Matt Opaliski Resigns

Matt    It was announced this afternoon that the RD Chair of the 35th District for the republican Party, Matthew Opaliski would resign effective immediately.   It was announced on Delaware 105.9, and also posted on Dan Gaffney’s Facebook page,

“Laurel, DE – Sussex County Republican Committee Chairman Vince Calabro has accepted the resignation of 35th Representative District Committee Chairman Matthew Opaliski.
Opaliski’s resignation is effective immediately.
An election will be held, prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Sussex Republican Executive Committee, to fill this vacancy. Any registered Republican who resides in the 35th Representative District, comprising the northwestern portion of Sussex County, may run for this position in the Sussex Republican Committee.
Registered Republicans interested in running for Chairman of the 35th Representative District may contact the Committee Secretary, Linda Creasy through the Committee website.”

I received some criticism for commenting on Mr. Opaliski’s  arrest, but let me say here and now, that I feel Mr. Opaliski has done the correct thing, the honorable thing in resigning. What he has before him in dealing with his case will require his full attention. I am happy to see that he has put the well-being of his family before party concerns, and that is as it should be.

Now that Mr. Opaliski is out of the picture in the 35th, it will be, I am sure, both interesting and entertaining to see the jockeying for position.

That district committee has been cobbled  together with the intention of serving a very narrow agenda of a very small number of people. Only time will tell whether or not the vipers will strike each other, or not.


2 Comments on "Matt Opaliski Resigns"

  1. mouse says:

    They must purge. None of them are conservative enough lol. All gun crimes should be taken off the books.

  2. saltyindependent says:

    he has much bigger problems.

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