Bob Mitchell wants you to vote for him in the upcoming Republican primary, for the 35th Representative District . Bob Mitchell has chosen to take on Rep. Dave Wilson for the seat of the 35th Representative District. That alone should call his mental stability into question.
Depending on what time of day it is, his reasons for challenging such a well liked and respected legislator can very. However, a couple of the hot topics of conversation with Mr. Mitchell usually revolve around the fact that Rep. Wilson supported both the opponents of Cindy Green in her last, successful, run for the office of Register of Wills. That would have been local businessman and Republican,Brian Butler in the GOP primary, and also the former Register of Wills and Democrat, Greg Fuller in the general.
Mr. Wilson was very public in his opposition to Ms. Green’s re-election campaign, based on her being, in his opinion, unqualified.
Mr. Mitchell has close ties to people in the Greenwood area, an area where Ms. Green has fanatical support. I have had conversations with Mr. Mitchell in which he can’t help returning to the fact that Rep. Wilson dared to hold to principles before party. That he put the interest of the citizens of Sussex County before the interest of the GOP. Somehow this is a bad thing in Mr. Mitchell’s opinion. He seems to be saying, As long as they are Republican, it doesn’t matter how unqualified they are for the job, just keep supporting them. Party before people seems to be Bob Mitchell’s mentality.
Now, at other times, Mr. Mitchell tries to hide behind a more political argument, questioning the fact that Rep. Wilson has voted yes on the three major fiscal bills, the budget, the bond bill and grant in aid. Mr. Mitchell demonstrates his overall lack of knowledge about governing in his all or nothing attitude.
Mr. Mitchell states he would vote no, to funding vital services, like volunteer fire companies, schools, road repairs, all of the things contained within those fiscal bills. And what is his go to reason for this? Because the grant in aid bill contains pass-through funding for Planned Parenthood, which consist of $30,000.00, or .00075% of the budget. So Mr. Mitchell would block all funding to make a moral stand on this single issue.
But hey, everyone is entitled to their opinions, well except for Dave Wilson, he was supposed to stay silent about his opinion of Cindy Green’s qualifications for the job.
The question I really want an answer to, is Bob Mitchell, how many times did you call Dave Wilson to complain about his votes? How many times did you contact Dave Wilson to give him your opinion on issues so that he could better represent his district? For that matter Mr. Mitchell, how many 35th District meetings did you attend prior to announcing your intention to primary the Representative in good standing of that district? How many County GOP meetings did you attend? In other words, what was your level of involvement in the party, the district, the county and the state?
I think I know Mr. Mitchell, since I was a regular attendee of the 35th District meetings, that is until they were turned into the Cindy green tent revival meetings, with her pet Jordan Warfel as Chair. I started attending them regularly somewhere around 2007 or so, don’t remember seeing you then or since. The same for the county meetings, nope, no Bob Mitchell. Not until a couple of months prior to you making your intentions known.
Maybe Mr. Mitchell would like to tell us of all the Republican candidate campaigns he worked on. Or how many doors he knocked for someone else.
No, it is more likely, Bob Mitchell is nothing more than a puppet of the Greenwood MOB, and the MOB is only interested in the personal vendetta they have out for Dave Wilson’s opposition of Cindy Green.
So, what we have, in this Republican primary for the 35th Representative District, is a choice between Dave Wilson, a well like and respected Representative in good standing, who is accessible, (If you take the time.) who has served his constituency well, with a long record of public service, who will work for other candidates as hard as he does for himself, or you can vote for a man who has had no history of involvement within the GOP, who has no history of helping candidates, no history of even reaching out to his own Representative to voice his views, Bob Mitchell
Think about this, by Mr. Mitchell’s own admission, he had never spoken with Rep. Wilson prior to calling to inform Mr. Wilson of his intention to primary him. Is that the behavior of a Big Boy?
Someone should have told Bob Mitchell, stay on the dock, the water is over your head.
“Murdering the innocent to advance an ideology is wrong every time everywhere.” – George W. Bush
If it is wrong, Frank, to stand firm and be vocal for the unborn;
If it is wrong to stand firm against those who support the Liberal Democrat Agenda and all that it entails;
And if it’s wrong to hold accountable all who refuse to use their elected position to further the ideals of our Republican Party at every opportunity;
Then convict me.
