Well I had been saving this post until a certain someone filed to run for office. I assumed I would make it a package deal covering several races. As many of you may know, today was the final day for filing for office in the 2014 election cycle. However, if a party has failed to find a candidate for any race, then the party chairs can place a candidate at a later date.
Today saw a flood of last-minute filings, and many of them will cause primary races. Let me say from the beginning, I am one person who can honestly say I believe in the primary process. While I do not feel that it is always necessary, I do feel that it is often a good thing, a process that flushes the system from time to time.
2014 will see its share of primary races, and no surprise the bulk seems to be on the GOP ticket.
In Sussex County alone there are three GOP primaries of note. Of course we have the current Sheriff, Jeff Christopher being challenged by Robert Lee, former police officer, and investigator. As far as we can see right now, there is nothing new coming from the Christopher camp that passes for a campaign platform. The race will surely be a referendum of Jeff Christopher’s never-ending crusade to turn the sheriff’s office into another police force.
One primary that surely has the potential for fireworks would be the race for the Sussex County Council seat currently held by Vance Phillips, who is now being challenged by fellow Republican Rob Arlett a local realtor. If you have spent anytime in Sussex in the past two years or so, surely you know about Mr. Phillips’ situation. Seems as if Mr. Phillips has a civil court case pending in which he is charged with sexual crimes against an at the time eighteen year old woman. Many have speculated whether or not Mr. Phillips can mount a vigorous campaign with such an issue hanging over his head. Factor in also that he is still recovering from injuries suffered in a lightweight aircraft accident and the race looks good for Arlett.
Another Republican challenger in a primary in Sussex, is local Bridgeville businessman Brian Butler, who has file to challenge the current Republican seat holder for the Registrar of Wills Cindy Green. While Mr. Butler is new to politics, he has expressed a desire to serve the people. Registrar of Wills is not a provocative race, even so, Mr. Butler believes that he can bring his skills as a businessman to the office, in order to make the office even more efficient. Mrs. Green for her part has held down the seat and done no real harm, but as of late has been distracted by personal commitments. And some have questioned who exactly runs the office, Mrs. Green, or her deputy, Bodenweiser.
It was also announce today that, “after long consideration and having talked to many of his constituents”, current Rep. John Atkins, Democrat of the 41st Dist. will seek re-election. Now anyone who knows Mr. Atkins has to find this funny, because no one would believe that he had ever considered not running. Not sure he could make a living off of just running a fruit stand and delivering firewood. Though considering the personal issues that he once again finds himself ensnared in, it might have been best. Currently it looks as if he will face GOP candidate Rich Collins, who by the way came very close to defeating Mr. Atkins in the last cycle. While Mr. Atkins in the past has seemed bullet proof in this district, this is actually a winnable race for the GOP.
One interesting development that will force a primary, one that actually involves Democrats, is for the 14th Rep. Dist. currently held by Speaker of the House Pete Schwartzkopf, who is being challenged by Nelson E Warren. I am just getting this news today, so I don’t know anything about Mr. Warren. What I do know is, this proves that the Democrats could find someone to run against Mr. Schwartzkopf, but the Republicans couldn’t.
From the file of golden oldies, or the same old thing, we have the persistent Kevin Wade once again filing to run for the U.S. Senate, this time against Democrat Chris Coons. Kevin Wade is an extremely intelligent man, who would likely make a decent senator. However, he is about as exciting as beige. I know that seems a shallow critique, but let’s face it, putting people to sleep will not win votes. Not that Chris Coons is any house on fire orator. I almost forgot, Kevin Wade will also be in a GOP primary against an unknown, Carl Smink. No I didn’t make that up. And don’t ask me, seems to be a TEA type.
Another do over is Rose Izzo. I have to admit the first time I heard Rose Izzo speak, the accent drove a dart through my ear. But I like Rose Izzo. She will be challenging Democrat incumbent John Carney. I have lost count, but I think this will be her third try. Though I like Rose Izzo personally, to be honest I don’t like her chances of winning.
Mike Tedesco filed as the IPOD for State Senate against Sen. Colin Bonini (R) for the 16th senatorial district. And might I say, no Republican is more deserving of a primary than is Sen. Bonini, it is too bad no one came forward.
I am sure I am missing many races that are out there, as we move closer to primary day and the general election we will have plenty of time to cover more of them. Like maybe the fact that often candidate, Mike Protack, will be running for the New Castle County Council.
This brings me to close with what has turned into the most contested race in the state of Delaware. The race to be the Treasurer of Delaware. Of course this office has in the past been a stepping stone to the office of the governor. But this cycle will see primaries on both tickets.
The current Treasurer, Chip Flowers is still recovering from the credit card scandal in which he and his deputy misused state issued credit cards for personal use. This has led directly to a Democrat primary challenger, Sean Barney, who has clearly been hand-picked by Delaware Governor Jack Markell (who is staying out of the race, yeah right), and U.S. Sen. Tom Carper who Barney has worked for both in the past.
But the fun doesn’t stop there, over on the GOP side we have native Delawarean Ken Simpler, who has been campaigning for the office, for the last couple of months. Enter former Lt. Governor candidate Sher Valenzuela, who filed just today. While I support the primary process, I have to say this is one GOP primary that didn’t need to happen. Ken Simpler has a real chance to win back a state-wide office for the GOP, this primary will only hurt those chances. One can only assume that Ms. Valenzuela sees this as an opportunity to move a step closer to the governor’s seat. Too bad, she may be reaching for the loaf, and the GOP will miss the slice.
Let us add into this race the fun added attraction of a Green Party candidate and we can bet on a rollicking good time.
This is just the beginning, there will be plenty more updates to come in the coming months I am sure. If I have missed any races of interest please feel free to add them to the mix in comments.
Sher Valenzuela is the worst kind of political opportunist. Just like Chip Flowers. And no serious candidate files on the last day. This is a spoiler campaign, plain and simple, put forth by the small and ever-shrinking group extremists who just can’t stand the fact that the GOP has a highly qualified, highly intelligent, hardworking conservative candidate set to win a statewide campaign without beating his chest with their same old tired out ideological talking points. I was planning on sitting this one out, but now I’m volunteering full-time for Simpler. Shame on Sher Valenzuela for this last-minute stunt!
I can’t think of anyone other than Markell who went from Treasurer to Governor. Carper was a US Congressman before he was Governor, Minner was in the State Senate, Castle was Lt. Governor, du Pont was a US Congressman, Tribbit was in the Delaware House, Peterson worked for du Pont.
“Well I had been saving this post until a certain someone filed to run for office.”
Who were you waiting for Frank? Is it a secret? Who is this mystery candidate?
“The race will surely be a referendum of Jeff Christopher’s never-ending crusade to turn the sheriff’s office into another police force.”
Agreed. And to your disappointment, Christopher will win. He is a dynamic speaker and campaigner. Despite his “never-ending crusade” and the county council’s crushing disapproval of his budget requests, he has continued to oversee a smooth running office. Sales and subpoenas are being accomplished in a timely fashion and the staff is friendly and efficient. Besides that, the tables have turned in Sussex due to the increase in crime. Lee has already flip-flopped on his stance regarding the sheriff issue and that will come back to bite him.
“If you have spent anytime in Sussex in the past two years or so, surely you know about Mr. Phillips’ situation.”
Agreed. Everyone is aware of Phillips’ situation. Yet you had to remind us once again. Not sure when it became a crime to have sex with an 18 yr old woman. Wow! Delaware is really becoming conservative. Arlett is not only a realtor, he is also the Sussex GOP Chairman of the 38th District. His wife Lorna is a committee person in the 8th ED. Of course you wouldn’t know this as you were voted out of the Executive Committee.
“Another Republican challenger in a primary in Sussex is local Bridgeville businessman Brian Butler, who has filed to challenge the current Republican seat holder for the Registrar of Wills Cindy Green.”
