Election 2016 Decisions

img_1278   Considering the choices out there, the options might seem like a choice between the gun, or poison.  Prior to every election I take the time to write a post to encourage everyone to get out and vote. Considering we are just two days away from election day, on Tuesday the 8th of November, I guess this will have to pass for that, though to be honest, my heart is not in it.

There have been very few people I have spoken to, who are excited to vote for either of the presidential candidates of the two major parties, and the alternatives are little more than silent protest votes, since the numbers they will receive are unlikely to be, even a blip on the meter.

Truly those who are excited to vote for either Trump or Clinton cause me greater concern. Anyone who can be excited to vote for Donald Trump, is either not paying attention, or they have serious mental issues, or they are complete hypocrites, who have actually convinced themselves he is a conservative.

Those who are excited to vote  for Hillary Clinton, also are either not paying attention, or they have no regard for integrity and honesty.

Now remember, I said excited to vote for these people, this doesn’t mean that millions won’t be voting for them, because, there will be millions of people making the choice between the gun, flag-gun

or the poison. poison

Now of course it will depend on which side you are on, which determines, which you consider which.

The gun will be a quick death, and the poison could be a slow lingering death, so which would we wish on the nation? If you feel as I do, neither choice is helpful in choosing who to vote for. Of course I have been told there is no requirement to vote for anyone, and this is true, however, if I, and many others choose to abdicate our responsibility to vote, to choose our leaders, then how long can the republic survive? That way leads to the end of our form of government more surely than bad leaders.

Yes I have said in a previous post I would be voting for Hillary Clinton, that was prior to the latest disclosures and the news the FBI was again investigating the email scandal. And I did hedge my bet when I wrote in that post, “I will be, unless some new revelation is disclosed between now and election day, casting my vote for the President of the United States of America, for Hillary Clinton.  I have no words to define the level of sorrow I feel, that this is what it has come to, for myself and others as Republicans.”

I can tell you now, that no matter what, I will not be casting my vote for Donald Trump, because for me, that would be the bullet to the head, for both the nation and the Republican party.

Considering the likelihood that if elected, a Clinton administration would be nothing but a target for any number of political enemies, and would only further divide the nation, in other words, she would be the poison, a slow painful death. However, there can be an antidote for poison, if the victim receives treatment soon enough, not much you can do for a bullet to the head though. So while I am no longer sure I will vote for Clinton, she is in my opinion a better option.

If I were to not vote in the presidential race, that would be like the bystander who sees the victim put the gun to their head, and does nothing to stop them, or sees a person take the poison and does nothing to get them help. And honestly, voting for the lesser party candidates is like giving the antidote to the person standing next to the victim, it really won’t help.

Okay, now that I have bummed myself, and maybe you as well, with that evaluation of our future, let us talk about some things we actually have a little more control of, our local races.

Okay, so here in Delaware, especially for Republican voters, it’s still a tough row to hoe.

If anyone thinks that Colin Bonini hasn’t thrown in the towel in the Governor’s race against John Carney, tell me the last time you heard a Bonini commercial?

As for the Lt. Governor’s  race, between long time Democrat legislator, Sen. Bethany Hall-Long, who is running against La Mar Gunn? Well, even though Hall-Long has some baggage thanks to her husband’s escapades, she is likely to win, since Gunn has seemed to run solely for the minority vote, focusing his campaign on addressing issues from the perspective of minorities in Wilmington specifically.

The Hall-Long race is important to Republicans, not because they want to beat her, in fact there is a Republican calculation by many, in which they are pulling for Hall-Long to win so that her Senate seat becomes available for a special election. So sorry La Mar, but I hate to tell you, many in your chosen party are pulling against you, but there’s always the IPOD, if you need Don Ayotte’s number I can get it to you.

You see, the Republicans are banking on the special election for the vacated Hall-Long seat, a pretty good bet by the way, to have a chance to take over the majority in the state Senate. Now this also requires wins in the general election. In this they are banking on the likes of Carl Pace for the 14th Senate District against incumbent Bruce Ennis, a tough climb.