Because I am guilty of these wrongs and pledge to continue in these ways as long as God gives me breath.
And once again, Frank, you are wrong. I had spoken to Mr. Wilson in passing at different events in the past. What I said was that I had never formally introduced myself to him. I felt that it would be the gentlemanly thing to do to formally meet with and inform him of my intent to run face to face before I announced it to any one else. But I suppose it is hard for you to understand doing anything “gentlemanly”, so I understand your confusion.
Bush would’ve voted for the budget.
“That said, we searched media reports from Bush’s eight years in office and found no instances of the president pushing to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood’s work in the United States. We contacted Planned Parenthood itself, which also couldn’t cite evidence of Bush targeting their federal money.”
Amateur hour is over, Bob. Dave Wilson is an exceptional conservative legislator, and he has earned re-election. Take your ego trip elsewhere.
It is not 1950 anymore, nor will it be ever again. The bloodlust to turn back our reality to that time period defies all logic. It is not a conservative value, it is a cult to return to a time when all these people last felt safe, i.e. telling everyone else what to do and getting away with it.
The Delaware GOP, DOA and AFU.
“Bloodlust”?? “Cult”??… Really??
So because I want to balance our budget, stop placing mountains of debt onto the backs of future generations, stop using taxpayers’ money to fund abortions, and oppose the Ultra Liberal Democrat Agenda (which by the way, has the very real possibility of nominating an avowed Socialist for their Presidential Candidate!!), this defies your “logic”???
If this is the basis of your “logical reality”, then it’s no wonder you use a fake name to post your comments…
“Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do what’s right.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Balance the Budget, stop placing mountains of Debt onto the backs of future generations,stop using taxpayers’ money to fund abortion, and oppose the Liberal Democrat Agenda? Sounds like what Dave Wilson tries to do everyday in the face of Democrat majorities in the DE House. Now he has a small cur biting at his heel. Do you know what “Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do what’s right” really means?
Say it ain’t so
Bob says, “And if it’s wrong to hold accountable all who refuse to use their elected position to further the ideals of our Republican Party at every opportunity;”
What does that even mean? First of all who gets to decide what is the “ideals of the Republican party”?
You Bob? Your handlers Cindy Green or Ronnie Yoder? Anyone elected to office? Again Bob, you demonstrate your complete lack of knowledge of what it means to govern.
You believe that it is the responsibility of the elected officials to tell the people what is right or wrong, it is not. Our system of government is a representative republic, which means we elect people to represent the ideals of the people, and if they don’t, then we vote them out, that is the accountability you speak of. Unfortunately for you and the Greenwood MOB, you can’t get elected by Republicans only, once elected, a representative should represent all the people who elected them, not just the Republicans, nor should they impose “Republican ideals” upon the people.
That is the mentality of a tyrant. Are you a tyrant Bob?
And really Bob? “And once again, Frank, you are wrong. I had spoken to Mr. Wilson in passing at different events in the past. What I said was that I had never formally introduced myself to him.”
Somehow talking in passing at events doesn’t sound like reaching out to voice your disapproval of his votes or to inform him of how you felt he should vote in order that he could better represent his district. You do a lot of parsing of words Bob.
And I notice you didn’t list all of the campaigns you have worked on, or the level of involvement within the party you profess to care so much about.
What is it Bob? Did you just wake-up one morning and decide to run for office? Was that before or after Cindy green and Ronnie Yoder whispered in your ear?
it doesn’t matter how unqualified they are for the job, just keep supporting them. Party before people seems to be Bob Mitchell’s mentality.
What “qualifications” does one have to possess to be Register of Wills, other than the ability to read and write?
“So because I want to balance our budget”
The budget is balanced by law, every year.
“stop placing mountains of debt onto the backs of future generations”
So does Dave Wilson, which is why he cosponsored a bill to restrict the uses of the Transportation Trust Fund, for instance. He just has the maturity to not oppose the cops, firefighters, teachers and nonprofits that depend on the state for their funding, just because he didn’t get 100% of what he wanted. He’s made an impact where an impact could be made.