To begin with, the office is officially the Register of Wills in all three Delaware counties (not the Registrar, in other states they are known as Registrars, not here). While you taunt the business prowess of Butler you neglect to point out that Green is also a small businessperson. Not sure how Butler will be able to make the office more efficient. Green has done a lot more the “held down the office”. She has pulled the office into the 21st century. She accomplished all her campaign promises and through shrewd staffing decisions has been able to complete items her predecessors had given up on. Not sure what “personal commitments” Green is “distracted by”, so please elaborate on this remark. Unlike most row office holders, Green is constantly in her office. She even answers the phones and works the front desk. Since when did Bodenweiser start running the Register of Wills office? Isn’t he the man that was recently vindicated? I did not know he worked for Green.
Amazingly, you are clueless about how the row offices are actually operated. The reality is that the Deeds, Wills, Peace and Sheriff elected officials are generally only figureheads and the offices are actually run from within. Deeds was run by Cathy Pepper for many years and is now run by Pam Fausnaught. Peace has been run by Annie Besche-Martin for many years. Sheriff is run by retired State Policeman Dennis Lineweaver. If you say Bodenweiser is running Wills then it must be so as you know everything. Maybe you can give us more information about that. The salary for the elected offices of Deeds, Wills, Peace and Sheriff is only about $22,000 and just like State Reps and Senators, they are considered part time positions. These positions generally only give name recognition to candidates that hope to run for higher office someday (Dave Wilson, Howard Clendaniel, John Brady, etc.)
“Though considering the personal issues that (Atkins) once again finds himself ensnared in, it might have been best.”
At least Atkins is willing to run for office, unlike the criticizers that sit on the sidelines. He is a probably the hardest working campaigner I have ever met and once elected, no one works harder for his constituents. He may not be as righteous as you are in his personal life but the man was born for this job. It will be a tight race – again.
“ I am just getting this news today, so I don’t know anything about Mr. Warren.”
A simple Google search reveals Warren is a long time Sussex Dairy Farmer that recently had his state leased land yanked out from under him by an out of state bidder. Look for him to give Schwartzkopf a run for his money.
“What I do know is, this proves that the Democrats could find someone to run against Mr. Schwartzkopf, but the Republicans couldn’t.”
Obviously the Democrats did not “find” Warren to run against Schwartzkopf, as they are completely enamored with him. Warren will get the cold shoulder from the party, but the rank and file may just support him and that is what wins elections. The Republicans may just find a candidate to put on the ballot. Warren may soften Schwartzkopf up enough for a Republican to topple him over.
“…(Carl Smink) seems to be a TEA type.”
Why in the world do you label him this way? No one I’ve spoke to has ever heard of him. My understanding is that he has not been involved with the Delaware Patriots (TEA Party) at all, nor has he been involved in the Sussex GOP. Up until now, there has been nothing on the Internet about him, not even a phone number. The man is a virtual blank canvas, yet you label him “a TEA type”.
“But I like Rose Izzo… I like Rose Izzo personally”.
Wow, you actually like someone! She ran in 2010 against Urquhart and Rollins gaining only 3% of the primary vote. But in 2012, when she ran against Kovach and with virtually no money she gained 35%. It will take an anomaly for her to beat Carney but stuff happens (just ask Bodenweiser).
“…no Republican is more deserving of a primary than is Sen. Bonini”
Really Frank? The most conservative state senator in Delaware needs a primary? The first legislator ever to vote against a state budget needs a primary? Apparently he doesn’t need a primary as no one stepped up.
Harry Whittington – “I can’t think of anyone other than Markell who went from Treasurer to Governor. “
Carper was our State Treasurer from 1977 to 1983 before he became a congressman and eventually became our governor in 1993. The Treasurer’s office allows its holders to find out where all the bones are buried and then use the bones to catapult themselves to higher office. No wonder the Dems are so scared of Flowers. He has all the bones.
Dear, dear Ricky Bobby, you seem to be new here so I will take this in baby steps for you. Since you chose to take my post apart piece by piece I will return the favor.
As for “who” I was holding the post for, yes I think I will keep that a secret just for fun, I will tell you that they did file,though not on the last day like some late comers to the party.
You state about Jeff Christopher, “He is a dynamic speaker and campaigner.”, that is your opinion, others may find him to be redundant with nothing new to offer the voters, so many, have heard the spiel, so much, that when he starts talking people stop listening. Move along nothing to hear here friends!
You then point out, ” Sales and subpoenas are being accomplished in a timely fashion and the staff is friendly and efficient.”, and that is good since that is now the defined role of the office, and if he would stick to that he would have far less opposition.
On the Vance Phillips issue you show your lack of reading comprehension. Learn to read,and read to learn. You state, ” Not sure when it became a crime to have sex with an 18 yr old woman. “.
Well since in my post I stated, “Seems as if Mr. Phillips has a civil court case pending in which he is charged with sexual crimes against an at the time eighteen year old woman.”
You see a civil case is not a criminal case, the AG did not think that it could try the case successfully, so the alleged victim chose a civil case. And while it is not a crime to have sex with an 18 year old woman, some of the things alleged are. Do your homework friend.
And yes I am aware of Rob Arlett being a committee chairperson, but did not see the need to include it. See this is how this works, my post, my choice on what to include.
Now on the “Register of Wills”, you say, ” She accomplished all her campaign promises and through shrewd staffing decisions has been able to complete items her predecessors had given up on.”
Would that shrewd staffing decision be where she arranged for a person to be transferred to the sheriff’s office, so that she could place Bodenweiser as her deputy?
And if I have to explain Deputy Bodenweiser to you, well then you really are clueless.
You also make a great case for completely doing away with the elected figure heads in these row offices, think of the money we could save.
Now onto Mr. Atkins, you say, “At least Atkins is willing to run for office, unlike the criticizers that sit on the sidelines”. So we are back to the idea that all citizens must run for office, or else they can never speak on the topic. Grow up.
As for my statement, “ I am just getting this news today, so I don’t know anything about Mr. Warren.”, I meant politically.
This may be my favorite paragraph from you, ““What I do know is, this proves that the Democrats could find someone to run against Mr. Schwartzkopf, but the Republicans couldn’t.”
Obviously the Democrats did not “find” Warren to run against Schwartzkopf, as they are completely enamored with him. Warren will get the cold shoulder from the party, but the rank and file may just support him and that is what wins elections. The Republicans may just find a candidate to put on the ballot. Warren may soften Schwartzkopf up enough for a Republican to topple him over.”
At the risk of being Mr. Obvious, that is what is known as sarcasm! The point being that the GOP failed again to field opposition for one of the most powerful Democrats in the state. SARCASM!
And the chances of John Riley finding someone now is slim at best, hasn’t happened up until now.
This was your defense of Carl Smink, “…(Carl Smink) seems to be a TEA type.”
Why in the world do you label him this way? No one I’ve spoke to has ever heard of him. My understanding is that he has not been involved with the Delaware Patriots (TEA Party) at all, nor has he been involved in the Sussex GOP. Up until now, there has been nothing on the Internet about him, not even a phone number. The man is a virtual blank canvas, yet you label him “a TEA type”.
Well, well, no one you have talked to knows him, big surprise. Well I “label” him TEA type because of the people who have been walking him through meetings and introducing him. They are TEA types, so the obvious conclusion wood be they support him, so he must share their TEA attitudes. Also if you read his web page the usual empty rhetoric of the TEA types is on full display. Do your homework friend.
Now the Izzo factor, you say, ““But I like Rose Izzo… I like Rose Izzo personally”.
Wow, you actually like someone! She ran in 2010 against Urquhart and Rollins gaining only 3% of the primary vote. But in 2012, when she ran against Kovach and with virtually no money she gained 35%. It will take an anomaly for her to beat Carney but stuff happens (just ask Bodenweiser).”
Now I have to teach you math as well? The gain she saw in 2012 would in large part be due to the fact that it was a two way race, not a three way race as was the case in 2010. She merely picked up Urquhart’s hard right voters, but made no gains in picking up more main stream voters.
As for the, “(just ask Bodenweiser)”, not sure what that means.
As for Bonini being conservative, well I witnessed his so called conservatism from about ten feet away on the Senate floor on the last night of the General Assembly when he threw the Republican caucus under the bus and handed the Democrats a victory. Conservative my eye!