Another race the Republicans have hung their hopes on is in the 7th District, with freedom of speech hating, Republican, attorney, Anthony Delcollo,  challenging Senate Pro Temp Patricia Blevins, yeah right, like that is going to happen.

An open race is for U.S. Congress with Republican, Hans Reigle  facing off against Democrat, Lisa Blunt Rochester. This one is an open race, but considering Delaware’s registration ratio, it leans to the Democrat.

Another state-wide race which is not so cut and dry, is the Insurance Commissioner’s race, where you have the under qualified Democrat, Trinidad Navarro looking to move up the ladder and counting on the registration ratio to do it, and then you have the highly qualified Republican, Jeff Cragg who has a life time of experience in the insurance field and its issues. This is a race with similarities to the Ken Simpler race for state Treasurer in the last election, and so, it is possible the people will again choose the most qualified person for a specific job, which requires specific skills.

Down here in Sussex there is the challenge for the 14th Representative District currently held by the Speaker of the House Pete Schwartzkopf, being challenged by some guy who just moved here. If the challenger gets more than 25% of the vote, Speaker Schwartzkopf should be embarrassed.

A race that might be a little closer is the race for the 37th Rep. Dist., between incumbent Republican Ruth Briggs-King, and second time challenger Paulette Rappa. It is clear Ms. Rappa has learned a few things about campaigning from her first run at Briggs-King, and has made what on the surface at least, a closer race than last time. Of course a couple of recent public events within the District, which didn’t seem to go well for Rep. Briggs-King on issues of mobile home parks and flooding in the district, may make this doable for Rappa. But I call this one, too close to call.

The other race in Sussex worth watching is the 41st Rep. District with Republican incumbent Rich Collins, and Democrat Brad Connors. This is only close because there seems to be a fair number of voters in the district who have been dissatisfied with the constituent services of Mr. Collins. Early on, former Representative John Atkins was flirting with another run and was seeing a lot of support, but due to personal issues, I know shocking right? He had to back out, leaving the door open for Connors, who to be honest, generates about as much excitement as paint drying, but he is running against Rich Collins, so he might be okay.

I’ve had my fun, now let me be serious. Get the hell out and vote. Hopefully you have been engaged and informed, and can make an informed choice. If not, then go play golf or something. If we refuse to know the issues, to know the candidates, and to participate, then we have given up. Simply voting is not enough, we must make sound choices. Leaving the decisions up to others is exactly what gave us Trump and Clinton as presidential choices.

I am a dreamer, I still believe we can pull the nation back on track. We can once again make our choices based on what is good for the nation as a whole, and not based on which party wins. It is time to put party politics back in the box, to vote for the best people for the job.

I say this following what is, at the beginning a very bleak outlook of this election and its outcome. But it is often darkest before the dawn. The sun is just over the horizon, all we need do is walk towards it.




48 Comments on "Election 2016 Decisions"

  1. waterpirate says:

    I am going with the gun. If it all must end, let it be swift, not lingering like the Cranberries.

  2. fightingbluehen says:

    You can rest easy and vote for Hillary with a clear conscience , Frank, because she has been exonerated once again…What a surprise. Have to admit that I saw this coming.

  3. Frank Knotts says:

    Well we may not agree, but welcome back.

  4. Frank Knotts says:

    FBH, help me out, what sources do you choose to believe? The ones you already agree with?

  5. fightingbluehen says:

    Hillary gets her best bump in popularity after she’s been piled on and then exonerated.
    Bet she’s hoping that bump from the FBI announcement peaks on Tuesday…..Probably a planned factor. I wouldn’t put anything past these people.

  6. Rick says:

    The FBI doesn’t “exonerate” anyone, at least not directly. They are an investigative agency, and make the results of their investigation available to the DOJ, which makes a decision whether- or not- to go to a grand jury for an indictment. The DOJ is led by the AG- Loretta Lynch- that’s right, the same Loretta Lynch who “accidently” met with Bill Clinton on an airport runway. Such transparency. Such faithful obedience to the law.

    …she would be the poison, a slow painful death. However, there can be an antidote for poison, if the victim receives treatment soon enough…

    Once she gets two to four Supreme Court appointment, forget about an antidote. Her socialist agenda will be codified. And you’d better use your gun soon, because I can assure you that her court will declare that only the “militia”- in her interpretation, the National Guard- can be armed.