“stop using taxpayers’ money to fund abortions”
Taxpayer money is not used to fund abortions in Delaware. Facts matter. And while Dave Wilson would like to see Planned Parenthood removed from the budget altogether, he won’t neglect the other needs of his constituents just to he can throw a temper tantrum.
“oppose the Ultra Liberal Democrat Agenda”
So does Dave Wilson. He has a lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union that puts him in the top 6 in the entire General Assembly.
Why do we need you again?
Must have struck a nerve to get that rise out of him. This is a tough crowd, and coming here throwing a fit, does not help your cult of personality. Ask your handlers or anybody else who I am, and then decide if I am real enough before you resort to the fake name insult game.
I hate to disappoint you all, but I don’t have any “handlers”…
I laid out my reasons for running in a very amicable conversation with Mr. Wilson back in November. I told him my concerns about our State’s fiscal situation. I also told him that I felt that he crossed a line – NOT when he supported Brian Butler in the primary, but when he backed the Democrat opponent. And yes, Frank, I am aware of that Register of Wills is not part of the General Assembly, but the Democrat that Mr. Wilson backed is now running for Lt. Governor. Does Mr. Wilson back him now? No. Why not?… Has Mr. Fuller’s character changed in 2 years? I don’t think so… he seemed like a really nice man to me when I met him. Its confusing… Mr. Wilson strongly supported him for public service then. So why not back him now?? Because it’s not politically expedient to back him now for a State wide office because he’s a Democrat. So say what you want, the personal rift between Cindy and Dave was/ is none of my business, but when he let his personal disagreement with her affect the party, it was disappointing to say the least. When he was asked if backing the Democrat were to create enough concern within his constituents that someone decided to run against him, his response was that he didn’t care, he would switch to a Democrat and run. Given the agenda of the Democrat Party today, there is something about that statement that is troubling.
Look – if you support Mr. Wilson- that’s fine. You will never hear me degrade you personally, accuse you of being part of a “mob”, or photoshop pictures of you to ridicule you. I disagree with his voting record on fiscal matters. I believe that he (and, yes, others) could lead in a more effective manner, and I am disappointed in his cavalier attitude about the differences between the Republican and Democrat parties. That’s it.
Just as you are entitled to your opinion, so am I. I don’t hide from it, I didn’t hide it from him, and I don’t view with contempt those who disagree with me – heck, I willingly eat breakfast with them on Fridays so I fully understand the “tough crowd” and have no problem discussing the issues with those who disagree with me.
As for the “fake name insult game” you refer to, I guess I just don’t understand why you would feel the need to disguise your identity to post a comment or opinion publicly, that’s all… and since I don’t have any handlers – and as Frank points out all of the time, I am not part of “the establishment”, then I have no idea who “waterpirate” (or “Boobie” or “say it ain’t so” or “Thomas Clancey”) is.
Maybe it’s just me, I’ve always been comfortable to discuss and disagree with people and still be friends. It may sound naive, but it’s just who I am.
@Rick: What “qualifications” does one have to possess to be Register of Wills, other than the ability to read and write?
Oh? Check out the emails Cindy Green sent to Todd Lawson:
“I don’t understanding how my email confused you on the matter.”
“My request will be taken more creditable with your support.”
“I see no better way to appoint then with the Register’s approval.”
The Mennonite Mafia is rolling strong for Bob here.
Bob says, “I laid out my reasons for running in a very amicable conversation with Mr. Wilson back in November.”
Again Bob, you waited until you were announcing your intention to primary him, to lay out your reasons for running. So you were a completely uninvolved citizen, and party member, until you decided you would be better at the job than Rep. Wilson.
Speaks volumes. One has to wonder, if you couldn’t take the time to reach out to your Representative to voice your concerns, how can we expect you to build a consensus among other legislators, especially considering the no compromise attitude you have demonstrated by your postings here and on Facebook?
As for your question of who he might support in the Lt. Governor’s race? Well you would have to ask him, if you can find the time to call him. But I have to say for myself, considering the only Republican to announce so far is La Mar Gunn, I would support Greg Fuller myself. Unlike you, my choices are not so easy, it’s not just about the party affiliation, I have to take time and make a real decision, and not just look for the letter following their name.
You again show that the reason you are running is because Rep. Wilson dared to be honest in his views, and supported people he felt would do a better job than your good friend Cindy Green.
