.
1. How about your book?
2. What other Democrats did Clark’s PAC contribute (or in your case, not contribute) to?
You wrote, “The current 35th RD Chair Matt Opalinski did not even work the polls in the last election, at least not the largest in his district at the Bridgeville Firehouse, where I stood outside all day…”
1. So if you didn’t see Opalinski at the polling place you were working he did not work any of the polls?
2. Matt wasn’t even the Chairman of the 35th during the 2012 election was he?
Actually I agree Ricky about campaigning being more important. I also know that even in off years the elected officials rarely come to these meetings, and there is a tendency for the EC members to insult them when they do, usually the TEA types.
You believe Pat Fish because she says they have done a good job raising money? Really, well did she actually report any numbers?
In June the Sussex GOP took in $6,570.00, of that amount $87.00 was the so called victory fund, and another $100.. was the so called Founders club, the balance of $6,483.00 came from filing fees. So you see they did nothing to actually raise money except collect required filing fees. The victory fund is a can they pass at the meetings, which has been questioned about its legality. NO one outside the EC is donating to the EC.
Okay, again, I am sorry I made a mistake.
Okay, if you can’t follow the content of your own conversations, maybe it’s time you went back to the sand box with the other children, “not that big a room” was in reference for your comment that I had missed Matt at meetings.
You call me a liar, but I am not part of the decision making of the Lee campaign. I have written one post about him, and I support him, and I will cast my one vote for him. But as to where he speaks and when? I have no input in that decision making, but thank you for giving me such a promotion. If I did have that input, I would tell him that as soon as Sheriff Christopher comes up with something new to debate, and can stand at the debate alone without Sheriff (women in the front) Mack, that then there should be a debate, but if all it is going to be is Jeff Christopher rehashing his losing law suit, why bother?
By the way, we here at Delaware Right offered to allow the Sheriff , or his campaign to write a post here that we would post unedited, we have yet top receive it. Why? Because they would then have to defend their indefensible position. Who’s chicken now Ricky? Don’t believe me? Ask Mike Rowe.
Rep. Wilson’s event was open to the public and advertised. And as an RD Chair Matt Opalisky should have been there to show support. Remember, campaigns are more important than meetings, your words friend.
Again I am sorry I made a mistake.
You wrote, “ I also know that even in off years the elected officials rarely come to these meetings…”
I agree. They should be personally invited every month and given an opportunity to give a short report. Sams ran it that way and he was right in doing that.
You wrote, “and there is a tendency for the EC members to insult them (elected officials) when they do, usually the TEA types.”
You were the King of insulting officials and candidates at the EC when you were on it. You picked the wrong time to point out there mistakes and they tossed you out for it.
You wrote, “So you see they (Sussex GOP) did nothing to actually raise money except collect required filing fees.”
At least they keep the party up and running. Without them, who would collect and hold the filing fees? Who would keep the headquarters going and set up monthly meetings? They should have someone on staff doing fundraising but no one wants that job.
You wrote, “The victory fund is a can they pass at the meetings, which has been questioned about its legality.”
The legality of anything can be questioned. That, in itself, does not make it illegal.
You wrote, “Okay, again, I am sorry I made a mistake.”
Oh? What was your mistake?
You wrote, ““not that big a room” was in reference for your comment that I had missed Matt at (Sussex GOP) meetings.”
How would I know what you meant if you do not explain yourself better in your writing?
You wrote, “You call me a liar, but I am not part of the decision making of the Lee campaign.”
Your actions in the future will prove this to be true or false.
You wrote, “If I did have that input in his campaign, I would tell Lee that as soon as Sheriff Christopher comes up with something new to debate…then there should be a debate…”
Maybe that will happen…
You wrote, “…we here at Delaware Right offered to allow the Sheriff, or his campaign to write a post here that we would post unedited, we have yet to receive it…”
Maybe that will happen too…
You wrote, “Rep. Wilson’s event was open to the public and advertised. And as an RD Chair Matt Opalisky should have been there to show support. Remember, campaigns are more important than meetings, your words friend.”
You’re the only one that says Matt should have been there. When did that become a requirement of the RD Chair? I thought they were required to be at EC meetings and hold monthly meetings. What do the bylaws say? Campaigns are more important than meetings when you are the candidate. EC meetings are more important when you are the RD Chair. Wilson does not look for any support from the party. Just ask him, he will tell you the same thing. He runs on his own, under the GOP banner as most candidates do. I know. I’ve done it. You haven’t. You just complain, criticize and condemn.
