The following is an open letter from Larry Mayo, who is and Election District Chairman for the Sussex County GOP, and openly supported Jeff Christopher in his write-in campaign.My fellow Republicans, I stand before you to hopefully help unify this group of highly opinionated individuals, ALL attempting to come together to reach a common end, good governance of our county, state and nation through the Republican party. The problem , as I see it is that we have three FACTIONS as Washington would have called them, with seemingly three differing roads to this common end. So first let me define them as I see them;
First we have the “Establishment Republicans” sometimes disparagingly referred to as the “RHINO’s”. Who’s best attributes are THEY KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GAME OF POLITICS! They by far, know how to maneuver, plan strategically, see the details needed to run a winning campaign, the numbers, the hot buttons etc. Their worst attributes are, they some times lose sight of the principles and ethics espoused in the platform of the party, Adherence to the constitution, the principle of individual liberty, and the source of all of our rights, and a fervent desire to avoid controversial positions. Thereby their main focus becomes getting a majority by any means needed.
Secondly we have the “Libertarian wing” sometimes referred to as the “PAULBOTS”. They have a wonderful understanding of the importance of individual liberty and adherence to the constitution, but seem to lack the patience to accept a partial victory in the short-term, in order to move the ball down field, and many of these don’t acknowledge the source of Liberty.
Thirdly, we have the “Religious Right” otherwise referred to by the previous factions as “Bible Thumpers”. These folks know that God is the source of Liberty, that without a religious and moral society, individual liberty is simply a slogan, an unattainable pipe dream. To them ethics is far more valuable than any short-term win. The problem here is that sometimes they lose sight of the fact that some issues are not the purview of our civil government, and have no place in policy or legislation in a free society.
Some of us, in fact I would say many of us are a mix of two or all three of these factions.
Now, as I have described this to you, has it not become obvious that all three have something positive to contribute to the goal of the Republican Party? Here’s my suggestion. How about instead of pointing at each other every time we have a setback, and blaming each other when we lose. How about we do what we do in our own families. Accept the fact that in order to ever be a MAJORITY we NEED each other, just as our Federal government needs three branches to perform properly, we need the assets that each of these factions bring to the table! To accomplish this we each need to first admit that we ALL have some of these negative attributes and NONE of us (as much as we would like to think otherwise), have ALL of the positive ones.
Now there is one other faction I wish to address clearly. That is the “Progressive Republicans” (pause) These are the folks who are either purposely or unwittingly satisfied to simply slow the rate with which the Progressive agenda is implemented, simply to give the false appearance of being the opposition to it. These people NEED TO BE WEEDED OUT! To know who these people are is impossible, if you don’t know what progressivism is and where it comes from, what it’s goals are and what means it uses to attain them. That information is readily available to all of you. The establishment know it from, Rules for Radicals by Saul Alynski. . The Libertarians found it in The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx , The religious right see it in the Bible. Satan. They are not fighting amongst themselves. Those three factions are not fighting with each other, Alyski’s book dedicated to Lucifer, Marx’s goal in life to dethrone God, and Satan, the deceiver are one in the same. If WE are going to defeat them we MUST unite, Faction 3-PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD to speak truth to power. Faction 2- FIGHT FOR LIBERTY, because it is not just our birthright, it is a Blessing from God AND Faction 1 TRULY OPPOSE THEIR AGENDA! Because their agenda is not just wrong it is EVIL.
So I have a suggestion on how we can do this effectively. How about we put together a committee consisting of two members from each faction and put together a plan to move forward with the best ideas from each, and more importantly, listen, really listen to each other. Combining our efforts to fight our true adversary, the Democrats, instead of each other is the only way I see to truly becoming the majority party.
“So I have a suggestion on how we can do this effectively.”
You should earn the right to give advice before you make suggestions.
Larry, to be honest I find you call for unity a bit, how shall I say this? Shallow. After refusing to resign your seat in the Sussex GOP Committee, and to continue to openly support Just Jeff’s write-in campaign, and then call for the party to unite, well my friend that is actually laughable.
After watching the video from 2011 where you yourself stand up at a meeting and call out the party for not supporting the primary winner, and knowing that you did not support the primary winner in the sheriff’s race is beyond hypocritical.