And then your handler Ronnie Yoder whispered in your ear, and you just had to run.
Oh, I understanding now- credit where credible do.
“I hate to disappoint you all, but I don’t have any “handlers”…”
Ultra Liberal Democrat Agenda – ultra liberal Democrat agenda
State wide – statewide
Democrat Party – Democratic Party
Socialist for their Presidential Candidate – socialist ….presidential candidate
Perhaps you should get a handler or at least someone who could help you with the English language. No one has perfect grammar or spelling, but when your writing contain as many errors as yours has it is indicative of either ignorance or laziness. I am a proponent of using the English language in our nation. I wish our politicians and candidates were equally interested in their native language. Now if English is not your first language, I apologize. I recognize it is a difficult language to learn.
Maybe sometime in the future you will learn to write an article, instead of being an attack mongrel with rabies.
Why ever would I want to do that? But if I did, I certainly would pay attention to my grammar.
Dave, I’m pretty sure Danny was talking to me. LOL
And thank you Danny for your input.
Frank, you are nothing but a bully, grow up. you are what I call a blog gangster. you would never say some of the things you say on your blog to peoples faces. you love to flex your blog muscles. you are wrong on this just like you were on Tech. Also, this is not the 1950s??? this is your reference on abortion?? Have you ever seen a 3d picture of a 8 week old unborn child? technology has proven how wrong abortion is, your killing a Baby!!!!! you are living in the past my friend. do your homework.
Anytime an elected official or a candidate or a mouthpiece brings abortion to the table for discussion about governance, I stop listening. Separation of church and state is what got this country rolling, maybe you should remember that, and save the rest of it for Sunday in the house of worship of your choice. We have a pandemic of problems in Delaware and this country that need attention that have nothing to do with abortion.
Actually, the topic of abortion was brought up in the context of removing it from governance. Abortion is legal. I simply proposed that we stop publicly funding it and you immediately jump to the “separation of church and state” argument? How is that applicable? The Supreme Court found that having an abortion is a Constitutional right. I don’t believe that their findings included a mandate that the rest of the citizenry should pay for someone to exercise that right…
The right to bear arms is a clear Constitutional right. Does that mean that the government should buy a gun for me? I don’t think so.
Here’s a challenge: Someone on this blog make the case for why taxpayer dollars should be used for paying for abortions. I’d like to read it…
And Dave- I apologize for the grammatical errors. I will attempt to be more careful. I’m not a “Grammer nazi”, but our middle child graduates with a degree in Secondary English Education in 10 days, so I should try to do better!
How many publicly funded abortions did Delaware pay for last year, Bob?
And if you don’t know the answer to that question, we can safely conclude you are simply ignorant of the subject about which you express concern.
So, how many, and how much was paid?
“dude”, I wasn’t the person who made the “50’s” reference. I also have a long history of opposition to abortion, go back and read my first post here at DR. My disagreement with Mr. Mitchell on abortion is not whether or not abortion is right or wrong, it’s not even over whether or not tax payers should be funding it, it’s about how to go about defunding it.
As for what I would say to a person’s face? Well you might want to ask Mr. Mitchell that question, since he sits behind me every Friday for breakfast, I think he would tell you I rarely pull punches.
No see WP, now I have to tell you the issue of abortion is not always about faith based arguments. I prefer science. If we have laws against murder, then abortion is murder, since life begins at conceptions. That is not a faith based opinion, it is a scientific one. We know for a fact that once conceived, if man nor God interferes with the process, that conception will grow to be a human being, therefore it is life.
Separation of church and state is what got this country rolling…
The Pilgrims and Puritans…progenitors of the Founders…were Christians all.
Granted, the Founders forbade a religious test for office. This hardly means they weren’t Christians. Read their own words.
“That is not a faith based opinion, it is a scientific one. We know for a fact that once conceived, if man nor God interferes with the process, that conception will grow to be a human being, therefore it is life.”
…which is really a tangential observation that isn’t relevant to the Roe v. Wade decision. Roe v. Wade assumed for the sake of argument that it was the taking of a life. The thing is that there are two lives involved in the situation and, early on, the balance weighs in favor of the interests of one of them in self determination.
But Bob’s not going to tell us how many “publicly funded abortions” there are in Delaware.