Class dismissed.
warren is legitimate salt of the earth hard working people. not sure of the details of his land, but his farm a true family operation including cows, corn and i don’t even know what else. i doubt he has much of a chance because he will not get the backing of the party.
i believe simpler has legitimate chance to win the office in the general.
i have to believe that phillips is in trouble. not sure about christopher.
Thanks for commenting on my comments. I have a few more and hopefully you will comment again.
Re Phillips: “…the AG did not think that it could try the case successfully…”
The original criminal allegation/accusation was that she was under 18 and the AG found out that didn’t happen. The AG realized there was no case to try in the first place and therefore dropped the matter.
“…while it is not a crime to have sex with an 18 year old woman, some of the things alleged are.”
Two consenting adults were alone in a room together. Specifically, what sex crime is alleged? What could have happened in that room that was a crime in Delaware? Was it the difference in their ages? Please explain.
“And yes I am aware of Rob Arlett being a committee chairperson, but did not see the need to include it.”
I agree. His huge contribution to the GOP is insignifcent and irrelevant. I understand why you would not include it.
“Now on the “Register of Wills” In my first comment, I wrote, “Not sure what “personal commitments” Green is “distracted by”, so please elaborate on this remark.”
You did not elaborate so apparently this is not true.
I also asked, “Since when did Bodenweiser start running the Register of Wills office?…Maybe you can give us more information about that.”
All you wrote was, “And if I have to explain Deputy Bodenweiser to you, well then you really are clueless.”
Okay, so I am clueless. Please explain Deputy Bodenweiser to me.
You wrote, “Would that shrewd staffing decision be where she arranged for a person to be transferred to the sheriff’s office, so that she could place Bodenweiser as her deputy?”
This is huge accusation. If true, it would make Green guilty of cronyism. You did not even qualify your accusation with the word alleged. Can you prove your accusation and if so, what is your proof and how long ago did this occur?
You wrote, “You also make a great case for completely doing away with the elected figure heads in these row offices, think of the money we could save.”
I am not making that case at all. Let’s think about the money that would be saved. 4 X $22,000 = $88,000. However, the elected figure heads do bring much needed changes and updates in their respective offices that would not have happened without their impetus. Just ask any current or former row officer. They will quickly tell you about all their accomplishments while in office. $88,000 is money well spent in my humble opinion.
You wrote, “So we are back to the idea that all citizens must run for office, or else they can never speak on the topic. Grow up.”
I never inferred that idea at all. You are welcome to your right to free speech. Actually, I am encouraging you to run for elected office. You should take that as a compliment.
You wrote, “And the chances of John Riley finding someone (to run against Schwartzkopf) now is slim at best, hasn’t happened up until now.”
Reiley and his gang are pretty smart. I’d bet they see this opportunity and are working hard to find a candidate to put up.
Regarding Carl Smink your wrote “Well, I “label” him TEA type because of the people who have been walking him through meetings and introducing him. They are TEA types, so the obvious conclusion wood be they support him, so he must share their TEA attitudes.”
What people have been walking Carl Smink through what meetings and introducing him to what people? Please name some people and some places.
You wrote, “Also if you read his (Sminks’s) web page the usual empty rhetoric of the TEA types is on full display.”
It is very disappointing to find out that you now consider TEA party rhetoric empty. Weren’t you heavily involved in the COD campaign? Didn’t you used to attend DE Patriots meetings on a regular basis?
You wrote, “Now the Izzo factor… the gain she saw in 2012 would in large part be due to the fact that it was a two way race, not a three way race as was the case in 2010. She merely picked up Urquhart’s hard right voters, but made no gains in picking up more main stream voters.”
Apparently, you feel the name recognition she received from running in 2010 and all the campaigning she did in 2012 were no help in her gaining any votes in 2012. How could she have picked up “Urquhart’s hard right voters” if they did not find out she was a right-winger through her campaign?
I wrote, “It will take an anomaly for her (Izzo) to beat Carney but stuff happens (just ask Bodenweiser)”. You wrote, “as for the, “just ask Bodenweiser”, not sure what that means.”
An anomaly is something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. I admit my original comment was incorrect. I should have written just ask Pettyjohn. His election was an anomaly.
You wrote, “As for Bonini being conservative…on the last night of the General Assembly…he threw the Republican caucus under the bus and handed the Democrats a victory.”
How did Bonini throw the Republican caucus under the bus? Please elaborate on this.
You wrote, “Dear, dear Ricky Bobby”, “so I will take this in baby steps for you” “Learn to read, and read to learn” “Do your homework friend” “my post, my choice on what to include” “well then you really are clueless” “Grow up” “At the risk of being Mr. Obvious” “Do your homework friend (again)” “Now I have to teach you math as well?” “Class dismissed”
I do recognize these as sarcastic remarks. I am not sure why you feel you have to be so abrasive in your comments to me. If I have caused you to be so abrasive, then I sincerely apologize. I look forward to your explanations and elaborations.
Ricky Bobby writes: “The original criminal allegation/accusation was that she was under 18 and the AG found out that didn’t happen. The AG realized there was no case to try in the first place and therefore dropped the matter.”
The initial DSP investigation was prompted by charges in the anonymous letter that Phillips had a sexual relationship with an under-age girl. Those in the know–and there were many– knew immediately who it was, so the DSP had no problem finding and interviewing her. During that interview, the girl made serious charges of rape and other forms of sexual abuses but she also insisted that the attacks occurred shortly AFTER she turned 18 and that they continued for several months. The DSP investigated over a period of at least 6 months and turned their findings over to the AG Office. The AG’s office determined that there was not sufficient evidence to prosecute. It was at that point that the girl filed a civil suit.
“Two consenting adults were alone in a room together. Specifically, what sex crime is alleged? What could have happened in that room that was a crime in Delaware? Was it the difference in their ages? Please explain.”
The allegations are contained in the complaint, which anyone can easily access on the Internet. The trial is set for February.
Honi Soit,
Thanks for your astute direction. Looks like her allegations were plagiarized directly out of the book “50 Shades of Gray” to me. If Phillips is indeed a rapist, then where are all his other victims? Why aren’t they coming out of the wood work? He might not walk very well these days but he will walk away from this. Word is he is going to defend himself at trial. Oh the tangled web we weave when we practice running politicians into the ground. In the end, they too are only mere mortals, prone to sin like the rest of us. Democrats surround their wounded, pick them up, dust them off and send back out to fight another day. Republicans destroy their own and then wonder why they continue to lose.
Ricky Bobby: It was Phillips lawyer Joe Hurley who made the same reference to James’ “50 Shades of Gray”, but then you probably knew that.
So wait a second. It’s okay if he had sex with a woman more than half his age that he was in a position of power over, while he was married, just as long as he didn’t commit a crime?! A holier than thou “Christian” politician who rails about the “sanctity” of marriage? And that’s okay?! Really??
So Ricky Bobby applies the Bodenweiser defense of, “where are all the other victims?”. Good luck with that.
Honi Soit has answered the Phillips question quite ably so no need for me to add to it.
As for Rob Arlett’s contributions to the Sussex GOP as a chairman, personally I have a problem with him being a candidate and a chairman at the same time, a concern I expressed to him face to face, and one he does not share understandably. Since my concerns have not yet materialized I chose not to address them now, if in the future they do, I will. That is what is known as being politic.
As for Mrs. Green’s recent personal distractions, well she was spending a lot of time in court recently supporting her friend. Guess death took a holiday.
As for Deputy Bodenweiser, some things you should figure out for yourself. Not that hard, it’s right in front of you.
As to, “Would that shrewd staffing decision be where she arranged for a person to be transferred to the sheriff’s office, so that she could place Bodenweiser as her deputy?”
Ricky Bobby, I have been blogging for ten or so years here in Sussex, I have gotten to know a lot of people in the political scene of Sussex County, from all sides of the political spectrum. I learn by talking and listening. I cannot impart all that I have learned in ten years here in these comments, in order to bring you up to speed. This move is common knowledge among the wonks of Sussex. I suggest if you want to know what I know, that you go to http://www.politicallyfrank.wordpress.com that was my personal blog, or you can go to Delaware Politics and try the archives, or what is left of my work there since Don Ayotte deleted much of my work like the spoiled jealous child he is.