In your letter you throw around labels freely. Like “RHINO’s” actually it is “RINOs” or the establishment Republicans, okay so they have established themselves as Republicans, to me that is a good thing, it means they won elections. And “PaulBots”, no the true libertarians are actually just anarchist in better clothes. And “Bible Thumpers”? No one uses that anymore, their called the “God Squad”, because if you don’t believe what they believe then they will arrest you and send you to hell. But let me throw one around. Sore losers.
I am sorry Larry, I find this and the other letter you linked to on FB the perfect example of why your cause is lost.
This from the briliant mind that went to a DNREC meeting on recycling, specificly scrap tires, and read from the constitution during the comment portion of the meeting?????
It is our God given right to pollute!
You and your puppet masters, GROSSman and Cragg certainly exercise that right in cyberspace with your witches brew of hatred, lies, distortion, disinformation, duplicity and deflection.
And even so we are willing to give the other side a forum for their views. Think you would see that from NDA?
Frank, while I understand your position on this, I think you’ve misspoken a bit.
First, in fairness to Larry, he DID offer to resign his position in the Sussex GOP in order to continue to support Jeff Christopher. He was met with a chorus of “No!” from those in attendance at the meeting. Where we stand individually on his choice of candidate is irrelevant to this PARTICULAR aspect of your accusation. I think it showed a lot of character for him to publicly state that he was willing to resign in order to stand by his position. Would that we all might have that type of conviction! Personally, I’m thankful that he did not leave, but the point is that he WOULD have if he had been asked to make that decision vs. being encouraged to stay.
Second, I applaud Larry for making the effort to suggest a means of uniting the various conservative elements that have sadly contributed to the fracture of the Republican Party. Who knows if one or all of his ideas will be accepted and/or work? At least he is thinking and working toward something positive with a goal that could ostensibly benefit all of us. Can’t we at least give a person credit when they knowingly take the risk of putting their personal ideas “out there” for public consumption and inevitable criticism, simply because they want to be part of the solution instead of the problem?
Fly, Larry did am if he should resign, the so called chorus he was met with was largely from the other Just Jeff supporters who didn’t want the precedent set and have to resign themselves like Lori Purdy.
As for having the courage to
Let me finish as for Larry having the courage to take the risk of putting his personal views out there for public consumption? Well how’d that work out for me? I guess it’s only brave when you agree with the person.
RINO Hunter your comments are priceless. You’ve done nothing but denigrate other Republicans here and on another blog site.. I might add despite your convoluted belief that you’re some kind of role model for fellow Republicans to aspire to, you are sadly mistaken.
Frank, based on your last statement, you seem to be assuming that I agree with Larry. Well, you know what happens when we assume…
Further, I think your situation and Larry’s are a bit different. Nonetheless, I do understand your argument. IMH, that’s all the more reason that you should encourage, rather than belittle, someone who is trying to do the same thing. You know how it made you feel – why would you want to do the same to another? Aren’t you just perpetuating the same behavior that you took issue with before? Someone needs to stop the trend and focus on 2016. You have an excellent opportunity to do so via this venue. Why not be the bigger person and use it for this purpose?
@FlyLady. So why was Ron Sams asked to resign?
@Say That was before my time of involvement in DE politics, so all I know is what I’ve read and heard from supporters and detractors. All I can honestly say is that opinion on that action is still strong on both sides. Fortunately, I’m sure you or Frank will be happy to emphasize one side or the other to enlighten me! 🙂
Personally, I’m more focused on looking forward rather than rehashng the past, anyway. I can’t turn back time or change the actions of folks before I was even involved. I can, however, try to make a difference in the future. Frank could, too…if he would use this venue wisely.
“To them ethics is far more valuable than any short-term win. The problem here is that sometimes they lose sight of the fact ” period.
“he DID offer to resign his position in the Sussex GOP in order to continue to support Jeff Christopher. ”
“…DNREC meeting on recycling, specificly scrap tires, and read from the constitution during the comment portion of the meeting”
“I think it showed a lot of character for him to publicly state that he was willing to resign in order to stand by his position. ”
No, because he was probably sure he wouldn’t be taken up on his offer. The ethical thing to do would have been to resign. Considering, similar acts such as saying the Lord’s Prayer during the public speaking portion of a school board meeting, Larry seems to be good company. In short, no ethics, no conviction, and no sense. In short, principles of convenience or to put it another way a hypocrite.
I can abide one’s politics, even when I know they are dead wrong, but to me, the most unforgiveable sin is hypocrisy. I don’t think I have ever seen such rampant and pervasive hypocrisy as I have seen in Sussex County in my entire life. And I find it odd and disconcerting that the greatest of hypocrites seem to be the most fervent of those who continually express their faith. It makes me wonder if there is a connection.