And do you know why not? The only way that an abortion will be publicly funded in Delaware are in cases of rape, incest and threat to the life of the mother. That’s it. There is not some free-for-all funding of abortion in Delaware.
What Bob wants to make sure is that someone’s daughter has to bear her rapist’s child. And it doesn’t just end there. That rapist is the father and has parental rights. The rape victim doesn’t just have to bear the child, but has to have an eighteen year relationship with their rapist as joint custodian of that child. That’s what Bob wants.
The other thing Bob wants is for young poor women to die from pregnancy complications. Can’t pay? Drop dead. That’s what Bob wants.
But, given those restrictions, I question how many, if any, are actually publicly funded. And I am willing to bet that Bob doesn’t even know.
It still amazes me how many people on this blog use fake names…
The total state funding for Planned Parenthood in recent years has been around$500,000. The average cost of an abortion ranges from approximately $300 for simple 1st trimester procedures to around $2000 for more complex late term abortions.
That’s alot of procedures…
And under the current laws, everyone should be covered by insurance (and Obamacare mandate), so whether it’s private insurance, employer paid, or Medicaid, everyone (ok… almost everyone) should have insurance. So why the need for public funding of a private organization who’s president makes over $10,000 per week!
The only thing I have called attention to is the use of taxpayer dollars funding Planned Parenthood. You don’t know what my stance is on abortion any more than I know your real identity. You “assume” you do so you go off on your uninformed diatribe and in complete ignorance start saying things that “Bob wants”…
Why not message me and we can talk about what “I want” so you can at least be informed about what things we disagree on and the things that we have common ground on. Of course, in today’s anonymous world of social media, it’s easier to lob uninformed “insult grenades” out on a message board than it is to have civilized discussions on issues. I’ll even buy your breakfast at Jimmy’s this Friday if you like. Heck, I’ve bought Frank breakfast twice so I’m either a suckered for punishment or I really mean it when I say that I like civil discussions about issues. It’s up to you… whoever you are…
Bob does not want any public funding for Planned Parenthood for any purposes, such as screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections. While Bob feigns concern for the unborn, in practice, his defunding Planned Parenthood would champion the interests of the likes of chlamydia and gonorrhea.
You do realize that Planned Parenthood provides a range of services including:
Wellness exams: screening for breast and cervical cancer
Birth control and family planning
HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer
Advanced diagnosis and early treatment for cervical abnormalities (colposcopy)
Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including the rapid test for HIV Emergency contraception (Plan B) Pregnancy tests and information on all pregnancy options Abortion services
Male exams:screening for STDs,
HPV vaccine
Your comment implied that $500K was being spent on abortion alone. You have now provided 2 red flags for voters. This latest comment and your previous capitalization tropes like “Ultra Liberal Democrat Agenda” These two common “errors” (quotes because they are not really errors) identifies you as someone who is either ignorant or of low intelligence. Both of which disqualify you from making decisions concerning citizens of this state.
It may be that you redeem yourself in the future with carefully crafted output, thoughtful pieces on various aspects of the state, yada, yada. But as of now, you have 2 strikes.
Here is where the rubber hits the road. Anyone who wants to defund public service based on conjecture and sly accounting of ” not the whole truth about services offered ” should volunteer to end the tax exemptions for all houses of worship, and pay your fair share into the pot if you want to influence the law. I will include in the house of worships taxable income all trusts, foundations, property holdings, et all. Pay in and you can have a seat at the table. What say you?
Well, “waterpirate”, your logic is so flawed it’s laughable. You’re saying that, calling for an end to Public Funding of Planned Parenthood should result in an end to tax exempt status for religious organizations who receive NO public funding… It’s no wonder you use a fake name!!
Ok. I’ll go slow so you can follow me here:
Planned Parenthood is a 501(c)(3) corporation. That means that you can donate to them just like to a church or other non-profit. Logic would say that, since Planned Parenthood receives public funds, then houses of worship should receive public funds also, OR, since houses of worship and other non-profits do not receive public funds, then neither should Planned Parenthood. Let those who “support” Planned Parenthood actually support them. Local churches and other 501 (c)(3) organizations remain viable only if there are people who support them financially. So why is it any different for Planned Parenthood – which also accepts payments from most insurance companies and Medicaid for their services…
And Dave, while I am aware of the other services that they offer, they performed more than 327,000 abortions in 2014.