You then say, “Reiley and his gang are pretty smart. I’d bet they see this opportunity and are working hard to find a candidate to put up.”
You do know that the filing deadline has passed and to put up a candidate is a bit of a process now, don’t you? Yes it can be done, but why would a “pretty smart gang”, wait only to make it harder? No friend, they couldn’t find an opponent for Schwartzkopf, and they won’t. They are lazy and ineffectual.
Again Ricky, to know what I know you would have to have been where I have been. When I drop names it won’t be to tell you who is walking Carl Smink through meetings. I can tell you that they are known Patriots. You have challenge me to run for office, I challenge you to show up at meetings and events, see these people in actual action, and not simply reading their press releases.
Here is another Ricky Bobby gem, “It is very disappointing to find out that you now consider TEA party rhetoric empty. Weren’t you heavily involved in the COD campaign? Didn’t you used to attend DE Patriots meetings on a regular basis?”
The TEA rhetoric is empty because it is hollow, no real action behind it, all talking points and no point. Saying, “we the people” over and over accomplishes nothing.
Yes I was involved in Christine O’Donnell’s campaign, but I have never identified as a TEA person, and have long warned of the negative effects the TEA movement has had on the GOP.
As for attending DE Patriots meetings on a regular basis, if you mean attending a total of two? Then I guess so, one for a candidates night, and another when Newt Gingrich appeared.
As for your point on Rose Izzo, I stand by my view of her gain in 2012, also again, if you knew Delaware and Sussex politics, you would know that Tom Kovak was known as New Castle Tom down here, and the hard righters would have voted for anyone other than him. No disrespect, have you just recently moved here?
As for my view of Sen. Bonini, the episode I am speaking of is in this post of my night at Leg-Hall.
http://www.delawareright.com/sausage-and-laws/#more-1194 It’s near the end so keep reading.
You then ask, ” I am not sure why you feel you have to be so abrasive in your comments to me.”
Please understand, that while this blog does hope to inform and to start the conversation on topics, it is also an attempt to entertain, sometime my sarcasm is for effect only, don’t take it personally. My favorite comics were Bob Hope and Don Rickles.
“You know, every night when I go out on stage, there’s always one nagging fear in the back of my mind. I’m always afraid that somewhere out there, there is one person in the audience that I’m NOT going to offend!” Don Rickles
You wrote, “As for Rob Arlett…”
You have flipped-flopped on this issue. Obviously, Arlett’s huge contribution to the GOP is indeed significant and relevant to you. Many RD Chairpersons have used their position as a launching point for a political run, quite like the county row officers and maybe nobody else wants to be the chairperson so he is staying in it at least until the election is over.
You wrote, “As for Mrs. Green’s recent personal distractions, well she was spending a lot of time in court recently supporting her friend.”
The Bodenweiser trial started May 30 and ended on June 13. There were six full days of testimony and three half days making a total of seven and a half days in which Green was “supporting her friend”. With all the breaks that were taken and her office being right next-door, I find it hard to believe she wasn’t in there pretty often during the trial. Their have been effective row officers that were rarely (if ever) seen in their offices. Some were known only to show up every two weeks to pick up their paychecks. Green however is a hands-on officer and if she spent some of her personal time “supporting her friend” it sounds like she is a great friend to have. If this all you can come up with in the way of “Mrs. Green’s recent personal distractions”, you haven’t come up with anything at all.
You wrote, “As for Deputy Bodenweiser, some things you should figure out for yourself.”
Apparently you can’t explain “Deputy Bodenweiser” or you would. Go “figure it out” is a cop out on your part. Typing a few sentences to explain “Deputy Bodenweiser” won’t take you anytime at all. Please elaborate.
In an earlier comment you wrote, “Would that shrewd staffing decision be where she (Green) arranged for a person to be transferred to the sheriff’s office, so that she could place Bodenweiser as her deputy?”
I asked you to prove this accusation and you haven’t so it is obviously a false accusation. Sending me away to read your past work is a cop out. You also wrote, “This move is common knowledge among the wonks of Sussex.” This means your false accusation is merely a rumor. Since you won’t elaborate maybe some one else reading this blog will be able to prove your accusation but until then you are only repeating a rumor. “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” ― Adolf Hitler.
You wrote, “…since Don Ayotte deleted much of my work like the spoiled jealous child he is.”
I hope you feel better having now made this personal attack against Ayotte.
You wrote, “You do know that the filing deadline has passed and to put up a candidate is a bit of a process now, don’t you? “
In 2010, Sams put Christopher up to run for Sheriff one month before the November election and Christopher won it. You underestimate Reiley. Unlike you, he has run for office and he has encouraged many others to do the same thing, me included. I like his chances of finding a candidate against Schwartzkopf and I am sorry you are so pessimistic about him. Like others, he is doing the best he can.
You wrote, “When I drop names it won’t be to tell you who is walking Carl Smink through meetings. I can tell you that they are known Patriots.”
I checked around before I wrote to you about this. Nobody knew who Smink was until after he filed. No one walked him around anywhere. You are making this all up to cover your lie. You can’t name names and meetings because they don’t exist.
You wrote, “I challenge you to show up at meetings and events, see these people in actual action…”
I am sure I have attended as many meetings and events as you have. My time spent at Leg Hall certainly outnumbers yours. In one of your posts you admitted this recent last day of session was the first time you were ever there.
You wrote, “Yes I was involved in Christine O’Donnell’s campaign, but I have never identified as a TEA person”
You backed the preeminent TEA party candidate yet you did not identify as a TEA person. This makes absolutely no sense at all.
You wrote, “As for attending DE Patriots meetings on a regular basis, if you mean attending a total of two?”
Seems to me I’d seen you at DE Patriots meetings on a regular basis in the past. Maybe someone reading this blog will verify your whereabouts one way or another. Me thinks thou doth protest too much.
You wrote, “As for your point on Rose Izzo…the hard righters would have voted for anyone other than him.
“As you know, you go to war with the Army you have. They’re not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” – Donald Rumsfeld
We go to elections with the candidates we are given. Rose Izzo earned every vote she got merely by being in the arena. Hard righters voted for the right person. RINOS voted for Kovach.
You wrote, “No disrespect, have you just recently moved here?”
I have lived in Sussex County for forty-eight years and I started working in politcs with the Boggs campaign back in 1972. Let me point out that I answer the questions you ask me. I would appreciate it if you gave me the same courtesy.
You wrote, “As for my view of Sen. Bonini, the episode I am speaking of is in this post of my night at Leg-Hall.”
I read as I was told.
In the post you wrote, “So one has to ask, why, when the Republicans in the senate had won a small victory by getting a bill tabled, a bill intended to enlarge the size of the board that oversees the Port of Wilmington, a bill that seemed to be opened ended on funding, a bill the Republicans had opposed on its first pass, why then would Republican senator, Sen. Colin Bonini shoot the Republicans in the foot?”
I suggest you ask Bonini about that before you scream, “…no Republican is more deserving of a primary than is Sen. Bonini…” I’d bet he has a logical explanation. Not doing what Senate leadership tells him to do is one of his hallmarks. He would have made a great Treasurer and may still progress.
You wrote, “…my sarcasm is for effect only, don’t take it personally.” I can take your sarcasm but I am allowed to point it out too. One of the greatest pieces of advice my father ever gave me was to “leave comedy to the comedians, they are the professionals and they can pull it off without offending anyone.” You sir, are no comedian.
Honi Soit,
If anyone would know what they are talking about it would be Hurley. Great Rickles quote!
You wrote, “It’s okay if he had sex with a woman more than half his age that he was in a position of power over, while he was married, just as long as he didn’t commit a crime?! A holier than thou “Christian” politician who rails about the “sanctity” of marriage?”