    I don’t care who wins. If Trump prevails, we’ll have a break in our rush toward statism/socialism. If criminal Hillary wins, it will accelerate a convention of several states, who will likely emerge united against unconstitutional federal government. We’ll see where that leads. Hopefully, secession.

    As to the down ballot, I couldn’t care less.

  7. Frank Knotts says:

    FBH didn’t answer the question. I am just curious why you believe everything bad you hear about Hillary as though those saying it are above playing politics.
    And Rick are these several states you speak of contiguous? Kinda hard to form and defend a union separated by a continent. And your lack of interest in local races demonstrates your laziness or your attemp to stay removed from responsibility.

  8. fightingbluehen says:

    “I don’t care who wins. If Trump prevails, we’ll have a break in our rush toward statism/socialism. If criminal Hillary wins, it will accelerate a convention of several states, who will likely emerge united against unconstitutional federal government.”

    ….Or we will fade into complacency as the trivialities of government fade, and artificial intelligence and robotics replace and supply most if not all human labor and general needs.

    We will all be living on a “universal basic income” as we pursue personal endeavors such as arts and sport….lol

  9. Frank Knotts says:

    I guess FBH is all in, since they are taking the tactic of not answering direct questions.

  10. fightingbluehen says:

    Frank, are you referring to your question regarding my original comment? I was just relaying the breaking news that the FBI probe into Hillary’s emails was over. It has nothing to do with whether I believe she is crooked or not.

  11. delacrat says:

    “…the alternatives are little more than silent protest votes, since the numbers they will receive are unlikely to be, even a blip on the meter.” – Frank

    If you had more discussion of the alternatives, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson, you would not be a reason they are not blips on the meter.

  12. kavips says:

    If you are concerned about the future of our country, there is only one vote that can be cast for its betterment. These are crazy times. Probably because usually at this time there are two capable candidates, sometimes 3, who if voted in, could at least keep the country from collapsing over 4 years.

    This round we seriously only have one. She has got to be one of the luckiest people alive.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Was hoping someone with more credibility, would have stepped in by now. I think this is a write in year.

  14. fightingbluehen says:

    Mickey Mouse?

  15. KING COBRA says:


    If you are really dead-set about blowing your brains out, aim for your butt.

    (Looks like a toy gun.)

  16. Fish Bites says:

    “I was just relaying the breaking news that the FBI probe into Hillary’s emails was over. It has nothing to do with whether I believe she is crooked or not.”

    It’s the damned evidence and law which refuse to cooperate with what you believe. It’s not for lack of trying. Comey has been trying to nail her since Whitewater. Both Cheney and Roce graduated from the Nixon White House and have been nursing butt hurt since her minor role in the Senate Watergate Committee.

    She’s guilty of something and, by God someday we’ll figure out what!

  17. Frank Knotts says:

    Hey Cobra, come by my house some night around one in the morning to see my “toy” gun.

  18. speedracer says:

    A little poll troll magic. What’s interesting in this are the first and last graphs. While most respondents will vote for Trump, it seems they believe their neighbors will vote for Hillary. So sorting this out is why they actually vote!


  19. mouse says:

    I heard that if you people turn in your guns early that you can choose your own FEMA camp assignment

  20. mouse says:

    But I am worried about who will monitor and fight for all the sexual issues when the Republicans suffer such a humiliating defeat

  21. Rick says:

    And Rick are these several states you speak of contiguous? Kinda hard to form and defend a union separated by a continent

    Yes. Idaho to Texas

    . And your lack of interest in local races demonstrates your laziness or your attemp to stay removed from responsibility.

    Huh? What’s “lazy” about not caring who the insurance commissioner is? I just don’t care. And I don’t care if the old bitty from Lewes wins or not. I’ve taken on my responsibility to make an assessment, and my assessment is that I don’t care.

    Meanwhile, you’ll vote for a career liar and criminal who will pack the Supreme Court with leftist ideologues. A woman who believes in completely open borders.