“The total state funding for Planned Parenthood in recent years has been around$500,000. The average cost of an abortion ranges from approximately $300 for simple 1st trimester procedures to around $2000 for more complex late term abortions.”
Bob, that’s outstandingly dishonest.
How many abortions did Delaware pay for under the limitation by state law to rape, incest and threat to life of mother. That last category is not performed in outpatient clinics, but is of course incident to emergency medical situations in the hospital.
You know full well that the funding in question are for a range of public health services specifically excluding abortion.
You said you wanted to stop taxpayer funded abortions. Again, in the state of Delaware, the only allowable circumstances for that are rape, incest, and threat to the life of the mother. That’s what you have said you want to eliminate.
And that’s why you refuse to answer a simple question about one of the main things you say you want to do – How many taxpayer funded abortions are there in Delaware. You don’t know, and you think your reference to grants for other health services is actually going to fool anyone?
How about I go slow for you. Do you think that houses of worship are really ” like church mice”? Give me a break. Open up the books and pay your taxes! When a individual is given money or assets, guess what? They pay tax. If those assets or gifts go on to earn money, you guessed it, pay again.
Bob, you have now gone full on Ayotte. Complaining about screen names to deflect from answering direct questions. I do thank you for participating under your own name, it is rare. But let’s focus on content of the questions, and not deflect over the name used. I can tell you that WP is a contributing member of the Sussex Community, and a well educated person. As for some of the others, I have no idea who they are, so I am forced to judge their input by their contributions here, and not any preconceived ideas based on who they are.
Please don’t attempt to back out of your opposition to abortion with qualifiers. You have many times stated you wish to defund PP due to its use of the money for abortion.
Which they do. Fishbites, can you tell us just how that wall between the money used for medical services, and the money used for abortions is erected?
Bob, as to your misinformed statement that houses of worship do not receive public funding? Wrong again.
Right here in Sussex County, the Dagsboro Church of God received public funding for its fireworks display through grant in aid from the County Council, and Sam Wilson voted in favor of it. Other religious groups also regularly receive such funding with Sam Wilson’s support.
Bob you live in Sam Wilson’s district, don’t you? I wonder why you never challenged Sam Wilson in a primary to stop this wasteful spending? It could be your total lack of involvement up until you were told to run against Dave Wilson, and it could be because your handlers like Sam Wilson. Either way, you don’t see the whole field, only the grass.
The last thing anyone needs is another idiot who thinks that defunding Planned Parenthood will mean an end to Planned Parenthood providing abortion services. It won’t. Abortion is legal and Planned Parenthood funds their abortion services through private donations and the money they make charging women on a sliding scale according to their income.
Tax dollars don’t pay for abortions, Bob.
Seems like all Bob wants to do is stop poor and low income women from getting much needed health care services like cancer screenings, which makes Bob an a*****e.
“Which they do. Fishbites, can you tell us just how that wall between the money used for medical services, and the money used for abortions is erected?”
Ah, yes, despite all of the scrutiny and program reporting requirements, they are secretly cooking the books in the back room to show that an abortion billed to a patient or their insurer shows up as 100 pap smears given out under a public health grant. Have a gander at the Section 2 of Part VIII of their 2013 IRS Form 990 ( I’m sure that it, and all of the auditable accounting reports used to produce are probably lies, all lies! When services are billed to Medicaid, for example, they don’t magically transform into something else since Medicaid is pretty clear about who is the patient and what was their treatment.
The bottom line here, Frank, is that Bob says he wants to do away with taxpayer funded abortions as among the only three priorities he listed. He says this because he knows there are people – on no rational basis whatsoever – who believe there is some magic money fountain paying for abortions for whomever might drop in on a whim. Since one of the three allowable categories in Delaware is a medical emergency threatening the life of the mother, these are not likely to be done in outpatient clinics in the first place.
It would seem to me that if a politician is running for the purpose of putting a stop to something, then that politician should at least have some rudimentary notion of the size of thing thing he wants to stop. After he goes to Legislative Hall and single-handedly ends these “taxpayer funded abortions”, how will he know what he has accomplished, if anything?