What does her age have to do with the case? She admitted everything happened after she was 18. How did Phillips have power over the woman’s decision to meet him at a motel? My understanding is that Phillips was legally separated from his wife when this occurred. They were married well over 20 years and raised to well rounded daughters. By today’s standards, I’d say they had a pretty good run. I spoke to Phillips again not long ago and I assure you he is not and never was “holier than thou”. In fact, I was left with the impression that he is now about as humble as a man can ever be and stronger in his faith than he ever was. I am not sure he ever “railed about the sanctity of marriage” either.
Well, well, Ricky, seems as if you doug yourself quite a hole.
I have flipped flopped on nothing, I had the same concerns about Matt Opalinski running while being a chair, I had the same concerns about Urquhart running as a chair, both of which I voiced my concerns to their faces, as I did with Rob Arlett as I do about Arlett. The difference being I have yet to see any of those concerns materialize as with the others.
No I don’t think I will elaborate on Deputy Bodeweiser, either you already know, or you are too lazy to find out. Others here know, why don’t you?
As for the personnel shifts? Well again, it’s public record. Look it up. I am not your researcher.
If this is your sense of reasoning I am not surprised you are lost in this conversation. You say, “Nobody knew who Smink was until after he filed. No one walked him around anywhere. You are making this all up to cover your lie. You can’t name names and meetings because they don’t exist.”
So if you, or the people you know, didn’t see something happen, then it didn’t happen? Okay! That is a child’s argument.
News flash, Christine O’Donnell wasn’t a TEA person when she first ran in 2006 in a write in campaign, which I voted for her, or 2008, and the TEA movement adopted her in 2010, and if you would take the time to go back and find the post, you will see even then I was warning of the TEA’s negative influence, which has materialized.
As for DE Patriot meetings, check all you want, but anyone who says they saw me at more than two meetings are liars. You included.
The Rose Izzo point is mute. The past is the past, she lost because she could not garner enough votes, because she is too far right, and she only made gains in 2012 because there were fewer people in the race, math my friend, math.
On Bonini, I heard his “explanation” on the Senate floor the night it happened when Sen. Lavelle asked him why he would do such a thing? His answer was, and I quote, “I didn’t think about it”. Now there is a good conservative answer, huh?
Ricky Bobby writes: “They [Vance and Lisa Phillips] were married well over 20 years and raised to [sic] well rounded daughters.”
I wonder which daughter was not well-rounded. There are three: Megan, Jillian, and Katelyn.
The TEA 9-12 ers do provide a rather useful function. Since I evaluate candidates based on their association with others and the nature of their primary supporters, I use that information to determine who I support with my time and money. I use Pat Fish the same way. She has problems with Smyk, which leads me to believe that Smyk is a rational person who may deserve my support. Generally it’s the whack job rule. If the whacks hate someone, I’m inclined to support that someone and if they like someone (COD for instance), then I know how to mark my ballot.
Honi Soit,
I stand corrected. I guess I only met two of them. Thanks for the correction.
You wrote, “Well, well, Ricky, seems as if you doug yourself quite a hole.”
Who is “doug” and when did he become a verb? That was my attempt at entertainment, see how lame that is?
You wrote, “I have flipped flopped on nothing, I had the same concerns about Matt Opalinski (and) Urquhart running as a chair as I do about Arlett.
Yet you wrote previously. “And yes I am aware of Rob Arlett being a committee chairperson, but did not see the need to include it.”
Frank, that is a flip flop. Either it needs to be included or it doesn’t. Now you are pointing out you have concerns when it occurs. What’s up Flipper? So, what is your opinion about Yearick?
You wrote, “The difference being I have yet to see any of those concerns (about a candidate being a chairman) materialize as with the others.”
I think the difference being here is that you support Arlett over Phillips so it okay with you this time. If it is not that, then what is it?
You wrote, “No I don’t think I will elaborate on Deputy Bodenweiser, either you already know, or you are too lazy to find out.”
Apparently you don’t know anything about Deputy Bodenweiser and therefore have nothing to share with us. No one else is saying anything so apparently there is nothing to say. This is just more of you making stuff up.
You wrote, “As for the personnel shifts? Well again, it’s public record. Look it up.”
Apparently you don’t know anything about any personnel shifts at the Register of Wills either and therefore you have nothing to share with us. No one else is saying anything so apparently there is nothing to say. Again, this is just more of you making stuff up.
You wrote, “So if you, or the people you know, didn’t see something happen, then it didn’t happen? Okay! That is a child’s argument.”
You’re the one who says he was being promoted before he filed. Produce some evidence. No one else is saying they ever heard of him or saw him either. You cannot produce anyone that can say they saw or heard of him anywhere in the political realm before he filed. Again you are just making stuff up.
You wrote, “News flash, Christine O’Donnell wasn’t a TEA person when she first ran in 2006 in a write in campaign, which I voted for her, or 2008, and the TEA movement adopted her in 2010…”
Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, the TEA Party movement did not come into existence until after the 2008 election so there would be no way COD would have been a TEA person in ‘06 and ’08. As to who adopted whom, I guess COD is the only one that can make that decision. She sure did accept all their support and money.
You wrote, “if you would take the time to go back and find the post, you will see even then I was warning of the TEA’s negative influence, which has materialized.
Great! I need another dose of your amazing prophecy and negativity. I doubt I will ever go back and find “the post”. You are really not very sharp and I am getting bored with you. Besides, I may have something coming up next week that will end the spare time I have right now to waste reading your crap.
You wrote, “As for DE Patriot meetings, check all you want, but anyone who says they saw me at more than two meetings are liars. You included.”
Well it takes one to know one. Nanna nanna boo boo, Stick your head in doo doo. Hey! This entertainment stuff is kind of fun!
You wrote, “The Rose Izzo point is mute.”
No, Jesse, you are the one that is moot (and irrelevant).
You wrote, “On Bonini, I heard his “explanation” on the Senate floor the night it happened when Sen. Lavelle asked him why he would do such a thing? His answer was, and I quote, “I didn’t think about it”. Now there is a good conservative answer, huh?
Yes, he is a good conservative. Maybe he made a stupid mistake. You should take your little pad and paper and go and interview him instead of frying him on your obnoxious blog. Go get us the rest of the story Mr. Cubby reporter! Wow! One mistake (in your opinion) and the guy is toast. Almost 20 years of service down the drain and he is out the door! Where’s the forgiveness Frank? Where’s the love?
Earlier you wrote, “As for “who” I was holding the post for, yes I think I will keep that a secret just for fun”
You are keeping it a secret because when whoever it is fails miserably none of us can blame you for the failure. I pity the candidate that has you on their team. Has anyone you’ve helped ever won anything?
On the issue of candidates/ chair people, in the past with Opalinski, and Urquhart, I first expressed my concerns to them personally, in person, and I did not post about it until I saw evidence of my concerns materialize. I was simply doing the same with Arlett. I spoke to Rob Arlett face to face and gave my opinion. I have yet to see the problems I am concerned with and so did not post about them. You asked a direct question I chose to answer, that is not flip flopping in my view, but I understand you are desperate to paint me negatively, so do as you will.
Okay Ricky B, nobody else has said anything because they most likely took the two second to research it. Deputy Bodenweiser is real, if you don’t know, or don’t want to know, that is your fault, again you attempt to paint me negatively simply by saying I am wrong, prove it. Cindy Green’s deputy, is Bodenweiser, fact.
Same thing on the personnel shifts, just because you don’t know what I know doesn’t make it false. You will need to go back and look at dates for people being moved around, do a FOIA, get the records. Of course there is no official statement that this person was moved so that this person could be hired, but if you are actually watching and paying attention the writing is clear. But you want to attack me, you have decided I am the enemy and anything I say is false. Your eyes are wide shut. You see and believe only what plays into your agenda. I have seen many people attack me in the past in the same manner, only to have to eat their own words, so how do you like yours? With or without ketchup?
Okay Ricky B steps into a huge pile of crap now, you say, “You’re the one who says he was being promoted before he filed.” Ricky, please show me where I ever used the words “before he filed”, I did not, I said, “meetings and events” that I had been to. You interjected the words, “before he filed”. Again demonstrating your closed minded interpretation of what you are reading. Learn to read and read to learn.