    Talk about lazy. No, I guess stupid would be a better word.

  22. Fish Bites says:

    Clearly, we need a president who can speak with moral authority about families. So vote for the guy who has had five children with three different women.

  23. Fish Bites says:

    “And your lack of interest in local races”

    Frank, I think it is unfair to say that Rick lacks interest in local races. He has a lot to say about several of the local races, and he has taken a strong position in support of the white one.

  24. mouse says:

    I though he wrote in the sheriff for all the local offices

  25. mouse says:


  26. Rick says:

    …and he has taken a strong position in support of the white one.

    I live in the 20th/6th. What is the “black” choice?

  27. Fish Bites says:


  28. Henry says:

    Commenting on your photo.

    We wouldn’t be so lucky!

    Vote Trump.

  29. Fish Bites says:

    Here’s a blast from the past.

    Guess who wrote this:

    “There won’t be a Chunkin for the same reason that swimming pools no longer have diving boards. The government and lawyers run the country. I suppose football and motorcycles are next; after all, they’re inherently dangerous, too.”

    You think the latest person injured at the event is going to live?

  30. Honi Soit says:

    I cheated by doing a search of the quote to confirm my hunch that it was Rick.

  31. fightingbluehen says:

    Not looking good for Trump according to early Votcastr exit polls, and since the GOP didn’t fully support their own candidate, I believe there will be a mass exodus from that organization.

  32. Dave says:

    Trump is not a Republican. At best he would be considered a RINO. Reagan has already turned over in his grave. Republicans own this disaster because they decided to be irresponsible. We voters used to have a choice. We recognize that we may disagree on major issues, but at least we could count on the candidates being actual grownups.

    Why did you Republicans do that? I suppose the answer doesn’t matter. A better question is, what are you going to do to fix it?

  33. fightingbluehen says:

    Looking at MSNBC and CNN right now. They are all having a hard time containing their shit eating grins.
    Congratulations to Frank and all the other never Trumpers….. Maybe you can make something of what’s going to be left of the Republican Party.

  34. delacrat says:

    “… Maybe you can make something of what’s going to be left of the Republican Party.” – FBH

    If the demise of the Whig Party is guide, the GOP won’t be missed.

  35. fightingbluehen says:

    The CNN, MSNBC smirking faces seem to be taking on a more serious look at this hour.

  36. fightingbluehen says:

    Could it be!?

  37. laughing gas says:

    So if TRUMP wins, Frankie blows his brains out.
    If Clinton wins he swallows POISON.
    A net improvement to the Sussex political landscape either way.


  38. fightingbluehen says:


  39. sunstorm says:

    Go ahead… Make my day. Pull the trigger, BITCH.

  40. Rick says:


    So much for our resident know-it-alls.

  41. Fish Bites says:

    So, what’s the betting pool say for when he jails his opponent?

  42. High Ranking Republican says:

    Frankie :

    If you are planning on going to Return Day, with your loser bosses Cragg and GROSSman, kindly remember to take a bath , leave your metal toys at home and wash and starch your kinky tee shirt.

  43. fightingbluehen says:

    What makes this victory so remarkable is what Trump had to overcome. He had to defeat almost the entire news media, practically all of the entertainment industry, the President of the United States ,who went on the road for a month and stumped for Hillary(at tax payers expense) , a couple of past Presidents of the United States, Black Lives Matter, leaders from his own party, and the Pope for Christ’s sake.

  44. Rick says:

    To Frank, G.W. Bush, G.H.W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Kasich and the rest of the crybaby turncoats who did everything in their power to elect a lying criminal:

    Shut-up, and stay the f out of the way. Nobody wants your “advice.”

  45. Henry says:

    I believe in recent articles you wrote I started Trump would win. I also stated all statewide GOP candidates would lose.
    Almost. Delcollo won his.
    That must just grab you in your nuts Frank. When Trump won the grab turned into a twist. Lol

  46. mouse says:

    Stand back or the white guy gets it

  47. X-RAY says:

    Looks like Cragg , GROSSman and Knotts have a case of terminal stupidity.

    Cragg is way too cheap to hire good writers, so the crap keeps on coming.

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