Oh Bob knows exactly how many tax payer dollars goes to PP, he has said it many times. $30,000.00, less than one percent of the budget for Delaware, that’s why he is willing to also defund vital services within the fiscal bills until PP is removed.
I also note that Mr. Mitchell has fallen silent since I made this comment above,
“Bob, as to your misinformed statement that houses of worship do not receive public funding? Wrong again.
Right here in Sussex County, the Dagsboro Church of God received public funding for its fireworks display through grant in aid from the County Council, and Sam Wilson voted in favor of it. Other religious groups also regularly receive such funding with Sam Wilson’s support.
Bob you live in Sam Wilson’s district, don’t you? I wonder why you never challenged Sam Wilson in a primary to stop this wasteful spending? It could be your total lack of involvement up until you were told to run against Dave Wilson, and it could be because your handlers like Sam Wilson. Either way, you don’t see the whole field, only the grass.”
What’s the matter Bob? Facts get in the way of agendas? Or maybe you are waiting for instructions from the Greenwood MOB Bosses.
I would speculate that his handlers finally had the sense to tell him to ” stay off the blogs “. I think blogs are a good litmus test for candidates. However when it goes badly, It rarely convinces them to re examine their platforms or motives for running.
“Bob knows exactly how many tax payer dollars goes to PP,”
…and has been pointed out several times, that doesn’t answer the question.
But it does give the candidates the ability to characterize themselves before they exit. Now everyone knows about Bob.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
Planned Parenthood has accomplished what the KKK couldn’t do in a thousand years. In the black inner-cities, more black babies are aborted than born. In postwar Germany, this type of wholesale slaughter was known as genocide.
Of course, this is consistent with the vision of the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, who wanted to cleanse society of the financial burden of “undesirables.”
Frank you may sit behind him at breakfast , but I do not think you would say this to his face. Blog gangster #pussy
“Planned Parenthood has accomplished ”
Personal responsibility Rick, personal responsibility. PP accomplished nothing. They opened a door. People choose to go in or not. Your war (not literally but figuratively) is not with PP. Rather it should be with individuals who make these choices. It is the same with drugs. The prevalence of drugs does not cause drug abuse. Nor does the availability of alcohol cause drunkenness.
We all make individual choices. What you should be wondering, questioning, and analyzing is why do people make the choices they do? And what can society do to cause them not to make these choices?
As someone who is anti-abortion, my strategy would be to ensure that using protection becomes the norm. Not just the accepted thing to do, but so ubiquitous that people have to be remind that in order to have children they need to stop using protection. The focus on PP is way too late in the process. It’s sorta like your lawn. If you wait until you see weeds, it’s too late to prevent them.
If blogs truly exist to share info and ideas the candidate doing badly or exiting is all the same. The info was asked for and ignored, or the candidate ” went all Ayotte “. Frank, I will make a note of that for being truly the beginning of a catch phrase for that child like behavior. Heck, it may even catch on. Wink.
“this type of wholesale slaughter was known as genocide”
Ah yes, who can forget the protesters who used to block the doors to the concentration camps and shout at Jews who wanted to get into them.
By the way, Frank, the headline/photo combination is in the finest American tradition of political satire. Boss Tweed didn’t care what the papers printed. It was the cartoons that made him angry.
Dude said, “Frank you may sit behind him at breakfast , but I do not think you would say this to his face. Blog gangster #pussy”
First of all, since I get to Jimmy’s very early, and Bob shows up later, technically he sits behind me.
And is the fact that you call me a blog gangster, and a pussy here under a screen name completely lost on you? Again, ask Bob if I pull my punches when we speak face to face. And since I write under my own name, and Bob knows me, one could conclude that what I say here is face to face, unless you are inferring that if face to face there would be some threat of physical violence.
But hey dude, I’ll make this offer to you, if you are ever face to face with me, feel free to call me a pussy.
As for Bob showing up here to defend his weak minded attempts,to reach for some reason which will convince voters, they would be somehow better served by a single issue babe in the woods, rather than an experienced, well liked Representative like Dave Wilson? Well I will give him credit for at least doing it under his own name.
