What Does John Gallo Have To Hide?

John Gallo   Supporters of John Gallo, the Democrat challenger who is running against the Republican incumbent for the 30th representative District, Bobby Outten, might say John Gallo has nothing to hide. And they would be wrong.    You see, the 30th Rep. District is a historically conservative district, this is most likely why Bobby Outten is poised to win his sixth term. Bobby Outten is one of the most consistent conservatives in the General Assembly, he has been, and continues to be, a first-rate fit for this district, even with the usual attempts made during the redistricting process by the Democrats, because in this district even the Democrats are conservative.

If you don’t believe me, you need only ask the hard left progressive organization, “Americans For Democratic Action”. This is an organization that is the progressive version of the “Delaware Family Policy Council”, they are advocates for progressive change, and community organizers for Democrat candidates who share their progressive views for where our state and our nation should be headed.

This organization is such a fringe element within the Democrat Party, that they are even ridiculed by their own party at times, much like the TEA movement within the GOP.

The president of the Delaware Chapter is Mike Matthews, but their real driving force seems to be a man named Ezra Tempco, whose title seems to be “organizer”, who currently has stepped aside to go back to school in New Hampshire, no word if his husband went with him.

The Delaware Chapter of ADA put out a questionnaire, again, much like the DFPC, for candidates and incumbents to answer what can only be described as a loaded to the left survey. And this is where John Gallo’s true ideology comes to light, and because of the actions of the ADA,  that demonstrates they understand that the real John Gallo is not representative of the majority of the 30th district.

But let’s start back on July 2nd of this year, when on the ADA website they listed their campaign endorsements,


Campaign Endorsements

 The Delaware chapter of Americans for Democratic Action has made its first round of endorsements in state legislative races.  Delaware ADA has endorsed the following candidates:
  • Senator Margaret Rose Henry, running in the 2nd Senate District
  • Councilwoman Sherry Dorsey Walker, running in the 3rd Senate District
  • Claire Snyder-Hall, running in the 6th Senate District
  • Senator Bryan Townsend, running in the 11th Senate District
  • Representative Charles Potter, running in the 1st Representative District
  • Representative Gerald Brady, running in the 4th Representative District
  • Representative Paul Baumbach, running in the 23rd Representative District
  • Representative Ed Osienski, running in the 24th Representative District
  • Representative John Kowalko, running in the 25th Representative District
  • Jonathan Gallo, running in the 30th Representative District
  • Paulette Rappa, running in the 37th Representative District

Here is the link, but don’t hesitate to check it out, it may not be there long, as you will see from this story.


As you can see they had endorsed John Gallo way back in July, not surprising considering his answers on their questionnaire.

What were some of those questions and answers you may be asking, well here you go.

1.  Delaware should increase our state minimum
wage to at least $10.10 per hour and index the
minimum wage.



2.  Delaware should work with community
organizations to help enforce a sector-specific
minimum wage of at least $15 for employees of big
box retail, large chain restaurants, and warehouses.


3.  Delaware should commit to ensuring all public
employees and employees working under public
contracts are making a living wage, with a timeline
for accomplishing this goal.  Furthermore, funding
should be allocated in the budget each year to make
progress towards this goal for state employees.


7.  Delaware should establish a driving card for
undocumented residents.


14.  Delaware should prohibit the manufacture, sale,
purchase, transfer, delivery, and public possession
of large-capacity magazines, defined as ammunition
feeding devices with the capacity to accept more
than 10 rounds.


Here is a link to the entire questionnaire, again hurry just in case.


Notice that even when he doesn’t support something, he is merely undecided. As you can see by following the link there are explanations for his support of these issues. This questionnaire, and the answers provided by Mr. Gallo are clearly of the most liberal and progressive ideology.

So how could ADA and Mr. Gallo hope to win in such a conservative district as the 30th? By deception of course.

As I showed above, the ADA had endorsed Mr. Gallo in July, and when they posted their questionnaire results they again endorsed Mr. Gallo.

This is from their website as of Oct. 21, 2014,   http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:g6o1HgAxJF8J:delawareada.org/advocacy/electoral-politics/2014legislatorresponses/+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us


Representative District #29

  • Trey Paradee
    (Incumbent Democrat running against Republican Pete Kramer)

Representative District #30

  • ADA.DE.logo   Jonathan Gallo  *Endorsed!
    (Democrat running against incumbent Republican Bobby Outten and Libertarian Gordon Smith)
  • Gordon Smith
    (Libertarian running against incumbent Republican Bobby Outten and Democrat Jonathan Gallo)

Representative District #31

  • Ralph Taylor
    (Democrat running against Democrat Sean Lynn; victor will run against Republican Sam Chick.  Incumbent Darryl Scott is not running for re-election)

Notice the ADA logo next to Mr. Gallo’s name and the word endorsed. But if you click on his name the link to take you to the questionnaire has been cut.

Now this is from the same website days later,   http://delawareada.org/advocacy/electoral-politics/2014legislatorresponses/


Representative District #29

  • Trey Paradee
    (Incumbent Democrat running against Republican Pete Kramer)

Representative District #30

  • Gordon Smith
    (Libertarian running against incumbent Republican Bobby Outten and Democrat Jonathan Gallo)

Representative District #31

  • Ralph Taylor
    (Democrat running against Democrat Sean Lynn; victor will run against Republican Sam Chick.  Incumbent Darryl Scott is not running for re-election)

Now notice that Mr. Gallo’s name has been removed altogether.  What moved them to remove first the link to the questionnaire, and then to take down their endorsement altogether?

Well it might have something to do with this comparative push card put out by Bobby Outten using the questionnaire to highlight the differences between himself, and Mr. Gallo, and the progressive views of Mr. Gallo.

bobby outten   It was following this card’s distribution that the purging of the ADA site began.

So what does John Gallo have to hide? Well, it would seem he thinks he needs to hide his true opinions on some very important issues to the voters of the 30th Rep. District. It is also clear he fears that if the right of center voters of the 30th were to see this questionnaire that they would know him for the progressive that he truly is.

This also speaks to the larger issue of openness in our politics. If you are a progressive, then be one, be proud, if you believe in your ideology then you should be willing to stand behind it, not try to hide it from the voters.



5 Comments on "What Does John Gallo Have To Hide?"

  1. Dave says:

    I liked the “no word if his husband went with him.” However, “he’s gay” would have been shorter, since you felt the need to point it out. Speaking of which, I wonder why you felt the need to point that out? Evidence of how far left he is? The Log Cabin Republicans would certainly be willing to explain to you why that is not always the case.

    By the way, whenever I see the term “traditional family values” I think of the people I have heard in the past who support “traditional family values” Eric Bodenweiser, Don Ayotte, Lacey Lafferty, Rose Izzo. Yeah, you get my drift. Bobby is in good company it seems. If that sounds like guilt by association well, it is. You are the company you keep.

  2. Dave says:

    Of course, he kinda painted that picture himself, since you just included his campaign material where he stated it himself. I look for code words and phrases when I am attempting to identify RWNJs and LWNJs. That card included phrases which characterizes him. If that’s what his constituents want, then so be it. You reap what you sow.

  3. Pat Fish says:

    Wondering what RWNJ and LWNJ’s are.

  4. Pat Fish says:

    NO WAIT…right wing nut job?


  5. Frank Knotts says:

    Dave, if you notice, I likened the ADA to DFPC I have the same issue with fringes on both sides.

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