Why I Remain A Republican

me 1   I know many people who follow me here at Delaware Right, and maybe also read my writing at my former blogging homes, Delaware Politics, and Politically Frank, wonder about my conservatism, and my party affiliation.  Back in April of 2012 I wrote a piece titled, “How I Became A Liberal”. In that post I explained the way people’s perception of my politics had changed and why. Here is a link to that post. Please read it in its entirety before continuing to read this post, it is important for you to understand my political journey, to understand where I am politically today.

How I Became A Liberal (An Oldie, But A Goody)

Ok, so now you know the path I have taken, well at least up until 2012. Let me attempt to fill in the last five years.

Since I wrote the post in 2012, I have, I believe, continued to apply my core values and principles to all issues and events. And as I wrote back then, I have continued to hold to the idea that conservatism lies at the center of our political world, and our society. People want to be in charge of their own lives, even liberals. Most are willing to take responsibility for their own actions, and live with the consequences.

And, as I have held my straight line of conservatism, others around me in the GOP, have continued to veer further to the right. However, the difference is, where once it was a faction within the GOP, it seems now, at least on the surface, the entire Republican Party has chosen to become a caricature of itself. As this transition of the GOP, from being the flag bearer of conservatism, into nothing more than a political party bent on winning elections, and nothing more, my stand on principle has alienated me even further from the so-called party loyalist.

Again my conservatism is called into question, not because of my stand on any particular issue, but because of my lack of support, and out right criticism of candidates and elected officials who happen to be Republican. It seems as though the Republican Party has decided as a whole, you are never to question, criticize or challenge an elected Republican. If you do, then you must be a “liberal”. I have even been accused of being a Democrat secretly working undercover as  a Republican to undermine the GOP.

Okay, I admit it, I am a sleeper cell for the Democrats. I registered as a Republican decades ago, and have been waiting for the signal to flash across the night sky, telling me it was time to take out the GOP.

What I have been doing for decades is watching as my party of choice, has gone through many changes. This is not unusual for a political party, in fact it is exactly what should happen. As I wrote in the post from 2012, we all should challenge ourselves to expand our own circle of knowledge. And as we do this, our views on issues are naturally going to change, that is, if we are honest with ourselves. If we look at issues based on our core values, we can change our views, without sacrificing those values.

The problem within the GOP today, as I see it, is very few Republicans are being honest with themselves, or anyone else for that matter. No matter what happens, they will apologize and excuse anything a Republican does. They will abandon their core values at the drop of a hat for the sake of the party win. They are more concerned with the win, and the brand, then they are about the direction and success of the nation. The success of the party is all that matters.

The irony is, if they would be honest, if they would show integrity, if they would hold to stated principles, the wins would come much easier.

In large part, this is due to what took place in 2010 with the TEA movement. A grassroots movement came into the GOP and had success. The TEA people began as a group who were concerned about taxes, and morphed into a melting pot of so-called conservative ideals. Unfortunately, what began as a movement with real potential for positive change, was taken over by sub groups who were thinly veiled racist and people who were just angry in general.

With the election of our first black president, President Obama, that racism and anger was sent spiraling out of control. For eight years it festered and boiled. They waited and waited. And then the perfect candidate appeared on the horizon. A person who spoke of immigrants as thieves and rapist. A man who said in no uncertain terms Muslims would be targeted under his administration. A man who said all the same angry things, the angry citizens were saying.

As a Republican who felt the GOP should be the party of the future for the nation, I certainly didn’t want anger to be our future. I didn’t want racism to be our future, I didn’t want the eradication of religious freedoms to be our future, and I never believed for a moment, this angry man would be the future of the GOP. Well I was wrong. Not only did the Republican voters nominate him as our presidential candidate, he is now the President of the United States.

I have been a Republican for decades. I have been just a voter, I have been a member of the party, I have been an outspoken supporter, and an outspoken critic of the GOP. I have been proud of the party, and I have been, and I am ashamed of the party. Right now I hate the Republican Party. I hate the party leadership, and I hate the voters who refuse to see, in my opinion, we as a party made a terrible mistake.

I have known some of these people for years. I like them personally, they are intelligent. But for the sake of the party, for the sake of the brand, they have sold their political souls. They refuse to admit even the least wrong doing of our current president. Instead they attack those like myself as traitors, as liberals and worse.

I wonder when Republicans became Democrats? As I attempt to discuss and challenge them to expand their circle of knowledge, they act and react as Democrats always did when I would do the same about President Obama. They will not answer direct questions, they instead deflect by asking questions about Hillary, or Obama. They attack and name call when challenged on their assertions about what a great job President Trump is doing. Their tactics mirror those of the left when defending their brand.

So, I have stated I hate the current state of the Republican Party, so I know some have wondered before, and some are wondering now, why do I remain a Republican?

The easy answer is, because being a registered Republican is my ticket into the greatest show on earth now that the circus has died, that being the Sussex GOP monthly meetings.