He has most likely gone silent due to being unable to again attack Dave Wilson for funding through grant in aid, when one of the Greenwood MOB’s favorites routinely gives away tax payer dollars in the same fashion. Bob walked to the end of the dock and got shoved by his handlers, and the water is way over his head.
Bye-bye Bob.
Frank you are the one drawing fake hair(very poorly I might add) on people!! would you draw that on his real head. I don’t think so….. So you are the new blog gangster. when you act like a child you get treated like a child. Like I said, you are nothing but a typing bully, I think Bob has stood up to you pretty well. and I still do not think you would call him mentally unstable to his face…..
Personal responsibility Rick, personal responsibility. PP accomplished nothing. They opened a door.
They don’t merely “open a door.” They sell a product, often in collaboration with the government. And within the confines of their businesses, they have killed hundreds of thousands of black babies. Worse than Hitler and beyond the wildest dreams of the Grand Wizard of the Klan.
“this type of wholesale slaughter was known as genocide”
Ah yes, who can forget the protesters who used to block the doors to the concentration camps and shout at Jews who wanted to get into them.
The net effect is genocide, and consistent with Sanger’s plan.
“KKK and PP, two sides of same coin seems to be”
Interesting to see that the “conversation” continues. Once someone calls another person an @$$#01&, I find that its usually no longer a “conversation”, but rather a series of insults with no intention on either side of actually learning anything.
I’ve been extremely busy this past week, so I took a few days away from this blog – it’s not like anything that I might say would be given any serious consideration by those who have already decided exactly who I am without ever having met me anyway….
So here are my responses: (I’m not going to take the time to look back at who said what, since most are under fake names anyway…)
I honestly do not know how many abortions the State of Delaware paid for last year – and neither does anyone else. PP’s receipt of public dollars that are supposed to be used for all of the other services, now frees up private donations to pat for abortions. Again I will state that, under Obamacare, everyone has insurance now, I don’t see any reason why we would need public funds to pay for the other services they offer as the cost would be covered… Additionally, previous employees at PP have accused them of falsifying records, so that’s another reason that I would say that no one really knows…
As tof the comment of public funds not going to houses of worship, I stand corrected- but I think you understand my point – that any amount given cannot even come close to being compard to the hundreds of thousands of dollars given each and every year to PP.
Lastly, I would say that Frank says to me personally most of what he would write on the blog. However, he pretty much prefers that I don’t sit with him any more at “the cool kids’ table” on Fridays, so he basically blocks his whole side of the bench. And last Friday he refused to shake my hand when he left (he shook everyone else’s), so I’m not sure what that meant, other than that I must really be getting under his skin….
I’ll be at the Convention this weekend, so anyone who wants to actually meet me is more than welcome to introduce themselves.
Sorry for the typos…. I wrote it onow my phone & it’s hard to go back & preview it…
Abortion is legal in the US, including Delaware.
So if you don’t like abortion, the best thing YOU can do to prevent abortion is keep it your pants, failing that, learn how to use a condom or get a vasectomy. The friendly folks at Planned Parenthood will be more than happy to discuss both options with you.
Dude says, “Frank you are the one drawing fake hair(very poorly I might add) on people!! would you draw that on his real head. I don’t think so”.
Now that is either very funny, or a sign that you are completely detached from reality, I’ll leave it for the readers to decide.
Welcome back Bob.
Bob admits, “I honestly do not know how many abortions the State of Delaware paid for last year – and neither does anyone else.”
So Bob Mitchell is running on a single issue, that he now admits to not knowing how many tax dollars are spent on it.
Bob then says, ” PP’s receipt of public dollars that are supposed to be used for all of the other services, now frees up private donations to pat for abortions.”
In this comment, Bob also admits that tax dollars pay for other health services like those mentioned by other guest here, and that it is “private” money that pays for abortions.
Bob Mitchell said, “As tof the comment of public funds not going to houses of worship, I stand corrected- but I think you understand my point – that any amount given cannot even come close to being compard to the hundreds of thousands of dollars given each and every year to PP.”
Well wait a minute Bob, you yourself used the amount of $30,000.00 a year, not hundreds of thousands. And if you take the time to look at grant in aid just for Sussex County, not including what the state gives to religious based organizations, you will see that it far out numbers PP funding.
So this is one more thing that you do not understand, or that you turn a blind eye to.