Ricky B then proves my point for me, ”
Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, the TEA Party movement did not come into existence until after the 2008 election so there would be no way COD would have been a TEA person in ‘06 and ’08. As to who adopted whom, I guess COD is the only one that can make that decision. She sure did accept all their support and money.”
Exactly, you attempted to tie me to the TEA through my support of Christine O’Donnell, I pointed out that I had supported her before there was a TEA, and you confirm that, thank you. As someone who was involved on a daily basis with the O’Donnell 2010 campaign, I may have a slightly better view of the adoption process. But of course this is where you say that because no one else is saying it, I am just making stuff up. Do you actually stick your fingers in your ears and shout, “I’m not hearing this”?
As for being bored with my crap? Okay, but thanks for playing.
And are you still looking for someone to say they saw me at more than two 912ers meetings?
As for Sen. Bonini, maybe you should research his leadership votes in the past, that might be an eye opener for you, but guess not. Eyes wide shut again!
Ricky B has anyone you ever supported ever not been charged with a crime?
I think I need to write for this site.
frank and the guy with two first names….I have enjoyed your commentary greatly.
Pat Fish wrote. “Frank and the guy with two first names, I have enjoyed your commentary, great!”
Looks like you’d better keep me on the line. A real blogger is complimenting our banter. No doubt other readers are enjoying it too.
Ricky B, I too appreciate our banter. But I am warning you now, and only once. The next time you attempt to post another blogs article here without permission, you will be blocked permanently.
“…I am warning you now, and only once. The next time you attempt to post another blogs article here without permission, you will be blocked permanently.”
Fair enough but you got to admit it was “entertaining”.
You wrote, “I have yet to see the problems (with Arlett being an RD Chair and a candidate) I am concerned with and so did not post about them.
Please tell us, oh swami, what are these dark and troubling problems that you may become concerned with so that we to may become ever watchful for them also.
You wrote, “You asked a direct question I chose to answer, that is not flip flopping in my view…”
Admit it. You flip-flopped, you flippity flip flop flipper, you.
Regarding Deputy Bodenweiser, you wrote, “Okay Ricky B, nobody else has said anything because they most likely took the two seconds to research it.”
Then why didn’t they take two more seconds and post a comment about it?
You wrote, “Cindy Green’s deputy, is Bodenweiser, fact.”
I kind of doubt it. My understanding is that Bodenweiser is still on bond restrictions and awaiting a decision about a being retried not working a desk job for the register of wills. Please prove your facts.
You wrote, “Same thing on the personnel shifts, just because you don’t know what I know doesn’t make it false. You will need to go back and look at dates for people being moved around, do a FOIA, get the records.
Why not just give us the information yourself? We want to know what you know, oh great swami.
You wrote, “Of course there is no official statement that this person was moved so that this person could be hired, but if you are actually watching and paying attention the writing is clear.”
You are admitting that what you have accused Green of doing (cronyism) cannot be proven. Therefore, you have made a false allegation. Might it be remotely possible that the deputy Green inherited when she was elected did not want to work under Green and left on his or her own accord, leaving Green with an empty slot to fill? Was that slot filled improperly? Was it posted publicly and were there a lot of different candidates interviewed? Did the best and most qualified candidate get the job and is that person doing a good job now? Me think thou dost protest too much. What is your motivation for being so concerned about Green and the way she runs her office?
You wrote, “You see and believe only what plays into your agenda.”
Pray tell, what is my agenda other than having some fun spanking you these days?
You wrote, “I have seen many people attack me in the past in the same manner, only to have to eat their own words, so how do you like yours? With or without ketchup?”
Ketchup, please.
You wrote, “You’re the one who says he (Smink) was being promoted before he filed.” Ricky, please show me where I ever used the words “before he filed”, I did not, I said, “meetings and events” that I had been to. You interjected the words, “before he filed”.
Smink filed on 6/25/14. On 7/8/14, (almost two weeks later) you commented, “…Kevin Wade will also be in a GOP primary against an unknown, Carl Smink.” The on 7/9/14 you commented “Well I “label” him (Smink) a TEA type because of the people who have been walking him through meetings and introducing him.” Now you are adding, “meetings and events that I had been to”. First he is “an unknown”, then people are “walking him through meetings and events” and finally you say you were present at those meetings and events. Again, I ask you when and where were these meetings and events? Did they all occur after he filed on 6/25/14? You are correct. You did not use the words “before he filed” but it was certainly inferred. You still cannot produce anyone that can say they saw or heard of him anywhere in the political realm before he filed. Again you are just making stuff up. Gotcha!
You wrote, “As someone who was involved on a daily basis with the O’Donnell 2010 campaign, I may have a slightly better view of the adoption process.”
My understanding is they only let you put up signs.
You wrote, “But of course this is where you say that because no one else is saying it, I am just making stuff up.”
Who adopted who, TEA or COD, is a pretty small point. You win it. I concede the point. Happy now?
You wrote, “As for being bored with my crap? Okay, but thanks for playing.”
And you are welcome. I won’t be playing much longer though.
You wrote, “And are you still looking for someone to say they saw me at more than two 912ers meetings?
Yes, No one is commenting one way or another so apparently no one cares one way or another. Again, this is a pretty small point. You win it. I concede the point. Happier now?
You wrote, “As for Sen. Bonini, maybe you should research his leadership votes in the past…”
If you are referring to the fact that he does not tow the party line whenever leadership says so then I agree. That is exactly what a lot of us conservatives like about him. His original vote against the budget made headlines, now it happens all the time.
You wrote, “Ricky B has anyone you ever supported ever not been charged with a crime?”
Yes. I have supported lots of Lilly-white candidates. I am not sure what your inner meaning is from this question. Please explain it. I’d support your filing for an elected office just for the entertainment value alone. Have you ever been charged with a crime?
I have expressed my concerns to Rob Arlett, I have written about them in the other cases, as I have said, I am not here to bring you up to speed on my life as a blogger. If you want to know do some research.
WOW! You really are lazy aren’t you. You say, “I kind of doubt it. My understanding is that Bodenweiser is still on bond restrictions and awaiting a decision about a being retried not working a desk job for the register of wills.”
You show all of this Internet skill, yet you can’t verify Deputy Register of Wills Bodenweiser? You make me laugh, thanks.
On the personnel shifts, again I have stated what I know. You don’t choose to believe it, okay. No matter what I tell you, you will choose not to believe it, okay. I am the enemy to you, okay. You think I don’t know more because I don’t tell you now. Maybe now is not the time to tell. ” ‘Before the game is afoot, thou still let’st slip.”
Okay, the mouse is now in the trap. All of the other stuff is just you going around the May Pole. But let me address the carl Smink issue. You have conceded that it was you, not I, who used the words, “before he filed”, WINNING!
You say I inferred, that would be you interpreting on the fly, not my fault. WINNING!
Now as for your time line, you state that Carl Smink filed on 6/25/14. If you will go to Delaware Right’s Facebook page, and scroll down to 6/09/14 you will come across a line of post I was live blogging from the monthly Sussex County GOP Executive Committee meeting, I believe that meets the requirement of being a part of the political realm. WINNING!
Just in case you are too lazy to find it here is what I said, ” So we had a person announce that they will be running for the U.S. Senate. Has anyone heard of Carl Smink, no joke.”.
I can also tell you that none of the real movers and shakers of the political realm in that room had heard of him, making him an unknown. And the people he was with, make him a TEA type. I again met Mr. Smink at Leg-Hall on 6/30/14, and I believe that too is part of the political realm, and the person he was with, and who was introducing him around, is both a member of the EC, and a proud Patriot and TEA type. WINNING!
You see Ricky B, sometimes the spider is lazy or just likes to toy with the fly, and allows the fly to come to the center of the web before striking. Thanks for playing. WINNING!
On the Bonini leadership votes, well you again show your lack of knowledge. Leadership votes are when the Senate votes on who will be the leaders, check out Bonini again “didn’t think about it and play for the other team.
Yes for punching a guy in the mouth!