You wrote, “Again I am sorry I made a mistake.”
Again, What was your mistake?
You wrote, “I allowed myself to be fooled…”
Why would you allow yourself to be fooled?
Lynn Rogers donated to the PAC, quite the opposite of receiving money from the PAC. So a conservative democrat gave money to a conservative PAC run by republicans. The republicans would do well to bring Lynn Rogers into the fold. He is okay in my book.
1. How about your book?
2. What other Democrats did Clark’s PAC contribute (or in your case, not contribute) to?
You wrote, “The current 35th RD Chair Matt Opalinski did not even work the polls in the last election, at least not the largest in his district at the Bridgeville Firehouse, where I stood outside all day…”
1. So if you didn’t see Opalinski at the polling place you were working he did not work any of the polls?
2. Matt wasn’t even the Chairman of the 35th during the 2012 election was he?
Ricky, I agree with your first point that the elected officials should be made to feel welcome. Not sure an engraved invitation is needed, simple respect when they do come would go a long way. This does not mean never disagreeing with them, but simple respect in how that is expressed.
I did speak my mind, but always with respect to the office. I was voted out not because of conflict with elected officials, but because the EC didn’t like being caught with their pants down in the backroom standing in a circle.
When pointed out that the Sussex GOP EC doesn’t actually raise any money, Ricky says, “At least they keep the party up and running. Without them, who would collect and hold the filing fees? Who would keep the headquarters going and set up monthly meetings? They should have someone on staff doing fundraising but no one wants that job.”
In response Ricky I give you a quote from George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”,
“There was, as Squealer was never tired of explaining, endless work in the supervision and organisation of the farm. Much of this work was of a kind that the other animals were too ignorant to understand. For example, Squealer told them that the pigs had to expend enormous labours every day upon mysterious things called “files,” “reports,” “minutes,” and “memoranda.” These were large sheets of paper which had to be closely covered with writing, and as soon as they were so covered, they were burnt in the furnace. This was of the highest importance for the welfare of the farm, Squealer said. But still, neither pigs nor dogs produced any food by their own labour; and there were very many of them, and their appetites were always good.”
I think this is a perfect analogy of how the EC works.
Ricky says, “Wilson does not look for any support from the party. Just ask him, he will tell you the same thing. He runs on his own, under the GOP banner as most candidates do.” And again makes my point for me that elected officials don’t need the EC because the EC is irrelevant. Thank you.
You wrote, “I was voted out…because the EC didn’t like being caught with their pants down in the backroom standing in a circle.”
Why must you describe what happened in such vulgar terms? They were doing what they thought was good for the party. You released information that was never intended to be released because you have no scruples and they tossed you for it. They tossed you for basically the same reason they asked Vance not to run, lack of scruples. For some unknown reason, anyone who fails to meet their mark of righteousness must be destroyed. They decided they did not want your name or Vance’s name associated with the Sussex GOP. I say it was a mistake both times. You are fun to keep around for the entertainment value alone and Vance wins elections and does a good job on the Council. By the way, no one had their pants down. You are only fantasizing they did.
I wrote, “Wilson does not look for any support from the party. He runs on his own, under the GOP banner as most candidates do.”
You wrote, “And again makes my point for me that elected officials don’t need the EC because the EC is irrelevant.”
This is your opinion. Arlett needed the EC to help him gain support for his candidacy. Parish, Green, Sam Wilson, Lopez seemed to have respect for the EC and show up for a lot of meetings. Candidates Simpler and Valenzuela needed the EC last Monday night. The EC is not irrelevant. You are.
Ricky, unlike you, I will not dissect your last comment, because it is your opinion and you are welcome to it. I simply have a different one.
You wrote, “I will not dissect your last comment, because it is your opinion and you are welcome to it. I simply have a different one.”
Not really. You have just given up on trying to outwit me. WINNING!
Ricky Booby, you claim victory however you need to, to help you sleep. You said, “They were doing what they thought was good for the party.” That is an opinion, what is right or wrong about it? I feel differently. To simply sit here and repeat that is a waste of time. And you have no wit to win with.