Perfect Quackenbush:
Other Republicans??? The party needs all the creative talent it can get. Parasites, bullies and thugs like GROSSman , Knotts and WIlliam Christy and others like them do nothing for the GOP and actually chase potential new talent away .We should ask where they are going. That’s right — into the arms of our enemies or into the growing ranks of the unaffiliated. Knotts, especially, is incapable of building anything, except a large pile of elephant manure.
Fly, I am pointing out that I was voted out for voicing my views but Larry and others were given wiggle room. And no there is no difference in my view.
Frank, as I said before, I understand that. I just wish you would consider a different response. What is to be gained by engaging in the same behavior that you dislike in others? Why not use the platform that you’ve been given to be the bigger person and to provide/promote/engage ideas that may actually help conservatives in Delaware? That may sound a bit naive and “pie in the sky”, but so what? The fact remains that someone needs to take the lead – there is no reason why that couldn’t be you.
Rino Hunter take responsibility instead of making excuses by blaming other people. . Everyone knows Christy stayed away from the gop meetings for months, Tell us how many new people joined because he wasn’t there. I’d bet Matt Opeliski’s fat arse outside the polling place in a yellow sheriff shirt holding a write in sign on election day chased more potential new talent away. Christy was at the meeting Monday night you should have said hi I did, a lot of other people did too.
Fly what’s to be gained by the candidate running for governor behaving in a manner that she does. She put herself out there as the face of the sussex county gop for all to see statewide. Her comments on social media sites reflects upon all of us, it’s far from positive.
If i was a betting man i would put every single cent on her,not,winning Governor.
PC, what does LL have to do with this discussion? I was talking about Larry’s post and Frank’s response. What does Lacey have to do with THAT?? And BTW, I don’t recall her ever presenting herself as the face of the Sussex GOP.
“What is to be gained by engaging in the same behavior that you dislike in others? Why not use the platform that you’ve been given to be the bigger person and to provide/promote/engage ideas that may actually help conservatives in Delaware? That may sound a bit naive and “pie in the sky”, but so what? The fact remains that someone needs to take the lead – there is no reason why that couldn’t be you.”
Since LL is running as Governor isn’t this what she should be doing rather than behaving in the same manner using the same tactics as the liberals do.
LL makes it well known that she is an ED for the 40th district when her candidacy is discussed. The SCGOP director of communications is her media spokesperson. I’m only the messenger relaying what voters in other parts of our state have said about her being the face of the SCGOP.
I think before anyone runs for statewide officer the examine simpler because that’s the type of person who is going to win.
Yes, LL is an EDC for the 40th…she does, after all, live there and has chosen to be active in conservative politics. Like her fellow EDCs throughout the county, she should be applauded for that. The FORMER Director of Communications for the SCGOP is her ACTING media spokesperson. He resigned that position with the SCGOP in July when he became Communications Director for Kevin Wade to avoid any perceived conflict of interest. Any Republican from Sussex that decides to run for political office will likely have folks on their staff that are also involved with the SCGOP…let’s face it, that’s not too far a stretch. It does not, however, mean that the candidate is somehow the “face” of the SCGOP.
You may just be the “messenger”, but all that amounts to is “he said, she said”. There will always be naysayers, so I don’t put too much stock in that. At least LL is making an effort, whether you agree with her or not. Who among the contributors to this forum can say the same?
Again I ask…who is going to step over all of these childish squabbles and take the lead moving forward?
“PC, what does LL have to do with this discussion?”
I can answer that maybe.
Lacey Laferty can be included in this topic in my opinion.
She typifies the type of candidate that a good number of the leaders of the SCGOP support.
The same people who supported COD, Sheriff Christopher, Eric Bodenwieser, etc., will support Lacey Laferty. As I have said before, I believe it’s for personal entertainment, possibly out of boredom, and maybe even a misguided religious connection to these candidates.
“At least LL is making an effort, whether you agree with her or not. Who among the contributors to this forum can say the same?”
EVERY contributor who supported the GOP primary winners. EVERY contributor who actively campaigned for our Republican candidates who were elected, and those Republicans who did not win.