But seriously, I have asked myself this question. Why do I remain a Republican, when I seem to be at times, the only person upset with the direction it has taken. When I feel like I am the only Republican alive who feels like we are on the verge of a real disaster for the party, and maybe the nation, and the GOP will be held accountable for it, because we as a party chose party over nation.

I remain a Republican because it is still my party of choice. It remains the only party which I have even the smallest hope of being represented by. And it is the party I hope will again go through changes and find its way back to the conservative center. Right now the GOP is not about being conservative, it is only concerned with not being Democrat, it is only concerned with the win and the brand, it certainly is not concerned about the state of this nation I call home. But it can be again.

Yes it may take years, maybe decades, but the GOP can be about being conservative again. Oh not that TEA Trump party, “I hate everything and everybody“, kind of conservatism. But the type of conservatism which talks about self-responsibility, not about making “America Great Again“, but in recognizing we have been great all along, in every form and under every manifestation of this form of government which has given us the freest nation in the world.

The GOP can be the party which leads again, not by mandate, but because we do the right thing for the nation, not what might win an election. Those who have followed me know I attempt to keep the cursing here at a minimum, but “FUCK” the brand.

We need to be Americans first and foremost, and the parties be damned. If the two major parties do not see the Trump win was not a victory for the GOP, but a warning to the political establishment in general, they run the real risk of being run over. The fact that Donald Trump could become the Republican nominee, and then win the election, foreshadows dark days ahead for the political parties.

Some will say this is exactly what the nation needs, and maybe so. We might be better off without the entrenched politicos. Or it could be the leading edge of chaos which will consume not only the parties, but quite possibly our representative form of government. This chaos could lead to the establishment of a dictator who would come forward and wrest control from the people in the name of safety and stability. And no, I do not believe it would be Trump, if it were to happen I still think we are years maybe decades from it. However, lightning strikes without notice, and this is why it is important for the people to hold all elected officials accountable, not just those of the opposing party.

This is why I remain a Republican, because I want to work to bring the GOP back to the classic GOP, to bring it back to the Reagan GOP, back to when the party wanted to lead, and not just win. When being a Republican meant more than just not being a Democrat. I want to push, pull, criticize, compliment, kick, scratch, holler, whisper, whatever it takes to return the GOP to a position of respect, not because the party won the White House, but because the party has vision, and goals, and leaders who can not only win, but who once they have won, inspire people to follow them. Not people whose only inspiration is to hate and be angry.

I remain a Republican so that maybe someday, I can say, I saw the darkest days of the party, and I was not afraid to stand in the dark and shout for light. That I stood my ground as the rising waters of despair rose around my feet, and when it got to high, I stepped up upon my principles and waited. So I can someday, look back and hold my head up, and know that I did not give into pressure to go along to get along, that I saw wrong and pointed it out when it was unpopular  to do so. I remain a Republican so that my party of choice shall not vanish from the face of the earth.




16 Comments on "Why I Remain A Republican"

  1. Meyer says:

    And now you know why I respect you.

  2. Rick says:

    This is why I remain a Republican, because I want to work to bring the GOP back to the classic GOP, to bring it back to the Reagan GOP, back to when the party wanted to lead, and not just win…

    You can’t lead if you don’t win. As a matter of fact, a lot of “establishment” Republicans- giys like McCain and Graham- can’t lead when they do win.

    What was it Reagan said about not speaking ill of Republicans? Don’t cite Reagan in vain, Dhimmi. He was a hard-core conservative who had to deal with a hostile Congress for most of his tenure.

    It’s funny- all we hear from Dhimmi is gloom-and-doom when it comes to the GOP. I guess he was reading the Koran when the GOP gained control of the US House, the Senate, thirty-three governorships and the White House. In all, over 1000 legislative seats during the Obama years.


    …as I have held my straight line of conservatism…</i.

    "Conservatism?" LOL.

    Yeah. I guess that's why it's primarily Democrats who visit this site.

  3. Frank Knotts says:

    Rick, you are not completely correct, while you can’t govern until you win, you can lead without winning. The problem is, all anyone is interested in now is winning, and once they win, they start thinking about how to win next time and govern based on that rather than on what is best for the nation. This is true of both parties.
    You say Reagan was a hard line conservative, so was he hard line when he granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants?
    You state he had to deal with a hostile congress and yet he was able to lead and accomplish so much, unlike a certain president who can’t accomplish anything with his own party in control of congress.
    Again your point of Republican wins in the states makes my point, Republican wins have changed very little because that is all that matters.

  4. Thomas J Flinn says:

    RE: Rick & Frank, You Giys is funny.

  5. Rick says:

    Rick, you are not completely correct, while you can’t govern until you win, you can lead without winning.

    Lead whom? I assumed when you were talking about “leading,” that you meant leading the country- as in the presidency, Congress, etc. Typically, the party in power controlls the agenda, while the party out of power obstructs or forces comromise. “Leading” a minority party, a third-party or a splinter group within a party (Delaware Right) is much less effective than driving policy.

    You say Reagan was a hard line conservative…

    As hard line as they get, with a contempt for the subversive press.

    I don’t plan to dwell on this screed- basically just a broken record. “I, I, I…” Sounds like Obama.