Your wrote, “I have expressed my concerns to Rob Arlett”
But you won’t tell us what they were. Keep it a secret, Frank. You can discuss it at the cabal meeting.
Your wrote, “You show all of this Internet skill, yet you can’t verify Deputy Register of Wills Bodenweiser?”
Okay, so I Googled “Deputy Register of Wills Bodenweiser” and it shows a woman named Patty Bodenweiser, who is that? Is she related to the Eric Bodenweiser?
You wrote, “On the personnel shifts (at the Register of Wills), again I have stated what I know.”
What you are trying to accuse Green of doing makes no sense at all. Have you checked with the deputy that left? Where is he now? Is he happy in his new position and glad he left the Register of Wills office? Is he making the same or more salary? What was the reason he left? Did he leave on his own accord? Is he working the same hours and is his commute to work longer or is it approximately the same? what is his job security like in the new position? You seem to think a row officer can just get elected and come in and start tossing deputies out. Have you researched the process? Seems to me that with all the labor laws these days it might not be all that easy to do. If Green was dissatisfied with the deputy she inherited and the deputy that left is okay with leaving and is okay with his new job then you have absolutely no case do you? No harm, no foul, the public was served properly in the process. Especially if the new deputy (Patty Bodenweiser?) is dong the job properly. the office is progressing and Green is happy. You wrote, “Maybe now is not the time to tell” because maybe you really don’t have anything to tell do you?
You wrote, “You have conceded that it was you, not I, who used the words, “before he filed”, WINNING!
I concede the before he filed remark to you. So now you are Charlie Sheen? Great role model – fitting for you.
You wrote, “You say I inferred (before he filed), that would be you interpreting on the fly”
From the information you had given the inference was irrefutable.
You wrote, “Now as for your time line, you state that Carl Smink filed on 6/25/14. If you will go to Delaware Right’s Facebook page, and scroll down to 6/09/14 you will come across a line of post I was live blogging from the monthly Sussex County GOP Executive Committee meeting”
So they let you attend EC meetings? I found out from a good source that the Sussex County GOP Executive Committee voted you off the island but apparently they let you watch from the sidelines. What did you do that finally pushed the EC over the edge?
You wrote, “So we had a person announce that they will be running for the U.S. Senate. Has anyone heard of Carl Smink, no joke.”
Amazing! You see the guy for the first time in your life and write a disparaging remark about him immediately. No wonder no one wants to run for office when all people like you do is make fun of them right out of the box.
You wrote, “I again met Mr. Smink at Leg-Hall on 6/30/14, and I believe that too is part of the political realm”
Did you make fun of him to his face this time?
You wrote “Leadership votes are when the Senate votes on who will be the leaders..”
Apparently the Senate R’s don’t want a conservative to be their leader. Makes sense, knowing the moderates outnumber the conservatives. At least Bonini puts his hat in the ring.
You wrote, “Yes for punching a guy in the mouth!”
Really Frank? Ar e you threatening physical violence?
You wrote, “You see and believe only what plays into your agenda.”
Pray tell, what is my agenda other than having some fun spanking you these days?
You wrote, “Ricky B has anyone you ever supported ever not been charged with a crime?”
Yes. I have supported lots of Lilly-white candidates. I am not sure what your inner meaning is from this question. Please explain it. I’d support your filing for an elected office just for the entertainment value alone. Have you ever been charged with a crime?
You are LOSING!
Wake up! Your public is getting impatient. We need some more of your wisdumb.
Actually I spoke again with Mr. Arlett, you see, when I can I go directly to the source.
Keep digging on Deputy Bodenweiser you are almost there. Good work by the way, it only took you a week.
Personnel shifts? All great points, but doesn’t change the facts as I know them.
So on the Carl Smink question, I show you that you are wrong, and instead of admitting it, you go back to I was voted out? So you are a bad loser, okay, and by the way, the meetings are public anyone can come and watch from the sidelines.
As for my remark, it was in response to him being announced in such a manner. No one including Chairman Reiley had heard of him, and he was introduced during public announcement segment of the GOP meeting.
Okay this is like teaching calculus to a first-grader. Bonini supported Democrats in the leadership votes. Are you getting it now? Your so called conservative has a history of playing for the othter team.
“Really Frank? Ar e you threatening physical violence?” No I answered the question honestly.
You have spanked no one, I have proven you wrong on this thread and several others, it’s just that you are too witless to know it or admit it.
You wote, “Actually I spoke again with Mr. Arlett, you see, when I can I go directly to the source” and “I have expressed my concerns to Rob Arlett”
But you won’t tell us what your concerns are. You are only “concerned” when the RD or County Chair has filed against one of your RINO’s.
You wrote, “Personnel shifts? All great points, but doesn’t change the facts as I know them.”
You should have written, “…the facts as I have dreamed them up”. You are grasping and it is my guess that you and you cabal are behind Green’s opponent. Good Luck with your “facts”.
How about this fun Frank’ “fact”: You accused Jack Clark’s 35th Conservative PAC of giving money to Democrat Lynn Rogers when in fact the finance report shows Lynn Rogers donated money to Jack’s PAC. Oh yeah, you’ll be wearing this one for a long time.
You wrote, “So on the Carl Smink question, I show you that you are wrong…”
I am not wrong about Smink. Virtually no one knew who he was until he filed and that was my point. Here is my original comment:
I wrote, “…No one I’ve spoke to has ever heard of him…Up until now, there has been nothing on the Internet about him, not even a phone number. The man is a virtual blank canvas, yet you label him “a TEA type”.
You were wrong in writing a disparaging remark about Smink the very first time you saw him. You wrote, “” So we had a person announce that they will be running for the U.S. Senate. Has anyone heard of Carl Smink, no joke.”
You wrote, “the meetings are public anyone can come and watch from the sidelines.”
Great! you found a loophole so you get to go and make fun of what you can’t participate in. What did you do that finally pushed the EC over the edge?
You wrote, “As for my remark, it was in response to him being announced in such a manner. No one including Chairman Reiley had heard of him, and he was introduced during public announcement segment of the GOP meeting.”
It is not to be held against a complete novice for choosing an awkward way to announce his candidacy. His handlers apparently thought it was okay. Sure it wasn’t a conventional method, but hey I say again, at least he is willing to run!
You wrote, “Bonini supported Democrats in the leadership votes.”
This proves one thing. He is human and prone to mistakes. He still does not need a primary.
You wrote, “Your so called conservative (Bonini) has a history of playing for the other team.”
Quite the contrary. I am sure that if the research was done it would show that other R senators have “played for” the other team far more times than Bonini.
You wrote, “I have proven you wrong on this thread and several others, it’s just that you are too witless to know it or admit it.”
Look again. You’ll see where I have conceded points to you. You have yet to do that for me and I have caught you wrong many times.
You wrote, “I again met Mr. Smink at Leg-Hall on 6/30/14, and I believe that too is part of the political realm”
Did you make fun of him to his face this time?
You wrote, “You see and believe only what plays into your agenda.”
Pray tell, what is my agenda?
You wrote, “Ricky B has anyone you ever supported ever not been charged with a crime?”
I am not sure what your inner meaning is from this question. Please explain it. I’d support your filing for an elected office just for the entertainment value alone. Have you ever been charged with a crime?
Ricky dear, do I have to say everything twice for you? I said, that with the past two incidents I first spoke with the people involved, and did not write about my concerns until I saw evidence of them taking form. I have yet to see them taking form with Rob Arlett. But trust that if I do, I will. Also remember that it was you that brought this topic up.
I have admitted that I misread the filing that I linked to, I made a mistake. You see, that is what adults do, when they are wrong they admit it, you might take a lesson from that.
Okay, the point on Smink was that I had seen him before anyone you knew had heard of him, and that makes me wrong how? I said he was a TEA type based on who I had seen walking him through meetings, and because your friends are a bit behind you didn’t believe me. I have already explained my comment about “no joke”. But keep repeating yourself, I know how you love to hear yourself.
Going to a public meeting is now a loophole? You’re funny, I like you.