I understand your belief that this is all childish squabbling but when everything is added up it’s far from childish. It’s indicative of a deeper issue within the party, the deliberate willingness by some to publicly humiliate members of our party. There’s a difference between posting opinions like Frank does, versus publishing court records, or posting false accusations directed at fellow party members. Until issues like the aforementioned are resolved our party nothing will change. IMHP any Executive Committee member who is found to be guilty of such acts should at the least be formally censured by the committee or removed from the committee.
Agree or not every member of the Executive Committee IS a “face” of the SCGOP.
JS I agree with your assessment. I also believe if LL doesn’t get the formal nod from the GOP or win the primary, she will defect to the IPOD.
Again with the no clue gross site. Crying cry babies.
“Agree or not every member of the Executive Committee IS a “face” of the SCGOP.”
Well, that IS true…after all, in politics, perception IS reality.
FBH, while it is probably true that LL will have the support of the JC and COD followers, I’ve personally witnessed more than a few LL supporters who did not fall into that category, so I believe she is building a far broader base already. How her campaign directs her play in social and standard media moving forward will determine her success or failure, IMHO.
And I don’t buy your suggestion that “it’s for personal entertainment, possibly out of boredom, and maybe even a misguided religious connection to these candidates.” Those JC and COD supporters were just as passionate about their candidate as anyone else, and I doubt they had time for boredom or personal entertainment given all the work they had to do to get their voices heard.
Fly, LL is an ED and a so called GOP candidate for governor, she also supported Just Jeff’s write in loss. So why should loyal Republicans support her since she failed to be a loyal Republican? And don’t tell me because she has good ideas. She hasn’t put forth anything beyond Ayotte style rhetoric. Why don t you try and have a conversation with her about the state budget and if you get anything beyond “the state has a spending problem” I’ll eat my hat.
Fly watch her youtube video’s including the straight shooter classic…… that one really opened some eyes. Then there was the ill fated venture to launch a reality show called the Lafferty’s. The first producer withdrew very early on, the second one mysteriously disappeared. The filming thankfully never went beyond initial snippets which stereotyped Sussex Countians as uneducated buffoon’s who liked to drink and shoot off guns.
In regard to the state budget or state finances. LL claims custodial parents who receive court ordered child support are receiving free handouts paid for by the taxpayers. She claims she is correct because payments are made by the State of Delawares Office of Child Support Enforcement.
Frank, I’m not suggesting loyal Republicans should or should not support her. This thread has careened off the topic of my original statements, which were directed at you and Larry. Nor would I tell you that LL has good or bad ideas, because at the moment, that is where she and her campaign staff need to get moving, and fast! If she is to be successful, she will need to quickly develop and articulate a solid platform on issues of most concern to Delawareans. In any event, I don’t know if or when I’ll get a chance to talk to her about the state budget, but I’d gladly pay you a few bucks to watch you try to eat your hat! 🙂
PC – I’ve seen the youtube videos. Personally, I don’t think the straight shooter one was a wise choice. I count LL as a good friend, but that doesn’t mean I always agree with the manner in which she has presented herself so far. I had not heard about the attempted reality series…not sure if it was common knowledge and I was just out of the loop, or if it was kept quiet. On the surface, anyway, it doesn’t sound like it would have ended well.! 🙂
Fly, I respect your honesty. And this is how blogs go, you start a conversation and then it goes where it will.
I’ll make you another bet, in a year from now LL will still be putting forth nothing more than the “We The People” rhetoric she has been putting forth for over a year now. Or I’ll eat my other hat with ketchup! 🙂
Wait…wait…wait. Lacey Lafferty really is running for governor?
Well it started as a walk, I figure it will end as a crawl.
Well, Frank…that’s a bet worth taking if there’s even the slightest chance of seeing THAT! 😉
I’ll double down on both bets, she will flip to the IPoD if she doesn’t get the support of the GOP.
Frank, all you have to contribute and be known for is your hatred of people that are not of your chosen candidate. Your strategy is to character assassinate the candidates then your knight in shining cookware Jeff Cragg will come in saving your coalition of misfits. Well guess what, he will lose for the third time because yes he is that unappealable.
Well, let’s not forget Representative Dave Wilson backing a Democrat Jeff Fuller instead of Republican Cindy Green, Frank! Don’t knock the GOP Republicans for supporting a fellow REPUBLICAN. You have no creditability arguing this point.
Hey Quacker Cracker your obvious BS hatred is slithering through your senseless ramblings resembling a drunk. Your another wanna be Frank Knotts! Get your own life, Franks is taken.
Stupid is what stupid does and she would be pretty stupid to talk to you.