  6. delacrat says:

    ” I want to work to bring the GOP back to the classic GOP, to bring it back to the Reagan GOP,…” – Frank

    Let’s hope you do not succeed. The Reagan administration was among the most corrupt in modern times where some 38 appointees were convicted or resigned under a cloud.


  7. Frank Knotts says:

    Well Rick, when you are not winning don’t you need someone to lead the way so you can win? So you can govern. But right now it seems even when the GOP does win, there is no leadership.
    And once again Rick behaves like all extremist and does not answer direct questions. Rick, was Reagan acting as a hard line conservative when he granted millions of illegal immigrants amnesty?
    Delacrat ambam refering to the stated principles and values , not the methodology.

  8. fightingbluehen says:

    If the establishment Republicans had been successful in thwarting the primary, I would be one of the many asking myself, “why I remain a Republican”? I still might, depending depending on how it all shakes out.

    The Republican Party could still be in trouble, depending on how the actions of the establishment are perceived by the Republican base in the next few years.

  9. Frank Knotts says:

    FBH, while we may be able to blame the Trump nomination on the Republican base, his win in the general goes deeper. He tapped into the anger of the American people, and put together an Electoral College win which could be described as lightning in a bottle.
    If he continues on the path of acting like a third grader on meth, more Republicans, both elected and rank and file will distance themselves from him.
    He was able to convince some, and fool others into thinking he could pull it off. When re-election rolls around he will have to run on his record, and his history of bad behavior. If he hasn’t pulled off a big win on health care, if the wall remains nothing but talk, if tax reform amounts to nothing but cuts for his buddies and himself, if he is still talking about “Making America Great Again”, do you really think the people who voted against Hillary will vote for him again, if presented with a more mature, and experienced choice?
    I have to say, if he is re-elected, I may have to rethink my belief in the people of this nation. And you can count on another huge field of Republicans ready to primary him, of course that does help him in regaining the nomination.
    Time will tell, I hope we have that much time.

  10. Honi Soit says:

    The latest Quinnipiac poll shows only 36% approve of Trump. He’s down among white men without college degrees. An erosion of his base.

  11. Rick says:

    Trump has done quite a few things through executive orders, but legislation requires 60 votes in the Senate, and Schumer runs the Senate because McConnell is so pathetically weak.

    Then there is the endless collaboration of the “mainstream” press and the Socialist-Democrat narrative about Trump/Russia collusion. It is of course a dead end, but the endless “news” programming has an effect.

    Hillary lost because she took the white, blue collar vote for granted in a few swing states. Her own insiders knew it was coming, and she wouldn’t listen. Actual voting machines that tabulate the votes were not affected by the Russians.

    The first sentence of Article II gives the President complete executive power. He has the right to fire anyone in the Executive branch for any reason. As I remember, Clinton fired Jeff Sessions for no real reason, and the same thing happens to US Attorneys.

    Despite Comey’s testimony, there is no mention of “intent” in the Espionage Act. The key word is “negligence,” and Hillary was obviously negligent by circumventing State Department security protocols by conducting government business on a private, unsecured server. At the very least, the evidence should have been presented to a Grand Jury. Again, there need be no “intent.”

    The GOP has an outside chance for 60 Senate seats in ’18. If this should occur, Trump could do virtually anything. It is a long shot, but possible.

    It seems obvious to me that the entrenched GOP “establishment” has no real enthusiasm for supporting Trump the outsider. These individuals, like McCain, Graham and McConnell are more interested in holding office and the trappings of power than they are in actually doing anything. They are apparently used to being the minority, and in essence, even though they hold the majority, Schumer actually runs the Senate agenda. And Trump gets blamed for their weakness.

    As an aside, did anyone notice that Delaware now has only one medical insurance carrier offering coverage under Obamacare? For the thick of mind, this was BO’s plan all along- destroy the insurance industry and implimented single payer government insurance. Just think, the government can do to healthcare what they did for the mail system, public housing and passenger rail. Fantastic.

  12. mouse says:

    Trump spoke to the disaffected bigots, racists and those with some kind of irrational resentments toward the other

  13. ratfink says:

    You really fit your screen name and the Democrat narrative on President Tump stinks like mouse turd.


    A more accurate heading is: “Why I Remain a RINO”.

  14. Frank Knotts says:

    You choose “Ratfink” for a screen name and then want to school others? Okay.
    As for me being a Republican or as you call me, a “RINO”, well I get to define for myself what it means to be a Republican. You see, it is not for me to reflect the political ideology of a party, it is the party which should reflect the ideology of its members. I may well be a minority of one, but this is no reason in my view to alter my opinions or principles.
    And if the best argument you have to what I have written here, is to call me a RINO, well my friend you are casting your line in a bathtub.

  15. mouse says:

    English a 2nd language rat?

  16. mouse says:

    Political parties are self serving entities for people who need to be a tribal member. The Democrats have screwed up this state and are full of incompetent hubris but where is a republican I can vote for that isn’t mostly about racial resentments, sexual issues and giving everything to the 1%?

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