I was voted out for exposing the EC for backroom dealings, they got caught with their pants down. You say how connected you are to Delaware politics and yet you don’t know this story? It was on local talk radio even. You are a fake, but you’ re funny, I like you.
You say Bonini is just prone to mistakes, he makes a lot of them for the other side.
I also notice that you are posting the same couple of comments at the end of many of your comments, are you really just some kind of spam program messing with me?
You wrote, “I said, that with the past two incidents (RD Chairs running for office) I first spoke with the people involved, and did not write about my concerns until I saw evidence of them taking form. I have yet to see them taking form with Rob Arlett. But trust that if I do, I will.”
Yes, but you won’t tell us what your concerns are. What are your concerns?
You wrote, “I have admitted that I misread the filing that I linked to, I made a mistake. You see, that is what adults do, when they are wrong they admit it, you might take a lesson from that.”
I have conceded point to you quite a few times. Your accusations about Jack Clark giving money to Lynn Rogers disserves more than just “I made a mistake”. You should publicly apologize to him for what you did.
You wrote, “Okay, the point on Smink was that I had seen him before anyone you knew had heard of him…”
I concede your point. You heard about Smink before I did. Happy now?
You wrote, “Going to a public (Sussex GOP) meeting is now a loophole?”
The Sussex GOP probably hoped they would never see you again.
You wrote, “I was voted out for exposing the EC for backroom dealings…”
Please refresh my memory. You should be proud to give this information out again as it was such a big deal for you to expose the EC.
You wrote, “You say Bonini is just prone to mistakes, he makes a lot of them for the other side.”
Bonini makes a lot of right moves for those of us that are on the right.
You wrote, “I also notice that you are posting the same couple of comments at the end of many of your comments, are you really just some kind of spam program messing with me?”
I only repeat the comments that you will not respond to.
You wrote, “I again met Mr. Smink at Leg-Hall on 6/30/14, and I believe that too is part of the political realm”
Did you make fun of him to his face this time?
You wrote, “You see and believe only what plays into your agenda.”
Pray tell, what is my agenda?
You wrote, “Ricky B has anyone you ever supported ever not been charged with a crime?”
I am not sure what your inner meaning is from this question. Please explain it. I’d support your filing for an elected office just for the entertainment value alone. Have you ever been charged with a crime?
Now you are just begging Ricky. Why should I implant ideas in other people’s minds if I have yet to see a materialization of my concerns?
Okay, I am sorry I made a mistake.
Here is a link to the article that set into motion the Sussex GOP voting me out of the EC. I have to say, your laziness in researching these things borders on being childish. http://www.delawareright.com/can-vance-phillips-run/
Your opinion of Sen. Bonini is yours to have, and mine is mine to have.
I only respond to comments that I choose to.
Where did I make fun of him at all?
You wrote, “Why should I implant ideas in other people’s minds if I have yet to see a materialization of my concerns?”
We, the dirty unwashed ignorant, exhort you to raise our awareness in order that we to might be on the lookout for these horrible “concerns” ourselves. I ask again, what might you become concerned about, in general, not specific to Mr. Arlett, but in general when an RD Chair decides to run for elected office?
You wrote, “Okay, I am sorry I made a mistake.”
What mistake did you make?
You wrote, “Here is a link to the article that set into motion the Sussex GOP voting me out of the EC.”
Hey, cool! I remember hearing about that. Some idiot shared an email with you that they shouldn’t have shared with anyone (especially you) and you put it on the Internet because you are such a huge gossip. You are lucky no one has taken any legal action against you – yet.
Jack Clark
You wrote, “Your opinion of Sen. Bonini is yours to have, and mine is mine to have.”
And the sugar plum fairies dance in your head.
You wrote, “I only respond to comments that I choose to.”
You should finish your sentence:
“I only respond to comments that I choose to because the comments I don’t respond to have me so befuddled that I can’t come up with a “wiggle my way out of it” answer so I take my football and go home to mummy.”
You wrote, “Where did I make fun of him (Smink) at all?
In your original post, you wrote, “I almost forgot, Kevin Wade will also be in a GOP primary against an unknown, Carl Smink. No I didn’t make that up. And don’t ask me, seems to be a TEA type.”
Please try to keep up with what you have written.
Ricky Booby, maybe if you get yourself a hard hat, and get down on your knees and beg, maybe I would think about telling you my concerns. But most likely not, because I don’t respect your views or your style enough to share anything with you beyond what I choose.
As for the mistake, if you go back and read my first apology for making a mistake, you will find that I also said I would do further research, and I have and I will, stay tuned and get your ketchup ready friend. I am sorry I made a mistake, I will correct it in due time.
Yes, ask yourself why no one has taken any legal action against me.
So what is the insult? That he is an unknown? Or that he is a TEA type?
You wrote, “maybe if you get yourself a hard hat, and get down on your knees and beg, maybe I would think about telling you my concerns. But most likely not, because I don’t respect your views or your style enough to share anything with you beyond what I choose.”
So if you don’t agree with Frank, he won’t respect your views or style and won’t share with you. Pretty mature.
You wrote, “As for the mistake…I also said I would do further research, and I have and I will, stay tuned… I will correct it in due time.”
I am sure your post will be earth shattering news about something you fantasized happened two years ago.
You wrote, “Yes, ask yourself why no one has taken any legal action against me.”
They know you have no wealth and therefore would not win anything from you in a lawsuit.
You wrote, “So what is the insult? That he is an unknown? Or that he is a TEA type?”
I wrote that you made fun of him. In your original post, you wrote, “I almost forgot, Kevin Wade will also be in a GOP primary against an unknown, Carl Smink. No I didn’t make that up. And don’t ask me, seems to be a TEA type.”
“I almost forgot” implies that Smink’s candidacy is forgetable. “Kevin Wade will also be in a GOP primary against an unknown” implies that Smink has no chance against the well known Wade. ” No I didn’t make that up” implies that his candidacy is unbelievable. “And don’t ask me, seems to be a TEA type” implies that you don’t know anything about him but were ready to label him. All these remarks were obviously meant to be funny. They were kind of funny, I guess. But they were not insults. Why do you feel it is necessary to make fun of anyone who throws their hat in the ring? He has more courage than you ever will.
Ricky Booby, you don’t have to agree with me to earn my respect. There are many that come here and disagree with me. Laffter, Dave, and even Rick, and though they disagree with me I respect their views because they have never called me names or accused me of lying as you have. They also do not carpet bomb the site with annoying comments simply for the sake of seeing their words in print. Just so you know that is why JM is banned from the site and the discussion has begun about you. I personally do not like to ban anyone, but when they begin to think they run the site, well lessons must be learned the hard way sometimes.
I don’t have to like you for you to be welcome here, but you do have to act like an adult, or you get in return that which you give.
You then say, “I am sure your post will be earth shattering news about something you fantasized happened two years ago.”
You see like a child, if you don’t know something and it goes against your belief system, then the other person must be making it up. I will tell you this much, my mistake was the link I gave, not the statement I made. But thanks to you I will be making it a broader post in the near future.
Then we had this exchange, “You wrote, “Yes, ask yourself why no one has taken any legal action against me.”
They know you have no wealth and therefore would not win anything from you in a lawsuit.”
So they wouldn’t even want to stop me from saying the things I say, even if they were untrue? Okay little one.
As for the comments about Carl Smink, all of those comments were my opinion, “I almost forgot, means, I almost forgot to put it in the post, I write in a conversational style, nothing more, but your hatred of me allows you to read many things into what I write that is not there.
And yes, Carl Smink has little chance of winning a primary against Kevin Wade, that is my honest opinion, and I am no Wade fan by the way.
And what is unbelievable about the candidacy is that he was introduce to the Sussex GOP leadership at a public meeting instead of prior to.
As for my opinion of him being a TEA type? Yep, still do, and I have explained that several times and if you haven’t gotten it yet, oh well.
But I will tell you that Mr. Smink has been in conversations with Delaware Right, and I believe that he may even have gotten involved with the booth we have at the fair. See, again, it’s not about me, or anyone person, it is about the conversation. I may not give him much of a chance in the primary, but we here at Delaware Right will give him a chance. That is how adults behave.